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Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives

Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives


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Thursday, January 28, 1960<br />

GROSSE POINT! NEWS Page Fiftes"<br />

Woman's Page • • • by; of, and for Pointe Women<br />

Cottage Hospital<br />

Guild<br />

Choose a Gay<br />

Open Th~rsday and ,Fridcy Evenings<br />


Tuesday, Feb. 2<br />

Afternoon at I:OO-Evening at 8:00<br />

also<br />

Books IItUi etchings 10 he<br />

sold Wedn!!sdllY evening.<br />

On View Sun., Jan. 31-2<br />

Color fot Winter<br />

#,,(tii:~i. Blonds are blonder<br />

, " , red-heads are<br />

more radiantly red<br />

and brunettes are<br />

positively glowing.<br />

Our own process of bleaching,<br />

frosting and tipping.<br />

Robelle Beauty Salon<br />

19027 Mack at 7 Mile Road TU 4-1 r 30<br />

Public .Auction<br />

Wednesday, Feb. 3<br />

Evening at 8:00<br />

We are selling a European collection recently<br />

imported. by an ANN ARBOR GALLERY and a<br />

collection of German vases. Also items REMOVED<br />


DuMouchelle<br />


409 E. Jefferson<br />

Lawrence F. DuMouchelle, Approiser and Liquidator<br />

For Informction Coil WO 3.6255<br />

Descriptit'e cattdogTles available Saturday<br />

tJ1Jlle>"(,~/J fu~vj.(!d<br />

fOi<br />

Has Election<br />

atm~ta~~<br />

to 5 p.m.<br />

luw/I/" etJtlIet<br />


3343 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit 7, Mich.<br />

Phonc for a Case DeUV&l'ed to Your Home<br />

III No Extra Charge - LO '.0178<br />

Alsf) Ohttffl1ltble ill Grosse PfJinte ill Farms and Hamlin<br />

Markets<br />

I<br />

Lutheran Guild<br />

To Meet Feb. 3<br />

The Women's Missionary<br />

Guild of the First English Evan.<br />

gelical Lutheran Church, 800<br />

Vernier road, will meet Wed~<br />

Mrs. Sidney Morgan to Contlnue as President 0f<br />

nesday, Felrrual'Y 3, at 1 o'clock.<br />

Women's Auxiliary; Five Others Elected at Annual Luncheon will be served at<br />

Meeting, luncheon and Fashion Show noon preceding the program at<br />

------- which Mrs. John Morovilz, mis.<br />

Mrs. Sidney Morgan will continue as president of sionary to Japan, will be guest<br />

the Women's Auxiliary to Cottage Hospital it was an- speaker. The Bible study class<br />

nounced at the recent annual meeting at the Nurses will be led by the Rev. Paul<br />

Residence on Ridge road. ~.~-----------IKeppler.<br />

Also continuing in office jlhe members of the Auxiliary in Mrs. Rea York was named<br />

are Mrs. Daniel Read, sec. 1959. president of the guild; Mrs.<br />

and vicc-prc.'iidcnt ~nd ::\11'.>. GUild chairmen reportmg for ICaS.>,Kasper, fllol vk,,'pl'c,;i-<br />

Stanley L. Smitil. record- lheir groups were, Mrs. Ken. dent;. Mrs. ~scar Nelson, secing<br />

secretary. Mrs. Frank neth McLean, Book Cart Guild, ond vice-president; .Mrs. Everett<br />

BerH was eleeted first vice- 216 hours; Mrs. Arthur Hanigan, Lindbloom, recordmg see rf~<br />

Gift Shop G:tiid, 3506 hours; tary; Mrs. Qscar Kolberg, 1-<br />

president and Mrs. Henry<br />

Mrs. Hazel B. Shaw, Sunshine<br />

nancial secrela"",'<br />

.,<br />

Mrs. Norman<br />

A. Bokram, treasurer. Guild, 510-hours; and Mrs. John Miller, treasurer, and Mrs. El.<br />

Other :1ewly named officers Purcell, Volunteer Guild, 4310 mer ScovUl, corresponding secare<br />

