Legion Sponsoring National Security Progr~m at Center

Legion Sponsoring National Security Progr~m at Center

Legion Sponsoring National Security Progr~m at Center


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.<br />

Page Eighteen<br />

* * *<br />

who, where and wh<strong>at</strong>not<br />


MRS. CHARLES C. MERKEL wears a fetching Spring<br />

topper ... small white chapeau with yards of jet black wide<br />

mesh veiling . • , '<br />

* * *<br />

MRS. STERLING .SANFORD •.• interviewed POINTER<br />


<strong>at</strong> "Member of The Family" ..• and ftUotes Miss W<strong>at</strong>ers as<br />

saying "My Baby (Julie) is the star of this show,"<br />

*<br />

. THE JAMES LAFERS felt a little unn<strong>at</strong>ural about their<br />

last Christmas in Florida •.. not a trace of snow .. ~ until<br />

MRS. GEORGE SLOCUM reminded them, "There were<br />

palm trees and warm breezes in Jerusalem when Christ<br />

was born" and then it seemed a better Christmas than<br />

ever .• ,<br />

* ", ...<br />


the deb, looks debutante a~e herself, ••<br />

>II<br />

by<br />

whoozit<br />

MRS. NELSON SCHLAFF finally telephoned the television<br />

repair department and said in resigned tones, "If<br />

you had to live with three children who are waiting for their<br />

television set to get back home, I know you'd be faster about<br />

repairing ours."<br />

The modern punishment for the school set <strong>at</strong> the Pointe<br />

is "No Television." The crime is seldom repe<strong>at</strong>ed.<br />

.. .. ..<br />

NOMINATED FOR OBLIVION: Th<strong>at</strong> Pointer who<br />

claims the only elite in the Pointe live on the street she does!<br />

Ii<<br />

.Fe<strong>at</strong>ure<br />

..<br />

Pointer 'of Int.erest<br />

Good Taste<br />

Favorite Recipes<br />

, of<br />

People in the Know<br />

Contributed by<br />

~rs. Harold B. Tyree<br />

C~nter to Hold<br />

Dancing Party<br />

flOm s~me o~l.d Aztec Indwns. . to her collection. er, suitable for holding cocktails I M Q . d th d The new square dancing craze<br />

SaId Chwf Aztec to Mrs. Aztec: Ixnay, Edith, opstay I I or wine. • . " . r. ueeney an <strong>at</strong> ar. has hit the Pointe and the Young<br />

appingya about wh<strong>at</strong> a hard ada,' vou had <strong>at</strong> the actoryfa. In fact a fose bo,~l, over a f She combe.? the shopsa~d :gn, seWveh~yea<strong>at</strong>rten°dsld SGhraorsos: Adult Group will offer an evening<br />

of fun and instruction in this<br />

'} t'h . t t • • hundred years old, IS one 0 th d I k h t h<br />

un t 1 e OurlS s ay amscray. Mrs. Queeney's pets and used e ea ers . ne,; was e 'Pointe Country .Day and<br />

'" * fine old art when th~y have<br />

t/' regularly to hold flowers in wa~ted but hadn t seen such sparkles like a diamond. sun<br />

their next informal evening <strong>at</strong><br />

We do think th<strong>at</strong> the clerk in the super market might be I the <strong>at</strong>tractive living room of a. pitcher f?r y~ars. T~e?"co~., burst herself <strong>at</strong> Miss Annie the Grosse Pointe War .Memorial<br />

a little more astute. He turned from his fruit IJiJillO' to regard Iller Maumee road home. tmued their.. trlp, arr1VIng 1~ Ward Foster's dancing classes,<br />

l"> Chicago to VISItMrs. Queeney s add to the collection on all <strong>Center</strong> on Friday, March 17, from<br />

a mother and daughter, dressed in mother and daughter "Mother and F<strong>at</strong>her we're al- aunt, Mrs. Walter James Ham- present giving occasions 8:30 until 12.<br />

outfits, and said, ways comforted th<strong>at</strong> Montgom- lin who has many friends here . Expert teachers will be on<br />

