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Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives

Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives


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Thursday •. January 28. 1960<br />

<strong>Clas</strong>sified<br />


DOING all types of carpenter<br />

work, remodeling at tic<br />

rooms, porches. Small or big<br />

jobs. Estimates free. TUxedo<br />

5.5892.<br />



Custom Made Furniture ... Kitch.<br />

en Cabinets. Fonnlca Tops. Bars<br />

. . RecreaUon Rooms .. Floor<br />

and Ceiling 'rile . Guaranteed<br />

Work. •<br />




16750 E. II Mile Road<br />

East Detroit'<br />

PR 1-5269<br />

ALTERATION - Contractor;<br />

carpentry, cablne'. work, fIn-<br />

Ishing our specialty. Carl V.<br />

Watson, LAkeview 6-5501, between<br />

5:30 and 8 p,m.<br />

JIM<br />

SUTTON<br />

1677 BRYS<br />

Carpenter Work, Repail'ing &<br />

Remodeling, Attics, Porches,<br />

Garages. •<br />

'l'U 4-2942<br />

Add; ti 0ns.Alte rat ion s<br />

One call takes care of all home<br />

improvements.<br />

HARRY'S<br />


Licensed Contractor VA 4-7109<br />

Additions - Alterations<br />

Kitchen Modernization.<br />

Or Minor Repair<br />

Free Estimates<br />

Licensed Contractor<br />

~RANK J. ST. AMOUR<br />

TU 2.8324 TU 5-5791<br />



Birch kitchen cabinets, bath<br />

fixtures, fonnica vanitory, attica,<br />

porches. .<br />

No moneyaown, easy terms<br />


VA. 2-8333 VA. 2-0304<br />




Better<br />

Shoe Repair<br />

Moross at Mack<br />

BllC~ of Kinsel's<br />

Continued<br />


,-<br />

TUxedo 4-0522<br />


WORK<br />



Dutch Elm Iiisease spraying,<br />

cablL'lg.<br />

Free estimates.<br />

TU 1-6950<br />



Schools Offer<br />

Special Courses<br />

Alpha Gamma Delta<br />

Alumnae Meet Feb. 2<br />

The East Side Group of<br />

Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae<br />

will meet for luncheon at 12:30<br />

p.m. Tuesday, February 2. at<br />

the home of Mrs. Byron B. Phillips<br />

of Shelden road. Mrs. Frederick<br />

Holder will assist the<br />

hostess, The group will sew on<br />

dolls for their project.<br />

Election<br />

City of<br />

Michigan<br />



Carpentry - General Repairs "Great Plays for M~deros," C. H. HABERKORN, JR. tirement a year ago.<br />

HOME MAINtENANCE "Psychology of Creative Sell- Mr. Haberkorn of 70 Lake- He was a member of the De-<br />


SEWING alterations, adults<br />

and children; hems, zippers,<br />

plain drapes. TU 1-7455..<br />

KNITTED dresses shortened.<br />

Other simple alterations. Rea.<br />

sonable. TUxedo 2.3425.<br />

DRESSMAKING. a I t e r ationJ,<br />

slipcovers. Neat sewer, good<br />

fitter. WAlnut 4-5518.<br />

DRESSMAKING; coats, suits,<br />

alterations. VAlley 1-508:l.<br />

EXCLUSIVE alterations on.<br />

dresses iHld suits by Marie<br />

Stephens; also remodeling<br />

and repairing furs. Quick<br />

service on hems. TUxedo<br />

5-7610.<br />

21U-PLUMBING<br />

LICENSED Master Plumber -<br />

Il6ep air s, .remodeling, etc.<br />

Guaranteed electric sewer<br />

cleaning. Cal Roemer. TUxedo<br />

2-3150.<br />


AND<br />






iog" and "Chess," are new, shore drive, died Sunday Janu- troit Board, of Commerce, the<br />

courses being offered by the ary 17. Grayland 'Game Club, the De.<br />

C. Bruce Warren TU 1-8722 Department of Community Ser. He is sw-vfved by his wife, troit Knights of Columbus 305,<br />

-------------. , Charlotte B.; hili children. Mrs and the Michigan and Wayne<br />

HOME REPAIRS vIces 0, the Grosse Pointe Pub- J. Frank DurHam of Green- COUl1ty Chiropractic Associalic<br />

