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May 16, 1991<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

Dorothy Comstock Riley to speak<br />

The GIO"..,CPUI/lte Chaptci of<br />

the American RlNIIl''l;; Wom<br />

en's ASSOClatlO1l \\,III hold It~<br />

annual bUbl r~:'t<br />

ness asso<br />

clate event #q,ft<br />

on Wedneb ; ~<br />

day, May 22,<br />

to honor the<br />

buslIless as<br />

soclate" and<br />

employer" of<br />

ABWA mem<br />

bel'S and pro<br />

Vide an op<br />

portumty to RUey<br />

leal n about other fields, mdus<br />

tnes and posItions<br />

Dorothy Comstock Riley, as.<br />

socmte justtce of the Michigan<br />

supreme court, Will be the<br />

guest speaker Her tOpiC wtll be<br />

"Court Agenda - 21st Cent<br />

tury"<br />

Riley has received many<br />

awards The most recent were<br />

an honorary doctor of lllws<br />

from the Umvel slty of Detroit<br />

Law School and the Dtstm.<br />

gUlshed Alumm Award, Wayne<br />

State Unlverstty, IJ1 1990<br />

The AmerIcan Bustness<br />

Women's AssociatIOn currently<br />

has 100,000 members natIOn.<br />

Wide As an educational as,,"o<br />

CtatlOn, the awarding of schol<br />

at !ohlps is one of ABW A's key<br />

programs The month of May IS<br />

"cholalshlp month <strong>Local</strong>ly, the<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Chaptel has<br />

awarded $19,000 to women<br />

The mIssIon of the Amel'lcan<br />

Busllless Women's A~latlOn<br />

IS to brmg together worklllg'<br />

women of all backgrounds and<br />

to provide oPportUl1ltles for<br />

them to help themselves and<br />

others grow personally and<br />

plofesslOnaIly through leader<br />

ship, educatIOn, netwOJ kll1g<br />

support and nahonal Iecogm<br />

tlOn All employed indiVIduals<br />

who support the mISSIOn and<br />

goals of the associatIOn al'e eh<br />

glble for membership<br />

The meetlllg w1I1 begin With<br />

cocktalIs at 6 pm., followed by<br />

dmner with musIc by Ruth<br />

Cowan, pianist For further InformatIOn<br />

about the locatIOn of<br />

the meeting and reservations,<br />

call Donna, 268-2559, OJ Bar<br />

bara, 293-2164<br />

League of Women Voters to meet<br />

"Politics In <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte -<br />

Then and Now," will be dIScussed<br />

by Jean Dodenhoff, CUIa.<br />

tor of the GIOS'>e POlJ1te Hlstoncal<br />

Soctety at the League of<br />

Women Votel's annual meeting<br />

and dmner at GIObse POlllte<br />

Memonal ChUlch on Wednes<br />

Fort Pontchartrain<br />

The next meeting of the Fort<br />

Pontchartrain Chapter of the<br />

NSDAR Will be held at the De.<br />

troit Boat Club on Friday, May<br />

17.<br />

New officers WIll be Installed.<br />

The speaker Will be Mrs Milbert<br />

A. Ellman.<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />

Jewish Co uncil<br />

The <strong>Grosse</strong> POll1te JewIsh<br />

Council will sponsol a free lec<br />

ture at 7:30 p.m on Tuesday,<br />

May 28, at <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Unit<br />

tal'lan Church, 17150 Maumee<br />

The speaker wtll be Isaac<br />

Lakritz, U.S. representative,<br />

American Society for Techmon<br />

Umverslty<br />

He wIll dISCUSS"Is<br />

rael in the 199Os' Political and<br />

MIlitary Preparedness "<br />

The commumty IS Invited.<br />

Ribbon Farms<br />

Membel s of the RIbbon<br />

Farms chapter No 323 of Ques.<br />

tel'S will meet on Monday, May<br />

20, at the home of Amta Leshe<br />

for lunch, a busll1ess meeting<br />

and a progl am<br />

day, May 22 The evemng In<br />

eludes a SOCial hour at 5,30<br />

pm, dll1ner at 6 30 and the<br />

program at 7'~O<br />

Dodenholf will review the<br />

story of Citizen government in<br />

the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte area from<br />

early settlement days to the<br />

present tIme. The progl'am also<br />

will Il1clude the electIOn of offi.<br />

eel'S for the commg year.<br />

For more mformatlOn, call<br />

881-6343 by Fllday, May 17<br />

Trowel and Error<br />

Garden Club<br />

Members of the Trowel and<br />

En or Garden Club will paltlcI<br />

pate In the plantmg of the War<br />

Memorial garden on Tuesday,<br />

May 21, at 930 a.m and the<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods LIOn's<br />

Club garden<br />

Luncheon Will be served to<br />

the workers at noon by the<br />

LIOn's Club A bUSiness meet-<br />

Ing Will follow<br />

Detroit Garden<br />

Center<br />

The DetrOIt Garden Center<br />

mvites the public to an infor<br />

mal flower arranglng demon<br />

strati on Wednesday, May 22, at<br />

1 p m Don Jensen of The Ar-<br />

I'angement flower shop Will m.<br />

struct. PartIcipants are asked<br />

to bnng a flower from theIr<br />

gal den, If avaIlable, and Jensen<br />

will blend It mto an arrange<br />

ment Cost is $7 50 Phone 259<br />

6363 for reservations<br />

••<br />

••<br />


:. BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD t'." .:<br />

Hairdr .... r Cheryl Kazmierski of Coloseum 2000 meets with<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> teens Laurie Mayk. left. and Tanya Latinas.<br />

right. in preparation for AssumptiCin Cultural Center's Teen<br />

Fitness and Beauty Day on Saturday, June 1.<br />

Teen fitness and beauty day<br />

to be at Assumption Center<br />

AssumptIOn Cultural Center<br />

wIll olfel a bpeclal day designed<br />

just for teenaged girls - Teen<br />

Fitness and Heauty Day - Saturday,<br />

June 1, from 9 a m to 3<br />

pm.<br />

The mornmg wtll begm wtth<br />

onentatlOn and an exet Clse<br />

wOI'kout Participants Will<br />

~hOWf'I' ami ~hRmpoo, then Jom<br />

profeSSIOnals from Colobeum<br />

2000 of <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Woods,<br />

who will demonstrate proper<br />

skm care and make up appllca.<br />

tIon Hall' stylists Will help the<br />

teens find ways to give hair a<br />

Polish Genealogical<br />

Society<br />

of Michigan<br />

The Polish Genealogical Society<br />

of Michign will hold a<br />

meeting on Saturday, May 18,-<br />

from 10 a,m,-.to 3 p,m. in thecemetery<br />

offi&! of Sacred Heart<br />

of Mary Cemetery, Deqmndre<br />

at Mound Road<br />

Members of the society Will<br />

present a program about cemetery<br />

research. The group will<br />

then move to the cemetery for<br />

a hancls-

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