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6C<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong><br />

May 16, 1991<br />

POinte <strong>News</strong><br />



Several new outlets being<br />

ope(1 In Macomb & Oak<br />

land County area Permanenl<br />

full & part lime po-<br />

Sltlo'IS available $1 380<br />

per month with rapid ad.<br />

vancement opportunity<br />

Some management train<br />

m9 poSitions Must be<br />

high school grad & avail.<br />

able to start Immediately<br />

Warren 574.0901. Mt<br />

Clemens 949-6301<br />

PPHTHALMIC Tech- part<br />

time poSItion for office In<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods<br />

Exper enced only Please<br />

- call Mrs Wright at 350.<br />

1130<br />

COUNTER person for dry<br />

cleaners must be responsible<br />

& expenenced<br />

only part & full time<br />

8825151 Ken<br />

MANAGERS and dnvers<br />

needed. full and part time<br />

poSitions available Hun-<br />

_ gry Howles Pizza. 886-<br />

0900<br />

$7 TO $9 Per Hour<br />

-40 hrs per week perfect<br />

summer time Job for seNers<br />

and general set up<br />

Roostertall Catering Club<br />

822-3250<br />

ACCEPTING applicallons<br />

for oart time year<br />

around salesl stock posi.<br />

tlon In retail electroniCS<br />

store Experience preferred<br />

Apply at AMJ<br />

Electronics. 20746 Mack<br />

Ave<br />



'Due to 1991 expansion we<br />

have full and part time<br />

positions available $725<br />

to start- full training IS<br />

provided A ASP Scholarships<br />

and Internships<br />

available<br />

825-6485<br />

COOK and Bus help<br />

needed Cadieux cafe.<br />

, 4300 cadieux 882-8560<br />

DRY Cleaning counter per-<br />

'- son Experienced preferred.<br />

not reqUIred 891-<br />

\ 8787<br />

OFFICE Manager- execu-<br />

; tlve secretary for nonprofit<br />

organization located<br />

In St Clair Shores Minimum<br />

3 years full time or<br />

equivalent related work<br />

experience Type 55- 60<br />

wpm Possess strong ver-<br />

_ bal and written Skills. pre-<br />

VIOUS supeNlsory expenence<br />

as well as office<br />

administration skills are<br />

, reqUired Excellent bene-<br />

,fitS available Salary<br />

• $14,900 Resumes to.<br />

Personnel. P a Box 567.<br />

, St Clair Shores 48080<br />

WANT<br />

ADS<br />

Call In<br />

. Early<br />

r WEDNESDAY, 8-5<br />

THURSDAY, 8-5<br />

(' FRIDAY, 8-5<br />

MONDAY, 8-6<br />


882-6900<br />

MECHANICALI Illustrator<br />

_ keyllner. part-time linework<br />

Self-starter Hourly<br />

wage commensurate With<br />

expenence Submit resume<br />

WIth references to<br />

\ Box D-400, <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Pomte <strong>News</strong>, 96 Ker-<br />

_ cheval Ave <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

POinte. MI 48236<br />

EXPERIENCED Waitresses<br />

and barmaid for Downtown<br />

DetrOIt Restaurant<br />

- 963-9191 after 2 pm<br />

eAREGIVER for elderly<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte woman 24<br />