I School System. All three castle, Ind., Mrs. WIlli a m tlons.<br />

Family rooms. attic.~, altera- will have beginning dates in Court, Mrs. J. Christy Conner He is survived by his chll.<br />

tions. Anything in. repairs. February. Jr. ~f WlImt:tgton, Del., Mrs dren, Mrs. John lI'Ietras and Dr.<br />

Over 30 years a buiider. Li- Dr. Martha Ryan Beck. M.S.V. William B. NIchols of Kennett George J. Jr.; and two brothers,<br />

censed and insured. My per- Square, Pa., George B. of Alfred and William.<br />

special extension lecturer, wlll Orinda. Callf., and C. Henry Services were Monday, Janusonal<br />

supervision on every job. eonduct the course on Great III, and 24 grandchildren. ary 25, at st. Paul's Church and<br />

THAT MAKES THE Plays. Mrs. Beck has been a Services were private. The burlal was in Holy Sepulchre<br />

student of Shakespeare &ince family requests that memorial cemetery.<br />

DIFFERENCE early childhood, and has had tributes be sent to the FrIends ... ... ...<br />

H<br />

' E .LM E R considerable experience teach- of the Detroit Public LIbrary WILLIAM G. POWER<br />

ing and on the stage. She ... ... ... Mr. Power, 63, of 1653 South<br />

("arned her Ph.D. at the Un~ver- RICHARD P. WALSH Renil'ud road, dIed Saturday.<br />

sity of Michigan; and did her Mr. Wa!:h 59 of 617 Fai IJBllUa!"y23. in Harper Hospital.<br />

doctoral dissertation on inter- r- Born in Indianapolls, he<br />

t t. f "H I t ford r 0 a d died Wedlle.~day, J'oined Chevrolet in 19281'0 Fll'nt<br />

