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Page Twelve<br />

GROSSE<br />


Thursday, Januar)' 28, 1960<br />

Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes<br />

Gala Crowd 'Honors<br />

Commodo~e Ternes<br />

GOP Women<br />

Name Officers<br />

Mrs. G. Sam Zilly was reelected<br />

president of the Women's<br />

Republican Club of Grosse<br />

d<br />

Pointe at the r~ent annual<br />

Commo ores from Clubs in Area and GPYC Members meeting at the Country Club.<br />

TU1~~ed Out Saturday in Formal Dress for Ball Dr. William A. Paton, professor<br />

Honoring Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ternes of a'Ccounting at the Uniyerslty<br />

________ of Michigan, was guest speak-<br />

There couldn't be a more beautiful party than er.<br />

Grosse Pointe Yacht Club's Commodore's Ball of last Others elected at th(' meeting<br />

Saturday, given in honor of newly-elected Commodore were Mrs. J. Kent Tewel, lilrst<br />

William A. Te'rnes and Mrs. Ternes. From the 7:30 ?ice president; Mrs. Henry E.<br />

reception to the last dance at .2 o'clock, everything about Bodman II, secnd vice presi-<br />

1dent; Mrs. W. L. Garrett, core<br />

f th<br />

e<br />

t<br />

e was Iove Iy. responding secretary, and Mrs.<br />

The gleam of satin was I rotunda up the broad staircase Fredel'ick Shcphard, as~lstant<br />

eve r v w"h ere. ano floor- to cil"l'lf' the hRllroom Rnn V~!1~- COl"l":',;,C'nc!ing sec::et:l!"y.<br />

length" dresses were in the tlan Room. Offlcers. past com- Mrs .... William C. McMI"llan.<br />

majority by far, presenting modores and visiting c.ommo- recording secretary; Mrs. Henry<br />

a scene of magnificence d.ol'es and a.U th~lr ladles re- L. Petri, assistant recording<br />

. t hi' ff' ' bred to await their formal an- secretary; Mrs. Earl I. Heenan,<br />

agams yac mg 0 leers nouncement. Others went di- Jr., treasurer, aud Mrs. John<br />

dre~ ~l u e sand form.al rectly to tbeir tables. M. S. Hutchinson, assistant<br />

white he dress, (black tIe, WhUe Chairman Russell D. treasurer, were also named.<br />

, too). Van Houten cGnducted thl\ an- Active board rtembers" in-<br />

Receiving in the rotunda nouncement ceremony, the ush- elude Mrs. Charles A. Dean,<br />

against a screen of greens and ers. Charles J. Gardella and Ed- Jr., Mrs. Richard Durant, Mrs.<br />

flowers were C:0mmodore and win S. Karrer Jr., in turn gave Louis A. Edwal'ds~ Mrs. Vernon<br />

Mrs. Ternes, Vice Commodore his arm to an officer's lady and P. Johnson. Mrs. Fred W.<br />

and Mrs. John R. Wilt, and Rear conducted the pair to their Kaess, Mrs. John F. Keys, Mrs.<br />

Commodore and Mrs. Paul 1. places "at the long E-shaped Edwin Krieghoff. Mrs. Robert<br />

Moreland, (and a handsome slx- table or visiting Commodores' E. Waldron and Mrs. Robert<br />

1I0me they were!> table." Whiteley.<br />

Mrs. Ternes was beautiful in Then dinner was served. All Others are' Mrs. L. R. Lilley,<br />

chartreuse satin with white through the party the Arthur Mrs. Stuart Baits, Mrs. Or...il1l\<br />

satin front panel. A Rosa Bar- Quatro orchestra and J;ck Qua- Sherwood, IIlrs. Byron J. Cham.<br />

bier! original, her ball dress ley's orchestra alternated in bel'S. Mrs. Palmer T.. Heenar..<br />

swept to the floor. the skirt ballroom and ladies dining Mrs. Lee Taylor, Mrs. Phillip<br />

featuring back fullness. A stole room. Everywhere were exquis- O. Ashurst and Mrs. Albert<br />

of chartreuse satin in deep it~ arrangements of flowers; the Blixt.<br />

folds formed a portrait frame ballroom was canopied in redi , On the honorary, advisory<br />

at the shoulder tine of the white . and .blue carnations; board are Mrs. Standish BlI'r.kstrapless<br />

bodice. In her hair couples visited between main us, Mrs. 'Merlin Cudllp, Mrs.<br />

was a pair of green orchids, ar- dining room and ballroom lev- Frederick S. Ford, Mrs. Cllfranged<br />

butterfly fashion. els. ' ford Merrill, Mrs. Joseph B;<br />

. Mrs. Wilt's f I 00 I'- touching At the formal flag presenta- Schlotman, Mrs. Milton Setzer<br />

