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May 16, 1991<br />

GroS88 <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

Inc, r,PT, HAT; OUi'UX<br />

;; lilt ~ Htll t" I. ,r,\<br />

700 APTI flATS OUPllX<br />

POint.) Ha'p"r W(lvd ..<br />

BACHELOR Apartment. BEACONSFIELD South of<br />

Specloua clean, incIucIe8<br />

lIII utIItie8 Ilwndry and Jeffer8on. Recently red&-<br />

garage. s3e0. plus de- conJted 2 bedroom unit in<br />

posit. 882.1644. 4 family bulldIng, __<br />

_.. ances, bBSllment aeee.,<br />

~CONSFIELD south of carpet 1tlroughout, reedy<br />

Jeffer8on, 5 room lower, to be moved In to. $425.<br />

spotless, remodeled Eastside Management<br />

kitchen and bath, carpet. Co. 1184-4887.<br />

ing, mini. bttnds, appb- SOIERSET In the Park.<br />

ances, ceiling fan, off V8Ify nice 2 bedroom<br />

street parking, quiet lower flat, fireplace,<br />

building, no pets. $560.' kitchen appIiancee IncIud-<br />

~..:.. 88CUrity331-~depoeit log dishwasher, W8Jlher1<br />

.--.-n..... ~. dryer, air condrbonlng,<br />

PARK! Waybum, sharp 4 window blinds, FIonda<br />

room Iow8r in four unit room, refinlshed wood<br />

building, Immediate occu- 1IocnI with 8nl8 rugs in<br />

pency. No petsl S330 dinlng & living rooms, 2<br />

monthly plus utJIities. Be- parking spaces, large<br />

curity deposit. 882~, bsumeut storage area.<br />

IeaYe mllllsge No pets. 1 rnonIhs 88CU-<br />

TWO bedroom stoYe reo rity depoeit. $636 per<br />

fngeraIcr, s8cond ftoor, mon1tl plus utiIitie8 ex.<br />

heat InCluded. Cd after 4 cept water. C8l1 824-<br />

p.m.822-a>25. 4531.<br />

---------<br />

HARCOURT - attractiYe 2 LARGE light one bedroom<br />

bedroom, 1 b8Ih lower ~ house, prestiwith<br />

flrepIace & screen geous addrees, stofage<br />

porch. All kitchen applle and garage included.<br />

a n c e s . • 6 75 . per $600, Dwlcan- 353-6400,<br />

month,(p1us lawn and days.<br />

snow). 223-3547 days, -UPPER---one--bedroom----heat-<br />

886-3173 8'118nings. It'lCIuded, garage, '~<br />

FOUR room flat. $500. ances. $425. No Pets.<br />

mon1tl. Owner pays gas 228-0751, after 6.<br />

heat, eIec:tric and water. 1081 Waybum, 2 bedroom<br />

867 St. Qair, <strong>Grosse</strong> upp8( ftat, IaI'ge living<br />

PoInte City. 88&8073 room, kiIchen & dining<br />

ST. a.AII I Maumee 2 room. Close to sehooIs &<br />

bedroom upper, stow: reo transportation. $395<br />

1Tigerator clean deco- month plus utlIIti8s & aerated.<br />

$515. 882.4132. curity depoeit. One year<br />

ntfEE bedroom upper ftat Ieese. 331-6770 or 331-<br />

. . 3500.<br />

In nicest section of ~~CONSFEI<br />

GI'0688 <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms. -~- .. ----.-~ - -:D near Jet-<br />

Completely remodeled. farson, sp8CIOUS 5 room<br />

77S-29OO or 886-2968. lower, nalUtaI woodwork,<br />

u..._.... hardwood ftoors, be8&-<br />

~ '. 2 bedroom, 1 ment, garage. Ready July<br />

bath. Available June 1st. 1st No pels. $595 plus<br />

$700. ~1723. security. 882~.<br />

1913 Vem~, 5 room, BfIGHT, FI88hIy painted 2<br />

$800, securtty, clean. At- bedroom lower. Dynamite<br />

ter 6:00 pm., 885-2808. kitchen, II appliances in-<br />

(R)SSE <strong>Pointe</strong> off Mack. eludes microwaIIe, hard-<br />

2 or 3 bedroom, 2 112 wood fIoonl, L8VOkn,<br />

bdJs. gange, II appIi- parking. Beaconsfleldl<br />

ances, mainlainellce free. Essex. $615 month. 1 112<br />

Ideal for couple. $960 month security. 886-1924.<br />

negotiable. Cd Lavon, BEACONSFIELD, 1084,<br />

773-2035. spotless 5 room upper<br />

1IARYlAND, bf91t, attrac> Brand new kitchen, brand<br />

tille, newty painted 2 bed- new decoratIOn and paint<br />

room upper. Plus adddi- Pnvate storage, off street<br />

tionaI den! sklrage space parking. Mill. b1tnds and<br />

on 3rd ftoor, all appIi- appliances. $525. per<br />

ances, seperate base- rnooth Includes heat 824-<br />

mem, garage. Available 7842,884-1749<br />

&'1, $425 plus security. RIVARD , 324- Three bed-<br />

824-6938. room lower New kitchen<br />

SPACIOUS newly deco- and bath central air, garated<br />

c:aniage hou8e near rage, basement, and ap-<br />

WIl'ldmiI <strong>Pointe</strong>. Includes pllances. $825 884-2706<br />

kitchen applallces, 1 112 EXECUTtVE UVING<br />

bath. many clOsets, sepa- SUITES<br />

rate entTance, garage.<br />

Beeutifufl Single person<br />

only. $700<br />

month .(lncludes utilities)<br />

331-7878<br />

LOWER flat for rent. Be.<br />

oonsfieId belween Jefferson<br />

and St. Paul. 3 bedrooms,<br />

WOfking fireplace.<br />

Hardwood floors, air c0nditioning,<br />

~lC8S.<br />

Offstreet<br />


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