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_ ................ ....-.-_ ....... .. • .. _<br />

May 16,1991<br />

Groase <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

118<br />

By ..... Moore<br />

SpecIal WrUr<br />

The Norsemen varsity tennis<br />

team made an impressive showing<br />

at the Macomb Area Conference<br />

Red DiviBion meet,<br />

earning 44 points and a secondplace<br />

finish to <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />

South (53 points).<br />

North's No. 3 doubles team<br />

of Kyle Foresman and Kevin<br />

Bai won its flight. Runners-up<br />

mcluded Craig Rogowski (No. 1<br />

singles), Mike McHugh (No.4<br />

singles), Amod Samaik and<br />

Nadeem Elian (No. 1 doubles),<br />

Rob Duroes and Brian DiLaura<br />

(No. 2 doubles) and Ken Mac.<br />

Norsemen net second place<br />

Donald and Bryce Kenny (No.<br />

4 doubles).<br />

Track<br />

By winning all four relays,<br />

the 400, 800, 1,600 and 3,200,<br />

the Lady Norsemen overpowered<br />

Utica Ford, 80-43.<br />

Noelle Cormier won the 100<br />

and 200 dashes, whIle Katie<br />

Loeher took the 800 run. Anne<br />

Scallen cruised to a f11'8t in the<br />

400 run, and AlY888Zepke won<br />

the 3,200.<br />

In the field events, Anne<br />

Maliszewski won the long Jump<br />

and Hope Fenton<br />

in the discus.<br />

On May 7, North<br />

sealed a f1J'8t<br />

continued<br />

GPSA Scores<br />

U-6 house<br />

Hurricanes 6, Bobcatl 1<br />

David Harri.s recorded the<br />

hat trick and an 888ist, and<br />

John Dallas added two goals<br />

for the 'Canes, who were also<br />

supported by &.ephen Addy,<br />

Nicky Myers, Lisa Gruynk,<br />

Brian Headpohl, Marie Ver.<br />

aeke and Lisa Vitale.<br />

The &beats' goal was BCOn!d<br />

by Christopher Ahee, off a Nick<br />

Lewis pass. Christopher Munsterman<br />

and Roes Gardener anc.<br />

hored the defense.<br />

Marauders 1, Rockers 1<br />

Tommy Solomon scored for<br />

the Rockers and David Kittle<br />

cnuntered with a goal for the<br />

Marauders. R.J. Scherer had a<br />

Rockers' assist and Aric Min.<br />

ney assisted for the Marauders.<br />



NOTICE<br />



MONDAY, JUNE 10,1981<br />

jog. Sam Alnalo, Rabeh Nour<br />

and Alex Groeebeck (goalie)<br />

were also strong. Eric<br />

Schleicher scored for the<br />

WingB, with Anthony Savalle<br />

assisting. Nicholas Degel was<br />

outstanding in net, with help<br />

from C.J. Hanna.<br />

Hurricanes 15,Eagles 1<br />

Paul Weissert, Bradley<br />

VanSickle and Matthew Lismini<br />

combined to carry the<br />

'Canes' scoring load, while Karl<br />

Stahl and Jimmy LaLonde took<br />

care of the defense. Lauren Williamson<br />

scored the Eagles' only<br />

goal when she converted a pass<br />

from Will Nixon and Matt<br />

Scarfone.<br />

Notice is hereby given thatavsentee balots for the annual election to<br />

be held in the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Public School System on the above date<br />

are available from 11:00 a m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday throUgh Thursday,<br />

and 11:00 a m. to 4:00 p.m., Fndays, in the Elections Office al Barnes<br />

School, located at 20090 Morningside, G.P.W., 48236.<br />

The Elections Office at Barnes School will be open from 9:00 a m<br />

to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 8, 1991, for the purpose of receiving<br />

