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Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

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Page 4 YourHome Thursday, Jury 21, 1994<br />

NAR mem.bership survey profiles <strong>to</strong>day's Realt<strong>or</strong><br />

Today's typical Realt<strong>or</strong> has a col agents who responded mdicated $4,000 less than theIr male coun approximately 68 percent of the<br />

lege background, w<strong>or</strong>ks at least 45 they had graduate level experience, terparts brokers who responded and half of<br />

hours a week and earns as much as whIle 17 percent said they held - The typIcal real estate broker all the sales agents who responded<br />

22 percent m<strong>or</strong>e than SIX years ago, bachel<strong>or</strong>'s degrees w<strong>or</strong>ks a 50 hour week, VIrtually sald they own <strong>or</strong> have an mterest<br />

acc<strong>or</strong>dmg <strong>to</strong> a survey by the Na- - The medIan net mcome in 1992 unchanged Since 1978, whIle the in investment property.<br />

tIonal ASSOCIatIOnof Realt<strong>or</strong>s. of brokers was $38,000, a 9 percent typICal sales agent w<strong>or</strong>ks an aver- The medIan age of brokers in<br />

The findmgs of NAR's most re mcrease from 1986 when NAR can age of 45 hours a week, five hours 1993 was 50, two years older than<br />

cent membershIp survey, "Member- dueted the last membershIp survey. m<strong>or</strong>e than preVIously rep<strong>or</strong>~d f<strong>or</strong> prevlOusly rep<strong>or</strong>ted m 1987. The<br />

ShIp Profile 1993 Profile of the - The medIan mcome after ex- thIS group in 1987. medIal!. age of sales agents was 46,<br />

Real Estate Broker and Salesper- penses earned by the typIcal full- - In 1993, 44 percent of all bro- three years older than in 1987.<br />

son," IS based on a survey of nearly time sales person was $23,100, an kers were female, m<strong>or</strong>e than tWIce The survey also deternuned that<br />

2,300 Realt<strong>or</strong>s from across the increase of 22 percent from 1986. the 1978 figure. The survey also m 1993, the typical real estate brocountry<br />

- Men in the real estate mdustry found that nearly SIX of every 10 ker had a tenure of 14 years m the<br />

- EducatlOn levels among brokers continue <strong>to</strong> earn a higher mcome full-bme sales agents, <strong>or</strong> 58 per- business, whIle the typical sales<br />

and sales agents have remained than women The survey rep<strong>or</strong>ts cent, were women. agent was actIve in the industry f<strong>or</strong><br />

consIstently high over the years In that in 1992, female brokers earned The membership survey also six years, representing an increase<br />

1993, 24 percent of all brokers re- a median mcome of $34,900, nearly found that 78 percent of all brokers of two years f<strong>or</strong> both groups, comp<strong>or</strong>ted<br />

having studied at the gradu- $10,000 less than theIr male coun- and 76 percent of all sales agents pared <strong>to</strong> 1987.<br />

ate level, whIle 20 percent had terparts, whIle full.tIme female are married. In addItion, nearly<br />

earned a bachel<strong>or</strong>'s degree Com- sales agents earned a medIan m. nine out of every 10 brokers and<br />

paratively, 21 percent of the sales come of $21,800 in 1992, nearly sales agents own their home, while<br />

