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Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives


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Page Two<br />

• The New Browning Silaflex Fishing Rod<br />

• General Fishing Tackle<br />

• All Popular Makes of Rods, Reels and Baits<br />

B. McDANIEL Co.<br />


MEN<br />

This Docron-Cotton shirt will remain neat and<br />

crisp no matter wI-at the temperature. Short<br />

sleeves for easy comfort, softly flored buttondown<br />

collo' for traditional correctness.<br />

Open<br />

9 to 6 Dail'~<br />

fJ.iaacd"71ol!tol'l<br />

_~---On"_<br />

GBo.- Ponqoa<br />

TU 2-8251<br />

,<br />

7.95<br />

o<br />

GROSSE<br />

Plans to Preserve Pointe<br />

The League Model<br />

Our League Model clothing is designed<br />

to fit young men of college and prep<br />

school<br />

age.<br />

True natural shoulder styling, wit h<br />

much smaller waisted, narrower trousers,<br />

to conform to the young man's<br />

build.<br />

proportioned in youthful<br />

from 39.95<br />

Bqss<br />

Weeiuns<br />

17140 Kercheval<br />

In The Village<br />

TU 2-8970<br />

POINTE<br />

City Hall<br />

- .,<br />

1>(; I'<br />

~c ~o<br />

41/ ,,~"$<br />

NSJRUMENn .. ~ .<br />

is the place to visit for<br />


ORGANS<br />

•<br />


PIANOS<br />

•<br />

everything In<br />

mU61cai Instruments<br />

also<br />

New & Used Sale&-Rentals<br />

22933 Gratiot Ave.<br />

Near' Mile<br />

D&lly "lDurs 10.9-Phone 775-1000<br />

Grosse<br />

In .. N<br />

I rOlnt~ ~WS<br />

Published every Thursday br<br />

Anteebo Publi!bers, Inc.<br />

99 Kercheval Avenue<br />

Grosse Pointe 36, Michigan<br />

Phone TU 2-6900<br />

Three Trunk Line'<br />

Second Clasl POItale paid at Detroit,<br />

MJchlg&JI.<br />

Subscription Rates $:5.00 Per Year<br />

by Mall ('8.00 0 u t sid e Wayne<br />

County), All News and Advertising<br />

Copy Mu.t Be In The News OWe!!<br />

by Tuesday Noon to Insure Inser.<br />

tlon.<br />

Address au Man (Subscrtptlone,<br />

Crange of Addren Forms 3579) to<br />

99 K er 0 hev al Avenue, Gro••<br />

Pointe, Mich1gan 48238.<br />

I<br />

NEWS<br />

Argue Over Farms Pool<br />

15102 KerchevlIl<br />

VA 1-8200<br />

bonds. "."hemost vital portion of caill also be uscd to remodel I modeled, anrl for fllrni~hings ,pool, when they have the lake<br />

________ 1 this law, howeve;, is that the rather than remo,ve problem proposed for the remQ(i~lprl po. :to swim in: Regarding the lat-!<br />


17140 Kercheval<br />

in the Village<br />

For Young Men<br />

Open Monday through Saturday 9:30-5:30<br />

Open Thursday Evenings till 9 p.m.<br />

'ATHER'S DAY<br />

15 SUNDAY, JUNE 21<br />

AaION-EASI<br />

5'ORTS\VEAR<br />

for your favorite<br />

golfer ••• Dad<br />

GOLF JACKETs of daeron.<br />

polyester and cotton<br />

poplin with nylon knit<br />

action-back<br />

lEISURE SLACKS: of dacroR<br />

polyester and cotton.<br />

Cuffed, belt loop<br />

or no cuff, continental<br />

styling. Charcoal grey,<br />

black, nai'ural, oliv.<br />

or blue-olive.<br />

inserts.<br />

Knit convertible collar,<br />

cuffs, bottom, Blue,<br />

green or naturt;1.<br />

38 to A6 sizes. 14.98<br />

29 to 38 .iz... 6~9'<br />

Jauob-sons<br />

I,<br />


15324 E. Jefferson at Nottingham<br />

Free Parking<br />

Suits of 100% Silk<br />

Iml?eccably tailored<br />

.XCLOBIV&wrtH<br />

on Nottingham<br />

• 'VA 2-2580<br />

for us<br />

This superlative fabric combines the<br />

maximum in comfort with the ulti.<br />

mate in luxury and appe!lrance for the<br />

warm days ahead.<br />

At/aitable in Black, Nary and Brown.<br />

05 IN J)~Oll'<br />

Woodward at Grand Circas Park<br />

Also ;" ChiC4P<br />


..<br />

Thursday. <strong>Jun</strong>e 4, 1964<br />


I<br />

Specializl"g I" Orthopedic<br />

VVork<br />


(ContiDued from Page 1) values in the surrounding four (Continued from Page 1) For the study were Mayor For every twD pairs of heell<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

ally called for acquisition by a blocks adjacent to it. tax rate to payoff bonds over William Connol<br />