HarVey Berin original was of tlon ceremony at dinner's end, and Mrs. Benjamin. S.. Warren.<br />

white brocaded satin, and love- Commodore Ternes received his Also on the adVISory board<br />

ly. The skirt' was beli:shaped official' burgee and, commo- are Mrs. Cameron Waterman,<br />

and the front hem was sUghtly dore's 'pin from the immediate Mrs. Lynn McNaughton. Mrs.<br />

slit in curved manner tn show past ,commodore. Robert F. James. 'd. Holden, Mrs. Wi~ber<br />

her gold lame pumps. The Wp-ber.' In turn, his presenta- Brucker, Mrs. John C. Garlll~gbodice<br />

featured a low decolle- tion to Commodore Weber was house, MIjS. William Young and<br />

tage and tiny cap sleeves. a leather bound book of the Mrs. Earl I. Heenan.<br />

Mrs. Moreland'$ s tun n i n g 1959 issues of the Grosse Pointfloor-length<br />

gown, (an Ann er mllgazine, GPYC's official New York Olty, on Saturday<br />

Verdi model), of deep aqua publication. When other club (and returned there Sunday);<br />

peau de sole, was a true ball- and fleet officers received thdr Lynn's date, Tom Allmand; the<br />

room dress ,vith very full skirt burgees," the ball proper be'&l1I1.Terneses' house guests, Mr. and<br />

and an off-shoulder treatment Commodore" and Mrs. Ternes, Mrs. William J. 'Sampson, of<br />

distinctly In the "portral!" cate- who wer~ .in the honor places Youngstown, 0.; Commodore.<br />

gory. at the table,for officers and di- Ternes' brother and sister-in-<br />

After the initial formality of rectors and their wives, enter- law and sister and brother-ingoing<br />

down the receiving line, talned family members and law, respectively the Donald<br />

party-goers moved to the' main friends at a table nearby. Terneses and the James B. Mondining<br />

room for the cocktail Among their guests were their aghans. .<br />

hour. • daughter Lynn, (fua strapless More were Mrs. Ternes' par-<br />

At 8:30 o'clock, tbe grand floor-length brocaded red satin ents, the Anthony Maiullos<br />

march formed, and to gay music dress), who flew in from the (Mrs. M. in a stunning fine<br />

the throng marcbed from the Duchesne Residence S c h 0 0 l, black net-ov~r-taffeta f 10 0 1'-<br />

