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May 16, 1991<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

" RobFuJto<br />

Same old guys<br />

It had been almost eight<br />

months smce we last celebrated<br />

a vICtory<br />

We hadn't seen one another<br />

smce we lost In the champion.<br />

ship game last August<br />

Except for one guy, who is<br />

now runnmg with a httle<br />

limp after breaking,a leg<br />

playing hockey last winter,<br />

none of us had changed much.<br />

A few players got IJlarl'led,<br />

a couple more became fathers<br />

and others are walkmg beSide<br />

new gIrlfnends.<br />

One guy had a neon-eolored<br />

battmg glove Another guy<br />

was sporting a neon golf hat,<br />

and another had to finally<br />

break down and get pads for<br />

hIS agIng, and obviously achmg,<br />

knees. He claims he purchased<br />

them for when he<br />

slIdes he doesn't scrape the<br />

skm, but we all feel that once<br />

you get older, you need to<br />

cover up the soft spots (that's<br />

why a few extra large shirts<br />

were ordered).<br />

Softball is the last fling for<br />

many men and women to play<br />

some sort of team sport<br />

Tommy, Johnny, J.B., Fic,<br />

Johnny B , Greg, Pete, Steve,<br />

Mark, Jerry, Steve and Gary<br />

make up the famIly this tIme<br />

of year. We get together twice<br />

a week to live a fantasy, and<br />

remmd ourselves how out of<br />

shape we are We have developed<br />

a fnendshlp, a love for<br />

one another, and softball season<br />

rekindles the old flame.<br />

Playmg softball is a way for<br />

us to contmue to feel young,<br />

espeCIally Fic, who turned 40<br />

last week.<br />

"It was always my dream<br />

to st1l1be playing when I'm<br />

40," said Flc. Don't we all<br />

share the same dream?<br />

Even though running the<br />

bases becomes more of a task,<br />

or the throw from right field<br />

to second base seems longer,<br />

we still go out every spnng<br />

and fool around in an adult<br />

sandbox.<br />

Andy Doyle and Chns Dorman<br />

fimshed third 10 a pair<br />

WIthout coxswam. The women's<br />

eight, compns1Og Nissa Mitchell,<br />

Plubar, Mmam, McKinney,<br />

Laura Hupp, Gretchen HotTmyel',<br />

Andrea Reynolds, Robin<br />

Ebllght and coxswam Bruce,<br />

finished thu-d<br />

The South crew will compete<br />

111 the Midwest Scholastic<br />

ChampIOnshIp In Indianapolis<br />

and m the ScholastiC Rowmg<br />

ASSOCiatIOnof Amenca Regatta<br />

m MIddletown, Del, at the end<br />

of thE month.<br />

ports<br />

North, South tie one on at Barnes Field<br />

tIe, and not to lose. GolOg 111 all "pal,On The Lid) Nor..,emen '" ,<br />

we had a two.pomt lead and hel\'(' I('tot ded ..,even ..,Illltollt..,<br />

South needed to beat us m 01 In 11 gCcondgoal 1 felt ""e wel e<br />

I told the kids we were gomg to gOing to Win becdlhe we wel e<br />

;,tal t sacnficmg offense for de. call ymg the play"<br />

fense," said Regelbrugge, "par. In the second half. NO!th con<br />

tlcu)ally because all we needed tlnued Its defenblve "tdnd<br />

to do was tie m order to stay on 'Thl" '" a" the gclme we<br />

top m the league" needl'd to get dO'*1 to 0111'<br />

All four goals were scored in obJettJve," said Regelblllgge.<br />

H ",~venminute span North's ""0 I told the gill ~ at half time<br />

Holly Blooks lofted a corner to concentl ate on "Lopping<br />

kick toward South goalie AIlI- them flom ..,Wlmg If we do<br />

0 ,\ e had to<br />

mmutes later when she con play 110tto give up the gocl)"<br />

velted a CIOSSlngpass from Ste- NOlth's three lemcllllmg<br />

phame Coddens FehcJa Paluzzi games al e agalllst Ro~vllle, ~<br />

then fed Amy Shepley with a Lake ShOll' and AnchOI Bay,<br />

pi etty pass and Shepley qUickly all team;, It has beaten handily<br />

beat Lang for a 2-1 North lead. South plays Romeo and AnchO!<br />

Coddens then tied the score on Bay.<br />

a fl'ee kIck that beat North "We feel good aoout our<br />

goahe Julie Hlelscher selve.,." "aid Calamcholab "We<br />

The first half ended In a 2-2 were one ..,hot away flom Will<br />

tie nmg the game. but we Ju"t<br />

The two goals by South were dldn't get the goal Ill' needed I<br />

the most North has gIVen up stIli lo'e them. though<br />

98<br />

Photo by Rob Fulton<br />

Goalie Julie Hielscher has recorded seven shutouts for the<br />

North soccer team. but the two goals she allowed South were<br />

