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Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives

Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives


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Page Tw~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 28, 1960<br />

Police Ask Residents<br />

(Continued from Pale 1)<br />

or murderer carry out his evil<br />

intent."<br />

Chief Louwers said when a<br />

call comes into the slation. it is<br />

only a matter of brief minutes,<br />

or seconds, when scout cars<br />

reach the scene. Perhaps, the<br />

police car crews might only be<br />

just a block or so away frqm<br />

the scene of the call, when they<br />

are dispatched.<br />

After all, he pointed out,<br />

policemen cannot see through<br />

to Help<br />

buildings, and they depend on<br />

the citizen's for help ..<br />

If the c1ti~ens will cooperate<br />

with their police departments,<br />

the chief said, crime can be<br />

kept lIt'a minimum.<br />

-----,.--<br />


The percentage of freshmen<br />

enrolled at the .Unlverstty of<br />

Michigan who were in the top<br />

10 per celit of their high school<br />

classes has rIsen from 40 to 51<br />

per cent since 195~.<br />

tver'flhing<br />

tile Hearth Desires<br />

F~brua ry Sa Is<br />

Starts February 1<br />

Woods Mantel & Tile<br />


Hans LovUa. proprietor<br />

21232 Harper 7 Blocks N. oj 8 Mile Rd.<br />

PRescott I. J 300<br />

Open 9 0 5 Tuesdays. Wedne.sdaYi. ThursdayS and Saturday.<br />

, Mondays, and FridayS WI 9<br />


Viewers and<br />

Projectors<br />

20% off<br />

: Qe.<br />

'I Satisfaction Guaranteed i<br />

• •<br />

: We guarantee every item we selL If you're not :<br />

• truly satisfie:i, your money will be refunded! •<br />

: We value our customers far more than the :<br />

: profit on any single item, large or small. :<br />

~ t<br />

Com. in for a demcnstration of our Horn. Reidar Burglar Allum<br />


Studio<br />

Cam~ra Shop<br />

20229 MACK AVE. TUxedo 1-6200<br />

\<br />

Mothers<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

tectlon. It wlll remind the unvaccinated<br />

to start sbots. for<br />

summer protection against polio<br />

and it will help communities<br />

plan local programli to further<br />

encourage the widespread use<br />

of the Salk vaccine," Mrs. Stark<br />

said.<br />

'<br />

"Contributions will support<br />

the expanded program' of the<br />

Nell' March of Dimes. It includes<br />

the ABC of cruel diseases-arthritis,<br />

bi.rth defed~<br />

and crippling polio. One of<br />

every four familles in America<br />

has a member with otie or the<br />

other of these handicaps. We<br />

look to scientists like Or. Salk<br />

to bring relief to people Ind<br />

defeat to d~seases through research."<br />

Mothers on th~ March will be<br />

equipped wit.l an official envelope,<br />

the door count cards, and<br />

the familiar mason jar with the<br />

identifying label. Wayne County<br />

volunteers will not wear armbands.<br />

The Police Department<br />

will provide protection and<br />

guard the money.<br />

"Please welcome your neighbor,"<br />

Mrs. Slark said. "Through<br />

her efforts We noli' have the<br />

Salk vaccine and'the hopes of<br />

better health for countless<br />

thousands depend on your generosity."<br />

The Mothers' March annually<br />

raises approximately half of the<br />

tolal March of Dimes.<br />

Gourmets<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

and Rhine wlne blended with<br />

heavy cream. As a side dish<br />

they will offer and show how to<br />

. prepare a recipe of Pasta<br />

Blanca, a choice spaghetti concoction.<br />

Has Long <strong>History</strong><br />

Grosse Pointer Mjtchell Hou.<br />

sey has a long history of serving<br />

Detroit's East Side in the<br />

food business. It all b'egan with<br />

egg delivery service in the<br />

twenties with Mitch working for<br />

his father. When he was twenty-one<br />

Mitchell launched a grocery<br />

store which developed into<br />

a small ehain. Mr. Hous~ prospered<br />

in the grocery business<br />

until World War II when Uncle<br />

Sam's NaVY'Jclaimed him and<br />

put him in charge of serving<br />

meals.<br />

He found the preparation of<br />

food fascinated him and so with<br />

the end of the war Mitchell<br />

Housey left the grocery busIness<br />

for the reslaurant trade.<br />

He bought a neighborhood bar<br />

in. a most unprepossessing area<br />

of lower East Jefferson for hlB<br />

new beginning. Little b" little<br />

Housey's fine Chop HoUse d~<br />

veloped. The draft beer and<br />

the old clientele disappeared<br />

and neighboring Universltyltudents<br />

and business men found<br />

they could get excellent food in<br />

pleasant surroundings at Housey's<br />

as Mitchell developed the<br />

place.<br />

Had Another Dream<br />

Mr; Heusey still had a 'dream<br />

he wished to fuUm in Detroit,<br />

the kind of superb restaurant<br />

with continental cuisine which<br />

is chic and an epicure's delight.<br />

The type of establishment which<br />

is usually associated in' our<br />

country with New York and San<br />

Franoisco. The resuit. is the<br />

)1ewly opened Maison Riviera<br />

whose Swiss Chef Zach will be<br />

'showing gourmet class members<br />

sublettes of his art which each<br />

one cl,ln prepare in his dwn<br />

home for his own guests.<br />

In addition to Mr. Housey's<br />

City Hall<br />

«(;()ntinued from Page 1)<br />

courtroom II' in g of the new<br />

building: and the first regular<br />

meeting of the city council will<br />

lIe held in the wing on Monday,<br />

February 1. at 7:30 p.m.<br />

In the meantime, work will<br />

get under way to instaJ1 a 30-<br />

ton 'aIr conditioning unit, and<br />

an accompanying water cooling<br />

return system, in the new hall.<br />

The job was awarded tq the<br />

Mechanical Heating and Colli,<br />

Inc., of Detroit, at Monday's<br />

meeting by the council. which<br />

accepted the firm's low bId of<br />

$15,850. The installation will be<br />

completed before the moving<br />

date.<br />

Also to Le erected and set<br />

beiore the moving date, is a<br />

new aluminum flag pole and<br />

base, Mr. Lange said. The cost<br />

(If this will be $5Bl, he said,<br />

The'old building will undergo<br />

minor interior changes. at a<br />

cost of about $1.000, and will<br />

be taken over by the Public<br />

Safety Department.<br />

Park Will Build 85 New<br />

Boat Wells for $26,900<br />

The Park council approved<br />

the construction of 85 new boat<br />

wells in the Marina at the<br />

waterfront park, and the changing<br />

of boat well fees, during a<br />

meeting held on Monday, Jan.<br />

uary 25.<br />

The council accepted the low<br />

bid of $27,375 offered by the<br />

A. J. DuPois company, and<br />

awarded it the contract for the<br />

project. The actual construction<br />

of the wells wlll cost $26,900,<br />

the additional $475 Is for the<br />

Installation of 92 mooring cleats.<br />

An additional 94 cleats will be<br />

put in by the city.<br />

An alternate bId for the complete<br />

building of this part of<br />

the Dlarina, that is two different<br />

sets of platforms, rails, rIngs,<br />

tIc piJin b's, J.nd h~:,c.), ,vas l'~ ..<br />

jected by the council on recommendation<br />

of City Manager<br />

Robert Slone, who saId that this<br />

phase of the project can be<br />

taken care of at a later date.<br />

New bIds will be sought for this,<br />

the city manager said.<br />


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