"You twins waited on?" ery was definitely out of the <strong>at</strong> the Pointe and first thing. There are a half dozen vari- hand to show the young people<br />

... ... >I< Southern tornado zone because niece said to' aunt she had to sized vases which hold the flowthe<br />

city is built in the bend of do some shopping. ers all about the Queeney home.<br />

in the college age through twenties<br />

bracket how easy. it is to get<br />

a river." Mrs. Queeney recalled "Wh<strong>at</strong> kind of .shopping, dear?" ~ flo~er 'basket .iri .the .daisy. de.<br />

into the .swing of things.<br />

Overheard as two postdebs met on Kercheval:<br />

"We haven't had a good talk in ages .•. Let's go to<br />

the movies!"<br />

"' * ..<br />

A hungry guest <strong>at</strong> a recent party s<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong> the Oysters<br />

Rockefeller pl<strong>at</strong>ter and consumed three dozell all by him~<br />

self!<br />


Book , , Little Women Church t.O. Hold<br />

Author , Clarence Buddington Kelland V' S.<br />

Character in a book Uncle Bobber esper erVlCe<br />

Play South Pacific -- .<br />

Actress : Getrude Lawrence The Grosse Pointe Memorial<br />

Actor , Ezio Finza' Church will present a Vesper<br />

Movie ,: , , David Copperfield servdice °MMuhsic1z<strong>at</strong><br />

f A 4 : 45 Pl'm d .on M . h Sun ay, aTC . pre u e 0 f<br />

OVIe Actress ,: K<strong>at</strong> erine Hepburn string trio .and organ music to<br />

Movie Actor , Robert Montgomery include son<strong>at</strong>as by Mozart and<br />

TV SJ10W ,: , Arthur Godfrey Handel. ~ill be played by Mar-<br />

Redio Pro;rt'm " , : ,., Fred Waring g81'et SEmon, violinist; Charles<br />

Radio Entertainer (f) , Lily Pons Treger, violinist; Eleanor Liebich,<br />

Radio Entertainer (m) , Arthur Godfrey 'cellist and Malcom Johns, or-<br />

Comment<strong>at</strong>or ".., Fulton Lewis Jr. ganist' and choirmaster.<br />

Columnist , Mark Beltaire H~~e gi~~~,~r b;h~~.:~l, s~~~"~~~<br />

Cartoon ,,, Penny the Sen,ior Choir in singing "0<br />

Cartoonist Al Capp: Come to My Heart Lord Jesus"<br />

Poet : " , Rudyard Kipling by Ambrose.' ,<br />

MUS1C Symphony Miss MarcieCurtiss, director of<br />

Song , , : An~r My Daughter Sings the Junior and Sen~or Choir~ w~l1<br />

Magazine S<strong>at</strong>urday Evening Post conduct the Semor ChOlr m<br />

Game , , , , Bridge TSPhickecr'hs "Fhea'rChN~t,0 'lllsrae:l",<br />

S . '1' e ure Olr Wl .smg<br />

AP~rt j Sai mg Sorensen's "Bethany, 0 Peaceful<br />

mmal , : Dog Habit<strong>at</strong>JOn" accompanied by the<br />

Person (excluding family) , :,..~ Arthur Godfrey stLing trio and the organ. Mr.<br />

Flower : Lily of The Valley Johns' -(ill play the Virgil ,.Fox<br />

Jewel , Sapphire arrangement of Bach's "Come<br />

Color " Blue Sweet De<strong>at</strong>h" and be joined. by<br />

City , ,., , , Grosse Pointe b the Cstrinl?' trio in "0 Sanctissma"<br />

D ' . yore 11. .<br />

ance , Sam~a The public is cordially, invited<br />

Perfume Black S<strong>at</strong>m to <strong>at</strong>tend the service; I<br />