applications for absent voter ballots.<br />

G.P.N.: 5/1~1<br />

U-I0 house<br />

Blazers 3, 'IUrt1es 2<br />

Jimmy Denner scored two<br />

U-8 house goals and Yorg Kerasiotis<br />

IlCOJ'ed one for the Blazers. Jus-<br />

Hawks 2, Flames 0 tin Schoenherr drew an assist.<br />

Jonathan Marsh scored his Jeff Barton. Chip Fowler, Marc<br />

first career goal for the Hawks, Kaplan and Ryan McK~nzie<br />

who were also paced by Bran. played outstanding offense, and<br />

don Krupka, Ryan Haas and Sean Burehrer, Randy Graves<br />

goalie Mark Perkowski. and Danny Woutat covered<br />

its winning ways, beating An.<br />

chor Bay, 89.39.<br />

Fenton dominated the throw.<br />

ing events with a 28 feet, 2 113<br />

inch throw in the shot put, and<br />

a toss of 78-1 in the diacus.<br />

Maliszewski won the long<br />

jump (14-4), while Cormier won<br />

the 100 dash (13.1). North also<br />

won the 400, 1,600 and 3,200<br />

relays.<br />

Other winners included Jen.<br />

mfer Trachy (high jump, 4-3;<br />

and 300 hurdles, 50.8); Peggy<br />

Finkleman 0,600, 6:10); Loeher<br />

(800, 2:32.1); Monica Rhee (200<br />

dash, 28.4); Rebecca Clor (3,200<br />

nm, 12:54).<br />

Softball<br />

from Andrew Stevens, John<br />

McNIcholas and Joe Gorczyca.<br />

Harry Gaggos scored twice<br />

for the Rockets and Patrick<br />

Moultrie added a single goal.<br />

NilQa Turtles 5. Gamecoeka<br />

3<br />

Eric Przepiorka (2), Eric<br />

Kraus (2) and Van Martin<br />

scored for the Turtles, who<br />

were supported by the defensIve<br />

efforts of Billy Ireland,<br />

Danny Stahl, Charlie Dallas<br />

and Bryan Kupets.<br />

Paul Georgandellis was the<br />

winning goalie.<br />

Andrew Valsa.k (2) and John.<br />

athan Kish scored for the Gamecocks,<br />

who were led by Alexander<br />

Howbert.<br />

Jets 2, Queen of Peace 1<br />

Michael and Nicholas Di.<br />

Loreto scored for the Jets, and<br />

Scott Vallee assisted. The defense<br />

was supported by David-<br />

Michael Boykin, Charley Starr,<br />

Adam Drader and Brad Smith.<br />

Jim Kruse scored for Queen<br />

of Peace, while Joe Solomon<br />

and goalie f , .Mike Martinez<br />

provided the defense.<br />

Eric Wood, Thomas Martina sweeper and goalie positions. U-IO travel<br />

and Sean Penne£ather led the Eric Pr7.epiorka scored two<br />

Flames. goals for the Turtles, assisted Rockets 3, Birmingham 0<br />

Hawks 1, Ealles 0 by David Majeski and Eric Stuart Yingst scored twice<br />

Lauren Vallee, Hans Barbe Krauss. Charles Dallas and and Peter Clark once for the<br />

and Shannon Springer led the Van Martin were also superb. Rockets, who got assists from<br />

Hawks with superb defense and Blazers 3, Kickers 0 J.D. Spina, Brad Drummy and<br />

The Lady Norsemen fell into<br />

a bit of a slump, losing 5-0 to<br />

Fraser and 1-0 to South.<br />

Fraser scored five times 10<br />

the fIfth, and North's Melissa<br />

ULS sports<br />

in MAC Red<br />

Drouillard's two hIts were not<br />

enough.<br />

South scored one run in the<br />

flrSt inning and made it stand<br />

up to beat the Norsemen.<br />

Knights shine on diamond<br />

After losing its first eight<br />

games of the season, the University<br />

Liggett School baseball<br />

team has won six of its last<br />

eIght, Including<br />

week.<br />

four Wing last<br />

"We're a young team," saId<br />

ULS coach Glynn Conley. "The<br />

ninth. and 10th-graders seemed<br />

to catch on to a lot of<br />

things at the same time.<br />

They're playing together very<br />

well."<br />

Ellis (2) and Joe Dwaighy<br />

scored for the Turtles. Rob<br />

Euashka and Martin Krall<br />

combined in goal for the shut.<br />

out.<br />

U-12 travel<br />

Travelers 8, Hurricanes 3<br />

The 'Canes played the Travelers<br />

even through the first 45<br />

minutes, but got derailed in the<br />

second h&lf. Andy Klein, Brandon<br />

Euashka and Don Sigler<br />

scored for the 'Canes, who were<br />

helped by David Dwaihy, Paul<br />

Thursam, Drew Harris, MIchael<br />

Bramlage, Don Llamini<br />

and Greg Peppler.<br />

U-I4 travel<br />

Rebels 4, Raiders 0<br />

Jeff Case, Matt Agnone,<br />

Ryan Braithwaite and Ryan<br />

Archibald scored for the Rebels.<br />

Defensively, the Rebels were<br />

led by Chris Teide, Jay Lytle<br />

and Brendon Thomas.<br />

Rebels&: Gston(}.-----~<br />


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