I<br />

y, an<br />

d C<br />

oun- repaired ... get 1 pair repelrlld<br />

limited dividend corporation 3. The City-could finance this the architects f~r. their work, a perjod of years. cHmen Bodman, William Butler, ~~;i~ Mack 886.1739<br />

which would pay the "frozen" with I5.year revenue bonds 1nd. for the addItIonal costs.. Bodman said that he was Benjamin Warren, '1' ham a s at Ar.lta, nr. I Mile Rd.<br />

land cost, the city planners would balance the tax levy. a plan to pare away some of not be considered. He said he p<br />

stated. 4. The new buildings will be the proposed new furnishings was also against both a revenue PromJoot,Accurate, Prescription SerfJ;,ce<br />

This law has now been well-built, valuable additions to for the new wing, which he bond isslle or a general obliga- t'<br />

amended, following successful the City for many more years C[ll!l'd unnecessary, to save tion issue. A Packaged Liquors, Champagne, Wine<br />

experiences in California, to after the bonds are retired. ,pmI' costs. He also suggested Speaking of the former, he Full Line of Fitle Cigars<br />

transfer this tax difference to The same State legislation, I ellminatin~ some furniture for, said he doubted that people<br />

present taxes for enough years backed by a voted one mill levy, MItchel.!, ~acked by CouncIl. against a referendum, and that: Fisher, and William Kirby. L_-_-_-_-.:_-_-_-.:_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_:::!<br />

to balance the excess original and the additional tax income! man BenJamIn Warren, offered the matter of the pool should II ~,;;;;;-;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;,,;.::-.::.::;;;,-.;;.;,;.--;;;,-.;,;;;;;,;,;..------------,<br />

the City to finance revenue I the city planners poi:lted out.: thl! old building. aftpr it is 1'e I would pay any fee to use the I R<br />

City can act on Its own to ac- areas. Careful contmulng study lice department, anrl for the I tel', he saId he doubted that, K<br />

quire, clear and resell or ac- should be made of all below- fire department day room and: Ihe people would vote for a:<br />

quire and remodel property, a~erage housin~ areas in t~e sleepinn quarters, I bond issue that might possibly I<br />

This can be firumced with rev. CIty to determIne where or If M't toll d W reo sugg"st. ,increase their taxes. . I • PHARMACY<br />

enue bonds backed by voted mil- such treatment might be feasi- d t~ \~ an b ar f ~ k '" d! Bodman said that each year, I<br />

lage. ble. e . a anum er.o "fS s an I police and fire protection costs I<br />

The City of Hamtramck, the Technically, the same things chal~s, presently m ~se, be reo increase, and he would much, ,-------- ........ ~~""""""""""""""""""~~~~~""""""~~-...:<br />

Associates ~tated, recently rais- could be done under the Fed- furbl~hed a.nd. retaIned, and \rather see the taxes be i n g ,<br />

ed $600,000 with a five-year eral Urban Renewal legislation, certalll fu~mshlllgs,. ex:cept for spent to maintain these serv- I<br />

Ope;" Mon_ Eves. till 8:30<br />

one-mill levy under this legisla- but Grosse Pointe can best meet top executIves, be ehmmated. ices, espec!l'l1y police protectinn.<br />

The newly rebuilt area this kind of problem at the 10- Kirby Opposes Cuts UOD, rather than for a pooL!<br />

will be a healthy portion of the cal level. Neighborhood conser- Champion of retaining the He suggested that the pool be<br />

CIty paying full taxes for many vation is a challenge which can furnishings, which would take turned down and not be made years after the 1x>nds are paid only be met by combined offi- from 30 to 60 days to de~iver an issue at the elections. I<br />

off. cial and citizen act~on in a work. on receipt of orders, was Coun. It was pointed out by Coun- ,<br />

With such financing, the City ing partnership which wlll bene- cUman William Kirby, who cilman William Kirby, and I<br />

can acquire the property and fit every resident to the extent challenged those who advocated Isome of the other councilme~,<br />

sell it at vacant land value for each problem is faced and salv- elimination of furniture, to take that It i,Jthe duty of the councIl 'I<br />

properly planned private re- ed. a look at the present equipment to permit the people to vote on<br />

building. (Next week: Community Fa- in the police and fire depart- the mlltter, since a petition by I<br />

Sample Offered c.:itiesJ ments. He also demanded that pool advocates has already been I<br />

. Using an actual sample, the ------ the present desks and chairs submitted to the city. .<br />

city planners revealed Ii block Woods Council now in use, and some of the Kirby said that if the councIl<br />

In the Pointe, assessed a~ $154,- file cases, be Inspeeted by the turned down a referendum I<br />

600 paid $10,100 in 1963 In City, Holds Meetin~ dissenting councilmen. citizens could obtain a petition<br />

I school and county taxes. Its fair

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