Costume , ,......................... Evening<br />

Food ,., , , ,.., Beef Steak ~~<br />

Aversion , Drunks ~~ . TELEVISION. Diversion , , ,.,., -;::;=:=:=;;.::: === =..:= = =D;;;:;a=nc::;;;;in~g,<br />

! ~ RADIO. REOORbs ~<br />

LAMP APTITUDE TESTS ~ Expert Rad.io Repair . ~<br />

SHADES enable .YOU to learn the kind ot , ~,. ServIce ~.:<br />

: work ~'OU can hl'st succeed In. or ~ ~<br />

ReC"ovNlng I Ih'" llinrl lif studIes YOU should ~ k O'C ,~<br />

CUSTOM MADE ~~~O\~'lg~r men and women. boy' ~Jac . OnnOr~il<br />

tu YUU' O~(\el VOCATIO:"lA', COU~SF.LJNG I" . ~.<br />

fNSTITUTf.: ,.~ 17001 KERCHEVAL • }~<br />

PIck Un & i)pllven Daniel L. 6eck, Director I.'" TU. '1~165S . .~\.<br />

956 Maccabees Bldg. TE. 11.5~.1 .<br />

WA. 4.9662 '-- Woodward near Warren ..--J:<br />

\<br />

•<br />

1950 8aseball<br />

Equipment<br />

Continues to-<br />

Arrive<br />


Windbreakers<br />

Mel'l's 8 40 Boy's 6 95<br />

Sizes .• Sizes. • '<br />

WATER<br />

106 ~Kercheval<br />

\,<br />


by Congress<br />

Windbreakers by Su~ Volley<br />

Men's. 1.0.95 In 15 00<br />

Sizes.<br />

NyIQn'.<br />

insurE?\your place<br />

sun bE?foreyou<br />

a facial,<br />

Yvonne<br />

i~unt<br />

TU. 1-5262<br />

in the<br />

southward ..• '<br />

a pedicure,<br />

a fresh hair styling ~<br />

••• stepping stones toa holiday<br />

beauty salon<br />

17028 Ke:chevalJ in the' Village<br />

Grosse ,Painte<br />

A1'POIN'rMENTS-TUXEDO . 2.9440 .<br />

Smart<br />

•<br />

This is an ever ready spread<br />

to serve with cocktails, salads<br />

and cel'tain soups.<br />

In a small stone jar, you<br />

may cut up or gr<strong>at</strong>e any<br />

scraps of, cheese, such as<br />

cheddar, roquefort, blu, "s~ore<br />

cheese" or even the leftovers<br />

from a jar, Keep this con~<br />

stantly moist with port wine,<br />

and it will spread easily.<br />

Mothers'<br />

To Give Party<br />

Club'<br />

The Mothers' Club of Grosse<br />

Pointe High School has announced<br />

a party for students of<br />

Brownell Junior High, seventh,<br />

eighth, and ninth graders, to be<br />

held <strong>at</strong> the High School on Friday<br />

evening, March 10, from 7:30<br />

until 10:30 o'clock. •<br />

The party, which is being called<br />

the "March Whirl Wind," will<br />

include games, movies, dancing,<br />

and a student's talent contest<br />

with prizes for the ones receiving<br />

the rhost applause. It is ex-,<br />

pected' ih<strong>at</strong> more than the 200<br />

.. ..<br />

PILFERINGS who <strong>at</strong>tended the Junior High \<br />

Said Mama to Papa during the movie, just as two hungry party for seventh and eighth<br />

wolves rushed <strong>at</strong> the heroine in the forest. "Think I should graders last fall, will be present<br />

call and see how the sitter is making out with the childr.en'l MRS. J: REX QUEENEY OF ~AUM~E ROAD * -Picture by Fred Runnells Friday night., I<br />

Ralph?" 1 Unless you know her well, you might thmk Mrs. J, Rex' t 11" 1 h th 'd d' Mr and Mrs Alton Hunting- i<br />

'" Q 'h' bb 11 t' l' d" 1 a, aug s e Wl e-eye . .'.<br />

'" * I ueeney soy-co ec mg cut g aSS-iS a contra lChon to niece.. tOxtare chalrmen m charge-of ar.<br />

