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Thursday, January 28, 1960.<br />

From Another Pointe<br />

of Vie,v<br />

By Patricia<br />

Washington to' attend a business convention in. the<br />

nation's capital.<br />

* • *<br />

• • *<br />

Talbot<br />

Although experts olaim .that Michigan slopes are<br />

among the best, the real ski fans want to try the European<br />

Alps, (especially those who viewed last Thursday's<br />

ski movies at the Country Club).<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril J. Edwards, Jr., who usually ski<br />

/ at Otsego or out in Aspen at this time of year, will be<br />

flying to Zurich in mid-:F'ebruary. On the same flight<br />

will go Mrs. Livingstone Howard, also a devoted skiier.<br />

They will spend three weeks in the Austrian Tyro!,<br />

and the Swiss and French Alps before flying home again<br />

from Zurich ..<br />

Flying toward the end of February to Munich are<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stroh, Jr., and Howie Knaggs.<br />

They will all be skiing in the Swiss Alps, destination for<br />

the Strohs hot definetely decided. Mrs. Stroh says they<br />

will follow the snow to where the skiing seems best.<br />

Mrs. Whelden<br />

Off to the Capital<br />

Also looking to an April in Florida vacation are Mr.<br />

and Mrs. William D. Byron, Jr. But this Wednesday they<br />

will be off to visit Mrs. Katharine Edgar Byron, of<br />

Washington, D.C., Mr. Byron's mother, fo.r a week.<br />

Last week.end the Byrons had as house gueilts, the<br />

Gibbs L. Bakers, from the capital, and gave a dinner for<br />

them Friday night and a cocktail party on Sunday. On<br />

Saturday night the quartet attended the GPYC's Commodore's<br />

Week-End<br />

Ball.<br />

Notes<br />

* ... *<br />

to Entertain<br />

Mrs. Gilbert Whelden, 'newly elected president of<br />

the l03.year-old Neighborhood House Settlement, will<br />

entertain board members this Thursday in her P~rk lane<br />

home.<br />

Neighborhood House c1ose.d its doors s~me time<br />

back but has taken on a new project, "Meals on Wheels"<br />

in the Herman Gardens area. ~Ieals 'are taken to shutins<br />

and the aged by a mobile up.it, hot and appetjzing.<br />

The former settlement has become a. member of the<br />

Neighborhood Service Organization which is sponsoring<br />

this new activity. )<br />

Board mel)\bers, who wiII be at Mrs. Whelden's,<br />

were elected last week at a luncheon at the City Club.<br />

They include Mrs. Perry TeWalt, Mrs. Ralph Thomas,<br />

Mrs. Glenn M. Coulter, Mrs. George Primeau, Mrs. Fred<br />

A. Hughes, Mrs. William J. Scott, Mrs. William ~.<br />

Lichtenberg, Jr., Mrs. Carleton J. Healy, Mrs. Nell<br />

Bentley and Mrs .. Ezra Lockwood. .<br />

• * *<br />

April in Florida<br />

The Henry T. Ewalds, Jr., will not be taking their<br />

usual trip to Arizona this season. With the Herbert<br />

, Books they have bought a duplex in Del Ray Beach, Fla.,<br />

and plan lpl April visit to their new property.<br />

Mrs. Book's mother, Mrs. Theodore Osius, who is<br />

down in Florida now reports the weather is chilly, but<br />

by April all should be sunny again.<br />

This week-end Mr. and Mrs. Ewald are traveling to<br />

Home from a fast trip to New York and Greensboro,<br />

Continued on Page 14)<br />

Short and to<br />

the Pointe<br />

MR, and MRS. FREDERiCK<br />

OLLISON. and daughter, JUDY.<br />

of Provencal road, are vacationing<br />

at the Colony Hotel, Palm<br />

Beach, Fla.<br />

... * *<br />

Assisting in a r ran gin g the<br />

program for the .Nationality<br />

luncheon at the International<br />

Institute on February 4 is lIlRS.<br />

JOHN EHRLICH, of Essex boulevard.<br />

* * *<br />


sons of the JOHN SIEFFERTS,<br />

of Neff road, left this week for<br />

San Antonio, Tex., where<br />

they<br />

will enter St. Mary's University.<br />

Enroute they stopped at Kansas<br />

City. Mo., their former home.<br />

Before classes begin the two will<br />

ha\'e a brief holiday In Mexico.<br />

* '" *<br />

MR. and. MRS. HENRY B.<br />

JOY, JR., of Provencal road,<br />

will leave next month for Fl.<br />

Lauderdale, Fla., where they<br />