length sheath embroidered with<br />

arties of originality!<br />

distinctive<br />

f n}ttelstlC<br />

"" "re<br />

the SC O<br />

by<br />

centerpieceoom<br />

decorations, tallies, invitations.<br />

o make your entertaining complete.<br />

.<br />

ou'Jllove this new service,<br />

emorable parties f~r it birthday,<br />

nniversary, shower, special occasion,<br />

eyed to any theme-your idea or ours.<br />

very party acceisory except food.<br />

Our January Sale<br />

strikes a note of good cheer<br />

olf o.tl d reo<br />

~}J2. J 11\0<br />

.1 cti0 1tS<br />

. reuU<br />

f<br />

dsmart<br />

dull silver pailIettes and tiny<br />

beads, ending in a little fishtail<br />

train); her sister and brother-in-law,<br />

the James Merriam<br />

Barneses, and brother and sister-in-Iaw,<br />

the Joseph Malullos;<br />

Toni Barnes and her escort,<br />

Stephen M. Stackpole; the John<br />

DenIers, the J. C. Markleys.<br />

Miss Jane Schermerhorn,' Edward<br />

Picard. Present for a short<br />

time were. Commodore and<br />

Mrs. Ternes' younger daughters,<br />

Barbara and Patty.<br />

Mrs. Bryan Chaplow was in<br />

a floor-touching gown of deep<br />

green chiffon-she and Mr.<br />

Chaplow were hosts to their<br />

son-in-law and daughter, the<br />

J 0 s e p h Machriolattis; the<br />

George L. Cassidys, the Russell<br />

D. Van Houtens, (she was just<br />

ates moderate-what are your wishe,? back from Florida with deep<br />

suntan and she wore a short<br />

imply call:<br />

evening dress pl'inted in gold,<br />

TU 2-0014 or TU 2-8944<br />

bronze and brown tones). Mrs.<br />

~~;~m~~@;.};f.m-~~:a:;;~~~::::~~~~i_.~~_g~;$::;::#:~~:J:::~lU~~~:W~~~:m;~x~~~~:~:~ (Continued on Page 19)<br />