Said Mr. Smith: I've misjudged my mother.in.la, ... alII her own sparkling personality, There's something so modern PERFECT COMBINATION ra?gements. ~thers 0D; the comthese<br />

years. I've discovered she didn't want her daughter I about her ... and something so old fashioned and sentimental r rmttee who WIllhelp WIth games.<br />

to marry me." about cut glass. ;< ~, '" But this band box elegant impressions on hand~es. the palm collectLOnwhen he sent a cut Reuter, Mr.' and Mrs. Ulrich<br />

At a local club. elegant male member on the phone, 'oung m<strong>at</strong>ron is really just a leaf p<strong>at</strong>tern an~ we 11know th~t glass whiskey decanter complete Berard, Mr. and Mrs. Louis<br />

"Jarvis, can you come over to the club immed1<strong>at</strong>elv? My J It" - tIt d h . tt h- lovely ?ut a bIt m~re usual, lS with lock and key! .A favorite Vollmer, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.<br />

sho . t' d" . . so 1e a 1ear an er a ac the dalsy p<strong>at</strong>tern m cut glass neighbor called and presented Blashill, Mr. and Mrs. Gus<br />

e s un 1e . '" '" • ment to cut glass springs from objects. Mrs, Queeney with a .stunning Dahlen, Mr. and Mrs. Terry<br />

her little girlhood days. The so CASUAL palm leaf etched cut glass footed Snowday, and Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Pointe wag to large g<strong>at</strong>hering. daughter of the l<strong>at</strong>e Rev. andSmtle years ago. Mr. and Mrs. compote which has place of honor N<strong>at</strong>han B. Goodnow.<br />

"Now don't stop me if you've heard this one, I want to Mrs. John .Bass Shelton of Queeney Iwere on a holiday in on the living room coffee table<br />

hear it again myself." Montg.omcr v , Ala., her mother the .south and went over to New (and you'd be surprised, wh<strong>at</strong> a<br />

* ' " * . loved cut Jglass and in the Orleans. N<strong>at</strong>urally, Mrs. Queeney charming combin<strong>at</strong>ion the ultra<br />

A touchinf! 'little scene brom.rht back from M b dashed to the French antique modern le<strong>at</strong>her topped, low table<br />

. ~. .' . eXiCO Y fashion of the day. devoted a shops in search of cut glass. She and the footed cut glass compote<br />

a. Pomter. who WIth her J:usbanc1 was buym~ some pottery: section of the china cupboard particularly.v,ranted a small pitch- , are!)<br />

the other day. "And one of my Mrs. Hamlin asked and then her. sign, 1S usually fllled :v!th bnght<br />

most vivid childhood memories niece told her how she'd been blosso~s on the wrItmg desk.<br />

• ... * is about th<strong>at</strong> night when, ,the lookIng and looking for a cut rr: h<strong>at</strong> pIece c~me from an a~c-<br />

"St ., . d t"h h b d h' 'f b d b bend of the river notwithstand- glass' wine pitcher etc. tl,on an~ a frJ~nd, who was bld.<br />

0kP: cr!e e us an a~ IS W1 e. .ag an. aggage, ing, a twister rode through the dmg bnskly tl11she turned and<br />

was wal mg down the front drIve ... leavm~ h1m forever, 1 city and as it passed the rectory Mrs. Q,ueeney remembers she saw who seemed to want the<br />

,---------------------.-----1' Mother's cut glass colleciion. It tblS con~ers<strong>at</strong>1on. took place, all<br />

"Let me store this moment in all its lo'velincss." there was a terrific crash. w~s pulllng ?er gloves on as basket so much, graciously ceased<br />

bidding and the pretty girl with<br />

was in pieces, all over the dining ready fa. the tnp to town. Her the magnificent blue eyes and a<br />