pre a Ions 0 am e ." .Janua'"\' '20 ;'1 Df'!IO!t Os~eo-<br />

The s.ix plays to be studied pathic Hospital.<br />

are; Othello; King Lear; The A project engineer for the<br />

Tempest; Oedipus Rex; Oedi. Donald Miller Co., he superpus<br />

Colonnus lind "J.B." They vised the mechanical construewere<br />

chosen because all have tioD of the Willow Run bomber<br />

stature enough to be discussed plant a..'.d the J. L. Hudson<br />

in the light of each other, and Company's Northland and Eastafford<br />

a brief look at the dlf- land.<br />

fcring views of human suffer. He is survived by his wife,<br />

ing., , Adelaide; tW(l brothers, John V<br />

Beginning date for this ten. and Francis P.; and a sister;<br />

week course will be, Monday, Mrs. Ellen G. O'Connor.<br />

February 8, at 7:30 p.m. This Services were Friday, Januoffering<br />

is presented by the lU')l 22 in Lackawanna, N. Y<br />

M.S.U. Program of Liberal Arts and burial was there.<br />

Education for Adults in co- ... ... ...<br />

operation with the G r 0 sse CHARLES J. ELLIS<br />

Pointe Public School System, Mr. Ellis, 65. of 1338 Beaconssupported<br />

in part by a grant field avenue, died Thursday,<br />

from the Fund for Adult Edu- January 21, of injuries suffered<br />

cation. in an automobile accident.<br />

Anyone interested in the Mr. EIlIs'ran a private watch-<br />

,techniques of selling will want man service that was employed<br />

to attend the class, Psychology by numerous Pointe estates. He<br />

of Creative Selling. Developing was a member of the 16th Engipersonal<br />

skills, handling sales neers Veterans Post No. 5112.<br />

resistance, closing a sale, etc., HI'! is survived by his wife,<br />

are some of the points. to be Helen; sisters, Mrs. Julijl Mayer<br />

covered, with specific problems and S is t e r Ann Catherine,<br />

explored by the use of the case I.H.M.; and brothers, WillIam<br />

method approach. and Edward.<br />

The course' will be conducted Services were Saturday, Januby<br />

Harrie L. Bleeker. Jr., who ary 23, In St. Ambrose Church<br />

received his M'.B.A.at the Un!. and burial was in Mt. Olivet<br />

versUy of Michigan; majoring cemetery.<br />

in Marketing, Statistics and Fi. ... ... ...<br />

W. C. BARNES & SON nance. Mr. Bleeker has served NOR~IAN C. PLESSNER<br />

PR 5-5919 VE 9-9128 in executive capacity in sales Mr. PlcssMr, 64, of 821<br />

KITCHEN, bath, disposal, sewer<br />

service. Gas heat. Free esfunates.<br />

VA 1-9218.<br />

21V-SILYER<br />

"LAYING<br />


Oxidb:ing and Repairing<br />

Brass Polishing & Lacquering<br />

Jewelry Repairing, Engraving<br />

LEEBERT.<br />


14508 CHARLEVOIX<br />

1 Blk. east of Chalmers<br />

VA 2-7318<br />


LANDSCA PIN G. sodding,<br />

lawn cutting and maintenance.<br />

Tree work, spraying,<br />

Plowing. WAlnut 5-9323.<br />

Lavigne Auto Sales<br />


DEALER<br />

Now Servicing All Makes<br />

Speciali~,"g in Automatic Transmissions<br />

llnd Front EI'ld, Alignment.<br />

14201 E. Warren, at Newport<br />

VAlley 2-3459<br />



Every style of Fence<br />

erected lor you<br />

WA.1.6282<br />

Including<br />

Chain Link AU.Steel and<br />

Rustic: Styles<br />




12057 GRATIOT AVE.<br />

DlTROIT 5. MICH.<br />

LAKEVIEW 6-7700<br />

- PORCHES<br />



Licensed<br />

DR 1-1195<br />

CUSTOM<br />


Additions, alterations, recrea.<br />

tion rooms and kitchens. Free<br />

estimates.<br />


VALLEY 1~8146<br />

CARPENTER, repairs, doors,<br />

locks. .sash cords cabinet<br />

work. EDgewater 1-4576.<br />


Home and Industrial Repairs.<br />

Additions, attics completed,<br />

Porch enclnsures, recreation<br />

rooms, -gar age s repaired,<br />

TU 1-9744 TO. 1-9611<br />

