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Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives

Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives


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Under a Blue Sky ..· ·<br />


30 (about 2~ lbll.) chickt>n ~ telillpoon monollOdium<br />

wing drums (thicke!lt<br />

glutamat~<br />

portion of winfO ~ tea!lpoon fP'ound linger<br />

~ teaspoon salt 1 table8poon lemon juiee<br />

% cup soy Muce 5 drop!! I1quid hot pepper<br />

% cup spiced peach sirup seasoninle<br />

2 tablespoons BUlar 1 dove _arlie, minced<br />

1. Put the chicken wing drums on rack on an aluminum foillined<br />

baking sheet or broiler pan; sprinkle with salt.<br />

2. Mix remaining ingredients together thoroughly; brush sa.uce<br />

generously on wing drums.<br />

3. Roast at 350°F about I hr .• or until wing drums are golden<br />

brown and tender. turning and brushing the chicken pieces<br />

frequently with the sauce. Col.<br />

4. For easy toting to the pirnic. pile appetizers into a casserole<br />

and cover. About 10 servings<br />

HAM WITH<br />


I tablespoon ~old water % teaspoon sugar<br />

I tablespoon wine vinegar % teaspoon llarllc salt<br />

1% tea8poon8 unflavored % tea'lpoon dry mustard<br />

«elatin ~ teaspoon water<br />

1% eups dairy 1I0ureream % cup snipped ,.-ater eress<br />

3 tabJespooll8 mayonnaise Canned ham, chilled<br />

1. Sprinkle gelatin evenly over the 1 tablespoon water and<br />

vinegar; let stand 5 min. to soften. Dissolve gelatin completely<br />

over very hot wat~r.<br />

2. Meanwhile. blend together the next four ingredientc; and a<br />

mixture of the dry mustard and 11.: teaspoon water.<br />

3. Add dissolved gelatin gradually. stirring until thoroughly<br />

blended. Chill until mixture begins to gel (becomes slightly<br />

thicker). If chilled over ice and water. stir frequently; if<br />

chilled in refrigerator. stir occasionally.<br />

4. When gelatin mixture is of desired consistency. blend in<br />

the water cress thoroughly.<br />

S. Sprea1 frosting evenly over the sides and top of a canned<br />

ham.<br />

One frosted ham<br />

(About 1¥, cups frosting)<br />

Note: The ham may be frosted at home and kept chilled until<br />

time for the picnic. or the ham and frosting may be packed<br />

separately and the ham frosted just before serving.<br />

KIDNEY<br />


Combine drained kidney beans, chopped sweet picklee,<br />

hard-eooked eggs, and onion; toss lightly with salad dressing<br />

thinned with a small amount of the sweet pickle liquid.<br />

Chill salad thoroughly and serve garnished with water cress<br />

or other salad greens, if desired.<br />

Note: For addition:il flavor. allow the drained kidney beans<br />

to marinate in some of the pickle liquid for several hours.<br />

i6 Suburbia Today. <strong>Jun</strong>e /964<br />

. Choose a spot as pr~tty as this for a gay, successful picnic. Along with food that has been prereadted<br />

at home. such favorites as grilled hot dogs, buns, relishes, corn-on~the-cob, potato chips. cheeses. fruits,<br />

marshmallows for toasting. and a giant pot of coffee are all part of a bountiful table for outdoor living.<br />

~ I-----<br />


POTATO<br />

6 large potatoe8 (about<br />

3 Ib8.), cooked, peeled,<br />

and sliced 01'cubed<br />

while wurn<br />

% lb. fresh mushrooms,<br />

slieed leugthwise<br />

through cap!' and stems<br />

2 env. Italian salad<br />

dressing mix<br />

%. cup dry white wine<br />

3 cups 8ifled eake flour<br />

1~ teaspoons bakin« powder<br />

* teaspoon baking soda<br />

* teaspoon salt<br />

I~ teaspoons ground<br />

einnamon<br />

* teaspoon lP'ound nutmeg<br />

¥.! teaspoon grou ••d allspice<br />

I ¥.J cups salad oil<br />

1 Y2 tea8poons 8ait<br />

~ teaspoon black pepper<br />

6 slices bAcon,cut in<br />

pieecs and fried<br />

1 eup sliced or cubed<br />

pared eucumber<br />

% cup cbopped onion<br />

~ cup ch()pped pimiento<br />


Editor<br />


1. Combine salad dressing mix. wine. salad oil. salt. and<br />

pepper. Shake vigorously until thoroughly blended.<br />

2. Toss warm sliced potatoes and mushrooms in a large bowl<br />

with the wine dressing. Marinate about 2 hrs. at room temperature;<br />

tossing occasionally.<br />

3. Add bacon. cucumber. oni"n, and pimiento to marinated<br />

potatoes. Toss lightly. Chill thoroughly.<br />

4. Turn salad into a chilled serving dish and arrange deviled<br />

eggs and green pepper rings with c?rrot sticks in center around<br />

the salad, if desired.<br />

8 to 10 servings<br />

Pour chilled ginger ale or lemon-lime carbonated beverage<br />

over. ice and assorted fresh fruits in a glass pitcher. The colorful<br />

pieces of fruit floating in the carbonated beverage in the<br />

pitcher add to the fiesta mood of the picnic.<br />


~ teallpoon ground c."ves<br />

* cup buller<br />

1 cup firmly packcd light<br />

brown 8ugar<br />

1 cup sugar<br />

3 eggs, well beaten<br />

1~ cups buttermil!::<br />

1. Grease bottom only of a 13 x 9 t h x 2-in. pan; set aside.<br />

2. Sift the first eight ingredients together; set aside.<br />

3. Cream the butter until softened. Add the sugars gradually.<br />

creaming well after each addition.<br />

4. Add the well-beaten eggs in thirds, beating thoroughly after<br />

each addition.<br />

5. Beating only until smooth after each addition. alternately<br />

add dry ingredients in fourths and buttermilk in thirds to<br />

creamed mixture. Turn batter into pan and spread to comers.<br />

6. Bake at 350 0 P 40 to 45 min., or until cake tester or wooden<br />

pick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Remove to<br />

cooling rack; cool completely in pan.<br />

7. Frost with Caramel Frosting and decorate with walnut<br />

halves.<br />

One 13 x 9-in. cake<br />

Continued on page 18<br />

Suburbia Today, <strong>Jun</strong>e 1964 17<br />

(Nothing<br />

Thief!<br />

robs meat juices like hot barbecue fires)<br />

Good guy<br />

(Adolph's helps keep meat juicy ever. over hot barbecue fires)<br />

Instant Adolph's does much more than simply make meat tender. It<br />

reduces cooking time and cuts meat shrinkage up to 25%. Adolph's holds<br />

the good, natural. flavor-making meat juices inside ... so they don't sizzle<br />

away over hot barbecue fires. Preparation time takes less than a minute.<br />

Simply follow directions on label. Use Instant Adolph's Meat Tenderizer.<br />

either Seasoned or Unseasoned. on any meat every time YQl.1 barbecue.<br />

Look for the Adolph's "Cookout Service Center" in your supermarket.<br />

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