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Grosse Pointe News - Local History Archives


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May 16, 1991<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

100 HOUSES fO~ SALE<br />

100 HOUSES 1011 SALE<br />

800 HOUSES FOR SAlE<br />

800 HOUSES FOil SALE<br />

iiO I (ONDO~ APII flATI<br />

LAND CONTRACT TERMS FOR SALE by owner Four OPEN Sunday 2 to 5 2136 ROSEVILLE- 16760 May- LAKE St. ClaIr view. 2 bed- VERO BEACH FLORIDA<br />

Harper Woods bedroom Colonial on Allard Ave <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte field. 3 bedroom Bunga- room, 2 bath. 4 years old. The Prestigious Moor.<br />

SpaCIOUS 4 bedroom brick nicely landscaped corner Woods 1,100 squCire low, 1 1/2 car garage. numerous updates. Open Ings SpacIous condom I.<br />

bungalow. 2 car anached lot Family room, 1 1/2 feet, 3 bedroom ranch on basement For appoint- house SUnday. 1. 5 792. nlum. 1900 square feet<br />

garage. natural fireplace, baths, fireplace, new fur. large lot New front Win. ment, 822.2688 0375. For sale by owner<br />

partially finished base. nace, deck 1393 Grayton dow, fresh decor Many GORGEOUS Lakefront lAKESH-O-R-E-V-I-II-a-g-e, $169,000 Two bedroom,<br />

ment with half bath Park at CharlevOIX $135,000 nICe updates Large par. 23072 Gary Lane, two bath, IIvmg room, din.<br />

like lot SeriOUS inqUIres 885-7126 tlally finished basement hObedme3.000 sq al ft 'h 4 "'''''',500. 23202 Marter. Ing room, FlOrida room,<br />

only No Agents l Call for ---A-TT-O-R-N-e-Y--- With full I'''th Attached rooms, saun 0 t ..,.. k t hid<br />

appointment th... f 2 d tu, b many extras 3t3- $53.500. 22945 Lee I c en, ed aun hry Lroom,<br />

I<br />

371-4834 Will handle your Real Estate garage WI apron or n 739-9663 Court, $63.000. 22916 AI- screen porc ove y<br />

--------- clOSing for $200 Also car Great backyard With Ien. $45.000 22847 Lake- view Resldenl manager.<br />

OPEN Sunday, 2-5, 1606 Wills, trusts, prObate, and deck and dog run Well DUPLEX For Sale on Mo- shore. $60.000 Diana tennis pool Please caU 1.<br />

Blalrmoor Court large 3 Incorporallons Thomas p maintained and very rass Land conlract avail. Bartolotta. Century 21 407.234.8364 or wnte<br />

bedroom center entrance Wolverton, 285-6507 clean $112.000 882. able n6-0948 Kee-751-6026. Rousseau Api 3F 1815<br />

Colonial. 2 1/2 bath, large WATERFRONT 2400 9832 No Brokers Please I GROSSE POinte Schools. ----_____ Moonng Line Drive, Vero<br />

f 100M t I , SCHULTZ Estates- Custom Beach FI 32963<br />

~~:~ ~CldOu: AsS: square foot, 4 bedroom GOT A BUSY SIGNAL? Harper Woods, charming Ranch. 2 bedroom. 2 --oe-R--L-----<br />

clates 882-1010 Quad, overlooking con- Ivy covered bnck bunga. bath. 2 car garage Fir&- LAU DA E by the Sea-<br />

--------- servatlOn area With deep RELAX! low on qUiet, dead end place, 8/r. full basement Georgous 2 bedroom. 2<br />

$5,000 moves you 10 1 Wide canal In back Per. USE OUR FAX street, posSible 4th bed. and many extrasl Imm&- bath home air, ceremlc<br />

Clean and sharp 2 bed. fect fOf large power or room. fInished basement, d j ate po sse s s ion I lIIe floor throughout All<br />

room bungalow 1 1/2 car sail boat A steal at Call and InqUire about our new decor $78,000 881. $119 000 ~7 appliances $129,900<br />

garage, basement, large $229,000 call LIZ Lavely, FAX MACHINE. When 2242 OROS~E <strong>Pointe</strong> Manor _884_-_58_5_9 _<br />

lot lease With optIOn to Re Max East, 792-8000 time is shof1 and our lines FARMSI 281 Beaupre CondominiUms- 612 Cadbuy<br />

$52,900 882.1010 FOUR bedroom, 3 bath, are busy, you can simply EVElfythlng you want, 4 leux. CIty of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