Est()blisned 1917<br />

20705 MACK AVE. at VERNIER RI).<br />


TUXEDO 4.55011<br />

and analy&is with industry, ad- Fisher. road, died Monday. I<br />

vertising and others. January 25, in Bon Secours .<br />

This class begins on Thurs- H~ilJal.<br />

day, February 4, for a twelve- He was the c1la.Wman of .the<br />

week period; and is being of- board of the Paul Plessner<br />

fered through the Division of Co., a pharmaceutical com-<br />

Adult Education of Way n e pany.<br />

State U. and the University of He is survived by a son,<br />

Michigan in cooperation with Thomas W. and three grandthe<br />

Grosse Pointe P t1 b Ii c children.<br />

School System. Services 81'e today, January<br />

A course in chS!ss for begin. 28, at Verheyden Funeral<br />

ners and players is offered with Home. 11 o'clock. and burial<br />

Stephan Popel. Mas t e r of will be. in Oakview cemetery<br />

French and A.nlerican Chess in Royal Oak.<br />

Federation, as the instructor. 01< 01< 01< ,<br />

Mr. Popel was chess cham- DR, GEORGE J. GOODHEART<br />

pion of Paris from 1953 to 1956; Dr. Qoodheart, 72, of 273<br />

and won the championship of Beaupre road, died Saturday,<br />

Michigan in 1957, which he still January 23, at his home followholdS.<br />

He was recent winner 'ofing a short illness.<br />

the North Central Open, making Born in Manistee, he had<br />

him champion of the oIU North. been a Detroit area resident fbr<br />

west, 60 years. He was a chiropractor<br />

This class, will have a begin- here for 50 years until his rening<br />

date in February, and in- 1-<br />

terested persons should call for<br />

their ,reservations as soon as<br />

possible.<br />

Two more University courses<br />

will also be starting in February.<br />

Reading Improvement will<br />

be offered for the fifth year,<br />

for student and adult. Both<br />

groups wlll have starting dates<br />

on February 10-the student<br />

class to meet at 3:45 p.m., and<br />

the adult group at 7:30 p.m.<br />

Real Est~te Business I, ~ Uni.<br />

versity of Michigan Certificate<br />

Program. will begin a 16-week<br />

course on Monday. February 1,<br />

at 7:30 p.m.<br />

Further information and class<br />

reserva~ion for all classes may<br />

be obtained by calling the Department<br />

of Community Services,<br />

at TU 5-3808 or TU<br />

5-0271.<br />

G.P.Y.C. Party<br />

(Continued from Page 12)<br />

Daniel Schoonover, the Wilfred<br />

D. MacDonnells, (her dress was<br />

of exquislttlly fine Chantilly<br />

lace), and their house guests,<br />

the Charles Replogles of Johnstown,<br />

Pa.<br />

Dr. ano Mr:>.Harold E. Cross<br />

were a pair of fine dancers-<br />

Mrs. C., was lovely in ice-blue<br />

peau de soie, floor-length; the<br />

Edward Schoenherrs were a<br />

handsohle couple-she wore a<br />

floor.length sheath of butterfly.<br />

design brocaded satin with a<br />

pouf at the side; noted the<br />

Stark Hickeys and her long<br />

dress was of palest cocoa-hue<br />

embroidered net; Mrs. Richard<br />

J. Martin was in white satin,<br />

short length-she and Mr. Martin<br />

Wf,re with Dr. and Mrs<br />

Clarence J. Williams and the<br />

Edward D. Barretts.<br />

The John D. KF!nnellYs and<br />

the Cy COfi~eySwere together,<br />

and the Lewis F,isher Browns<br />

were in a foursome with the<br />

Navarre Bennetts. The John<br />

Himtingtons were there and<br />

Mrs. H.'s dress, a Philip Hulilar I<br />

original, was of chartreuse brocaded<br />

with a hint of turquoise<br />

in the design.<br />

Procedure<br />

Notice to Candidates<br />

Grosse<br />

Pointe Woods,<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Nomination Petitions<br />