the most North has given up all season long.<br />

Most of the time we don't<br />

care If we win We can still<br />

enJoy bemg around one another<br />

whl1e playing a mindless<br />

game. Wives, girlfriends<br />

and kids are Just as much a<br />

part of our program as the<br />

players. We strive to make<br />

every outlOg a family affair<br />

and It works; even for the<br />

guys who don't have kids, because<br />

they have taken such a<br />

hking to the "little leaguers."<br />

Everything we do has one<br />

purpose: fun. We don't ndicule<br />

WIth a harsh tongue. We<br />

keep a loose mood and that's<br />

what promotes our camaradene<br />

Everyone should belong to<br />

a club, orgamzatlOn or team I<br />

often wonder what It would<br />

be hke If my Wife and my<br />

son, Robbie, didn't have these<br />

friends It's nut hke thiS IS<br />

the missing hnk. It's just another<br />

one of hfe's expenences<br />

that IS needed to complete the<br />

cham<br />

Playmg softball allows us<br />

to be kids. We can act goofy,<br />

release some pressures and<br />

forget about the office for an<br />

hour or two GettlOg out to<br />

the park IS hke escaplOg to a<br />

dIfferent world, and It'S par.<br />

tlcularly enjOyable when you<br />

can share your hfe 10 a dItTerent<br />

capaCIty<br />

It appears we do apprecIate<br />

and enJOYthe Simpler th10gs<br />

10 hfe Playmg softball<br />

wouldn't be as much fun IfI<br />

wasn't playlOg with such a<br />

diverse bunch, Includmg a<br />

JOurnahst, a couple advertlsmg<br />

WizardS, a few teachers,<br />

an entrepreneur and a corpo<br />

rate real estate salesman<br />

Gee. I love thIS time of<br />

,car<br />

GrOSM<strong>Pointe</strong>'. Mik. UzDil has been named to the U.S. 0ptimist<br />

Dinghy ~atfon'. world championship IOiling team.<br />

UzDil wW compete I1l Greec. I1lJuly. If. the second straight<br />

year Uz. has heeD Ilamed to the team.<br />

ULS holding lacrosse camp<br />

Umverslty Liggett School<br />

Will hold a boys' lacrosse camp<br />

June 17 21 for fourth through<br />

slxth.graders, and seventh to<br />

ninth grade boys<br />

The camp. which costs $55<br />

and Includes Insurance, runs<br />

from 9 a m to noon each day<br />

PartICipants must bnng the'n<br />

own stick, gloves. shorts. sup<br />

porter, socks and cleats. ULS<br />

proVides a helmet<br />

The camp IS open to am one<br />

and regIstratIOn must be com<br />

pleted before June 1 Enroll<br />

ment IS limIted Make checks<br />

payable to Umverslh LllmeU<br />

School Mati them to John Fo","<br />

leI", Umvennty Liggett School.<br />

1045 Cook Road, <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />

Wood", Mich. 48236<br />

McMahon lands<br />

hole-in-one<br />

Tom McMahon of Gros.'le<br />

POlntp Farm" u'lNl a :In on. to<br />

...hoot a holE'In one on the 200<br />

..ard fifth holE' at thE' Country<br />

Cluh of DetrOIt last week<br />

It was McMahon'" 'leventh<br />

hole m-one<br />

The South rowing teilm celebrates its fine outing In the Wyandotte High School Regatta.<br />

Uznis to sail in world championship<br />

On April 20 ID Clearwater,<br />

Fla., the United States Optimist<br />

Dmghy AssociatIOn held<br />

its world champIOnship team<br />

selection senes<br />

It was a closed event for the<br />

top 70 sailors under the age of<br />

15 from all over the United<br />

States. The top five finishers<br />

were selected to the U Steam<br />

and will sail In the World<br />

Championships in July at the<br />

Porto Carras YachtlOg Club in<br />

Sithonia, HalkidikI, Greece<br />

The top five fimshers in<br />

Dowe to play<br />

for Olympic<br />

soccer team<br />

Cris Dowe, who attends<br />

South, was named to the Michl.<br />

gan State Youth Soccer Asso-<br />

CIation's OlympIC Development<br />

Team for the fourth consecutive<br />

year.<br />

Dowe has been the startlOg<br />

goalkeeper for hiS age group<br />

smce 1988 Players selected to<br />

the state team represent MIChIgan<br />

in mterstate and regional<br />

competItion, and are evaluated<br />

for possible selectIOn to teams<br />

representmg the Umted State<br />

m international play<br />

Dowe's team now competes<br />

In the under-16 1/2 age group<br />

The MIchigan team was re<br />

cently mVlted to the Foot<br />

LockerlDtadora NatIOnal State<br />

Select ChamplOn!\hlp Tourna<br />

ment In L

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