60e lAKE RIVER HOII'EI<br />

HARPER Woods, <strong>Grosse</strong> family room, air COndition- FAX the copy along with bedroom, 2 bath, big. P t"'- 2 bed 1<br />

Pomte Schools 3 bed. lng, finished basement, billing and category bng ht fami 1M y room u t. bath Oln.... upper unit room. has WATERFRONT home All "nnl mobile<br />

room bungalow, newly lots of extras on qUiet information. schier kitchen With many freshly painted Intenor. . ........18OC9S.exdecorated<br />

Only $49,000 Bournemouth CIrcle extras New roof. new fur- ed floor cellent conditIOn. Must<br />

FHA. VA $SOO down (475) $169,500 Mov&- In GROSSE POINTE NEWS nace With central aIr No newty carpetklt~~1 sell EnJOY the VIfNi this<br />

Power Brokers, 264-1100 condition Pnced to sell 882 • 6900 fIX'Up n eededl $191000 , covenngd In ..,.... ,. .....__.,... Mng ""mmer today'. Evenings,<br />

HARPER Woods <strong>Grosse</strong> 882.5994 for appomt. 3% REAL ESTATE 886- 5958 OPEN SUN • menI, room. central Inlng room........... 8/r, 1 car. 331-8824<br />

_<br />

POinte Schools Immacu- ment Open Sundays DAY 1 to 4 port Convenient to VII- OPEN House Sunday 1. 4<br />

late bnck three bedroom 883 HOllYWOOD • Open List your :~;rtyfor<br />

sale<br />

GROSSE POINTE ~ $1~~ng ~ e:.n ~rt~~ ~<br />

Bungalow, basement. ga. Sunday, 2.5 First ftoor With us & pay only 3% real SHORES Bank Trust Real Estate the average home This 3<br />

rage $87.900 Andary, Master Swte, 4 addillonal estate commiSSion OPEN SUNDAY, 1-5 bed 2 bath .._<br />

886-5670 bed 3 1/2 bath 222-43219. room,. UV'<br />

rooms, s PARK PLACE Four bedroom Cololllal, 2 1/ -------_ tached Bnck Condo IS<br />

GROSSE POINTE FARMS Contemporary, great 2 baths, remodeled GROSSE POinte City. Neff one of 12 In a pnvate<br />

PICTURE PERFECT AND room call lenore at PROPERTIES kitChen, new furnace and 3- 3 upper, 2. 1 lower lake front complex Ex-<br />

AFFORDABLE TOO! Higby Maxon 886-3400- 15005 E. JEFFERSON central air, $325,000 Location Ideal Condltlon- qulSlte!y decorated WIth<br />

WOWI WHAT A VALUEII 885-6596 (comer of W8ybum) 884-6056 chOice 885.6047 No approximately 2.200<br />

ThiS good buy Just got GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE PARK HARPER Woods, <strong>Grosse</strong> agents square feel filled with<br />

better I Transferred owner Great DPpOrtunlty SpacIOUS 824.7900 POinte schools, 4 bed. HARPER WOODS condo custom features. cau<br />

now offerrng thiS 3 bed- 3 b6drOO'n brICk ranch. Dlv of Femole Petne room, 1 1/2 bath, finished near St John newly dec- Joanne Hoey, 779-7500<br />

room air conditIOned 1640 square feet, family Proprertles 23 years real basement. 1 1/2 car ga. orated, 1 bedroom, appli- or n1-3490, Century 21<br />

Cape Cod at a new low room, natural hreplace, estate expenence rage. hardwood floOrs $36 $5 500/ Mackenzie.<br />

prICe<br />

I Th<br />

e long<br />

I<br />

1st of ref<br />

Inlshed<br />

.._-~--<br />

"""""",,,,,,t and GROSSE POINTE WOODS $78,000 886-1311<br />

ances, d L<br />

,500<br />

d tact<br />

.<br />

_<br />

cent Improvements In. new Windows Sa ve on 740 ANITA 821-4437 own an con r AAAA WATERFRONT<br />

cludes a SpacIOUSand ef. Closing costs and move In Walk to the Lake and CHARMING Woods bunga. OPEN SAT.SUN,1-5<br />

flclent kitchen- beautifully nght.a.way WIth lC terms schools from thIS spa- low. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. RRST OFFERING Custom Townhome nght on<br />

decorated With nothing to Asking only $115.000 CIOUS 3000 square foot, new everything Just ST. CLAIR SHORES Lal

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