or 48 hour weekend shift<br />

I 885-3249<br />

COOKS, expenenced line<br />

_ cooks, full and part time<br />

'flexible hours benefits<br />

and good starting wage<br />

, Apply at the anginal Pancake<br />

House 20273<br />

- Mack between 2 and 4<br />

, pm<br />

EXPERIENCED cook Apply<br />

Your Place Lounge<br />

17326 E Warren<br />


882-6900<br />

ADS<br />

YARD Helper Rehable<br />

High School or College<br />

: Student to do summer<br />

yard work from 9 to 12<br />

Monday thru Fnday Call<br />

Matlle at 884-1017 dUring<br />

'he day<br />

CASHIER- and stock person<br />

Wlth retail storp ex<br />

De'lence Flexl~ 11ft<br />

Ca'i Sdm 922.1980<br />

J)HONE girls $4 25 Pizza<br />

makers S4 75 Delivery<br />

boys Ex-Domlno's employees<br />

welcome little<br />

Italy Plzzena 52&0300<br />


Groae Po4nte<br />

Wer Memorial AaocI8Uon<br />

Director 01 P1'ognImmlng<br />

The <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte War<br />

Memooal Inwes appIlC8-<br />

tlOf"lS for the posrtlOn of<br />

Director of ProgrammlllQ<br />

ThIS department head reports<br />

to the PresIdent and<br />

IS respot1Slble for planning,<br />

organIZIng, coord ..<br />

nabng, Implementing and<br />

overseetng all program<br />

development and events<br />

of the War Memonal<br />

The War Memonal seeks an<br />

ImaginatIVe and dynamIC<br />

IndIVidual who has SIgnificant<br />

expenence In planning<br />

and Implemenbng<br />

communrty programs<br />

Communication skills, creatMty,<br />

f1exlbtlrty, admlnlStratrve<br />

expenence, and<br />

the abtllty to relate to var-<br />

IOUS Internal and external<br />

publICS are deslred ski lis<br />

Candidates must possess<br />

a expenence In working<br />

WIth communrty groups<br />

Send letter and resume to.<br />

Ten L. Hem<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />

War Memonal<br />

32 Lake Shore Or<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte, M, 48236<br />

A detailed posrtJon descnplIOn<br />

may be obtained at<br />

the War Memonal's<br />

Desk<br />

INSIDE<br />

SALES<br />

REPS<br />

Established 20 year old<br />

(Easl Area) auto<br />

afterm arket wholesaler<br />

$eeklng personable<br />

phone closers to staff<br />

our order desk<br />

afternoons tll 9 30 P m<br />

Great In demand"<br />

products Salary<br />

negotiable/bonus and<br />

incentives Management<br />

oPoorlunlty available<br />

Leave Message<br />

Mr. Bryant<br />

886-1763<br />

Front<br />

HAIR Stylist New shop<br />

open StudiO Styling.<br />

2M17 Nine Mack Dnve,<br />

St Clair Shores Designed<br />

to meet the stylist<br />

needs, booth rental only<br />

Call Debbie at 772-7110<br />

or 791-9205<br />

MANAGER! operator<br />

wanted for yogurt deli<br />

shop Expenenced preferred<br />

but Will train call<br />

between 9- 5 779-5900<br />

ask for Jeff<br />

OFFICE Cleaning person<br />

needed for early morning<br />

Harper Woods area Call<br />

884-1600 for InteNlew<br />

TIRED of working for someone<br />

else? Try something<br />

new Opportunlly of a life<br />

time With a little work<br />

you cou Id make a good<br />

Income for life call now<br />

for free Information 884-<br />

5610 leave name, address<br />

& phone number<br />

EDUCATIONAL Sales Consultant<br />

Full or part- time<br />

poSitions Benefits Call<br />

S Buechner 313-853-<br />

7675<br />


Good dnvmg record Will<br />

tram Excellent money<br />

making potential Apply In<br />

person<br />

15501 Mack Ave<br />

WOMAN to work weekends<br />

In a foster care home,<br />

sleep saturday & Sunday<br />

nights 921-5778.<br />

THE CIty of <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />

Woods, MI IS seeking a<br />

part- hme Building and<br />

Zoning 0fficiaJ who will<br />

be WOf'1(rng a ftex- hme<br />

schedule of 4 hours per<br />

day, Monday thnu Fnday<br />

Wage rate IS $20 per<br />

hour Or WlH COOSIder a<br />

contractual basis Must<br />

be regIStered WIth the<br />

state of Mangan as a<br />

Bulldu'lQ Inspector and<br />

Plan Revlewer, or be able<br />

