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2C<br />

Learn to wallpaper<br />

YOU Dr.&QVt: T"[ Br.&T<br />

Qealor Boerds And<br />

Mult.H1st. &~. We<br />

Belong To Them An<br />

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Real Estate<br />

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PLAN<br />

MAJESTIC 1201 031<br />

By Today'. Home<br />

Rambling home<br />

on standard lot<br />

The :Majestic efficiently assembles<br />

the features of a rambling<br />

suburban home into the<br />

space of a standard city lot. A<br />

covered walkway, vaulted ceilings<br />

with high windows, and<br />

sliding glass doors give the<br />

house a feeling of sp8al and<br />

light.<br />

It's not illusion. The Majestic<br />

contains separate living, dining,<br />

and family rooms; a two<br />

. car garage; a large master bedroom<br />

with ldtached bathroom!<br />

spa and sun porch; and two<br />

smaller bedrooms with a second<br />

beth. The vaulted space in.<br />

cludes the family room and dining<br />

area, and can include the<br />

kitchen.<br />

Considerable attention has<br />

been paid to convenieDal features.<br />

The master suite contains<br />

a walk-in closet. Addi.<br />

tional closets are found in the<br />

hall, family room, and back<br />

bedrooms.<br />

Washer and dryer are tucked<br />

into a utility space accessible<br />

from both the front hall and<br />

garage. Home workshop owners<br />

can organize tools and supplies<br />

in a garage storage area, while<br />

cooks will appreciate the kitch.<br />

, en's large enclosed pantry.<br />

Locating the master suite<br />

and utility space so near the<br />

front entrance is unconven.<br />

tional, but allows all the adult<br />

. activity areas to be accessible<br />

from the long leg of an L-<br />

shaped hall. The short back<br />

ball, the back bedrooms, and<br />

the family room can then be a<br />

separate children's domain -<br />

or possibly a work area for the<br />

Learn how to prepare a room<br />

properly for wallpapering in a<br />

two-session class taught by expert<br />

Jim Hay at 7 p.m. on<br />

'fuesday, May 21 in room 201<br />

mBarnes School.<br />

The class covers all the tricks<br />

m the trade, from selectmg pa- .<br />

per and related materials to actually<br />

hanging the paper.<br />

The fee is $10. For more information,<br />

call the Department<br />

of Community Education at<br />

343-2178.<br />


owner who wants an office in<br />

the home.<br />

• The main space compromises<br />

in fitting this design to small<br />

city lots are the shallow back<br />

bedrooms. SubW'ban or country<br />

dwellers for whom lot size is no<br />

limitation may want to move<br />

the back wall out, acljust the<br />

roofline, and let the Majestic<br />

ramble.<br />

For a study kit of the MajestiC<br />

(201-03), send $7.50 to Todays<br />

Home, P.O. BoJ. 2832-T<br />

Eugene: Oregon 97402. Be sw-e<br />

to specify plan name and number<br />

when ordering.<br />




M'SFEN~E<br />

CO.<br />



FENCES<br />




CALL<br />


774-2045<br />

Sales Center<br />

ModelS Open Noon-6 30 p m<br />

from $189,900<br />

IMetront'l",500<br />

May 16,1991<br />

Groue <strong>Pointe</strong> New.<br />

Selling your home in a soft market<br />

Looking for some magic for- makes a one-time payment to home be advertised? Does the all ~~rs charge a set :;te of<br />

mula for selling YoW'home in a the lender that will lower the broker expect to have an exclu- =-~n on ~ ~e ~<br />

soft market? Well, you can stop mterest rate on the buyer's sive listing and if so, for how b k . . e COOlon pal<br />

lookmg Market conditions mortgage for the fU'St few long? ro ers IS De&' 18 e.<br />

have not altered the rules for years, making monthly mort. You should also find out Of the factors that influence<br />

selling your home, according to gage payments more affordable. whether an agent works with a the price of your home, your<br />

the Michigan Association of Buyers who are tradilli up relocation company, which can home's condition is the only<br />

CPAs. On the other hand, they may be more interested in a be a valuable source for pelten- one over which you have subhave<br />

made It more important $1,000 redecorating or land. tisl buyers. stantial control. In toclay's mar.<br />

for you to put a httle extra scaping allowance. Or you may When you are ready to sign a ket, a home that is poorly<br />

muscle - and compromise - offer to include in the sale one contract, request one with a reI. maintained and in need m remto<br />

the process. or more of the items that your atively short term so that the pair doesn't stand a ch.aDce.<br />

Set a realistic price IUftlng indicated was not in- agent is motivated to perform Most real estate agents agree<br />