for the Regular General City Election of Monday, April<br />

~, 1960 shall be filed. with the City Clerk at her office,<br />

. 20025 Mack Avenue. not earlier than Monday, February<br />

1st, 1960 and not later than Tuesrfay, March 1st, 1!l60,<br />

5:00 P. M, 'o'clock KS.T.<br />

LEONA D. LIDDLE, City Clerk,<br />



City of<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

NOlle'E<br />

We're Moving<br />

On and after February 1, 1960 the Administration<br />

Offices, Violations Bureau, Building Department<br />

and Municipal Court will be located in the NEW<br />

Municipal Building at 20025 Mack Avenue. Grosse<br />

Pointe Woods.<br />

The Department of Ptiblic Safety (Police and Fire)<br />

will remain at the OLD City Hall, 20763 Mack<br />

Avenue.<br />

The 'phone numbers remain unchanged.<br />

Police & Fire TU 4.6300<br />

• Administration and Other<br />

Departments TU 4-6800<br />


LEONA D, LIDDLE, City Clerk<br />

Notice 10<br />

Grosse Poinle Woods<br />

Residents<br />

The Wayn~ County Drain Commissioner has advised<br />

the City of Grosse Pointe Woods that " .• ,<br />

you may inform the citizens aloug the route of<br />

the Grosse Gratiot Drain that 5% of the contract<br />

price iStwithheld by the Drainage Board until all<br />

claims are settled. We have urged the contractor<br />

to settle claims as rapidly as possible, and will<br />

continue to do so.• , ."<br />

Should you or y~>ur neighbors have any complaint<br />

originating from the construqtion of this<br />

Drain relative to your groundsor dwelling, may<br />

\<br />

we suggest that you notify by letter the Drainage<br />

District at your earliest convenience.<br />


Cily of Grosse Pointe<br />

Notice of Public Hearing<br />

on Zoning<br />

Residence District A-l,<br />

South of Jefferson<br />

Avenue<br />

Pursuant to an o..df'.r of the City Council of the City<br />

of Grosse Pointe, in its capacity as Board of Appeals on<br />

Z,ming, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will<br />

be held at 1:30 p.m. on February 15, 1960, at the Neighborhood<br />

Club, 17145 Waterloo, for the purpose of considering<br />

Ihe application of Frank W. Lindemann for relief from<br />

certain zoning restrictions appricable to Lots 1 through 8,<br />

inclusive. of Lakeland Avenue SubdivIsion. located on the<br />

southwesterly corner of Lakeland Avenue and Jefferson<br />

Avenue in the City of Grosse Pointe.<br />

Mr. Lindemann proposes the resubdivision of said lots,<br />

which are for the most part of 50 feet in width, into a<br />

resubdivision providing seven building lots for the most<br />

part of 65 foot width and also contemplating less than the<br />

70 foot set back from the Jefferson Avenul:, right of way<br />

required by the City of Grosse Pointe Zoning Ordinance.<br />

For the reasons stated in Mr. Lindemann's petition, the<br />

proposed resubdivision, copies of the petition and plan for<br />

which arc on filc at the City offices for public inipection,<br />

contemplates. among othcr variances. decrcasing the square<br />

foot area required by the Ordinance for lots In the Residencc<br />

A-I Zoning District and decreasing the requircc! minimum<br />

width of said lots at the building line from 100 feet to 65<br />

feet.<br />

All persons owning property within 300 feet of said<br />

lol~ ilS presently subdivided arc entitlcd by law to be hc,1rd<br />

in this matter, and any other residents and taxpayers in the<br />

City of Grosse Pointe who wish to express their vicws<br />

bCfore the City Council, acting in its capacity of Board of<br />

Appeals on Zoning, will be given the opportunity to do so<br />

at the public hearing on February 15.<br />


Deputy City Clerk<br />

City of Grosle Point.<br />

Publlshed In Grosse Pointe News. January 28, 1980.<br />

one of the ~orld's largest buyers<br />

of newspaper and magazine<br />

advertising space.<br />

He is survived by his wife,<br />

Garnette; a son, William G. Jr.,<br />

of Lansing; a daughter, Mrs.<br />

Carleton Cutler of W. Palm<br />

Beach, Fla.; two brothers, and<br />

a sister in Indianapolis, and seven<br />

grandchildren.<br />

Services were Tuesday. January<br />

26, and burial was in White<br />

Chapel cemetery.<br />

01< ... ...<br />


Mr. Kiepert, 78, of 636<br />

Pemberton road, died Sunday,<br />

January 24, in Ford Hospital<br />

CITY OF<br />

Page<br />

Nineteen<br />

Born in Johnstown, Pa., he<br />

was the proprietor of a retail<br />

grocery store at 12th and<br />

Atkinson in Detroit, until hIs<br />

retirement in 1946. He was a<br />

member of Friendship Lodge<br />

417, and Kllwlnning Eastern<br />

Star Moslem Shrine. He Was<br />

a 32nd degree Mason.<br />

He is survived by his wife,<br />

Adeua; two children, Deibert<br />

W. lind Mrs. Virginia Brandt;<br />

a brother, Arthur A.; two<br />

grandchildren and one great<br />

grandchild.<br />

Services were Wednesday,<br />

January 27, and burial was in<br />

Woodlawn cemetery.<br />




JANUARY, 1960<br />

Sealed proposals for the construction of a sewer con- .<br />

nection at Cambridge lWad iUld Grosse Pointe Boulevard<br />

will be receIved at the City Hall, 90 Kerby Road, Grosse<br />

Pointe l!'arms 36, Michigan, until 12:00 o'clock noon on<br />

Thursday, February 11, 1960, at which time all bids will<br />

be publicly, opened and read aloud.<br />

The work consists of connecting the existing Cambridge<br />

Road sewer to the intercepting sewer in Grosse Pointe<br />

Boulevard, as more particularly described In the Specifications<br />

and PJan which may be examined at the City Engineer's<br />

office during business hours.<br />