to qualify for a prov1SIOI'laJ<br />

certrficate Wlthm 90 days<br />

of employment or c0ntract<br />

Excellent posIbOn<br />

for a sem .. retired person,<br />

a college student or entry-<br />

level Budding Inspector<br />

posIllon Please send<br />

resume to' Chester E<br />

Peterson, CIty AdrTllnlStrator,<br />

MunICipal BUilding<br />

20025 Mack Plaza<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POlllte Woods,<br />

MI 48236<br />

COOKS , pert & full ltme<br />

Apply In person Insh<br />

Coffee Bar & GnII 18666<br />

Mac!< Ave. <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />

Farms<br />

PHONE girts wanted full or<br />

part time positions available<br />

Apply In person af.<br />

ter 4 pm. 15134 Mack<br />




Personnel otrector<br />

Maple PMt OffIce Plaza<br />

200 Maple PMt Blvd.<br />

St. a.Ir Shores, MI.<br />

48081.<br />



SHOPPE<br />

Bakery assistant wanted to<br />

Immedtate pert- time open- help bakers With mixing &<br />

Ings for two people 10 as- cake prep WOrking 8 00<br />

SlSI with phone calls to to 2 00 Monday. Fnday<br />

purchasing office pros- Apply in person, mornpeets.<br />

Must have excel- Ings, 19813 Mack<br />

lent communicatIOn skills THIS End Up IS looking for<br />

and telephone demeanor. mature and experienced<br />

Must be familiar with indiViduals who can help<br />

computers, word process. customers turn their<br />

Ing and have excellent houses Into homes If In.<br />

lyplng skills Up to one terested please call Kns<br />

year pnor office expen- at 372-4947<br />

ence desirable Will work ----------<br />

8j)proXIr\'lately 20 hours GROSSE Pomte home<br />

per Vt"EI8k Hours are ftex.. needs summer time stuble.<br />

Non- smokJng arM- dent for general labor<br />

ronment Lawn weedlng(no cutling),<br />

washing Windows,<br />

QuaJrtled applICants are lOwed<br />

to submit resume<br />

and salary hIStory In contidenceto<br />

Equal Opportunfly<br />

Employer<br />

MlFIHN.<br />

PAINTERS wanted, must<br />

prove expenence, must<br />

supply own tools 884-<br />

9070.<br />

EDUCATED & mature adult<br />

for part lime retail sales<br />

of fine merchandISe. Reply<br />

7 to 9 am. or 4 to 10<br />

pm. 886-8387<br />



Glemby Salon at Hudsons<br />

Eastland IS looking for<br />

•Newly licensed StylISts<br />

Will help 'New talent'<br />

build a clientele Excellent<br />

career opportunities, guaranteed<br />

salary, training,<br />

benefits, paid vacatIOns<br />

call 245-2477 for and In.<br />

teNlew, ask for Chns<br />

BAKERY- Package orders<br />

for delivery & helpIng In<br />

the bakery Working 8 00-<br />

200 Monday- Fnday Permanent,<br />

not temporary<br />

summer help Apply In<br />

person, mornings 19873<br />

Mack<br />

WEAR Tailor made clothes I<br />

Drive a Mercedes I call<br />

396-1065, 24 hour recorded<br />

message If you<br />

have the courage to call,<br />

It can make you nch<br />


If your goal IS a rewarding<br />

retail sales career, we've<br />

got your ticket JOin us If<br />

you're good and want to<br />

be the best, WOrking for<br />

the best You'll be rewarded<br />

wrth a good base<br />

salary, solid commiSSIOnS<br />

and lots of benefits If you<br />

are motIVated and have a<br />

retail sales background,<br />

retail jewelry sales a plus<br />

Apply In person at the<br />

Zales Jewelers In Eastland<br />

Mall by asking for<br />

the store manager, John<br />

Murphy An Equal Opportunity<br />

Employer<br />

AREA SupeNlsors needed<br />

Work from home to be<br />

trained to hire and super-<br />

Vise sales personnel for<br />

our 1991 Fall home decor,<br />

toys, gifts tine No<br />

IIlVestment, collections,<br />

dellVenes Weekly c0mmiSSIon<br />

checks, $300<br />

demo kit prOV1ded. Train-<br />

Ing May 18th & 19th<br />

884-0461<br />

GENERAL Office- Full time<br />

secretarial! bookkeeping<br />

position available In landscaping<br />

and constructIon<br />

office Compu~r k~<br />

ledge and word process-<br />

Ing a must call Jo between<br />

1- 5 pm 773-<br />

7100<br />


attendant Should love<br />