d<br />

hats<br />

~I<br />

robes,<br />

Mrs. Earl R. Kreher<br />

-Photo by Bransby<br />

CLAIRE AUGUSTA HUEBNER, daughter of<br />

Mrs. Edgar Joseph Huebner, of LaBelle road, and the<br />

late Mr. Huebner, was married Saturday in St. Paul's<br />

on the lakeshore to Mr. Kreher, son of the Earl J.<br />

Krehers, of Hampton road.<br />

Missile Expert Talk~ to AAUW<br />

"The hideousness of the results<br />

of any unprovoked military<br />

attack is of such magnitude<br />

as to outrun the imagination<br />

of the most vicious tyrant<br />

in history," Claude C. Gage, a<br />

Chrysler missile engineer, said<br />

in Grosse Pointe last week.<br />

Gage .addressed age n e I' a 1<br />

membership m e e tin g of the<br />

Grosse Pointe branch, American<br />

Association of University<br />

Women, at a meeting in the<br />

War Memorial C e tit e l' sponsored<br />

by th~ AAUW's InternatIonal<br />

Relations Group.<br />

A Grosse Poi n t e resident,<br />

Gage is manager, structural design<br />

section, Chrysler missile<br />

division. He was introduced by<br />

Mrs. Watson Ford, chairman of.<br />

the International Rei at ion s<br />

Group.<br />

"From my rather pedeslrian<br />

viewpoint we are beating our<br />

"only potential enemy in military<br />

weapons, from a time<br />

standpoint," said Gage. "<br />

"We stand today as two stalwart<br />

opposing armies with a<br />

boxing match going on between<br />

them. ,<br />

"Make no mistake. This boxing<br />

match is in dead earnest.<br />

Our opponent is improving his<br />

ballistics as fast as he can, and<br />

we better keep up. But he: isn't<br />

going to use them if he can<br />

keep talking "his way to victory.""<br />

Gage said the United States<br />

is behind Russia in the race<br />

for space. He said we need "big<br />

boosters to get off the ground,<br />

and we have them coming." He<br />

mentionf:d the Saturn, with a<br />

Ph million pound thrust, which<br />

has been "slowed down for budget<br />

reasons to a possible shoot<br />

in 1963."<br />

He lpredicted a six-millionpound-thrust<br />

rocket before the<br />

"the<br />

shopper<br />

the gO(<br />

lingerie and maternity<br />

d fashionable<br />

coats<br />

clothes,<br />

early<br />

galore<br />

and all sorts of suits,<br />

dresses for daytime, cocktailtime<br />

and evening,<br />

too,<br />

active and spectator sportswear<br />

little furs.<br />

"18 k, gold jewelry .••<br />

yummy costume jewelry, too,<br />

gets<br />

'ies"<br />

end of the decade, and added:<br />

"In the immediate f u t u r e.<br />

this year or possibly next, we<br />

will see a man replace Baker<br />

and Able - a very necessary<br />

substitutiOil if we are eyer to<br />

take full advantage of our potential."<br />

.<br />

Describing the his t 0 l'Y of<br />

rocketry, Gage said the Chinese<br />

f.irst developed rocket power<br />

during experimentation '" i t h<br />

gunpowderaroimd ~200 A.D. A<br />

successful rocket weapon was<br />

developed in England in IB01,<br />

with a range of several thousand<br />

yards. These roclr~ts were<br />

used against the United States<br />

In the War of 1B12. Though<br />

they accounted for the phrase,<br />

"the rockets' red glare" in our<br />

national anthem, the rockets<br />

failed to win the war for<br />

England.<br />

\<br />

"Cleaning the slate" on 'New<br />

Year's Day once involved a lot<br />

of elbt>w grease. The English<br />

used to clean the chimneys on<br />

the first of the year for good<br />

luck.<br />

ij<br />

l1'zargal'ei<br />

glJciOUj<br />

cable Imil<br />

J,.ejj<br />

IDAC Honors<br />

! Fathers~ Sons<br />

I It was a completely mascu-<br />

Iline party at thE! Detroit Ath-<br />

Ilelic Club last Saturday after--<br />

nOOIl, January 23, but it was<br />

lC!Tific fun for the "boys" who<br />

ranged in age from seven years<br />

to 70 plus. The event was the<br />

club's Fathers and ;Sons party<br />

and a caPllCity crowd attended,<br />

tolaling 650.<br />

Of the aquatic contests for<br />

,boys, I the diving-for-silvel'-noll<br />

For fathers and the oJder sons<br />

Iars event was most popular.<br />

'1 ill the natatorium balcony or<br />

I at poolside, there was the high-<br />

;} .,....ciliug exhibitiun 1ll'eSeuting<br />

17 topnotch swimmers and<br />

divers headed by Gus Stager,<br />

U. of 111.swimming coach who<br />

will be coach of the 1960 Olympic<br />

swimming team.<br />

There was luncheon in the<br />

gymnasium and Pontchartrain<br />

room. zippy music by Emery<br />

Deutsch's orchestra, souvenir<br />

wallets inscribed with the<br />

event and date, DAC Beaver<br />

members ushering, and inC'~ssant<br />

conversation until the<br />

fillale entertainment of magician<br />

Channing Pollock and<br />

singer Dorores Perry. Three<br />

o'clock came so fast-and the<br />

party was over!<br />

A large contingent from<br />

Grosse Pointe was there: Ar.<br />

nold D. Freydl and Thomas<br />