J.<br />

;room floor, and J'ust one vase au.ndt thought a m0l!lent and strong resemblance to. Loretta<br />

sal .<br />

• • escaped . . . the rose buwl I . Young, got the flower basket.<br />

~a''o'''ttl,.( I/J/J ,.( have today" I "Why, Helen. I have some cut . "<br />

. V J,' I ,. f.,J . . glass r haven't thought of for At the moment, she s <strong>at</strong>ldmg<br />

Lookmg <strong>at</strong> the bowl, we found Y th. d' -r d to her taole cut glass for this<br />

I d b t<br />

'k' .t 1. years. our mo er an use . '<br />

we 1a een a 109 Cll g ass t . 11 t 't If . 'd l'k 't Pomter of Intere.st whose en.<br />

t h<br />

" t d 11 th 0 co ec .1. you 1 eo,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

.0 00 muc -,-orglan e a ese 1 k " thuslasms center around her<br />

years. It is hand et~hed in a 00 ... , ' family, home, church and fdends<br />

pineapple p<strong>at</strong>tern, dellght of cut .Well-th<strong>at</strong> s whe.re ~he wme ... and she does love music and<br />

glass fanciers. Hereafter' we'~l be pltche~, all etched lo a' resplend- color and travel ... thinks there's<br />

observant when around cut glass. ant dlamond sun burst p<strong>at</strong>tern nothing lovelier t.han "hand cut<br />

We'l1 look for the diamond sun came from. ' crystal, white linen and old<br />

burst p<strong>at</strong>tern, . the. thumb nail ."And she was so casual about I silver."<br />

There will also be tables set up<br />

for cards and ping pong. L<strong>at</strong>er in<br />

the evening there'll, be "regular"<br />

dancing and refreshments will be<br />

served. The admission chargb of<br />

50c covers everything.<br />

,-<br />

Thursday. March 9, r950<br />

* * . .<br />

f/J$tnte .<br />

I . Counter Points<br />

Diminutives by Martini: .. usually scarce as can be •••<br />

have arrived in fetching ~d wonderful quantity <strong>at</strong> JACOB~<br />

SON'S over there on Kercheval. If you are five feet five<br />

inches . • . or under . '.' you have already blessed these<br />

Diminutives which vanish your fitting problem and tre<strong>at</strong>.<br />

you with the same elegance as a long sternn:ied American<br />

Beauty! The new Spring collection over <strong>at</strong> JACOBSON'S<br />

is exciting ... for instance, an intriquer: a crisp toast s:aI'<br />

faille suit with its own snowy pique weskitt, handsomely<br />

tail9red! There's a daytime dress for a diminutive: its grace~<br />

ful sleeves <strong>at</strong>tached to a molded waist and there's added in~<br />

terest in a side swept skirt. A touch of Spring is introduced<br />

in a fresh white nylon jabot. The frock comes' in navy or<br />

black. Still another to make a diminutive's eyes sparkle: a<br />

bold. black and white printed silk, the p<strong>at</strong>t~rn. splash~d<br />

fascin<strong>at</strong>ingly. Three bows accentu<strong>at</strong>e the sl1m hlplme. We re<br />

really dazzled <strong>at</strong> the variety of suits and ~r?cks. J~C~B-<br />

SON'S have managed to get in the Martin! DimInutIVe<br />

line ... all beauties ... all dram<strong>at</strong>ic and fl<strong>at</strong>tering to the<br />

ga~ who usually has a t-i~in.e getting fitted.<br />


88-90 Kcrchevnl Annul'<br />

.. OINTE<br />

HIRMINGHi\M.<br />

WlIntlwntd Annul.'<br />

.}anktrJ<br />

checK<br />

AuiOIH06il@8<br />


19512 lI~,!rnol.<br />

.P~u~ -pf~ .:.<br />

~ ~)~ t:tn:f~ ';jl/lu4<br />

Store Hours 9:30 • 5:30 Daily 7.j:oo<br />

GROSSE<br />

Ford<br />


1 5 .{01 E AS T J E F FER Sb N, A T NOT TIN {i HAM<br />

V A L IE Y 1 - 1 0 0 0<br />

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J<br />

,<br />


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