animals, over 18 years of<br />

age 882-0s05<br />

Call your adS In Early!<br />


882-6900<br />

WAITRESSES and hostesses<br />

Full and parttime<br />

Health benefits,<br />

fleYlble schedule Apply<br />

at Tile Onglnal Pancake<br />

House. 20273 Mack Avenue<br />

Between 2 and 4<br />

pm<br />

Are You Serious<br />

About SelHng<br />

Real Estate?<br />

We re SERIOUS about<br />

YOUR SUCCESSI Extensive<br />

training including<br />

Pre-!lCense Expeneoced<br />

agents ask about our<br />

1()()O/o program In <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

POinte call George Smale<br />

at 886-4200<br />




19 otfic:es<br />

Expect the best<br />

etc $5- $7 per hour 885-<br />

8200<br />

201 HElP WANTfD<br />

IlA~YSlml!<br />

FULL time Sitter, In our<br />

home In The Park for 2<br />

year old call 223-3771<br />

WANTED mature woman to<br />

babYSit 3 children m our<br />

home Two to 3 days per<br />

week, needs to be able<br />

to drive Days 245-1686,<br />

Evenmgs 772-1917<br />

IDEAL for college student.<br />

babYSitting In my home<br />

for three children ages<br />

12. 10. 3, three dayst<br />

week Non.smoker, own<br />

transportation necessary,<br />

references reqUired After<br />

6,886-7360<br />

EXPERIENCED, reliable<br />

Nanny needed to work In<br />

my home begmnnlng In<br />

June Part-time, full-time<br />

In August References a<br />

mustl778-8293<br />

SITTER needed 2 days a<br />

week In my home Must<br />

have own transportatIOn<br />

Pays well 343-0959<br />

NEEDED- someone to care<br />

for our 3 children, ages 5,<br />

7, 12, for the summer<br />

Must be responSible, nonsmoker<br />

and have transportation<br />

to our home<br />

near the Village Please<br />

call after 3'30 882-5554<br />

NANNYI expenenced baby-<br />

Sitter, full time, 8 am - 6<br />

pm, Monday. Fnday<br />

(fleXible) Part- time summer<br />

& holiday hours<br />

aVailable. Non- smoker,<br />

own tl'8nsportat16n' reqUired<br />

982-4209<br />

NANNY needed, our home,<br />

2 children, non- smokat'.<br />

CaJl822.a135.<br />

BABYSITTER wanted for<br />

darling 7 year old girl dur-<br />

Ing the Summer 2. 3<br />

days per week In our<br />

home. 882~10.<br />


IMMEDIATE opening at luxury<br />

nverfront hotel Expenence<br />

preferred but<br />

not necessary. Good telephone<br />

ellquene and sales<br />

abtlity reqUired. Computer<br />

and typing skills a must<br />

Apply In person Tuesday<br />

through Friday, 10 am<br />

to 5 pm NO PHONE<br />

CALLS! Rlverplace Inn,<br />

1000 RlVerpiace, DetrOit,<br />

MI 48207 Foot of Mc-<br />

Dougall, at the nver Ask<br />

for MISS Pappas<br />

WORD Processor for Downtown<br />

Detroit Jaw firm, 3<br />

years expenence Pleasant<br />

working conditIOns for<br />

non- smoker CompetrtlVe<br />

salary and benefits<br />

Please send resume to<br />

Box T-44 <strong>Grosse</strong> POInte<br />

<strong>News</strong> 96 Kercheval,<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Farms, MI<br />

48236<br />

IMMEOfATE opening for full<br />

time secretary! receptIOn-<br />

Ist for small high tee firm<br />

In RoseVIlle Must possess<br />

good telephone<br />

sk"ls. Word Perfeet 5 1<br />

expenence required &<br />

spread sheet skills desirable<br />

Please send resume<br />

to Secretaryl Receptionist,<br />

Box 264.<br />

18530 Mack Ave, <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

POinte Farms MI 48236<br />

CLERK! Typist Rapidly expanding<br />

DetrOit based<br />

firm seeks entry level<br />

Clerk typists candidates<br />

should possess a minimum<br />

typing speed of 40<br />

wpm good phone skills<br />

and general clencal<br />

knowledge Excellent advancement<br />

opportUntlles<br />

ThiS positIOn IS full time<br />

With comptete benefit<br />

package Please send resume<br />

to POBox n9<br />

Detrert. MI 48231<br />

TYPIST . temporary part<br />

time $61 hour (15 hours<br />

per week for 9 weeks)<br />

Send resume to Debbie<br />

Smith Chlldrens Home of<br />

DetrOIt 900 C'X)!( Rd<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods<br />