Mrs, Edgar Flinlermann, hours: and Miss Karen Taylor, retal'Y.<br />

historian; Mrs. Clarence Fox, __ .<br />

Parliamimtarian lInd Mrs. ,C. K. President of the Future Nurse's<br />

Club of Grosse Pointe High<br />

Sutton, corresponding secretary. School, 2650 hours.<br />

During the meeting it was<br />

announced by I\lrs. William Gifts to the hospital in the<br />

Nixon that 11,192 hours of. vol- form of additional equipment<br />

unteer work had been given by hy the A u x i Ii a I' y in 1959<br />

It tasfes so good-a clear untreated wafer-nothing added.<br />

amounted to $10,375.31 were<br />

reported by Mrs. Frank Bel'll,<br />

Treasurer.<br />

Miss Carolyn Wicks, Hospital<br />

Administrator, expressed appreciation<br />

for the loyal support<br />

given to the hospital by Auxi.<br />

liary me.mbel's.<br />

The ways and means commIttee<br />

chairman, Mrs. Adam C.<br />

Cook, has named Mrs. Donald<br />

Marlin, chairman of the telephone<br />

brIdge to be held in<br />

March, as a fund raising project.<br />

During the luncheon, following<br />

the meeting a fashion show<br />

of lingerie and southern wear<br />

WIlS shown b~' the ]:'lori:nce<br />

Riley Shop with Mrs. D!iIliel<br />

Reed a~le. Hts. Donald Martin.<br />

as chail"IDen. I This wllI be a dInner meel-<br />

Members of the Auxiliary j ing in the Grosse Pointe Memmod<br />

e 1i n g this collection of orial Center on Wednesday,<br />

c lot hI's were Mrs. Edgar' February 3, at 7 o'clock and<br />

Flintermann, . Mrs. V 1'1' non Dr. Kirk will speak on "En-<br />

Landry, Mrs. Richard Daley, during V:alues in Literature"<br />

Mrs. Milton P a IV sat, Mrs. at 8:30 p.m. immedIately fo1.<br />

Lyndle Martin, Mrs. C. C. lowing the dinner, Tickets<br />

Gentleman." may be obtained at the door<br />

Youth Week<br />

At Memorial<br />

Grosse Poi n t e Memorial<br />

Church will observe Youth<br />

W"eek from Sunday, January 31,<br />

to Sunday, February '1, with<br />

five events.<br />

Beginning the week this Sunday<br />

at church services members<br />

of the high school age youth of<br />

the church will participate.<br />

Sermons wiH be given by Don<br />

Owen and Gl-eg Taubeneck.<br />

That evening at 6:30 o'clock<br />

a youth banquet for all church<br />

members of high school age and<br />

members of Tuxis will be<br />

served.<br />

The guest speaker at the banquet<br />

will be the Rev. James<br />

Bristah, executive secretary of<br />

the board of Christian Social<br />

Relations of the Methodist<br />

Church. He will discuss "War,<br />

Peace, Tt..e Bomb and You."<br />

Each week-day morning during<br />

Youth Week the church wIll<br />

hold brief morning serviees at<br />

8:05 o'clock, before s.chool begins.<br />

The congregation will participate<br />

in a Wednesday evening<br />

service from 7:30 to B o'clock.<br />

These services wIll be conducted<br />

by members of Tuxis<br />

and ,the Senior High Church<br />

School classes. All those of<br />

high sch()1age ar~ invited.<br />

Sunday. February 7, Tuxis<br />

WillI divide into 10 discussion<br />

groups to consider pacifism and<br />

the bomb. -<br />

All activities are being 00-<br />

ordinated by the Rev. Lyman<br />

B. Stookey, director of youth.<br />

January 1 became generally<br />

accepted as New Year's Day in<br />

the l5

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