Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives

Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives

Entered A. Second Clas.! - Local History Archives


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ThursaaYl :January 28, .,960<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirtl1en<br />

Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women<br />

Zilt H W d Mrs. Bodman<br />

I a erron e 5 Heads Board<br />

Robe rt A. W rig ht, J r'l el~~[:d ~:e:~e~~<br />



t!aine -Arndt<br />

SCHOOL<br />


REGISTER NOW ... for Ballet • Toe Character.<br />

Modern Jazz. Tap - Acrobatic<br />

16600 HARPER Corner KENSINGTON<br />

TUxedo 5-7703<br />

TUxedo 5-3638<br />

I<br />

Hospital League<br />

To Have Sale<br />

APPLE<br />

o~Otdh~a~er;~~<br />

_______ borhood Club board last week<br />

Pair Speak Vows Saturday' in St. Paul's on the Lakeshore at the annual meeting.<br />

With a Breakfast Following at the Hunt Club. Serving with h.er wil~ be Mrs.<br />

Aft T . N 0 I ". I Dexter Ferry, first vIce-presler<br />

rip to ew r eans Pair Will Live Here dent; Mrs. Richard Turner. sec-<br />

Zita Frances Herron daught f th 01' D ld ond vice.pre.~ident; M~s. Do.ug-<br />

, er a e Iv.er ana las Campbell, Jr., third vlce-<br />

Herrons, fRathbo~e place, spoke her marnage vows president; Mrs. lIIarian Smith,<br />

Saturday In St. Paul s on the lakeshore to Robert Alonzo fourth vice. president, and Mrs.<br />

Wright, Jr., son of the senior Wrights, of Kensington Rothe Farr, corresponding secroad,<br />

(0,----------- retary.<br />

Her gown ofpeau d'eglise ing white carnations were Mrs. Other officers are Mrs. James<br />

was fashioned with a Donald W. Milock, sister of the McClelland. assistant corresbasque<br />

waist and a bell bride; Mrs. James Ayrault, Jr., ponding se~retal?,; Mrs. Richard<br />

shaped skirt with an Alen- and Susan Wright, the bride. Turner, recordmg secretary;<br />

con lace border appliqued groom's sisler. 1\:lrs. Douglas .Campbcll, Jr., as-<br />

. h d 1 Thomas Wright was his broth- slstant recordmg secretary; Mrs.<br />

WIt. see pe~r 5, the same er's best man and also on the Edward S. Evans, treasurer and<br />

mobf accentmg the neck. esquire side were Donald Her- Mrs. Hal Smith, Jr., assistant<br />

line. ron, the bride's brother; John. treasurer. .<br />

A matching shi!ll oC peau M. Wade alld ,James Ayrault.<br />

d'eglise and lace ca~ght her. Mrs. Herron greeted guests<br />

fingertip veil of illusion and she at the Hunt Club breakfast folcarried<br />

white roses and stc- lowing the ceremony in a Dlor<br />

phanotis. blue silk satin gown and a hat<br />

Gail Herron was her sistel"s of blending blue and green. Her<br />

maid of honor in American fl?wers were pink camelias.<br />

beauty velveteen fashioned with Mrs. ,Wright was in beige<br />

a satin mIdriff and tunic over- peau de soie with bronze acces.<br />

skirt. Her heaJdress was a satin sorles and cymbidium orchids.<br />

bow with a short veil and she For traveling to New Orleans<br />

carried white carnations cen- the bride changed into a rasptered<br />

with American Beauty berry sheer wool jacket dress<br />

roses.<br />

with black accessories. The new-<br />

The bridesmaids, dressed like Iyweds will make their home in<br />

the honor attendant, and carry-

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