MI 48236<br />

10. HHP .\ MHED CLERICM<br />

:03 HELP V,ANHD<br />

DE"TAl WOICAl<br />

FAMilY dental practice In<br />

Warren seeks expenenced<br />

Hygienist With<br />

scaling and root planing<br />

skills, two days a week,<br />

pleasant enVironment,<br />

prevention onented, excellent<br />

stenlizatlon and<br />

diSinfectIOn a must 751-<br />

3100<br />

X-RAY<br />



GROUP<br />


IlEA.LTB<br />


Has an Immediate part bme<br />

poslbOn for t2 hrs per<br />

week for a registered<br />

RadoIogK: Techlllaatl<br />

The select candidate must<br />

posses a current ARRT<br />

registry With expenence<br />

preferred but not<br />

required ThIS IS an excellent<br />

opportun Ity lor<br />

someone Willing 10 work<br />

part lime We are a grow-<br />

Ing organizatIOn we offer<br />

a compebtlVe starting<br />

salary<br />

203 HElP WANTED<br />

DENT Al MlOlCAl<br />

TYPIST fuI time, office ex- MEDICAL assistant, expenpenence<br />

reqtWed. cad- enced, enjoy working With<br />

lauX 8I8II. 88+3348. Ihe elderly No weekends<br />

SECRETARY or evenings n9-7717<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> CPA firm has EXPERIENCED Dental As.<br />