No proposal, once submitted, may be withdrawn for at<br />

least 30 days after the actual opening of the bids. The City<br />

of Gro~!;e Pointe Farms reserves the right to waive any.<br />

irregu.'arity in any bid, or to reject any or all bids and to<br />

arcept the bid deemed to be to the best interest of the City.<br />


City Clerk<br />

Published in the Grosse Pointe News, January 28, 1960.<br />

~_St<br />

SUM/v\ARY<br />

CITY OF<br />

Jointe J'tmllS<br />


Mayor<br />


JANUARY 18,1960<br />

Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M.<br />

Present on roll call: Mayor 'William F. Connolly, Jr.,<br />

Councilmen William G. Butler, Henry E. Bodman, II, William<br />

G. Kirby, Richard L. Maxon, Edward C. Roney, Jr.<br />

Absent: Councilman J. Lawr~nceBuell, Jr.<br />

Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr., presided.<br />

Councilman Buell was excused from attending the<br />

meeting.<br />

Minutes of the regular meeting of December 21, 1959,<br />

were approved as supmitted.<br />

The Council meeting was temporarily adjourned topermit<br />

the members of the Councll to convene as a Zoning<br />

Board of Appeals to approve the minutes of the meeting of<br />

the Board held on December 21, 1959.<br />

Reports of the Police Depnrtment. Fire Department,<br />

Building Department and Controller for the month of<br />

December, 1959, were otdered received and filed.<br />

. A report of the City Clerk, relative to a notice of cancellation<br />

of voting registrations to all registered voters<br />

who have not voted within the past two years and the resultant<br />

renewal of some registrations and the deletion of<br />

others from the registration rolls, was received and filed.<br />

A.C.F .•Wr1gley Stores, Inc., were granted permission to<br />

construct an addition to their b\lilding on Kercheval Avenue,<br />

in accordance with plans submitted to the City Engineer,<br />

which construction will be over the property owned<br />

by the City between Wrigley's store and the Grosse Pointe<br />

News, subject to certain canditions.<br />

. Approval was given to pay William Reinhold the sum<br />

of $5,746.95, as partial payment on his contract for the<br />

planting of trees and the installation of brick-paved sidewalk<br />

openings on Kercheval Avenue in the local business<br />

districl<br />

. Approval was given to refund to the "Kercheval-onthe-Hill"<br />

merchants the sum of $1,019.75, the balance due<br />

them on their deposit of $4.250.00 after paying one-half<br />

of the cost for the planting of trees and other related work<br />

on Kercheval Avenue in the local business district.<br />

Mr. 1'. Raymond Jeffs was reappointed a member of the.<br />

Board of Review for a term of three years ending January,<br />

1963. .<br />

The City Clerk was instructed to send a letter to the<br />

residents and property owners of the Gity as final notice,<br />

advising them that. nnder the Garilage Disposal Ordinance<br />

they will be required to irstal1 a garbage disposal unit not<br />

later than July 1, 1960, and that garbage collections would<br />

no longer be made after that date.<br />

The City Manager was instructed to make a check of<br />

the installations of garbage disposals and incinerators, to<br />

ascertain if the required permits are being taken out and<br />

if incinerators being inst.alled are makes and models approved<br />

by the City.<br />

He was also .instructed to check the older homes in<br />

the CIty, to ascertain H incinerators being used are approved<br />

makes and models, and he was also instructed to see that<br />

contractors making installations of disposals and incinerators<br />

obtain the required permits.<br />

A l'esolution was adopted, expressing appreciation and<br />

good wishes to Edward W. Allard. an employee in the Public<br />

Works pepartment who retired December 31, 1959.<br />

Appro'.'a1 was given to employ Yvonne M. Thomas on<br />

a probationary basis in the Administrative Office, to fill a<br />

vacancy caused by the resignation of Dorothy Regener.<br />

The City Manager was, authorized to advertise and take<br />

bids for cross-connecting the existing Cambridge Road<br />

sewer with the recently constructed Grosse Pointe Boulevard<br />

sewer, at an c!:timated cost of $l,O{)(}.OO.<br />

, The City Manager reported that he had met with Mr.<br />

James S. Whitcomb in regard to his complaint of the nuisance<br />

caused by the noise of the trap and skeet shooting at<br />

the Pier Park and that he advised Mr. Whitcomb that every<br />

effort is being made to find some means of reducing the<br />

noise level.<br />

A report of the Advisory Planning Committee, relative<br />

to their progress in connectior. with a Master Plan for the<br />

development of Lake Shore Road properties, was received<br />

and various other matters were refetTed by the Councti<br />

to the Committee for their study and recommendation.<br />

The bid of S. T. Allen, in the amount of $310.00. being<br />

the highest bid receIved for a 1952 Federal truck, was accepted.<br />

The City Treasurer reported that, as of January 16.<br />

1960, 98,37% of the 1959 City taxes had been collected.<br />

Permission was given the National Bank of Detroit to<br />

, erect a building on their property locati!d at the southeast<br />

cornel' of Mack Avenue and Roland Road. subjer!. to certain<br />

conditions.<br />

A communication from the League of Women Voters<br />

relative to theIr staging a "Voterama Party" on FebruarY<br />

10, 1960, at the War Memorial Center, was received.<br />

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