Patrick; William A. Nirnz. and<br />

Billy; Dr. Frank Perkin and<br />

John, and with them was John<br />

F. Murphy; Wll1iam C. Roney<br />

and six grandsons including<br />

Walter Auch, Jr. and Timothy<br />

and Terrence Auch, and John<br />

D. Peacock Jr. and David and<br />

Peter Pea~ck; Sylvester C.<br />

Shea and Tim; Brent M. Smith<br />

and Bradley;. W. William Lait.<br />

ner with Bllly and Wally.<br />

More" were Howard H. Lawrie<br />

and three grandsons, Richard<br />

Kimbrough, Charles Stewart<br />

Jr. and Howard Stewart, and<br />

his son-in-law, Charles Stewart;<br />

William E. Keane Jr. and William<br />

E. III; Gl'!orge lI'f. Suliburk<br />

and his g l' and son, Michael<br />

Naylon.<br />

Walter H. Wakeman brought<br />

his son, Walter Jr., and grandsons<br />

John and Robert; C. Bradford<br />

Lundy III was with his<br />

grandfather, Edward F. Fisher;<br />

others were Malcolm M. Barnum<br />

and Greg; George L.<br />

Cassidy and Kevin; Teddy and<br />

George Hodges with thelr<br />

grandfather, Dr. Ira G. Downer;<br />

Charles W, Casgrain and<br />

Charlle; C. A. Dahl with Christopher<br />

and Jonathan; Albert C.<br />

Dicksbnand Albert C. Jr.;<br />

Herbert W. Jart and Jay; Donald<br />

Jennings with Olin and<br />

Craig.<br />

People who claim they S/lY<br />

just what they think probably<br />

never thought to think.<br />

• , , it's tbe Jt1/1/e 'l/SciollJ cable knit dreu as the<br />

Cl'Own CO/Oll)' sweater. Pe,'fect for tr,weI. Powder,<br />

heige, nalY. Spec(al orders 'will be accepted for<br />

1110st wanted colol's. Team it with a matching<br />

sweater, of course. 89.95<br />

Kreher-Huebner<br />

Vows Exchanged<br />

Papal blessing Read at Ceremony Saturday in St. Paul's<br />

on the Lakeshore: Following a Trip to puerto Rico<br />

the Newlyweds Will Live in Detroit<br />

The Papal blessing was read at the ceremony Saturday<br />

which united Claire Augusta Huebner and Earl<br />

Robert Kreher in marriage in St. Paul's on the lakeshore.<br />

The bride, who was given<br />

in marriage by her uncle,<br />

Vincent F. Peters ,is the<br />

daughter of Mrs. Edgar<br />

Joseph Huebner, of La-<br />

Belle road, and the late<br />

Mr. Huebner. Mr. Kreher<br />

is the son of the Earl J.<br />

Krehers, of Hampton road.<br />

For her wedding the bride<br />

wore a white peau de soie gown<br />

fashioned with a Chantilly lace<br />

bodice and sleeves and a chapel<br />

train. A crown of pearls caught<br />

her veil of illusion and she<br />

C'.arried white iris and ivy<br />

centered \vith' an orchid.<br />

ARTHUR<br />

CIl<br />

:;<br />

9<br />

Al"D<br />

lace gown with matching ac,-<br />

cessories fO'.. her daughter's<br />

wedding. Mrs. Kreher was in<br />

tOAst satin with brown IIccessories.<br />

When the newlyweds return<br />

from Puerto Rico, they will<br />

live in Detroit.<br />

Fontbonne<br />


2711 East J~fferson, Detro~t J, Mich. ;"<br />

Iz<br />

1i<br />

Auxiliary<br />

to Meet February 3 .<br />

The regular monthly meeting<br />

of the Fontbonne AuxlllarY of<br />

St. John Hospital will be' held<br />

Wednesday, Fehruary 3, at 2<br />

o'clock at the hospital. .<br />

Patricia McCormick, maid of<br />

honor, wore a princess French<br />

blue satin frock and carried On Dec. 22, i775, the new<br />

red Happiness roses and white Navy commissioned 18 officers,<br />

mums. The bridesmaids. Elea- including John Paul Jones. a'he<br />

nor Gunn, Eva Fuger and Irene. "Father of the Navy" became<br />

Gapslti, wore royal blue satin. t!le senior of the first five lieu-<br />

Patricia Gunn, cousin of the tenants appointed.<br />

bride, was flower girl in French<br />

blue over \.,.hite. She carried<br />

pink sweetheart roses. John<br />

Gunn was best man alid the<br />

ushers included John Huebner,<br />

Brigadier General ArChIbald<br />

Henderson, USMC, often called<br />

the "Father of the Marine<br />

the bride's brother; Kurt Smith Corps." served as the Corps'<br />

and DeIlnis Dhooge. !:eader, from Oct. 17, 1B20 until<br />

Mrs. Huebner chose a rose Jan. 6, 1859. .<br />

at CHARL~<br />


J. ROI;[DE<br />

OOKPAIfY<br />



through-<br />


S'ICI~L oun<br />

SERVICI'.GlRlM<br />

Mlt 200 .<br />

~tlMIIU6 G~<br />

SfeJ&fbcg ~<br />

au oooiWhle<br />


Again-<br />


LO 7-6100<br />


If you are fortunate enough 10 nave one of these<br />

patterns - perhaps handed down by someone<br />

dear - no\v is the time .10 add pieces or fill in<br />

your service, and pUI il 10 gTealer use, So many<br />

of these designs are in BC- ~<br />

cord with today's "return 10 .. . ~,1) ..<br />

elegance in Jiving" trend.<br />

'lYl7lllIl'n<br />



No COD's-No<br />

No returns<br />

alterations<br />



GLASS<br />

15 20 WA S H I N G '10 N B0 U LEYA RD<br />

De',01l26, Michigan-Telephone WO 2.5161-510'. HOUri 9:30 unlil,s,OO<br />

n05U<br />

76 Kercheval •.. on the hiff<br />

BRANCH STORE: The Belleview Biltmore, Belleair, Florida<br />

•<br />

y<br />


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