Immediate secretarial slstant to work Mondays<br />

opening 101' a bright, SIC- In <strong>Grosse</strong> pomte office<br />

curate, qulcI( leammg lIP- _88_1-_548_2 _<br />

pllC8Ilt W!Itl a minimum 3<br />

years secretarial experience,<br />

type 85 wpm., has<br />

Word Perfect 5 0 expenence,<br />

other duties Inelude<br />

filing, client contact, statlstlcal<br />

typing, telephones<br />

and other miscellaneous<br />

dulles as 8SSIQned Call<br />

Jan at 88&8892, 9-3.<br />



ExperienCed people needed<br />

for long and short term<br />

assignments Some are<br />

temp to perm<br />

Legal & Execullve<br />

Secretanes<br />

Word processors<br />

Data- Entry Clerks<br />

Receptionists 45 wpm<br />

Pleasant Working<br />

atmosphere<br />


964-0640.<br />


DEADLINE ...<br />

Is still<br />


for all regular liner ads All<br />

measured, border, photo<br />

or other special ads must<br />

be In by<br />

4:00 p.m. MONDAY<br />

The office Will be open until<br />

4 00 pm on Tuesdays to<br />

conduct other bUSiness,<br />

but the computers are<br />

down and<br />





Don't Forget -<br />

Cali your ads in Early!<br />


882-6900<br />

CLERK<br />

TYPIST<br />

Candidate must be able to<br />

project a profeSSional,<br />

fnendly Image With good<br />

commUnication skills and<br />

work ethiCS Typing 55-<br />

60 1 year office experience<br />

Salary DOE Excellent<br />

benefits All JOb Fees<br />

Paid<br />

Graebner Employment<br />

51. Clair Shores 776-0560<br />

Interested<br />

candidates<br />

please send resume<br />

to:<br />

Human Resourse Oepl<br />

Metro Medical Group<br />

1800 Tuxedo<br />

Detroit, MI 48206<br />

E.OE<br />

$$ HOME $$<br />


Come See us FlRS11<br />

Earn up to S8Jh0Ur1<br />

CALl (313) 772-5310<br />




affiliated with<br />



E.OE<br />

WANTED- denlIal hygl9f1lS1<br />

for restorative and pr&-<br />

venbve family praetJce,<br />

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday<br />

& Friday In <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

POInle area. Call 886-<br />

7336 for interview<br />


For Pediatric Surgery practice-<br />

Computer expenence,<br />

patient balance!<br />

collecllon, full working<br />

knowledge of all phases<br />

of medical bliling<br />


Medical termtnology, computer<br />

expenence, data<br />

entry, surgery or pedlatnc<br />

expenence helpful<br />


Mature indiVIdual, slrong<br />

bUSiness backgroundJ superviSion,<br />

baSIC book.<br />

keeping, accounts payable!<br />

receIVable Medical<br />

and computer experience<br />

helpful<br />

Full benefit package Included<br />

for all Salary commensurate<br />

With expenence<br />

Send resume to<br />

MPSA, POBox 36242,<br />

Detrolt,48236<br />

PHYSICAL Therapist, excellent<br />

opportUnity for a<br />

dynamiC person at a stimulating<br />

outpatient Or.<br />

thopedlc a,nlC Please<br />

send a confidential resume<br />

to PIPP and Gilboa,<br />

Assoc 23161 Greater<br />

Mack, St. aalr Shores,<br />

MI 48080 or call DaVid<br />

Gilboa, 779-8892<br />

204 HElP WANTED<br />




AIDES<br />

Live-In Aides IS looking for a<br />

few canng persons to JOin<br />

Its busy staff We offer<br />

permanent full-time or<br />

weekend IIve-m positions<br />

canng for the elderly In<br />

the Metro-Detroll area<br />

548.4447<br />



Be a nanny Full tlmel parttime<br />

Good salary and<br />

benefits 111The Nanny<br />

Network 650-0670<br />



AGENCY<br />

885-4576<br />

50 years reliable seNlce<br />

Needs expenenced Cooks,<br />

Nannies, Maids, H0usekeepers,<br />

Gardeners, Butlers,<br />

Couples, Nurse's<br />

Aides, Companions and<br />

Day Workers for prIVate<br />

homes<br />

18514 Mack Avenue<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Farms<br />

HOUSEKEEPER needed.<br />

Mature, own transportabon.<br />

E. Detroit area. 2<br />

chMdren ages 5 and 2. 5<br />

days per week, 5120 Ihru<br />

5131. Then Tuesdays and<br />

Thursdays there after.<br />

CaI 881-8937.<br />

203 HEl~ WANTED<br />


--<br />

Registered Nurses<br />

Operati'9 Room<br />

Cottage Hospital of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> has<br />

Immediate openings for experienced<br />

Opefating Room RegisteredNurses for<br />

both days and afternoons. A minimum<br />

of 1 year MedlSurg experience is required;<br />

2-3 years' OR experience<br />

strongly preferred. We offer competitive<br />

wage and benefit package.<br />

For further information please call or<br />

apply: Toni Unlck, RN, BS, Recruitment<br />

SpeclMIst, Cortege Hospft81 of<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, 159 Kercheval Avenue,<br />

Gro .. e <strong>Pointe</strong> Firms, MI<br />

48236, (313)884-8600, ext. 2450. We<br />

are an Equal Opportunrty Employer.<br />



..... ItPfo"'TI ')Ilol{~~",,,,TlolM'f'"<br />

,O~ HllP WANHO<br />


HOUSEKEEPER 2 or 3<br />

days. Oeamng, laundry.<br />

References needed. 881.<br />

8380 leave message.<br />

:0\ HElP ... ANTlO l[GAl<br />


Two expenenced Legal Secretaries<br />

needed for Senior<br />

per1nerS of Piof8S8iOIlal<br />

finns. 1 posIlIon requires<br />

shorthand skJIIs EIoU1 pc><br />

sitJOI'lS oftat' stability and<br />

excellent benefits Saranes<br />

are dependant upon<br />

~.<br />

965-3230 FEE PAID<br />

Or send relUme to:<br />


1380 PENOBSCOT BLDG.<br />

DETROIT, 4822t.<br />

106 HEll' WANTED<br />


BARTENDER, part lime<br />

nights. Shores Inn, 23410<br />

Greater Mack, South of 9<br />

Mile 773-8940<br />

WAITRESS, part time, days<br />

or nights Shores Inn,<br />

23410 Greater Mack,<br />

South of 9 M,le 773-8940<br />

PART TIme sales person<br />

for resale shop. Ideal for<br />

college student. Must be<br />

available for Saturdays.<br />

m-6551,<br />

107 HElP WANTED SAm<br />

SELECT the best opportunity<br />

for success In Aeal<br />

Estates Sales! We offer<br />

extensive training, nation-<br />

WIde referrals, and a vanety<br />

of commiSSIOn plans,<br />

Including 100% In<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte, call Nancy<br />

Velek at 886-5800<br />

Coldwell Banker<br />

Schweitzer Real Estate<br />

19 offices<br />

Expect the best<br />

GOlDEN OpportUnity Put<br />

No. 1 to work for you Established<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />

Realtor has 3 positions<br />

for full time, expenenced<br />

sales agents Wonderful<br />

working conditions Most<br />

competitIve pay plan In<br />

the bUSiness Excellent<br />

Benefrts For pnvate Interview<br />

call Mr Bojalad at<br />

881-7100<br />

EXCITING lnCOITl8 0pportunity<br />

teaching skin care<br />

and make-up application<br />

c1rniCS for reputable, international<br />

cosmetic firm<br />

partI ruM time. Training<br />

available. Opportunity to<br />

earn $200. on up a week.<br />

For interview, contact<br />

Jeannie, m-3831.<br />


CAREER<br />

UPON THE<br />

ROell'<br />

Take IIdvlI1la1e of all<br />

we have to offer:<br />

Unsurpassed real<br />

estAte trainiDa<br />

prolJam5, A top-ootdl<br />

sales stiff to learn<br />

from. Compur«ized<br />

sales suppon ayst.ema.<br />

And • nllDe that's<br />

second-to-none,<br />

Call our office today.<br />

And sr.t )"OlD" career an<br />

solid ground.<br />

ASK FOR.<br />

DOUOANDRus<br />

n-e Pm d ......<br />

GralMParM<br />

AMI EalMlCo<br />

882-«)87<br />

103 HElP WANTED<br />


At Cottage Hospital of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, an atfiate<br />

of the Henry Ford Heatlh System, we<br />

offer ruses a first class facility, a fitst class<br />

atmosphere, and first class COmpensaliorl.<br />

We now have opportunities for ANs wl1h cur.<br />

rent LOAP 1xp8i • ICe to pin the staff of 0Uf<br />

new Family ChikIlir1h Center. This unit features<br />

rine LORP's whICh provide quality and<br />

family focused care to a Iow-nsk populabon.<br />

Our I'U1IeS ~ !lelli)le 12-hour sc:he~~~~~~~<br />

201 HElP WANTED \ALEI<br />

PART time sales position<br />

Experience in reIall Sale<br />

preferred ExcluS1V9 w0man's<br />

store. Call for Inter.<br />

Y18W appointment, 881-<br />

7020<br />

SALES<br />

If you seNlce or sell to a<br />

regular customer base,<br />

call me for excellent additional<br />

Income opportUnity<br />

Patrick 884.7503<br />



BABYSITTING In home<br />

atmosphere Weekdays<br />

only Expenenced Excellent<br />

references 527-2869<br />

AVAILABLE to babYSit full<br />

time In my home Ages<br />

over 2 years please 774-<br />

1565<br />


882-6900<br />

ADS<br />

MATURE, experienced<br />

nanny Excellent references<br />

882-3971<br />

NEED to get away? Will<br />

babySit In your home,<br />

weekend or week Excellent<br />

references PaUline,<br />

771-84C5<br />

LOVING, mature, experienced<br />

lady Wishes to babYSit<br />

full time Excellent<br />

references 886-6152<br />

GROSSE pointe South student<br />

looking for daytime<br />

summer babysitting job.<br />

CPR certified. References.<br />

331~ after 6<br />

p,m.<br />

WONDERFUL mother wiN<br />

babysit your child, great<br />

references, reasonable<br />

rates. 839-0462.<br />




CHARGE seeks position<br />

In <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte area<br />

779-3884 Evenings<br />





TLC elderly, children<br />

HOUrly, overnight rates<br />

available experienced In<br />

the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte area<br />

PreViously Hammond<br />

Agency, 30 years llcensed<br />

and bonded<br />

Sally, 772-0035<br />

EXPERIENCED caregiver<br />

seeks private duty With<br />

elderly 8 to 12 hours per<br />

day, 5 or 6 days per<br />

week Good references<br />

and transportation 393-<br />

0326<br />


With 15 years experience<br />

In companion aide and<br />

nurSing care Will do light<br />

housekeeping and prepare<br />

meats Will stay over<br />

night Also possible live-<br />

In Good references 886-<br />

6102<br />

PRIY A TE Duty AIde Exper_<br />

1et'ICed. Barb. 822-3612.<br />

NURSE'S Aide, 18 years<br />

experience, references.<br />

live in or hourty. Insured<br />

and bonded. 884-7510.<br />


DAY CARE<br />

The Nanny NetwOrk, lne.<br />

Quality professional child<br />

care In your home call<br />

us NOW for information<br />

650-0670<br />

203 HEl~ WANTED<br />

Of NT Al MEDICAL<br />

- .- - - - - ..--- - - --

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