The nght pnce is probably eluded - draperies, carpeting quickly. If your hoU8e has not that "curb appeal," your<br />

the smgle most important fac- or even furniture. been sold by the end of the con- home's fU'St impression, is of<br />

tor m a timely sale. Unfor. Select a lood Realtor tract period, but you are satis- critical importance. A fresh<br />

tunely, these days you may To maximize the profit on fied with the agent's sel'Vice, coat of paint and a neatly manhave<br />

to accept the fact that yoW' house you may be you can always extend or re- icured lawn can put buyers in a<br />

YoW'home is worth less today tempted to 'try to sell your new the contract. favorable frame of mind for<br />

than It was worth just a few house on your own and avoid Finally, do not assume that viewing the interior.<br />

years ago paying a real estate agent's<br />

The value of YoW'residence commission. Most experts do<br />

is generally based on four fac. not recommend that sellers attors,<br />

your home's age, locatIon tempt this course during a slow<br />

and c~ndltlOn, as well as the market. In many cases, you can<br />

conditIOn of the real estate Improve your chances of sucmarket<br />

m your area. To arnve alssfully selling yOW'hoU8e by<br />

at a reahstlc pnce for your selecting a professional who<br />

home, you can hire an indepen. Will carefully and enthusiastident<br />

appra,iser to determine cally market your home.<br />

YoW' home s current market By most estimates more<br />

value. Or you can request esti- than 90 percent of all home<br />

ma~~ fro~ real estate agen.ts sales are accomplished through<br />

famlhar With yOW'commumty. professionals - and for good<br />

¥ you need to. sell your. h~me reason. A good broker can help<br />

qUIckly, start With a realistiC you price your home realistipnce.<br />

In a soft. market, the cally advertise and show it<br />

common tactic of listing a skiltfuny, and negotiate the<br />

house at an elevated price with sale professionally. Another<br />

the intention of lowering it major advantage of listing with<br />

later can backfrre. Remember, a Realtor is that he or she can<br />

yOW'house .appeals most to bro- put your hoU8e on the multiple<br />

kers when It fU'St comes ~n the listing service for your area,<br />

market. If you set yOW' list providing your home with<br />

price too high, you may miss much broader exposure<br />

out on the initial rush - ex- Selecting the right ~ esactly<br />

the time when brokers tate agent takes time Start by<br />

are most likely to show a new obtaining recommencktions<br />

listing to all prospective buyers. from friends and neighbors.<br />

Offer creative incentives You should also scan the real<br />

To entice potential buyers, estate pages in your local newsyou<br />

may need to resort to crea. paper. ....<br />

tive incentives. Generally, crea- ~e next step 15 mterviewmg<br />

tive financing is the most at. vanous ~roke!'8' ~~r example,<br />

tractive lure partl'cu1ar1 fi find out now riuniliar they are<br />

, y or .th rt" igh<br />

first-time buyers. To assist a WI prope les m your De -<br />

buyer, you can offer to pay all borhood. How do they plan to<br />

or part of the buyer's points, ti- marke; your house, and to<br />

tIe insurance or closing costs whom. Do they plan to sched-<br />

Mortga,e,buy~ ~ . ule an ':~n house" for y~W' _<br />

help a buyer ~ tor IImoti pt~;,;:1iillf IO! ~"H,;!,,:<br />

gage are also popular. With the<br />

typical buy-down, the seller<br />

Crptal cle8r water for<br />

swimming, boating<br />

a fishing .... lifestyle you'd<br />

love to come home to!<br />

FMfunng spacious ranch and 2 story luxury homes with<br />

WIIIkout lower levels and private decks/pstlos overlooking<br />

calm water and sandy beachfronts.<br />

3 Homes<br />

Remaining<br />

For Early Summer<br />

Occupancy<br />

call<br />

344-8808<br />

how ofteD2 Whelll will ~01¥' _ _<br />


Call the experts at Valentine Building Co.<br />

Your Complete Home Improvement Specialists<br />

• Additions • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Decks<br />

15620 15 Mile Rd<br />

777- 1852 licensed & Insured<br />



ThIs SpaCIOUS'tOlldohome" has It all and ISlocated In HAR80RTOWN<br />

- Downtown's most complete and servlCe.onented commumty' ThIS<br />

home has approxJmately 2.000square feet whICh mcludes large bVII\8<br />

room WIth ftreplace 2-car garage bnght and sunny eat-m kttchen<br />

powder room 2 SpacIOUS bedrooms WIth2 full baths cozy den<br />

pnvate deck lagoon ViewS<br />

HARBOR1OWN's amemtles mclude tenm. courts. sWlmmmg pool.<br />

fitness trail. eo

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