will board (heir cruiser. Spray<br />

II, for a cruise through the<br />

Keys.<br />

'" * *<br />

The JOHN IIIASSEYS, of<br />

Washington road, will be mov-<br />

Ing next month to Winnetka, Ill.<br />

Mrs. Massey and her daughter,<br />

DEB B I E, with Mrs. Roy<br />

TOLLESON, of Kenwood road,<br />

and SUZIE, are skiing at<br />

Otsego.<br />

* * *<br />


ERS. JR., of Washington road,<br />

left Friday for two weeks in<br />

Palm Springs, Las Vegas and<br />

San Francisco.<br />

'" * *<br />

In Pebble Beach, Calif., for<br />

the golf tournament last, week<br />

were MR. and MRS. WILLIAM<br />

CLAY FORD. of Provencal<br />

road.<br />

* '" *<br />


of Muir road, entertained last<br />

week with cocktails and luncheon.<br />

*. '" *<br />


Provencal road, gave a welcome<br />

home party Sunday for<br />

MR. and MRS. W. MERRITT<br />

JONES, JR., of Vernier road,<br />

who have returned from Scotland<br />

where he was 011. duty<br />

\vith the Army.<br />

. *... *<br />

MR. anti MRS. THOMAS R.<br />

QUILTER of Hampton road are<br />

attending a Seminar in l\liami<br />

Beach. Florida during the week<br />

Of January 24.<br />

* '" '"<br />

PENNY THEWALT, daughter<br />

of MR. and MRS. FRANK<br />

THEWALT of Littlestone road<br />

and MARGIE REINS, daughter<br />

of MR. and MRS. RICHAIID<br />

RElNS'of NE'lI'berry place were<br />

recently elected Vice-president<br />

and secretary, respectively, of<br />

Open Monday through Saturday 9:30IA. M. -.5:;30 P. M.<br />

G RO SSE P 0 r NT ENE W S<br />

Arranging<br />

VERY TRULY YOURS is the<br />

theme for the luncheon, fashion show<br />

and card party to be held at 12:30<br />

o'clock on February 25 in the recreation<br />

hall of St. Clare de Montefalco<br />

Church. Proceeds will be used for the<br />

maintenance of the church altars.<br />

Sigma Zeta Chaptet'<br />

of Kappa<br />

Delta Soror.ity at the University<br />

of Michigan. Both were graduated<br />

from Grosse Pointe High<br />

School in 1958.<br />

* * J.<br />

MR. and MRS. EDWARD C.<br />

GIERMANSKI of Wedgewood<br />

drive, will celebrate their 25th<br />

wedding anniversary on Saturday,<br />

February 27. Follow i ng<br />

Mass at Our Lady Star of the<br />

Sea at 10 a.m., breakfast will<br />

be served at the residence for<br />

the original bridal party and<br />

family. In the afternoon the<br />

couple 'will hold opEn house for<br />

their f r i end s. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Giermanskl have two children,<br />

a son JAMES RICHARD, who<br />

is attending the Belmont Abbey<br />

College in North Catolina and<br />

a daughter. JACQUELINE<br />

ANN, who attends Our Lad)'<br />

Star of The Sea School.<br />

... * *<br />

DAVID K. MURLEY, son of<br />


Loch'moor. boulevard, was recently<br />

elected treasurer of<br />

Sigma Tau Gamma, social frat.<br />

ernlty at Western Michigan Unifersity.<br />

Kalamazoo. A graduate<br />

of Grosse Pointe High School,<br />

David is a sophomore at W'estern,<br />

majoring in physics. He<br />

also sludied at Highland Park<br />

Junior College.<br />

* * *<br />


of East Jefferson avenue, and<br />

her ~ister. MRS. I S A BEL<br />

DODGE SLOAN, of New York,<br />

have opened their Palm Beach<br />

homes for the season.<br />

* * *<br />

MRS. LESTER F. RUWE, of<br />

Touraine road, left last week<br />

for New York and then will go<br />

on to Palm Beach.<br />

* '" *<br />

Visiting in Florida Is MAR-<br />


Kenwood road. He first stopped<br />

in New York to see his son-Inlaw<br />

and daughter, MR. and<br />


B. SLATER,<br />

Party A t St. Clare Church<br />

State University who has received<br />

the outslanding' basic<br />

cadet award. .<br />

The award is presented to<br />

freshmen and sophomore cadets<br />

who achieve a place in the<br />

top 5 per cent of their class<br />

during the preceding term, according<br />

to Colonel Merton E.<br />

Munson, professor of military<br />

science and tactics at MSU..<br />

Col. Munson 'explains that<br />

the "top 5 per cent" criteria<br />

includes academic standing,<br />

proficiency in drill. military altitude<br />

and bearing,

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