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May 16, 1991<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

Poin ter ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:<br />

From page 1<br />

"An eight-hour charge wouid<br />

have been an extended lunch,"<br />

he said.<br />

He hopes to make money to<br />

build cars by first selling the<br />

quick-charging batteries and<br />

power stations. While the batteries<br />

can be charged overnight<br />

using a home's 220,volt outlet,<br />

a special power station lB<br />

needed for the 45.minute fast<br />

charge.<br />

The batteries and power sta<br />

tions could be purchased for<br />

golf carts, lift trucks and any.<br />

where battery. powered electriC<br />

motors are used. In the Baha<br />

mas, where Lauve mtends to<br />

build a car plant, there are<br />

plans to produce converted golf<br />

carts as passenger vehIcles<br />

"These could be used all over<br />

the Caribbean," Lauve saId<br />

Already, 24 power statIOns<br />

have been sold m CalIforma,<br />

Pbct.o by John M1ruus<br />

Automotl .. deslpu B.ary Lau .. of Gr~ PolDte Woods<br />

shows em illustration of his electr1c car, the SU....r Volt. which<br />

he holHtS to market soon.<br />

where a certaIn percentage of<br />

cal"hmust be electrIC powered<br />

Because of such governmental<br />

mandates for electrIC cars,<br />

Lauve beheves there WIll be a<br />

market for the company that<br />

COmes out WIth more conven.<br />

Ient battenes, and he thInks<br />

hIS Silver Volt IS Just what's<br />

needed.<br />

And battery.powered cars<br />

don't mean motorists will have<br />

to go Without optIOns. Lauve's<br />

cars have all' condltionmg and<br />

are fully loaded WIth power<br />

everythmg. He hopes to market<br />

the flve.passenger car for<br />

$30,000<br />

Lauve got hIS automotIve de-<br />

SIgn experIence under the tutelage<br />

of General Motors' legendary<br />

deSIgner, Harley Earl In<br />

fact, Earl IS one of two deSIgn.<br />

ers bemg honored at thIS year's<br />

Eyes on the Classics festlVltles<br />

June 29 and 30<br />

The fourth annual car show<br />

WIll be Sunday, June 30, at the<br />

Edst>1 & Eleanor Ford House,<br />

and Lauve has been asked to<br />

sa} a few words about Earl.<br />

Last year, two of Lauve's car<br />

de,>II,'l1s - the 1948 Buick<br />

Roadmaster and the 1972 CItroen<br />

SM - took top awards at<br />

the Eyes of the ClassICS.<br />

Lauve worked for GM for<br />

about 18 years, from 1939 to<br />

1957 He held the positions of<br />

chIef deSIgner fo. BUIck; chIef<br />

deSIgner for all GM InterIOrs,<br />

pamts and materIals, and staff<br />

a&Istant In charge of automotive<br />

deSIgn for all GM car dlVl.<br />

slOns<br />

After leaVIng the Umted<br />

States' No. 1 carmaker, Lauve<br />

became a consultant deSIgner<br />

WIth CItroen-Maseratl, where<br />

he spent as many years as he<br />

had WIth GM He became affihated<br />

WIth the European automaker<br />

after he was asked by<br />

the French consul general to be<br />

an mterpreter when the head<br />

of the car company VISIted the<br />

Coachlight Chimney sweep Co.<br />

Professional Chimney Cleaning<br />

Animal Removal. DNR Uc. # B8171<br />

Animal Proof Chimney caps Installed<br />

FUIIVInSured NO Mess<br />

Michigan Lt' II 5154<br />

Certified Master ~weep # 280<br />

SBS-373:S<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

United States.<br />

Lauve earned his bachelor of<br />

arts degree in France at the<br />

UniversIty of Paris. He studied<br />

deSIgn at the Kunstgewerbschule,<br />

VIenna, and art at the<br />

RIJksmuseum, Amsterdam.<br />

He wanted to be a portraIt<br />

paInter and even did a self.por.<br />

traIt at the age of 17, but he<br />

qUIckly learned that gettIng<br />

started in the business was<br />

nearly impossible.<br />

"It's a vicious circle," he<br />

said. "You have to pamt some.<br />

one prominent to be noticed,<br />

but you can't paint someone<br />

promment unless you've<br />

pamted other prominent pPOpie."<br />

He has painted a general and<br />

an actress, he said, and do-as<br />

get portraIt work from time to<br />

tIme. He was comrmssioned by<br />

a Virginia bank to make portraIts<br />

of famous Virginians<br />

fl'Om history, such as George<br />

Washington, Thomas Jefferson,<br />

886-7670<br />

OR<br />

885-5511<br />

9A<br />

James Madison and James<br />

Monroe.<br />

He has also painted JlCenery<br />

from around the world during<br />

travels with his wife, Mary.<br />

They fIrst met while students<br />

In Paris, and he moved to New<br />

York when they decided to be<br />

married.<br />

After answering a New York<br />

Ttmes ad for a bilingual designer<br />

at Geneml Motors, the<br />

Lauves moved to Michigan and<br />

soon bought their <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />

Woods home, where they still<br />

live.<br />

"I'm from New York," Mary<br />

Lauve said, "and I think it's<br />

beautiful here. For a New York<br />

CIty girl, this is country."<br />

While Henry Lauve c:ontinues<br />

to look forward to the challenges<br />

of the automotive future<br />

and his electric cars, he realizes<br />

he's seen the best of times for<br />

the American automakers.<br />

"They tell me those were thr.<br />

good old days," he said.<br />

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