How <strong>to</strong> achieve a healthy weight<br />

Q. My fnend <strong>to</strong>ld me the best way <strong>to</strong><br />

detenmne If you're fit <strong>or</strong> fat IS<strong>to</strong> watch<br />

your weight on the scale. Is thIs the<br />

best way?<br />

A The scale does not reflect your<br />

body compoSltlOn;It does not mscnmInate<br />

between flUId <strong>or</strong> fat weIght. It<br />

takes 3,500 cal<strong>or</strong>ies <strong>to</strong> make one<br />

pound. Sudden weight changes are<br />

usually from flUIdshIfts In the body. If<br />

your weIght suddenly nses five<br />

pounds, It m<strong>or</strong>e lIkely IS from water<br />

retention than from the extra 17,500<br />

cal<strong>or</strong>ies from food It would take <strong>to</strong><br />

make five pounds of fat<br />

Q. Is a low calone dIet the best way<br />

<strong>to</strong> achIeve a healthy weIght?<br />

A. Chrome dIetmg, undereatmg <strong>or</strong><br />

sklppmg meals can contribute <strong>to</strong><br />

sluggish metabolism, which could<br />

make it harder <strong>to</strong> lose weight.<br />

Fuehng metabohsm IS like s<strong>to</strong>kmg a<br />

fire: remove the wood and the fire<br />

mmimshes. Sni1ilarly, our metabo.<br />

lIsm must have a suffiCient amount of<br />

calones <strong>or</strong> the body WIllslow down <strong>to</strong><br />

compensate.<br />

Q. Can mIlk be frozen?<br />

A. Yes, mIlk can be frozen in most<br />

home freezers f<strong>or</strong> up <strong>to</strong> three months.<br />

Freezing does not affect nutrition, but<br />

may alter flav<strong>or</strong> and appearance,<br />

because the water m the mIlk freezes<br />

first and may separate from the milk<br />

solids. After thawmg, you11 need <strong>to</strong><br />

stIr the mIlk <strong>or</strong> shake It th<strong>or</strong>oughly.<br />

Thl.S rnf<strong>or</strong>matlOn I.S f<strong>or</strong> educatIOnal<br />

purposes only Reference <strong>to</strong> commerclal<br />

Saving Dloney "With a<br />

ne-wappliance<br />

Repl8£lOgan old apphance WIth a<br />

new one can do m<strong>or</strong>e than pnhance<br />

your dec<strong>or</strong> WIth <strong>to</strong>day's encrgy-effi.<br />

CIent models, It can save hundreds of<br />

dollars over the hfetIme of a new<br />

appliance<br />

Some apphances, such as ranges<br />

and dryers, have always operated effi-<br />

CIently. Others, such as microwave<br />

ovens dnd trash compact<strong>or</strong>s, use so httIe<br />

energy that saVIngson new models<br />

IS mInImal But when It comes <strong>to</strong><br />

refngerat<strong>or</strong>s, washers and dishwashers,<br />

most 15- <strong>to</strong> 30-year.old models can<br />

be claSSIfiedas energy guzzlers compared<br />

WIththeIr newer verSIons<br />

F<strong>or</strong> example, a refngerat<strong>or</strong> manufactured<br />

<strong>to</strong>day uses about 47 percent of<br />

the energy that Its 1972 counterpart<br />

consuml''l F<strong>or</strong> "'1l~llJngmachmes, the<br />

figure IS about 28 percent, ba'led on<br />

eIght cycles per week; f<strong>or</strong> dIshwashers,<br />

about 30 percent, based on 6 2 cycles<br />

per week<br />

M<strong>or</strong>e bIg changes are In st<strong>or</strong>e f<strong>or</strong><br />

refngerat<strong>or</strong>s and freezers manufactured<br />

after Jan 1, 1993 Thl'<br />

Department of Energy has ruled that<br />

these newest models must Improve<br />

theIr energy effiCIency ratio by an<br />

average of 25 percent over present<br />

models.<br />

In deterrmnmg the true cost of an<br />

apphance, the purchase pnce IS only<br />

the start Multiply the yearly cost of<br />

operatmg the apphance by Its bfe<br />

expectancy and add thIS figure <strong>to</strong> the<br />

purchase pnce To help you figure the<br />

yearly cost, look f<strong>or</strong> the black, yellow<br />

and whIte EnergyGulde label on appliances.<br />

It WIllbe a sticker, hang tag <strong>or</strong><br />

f1apu..;.ThIs label WIlldIsplay a SIngle<br />

estImated annual cost figure based on<br />

"typIcal use."<br />

To mamtaIn energy S>tVlngs,the<br />

new apphance should be used effiCIently<br />

Rend and followthe manufacturer's<br />

recommendatIOns In addl tlon, the<br />

new applIance should really replace<br />

the old one If the old one IS SImply<br />

moved <strong>to</strong> a new locatIon and used as a<br />

spare, Its hIgh monthly operatmg<br />

expense contmues.<br />

products does not lmply eruWrsement<br />

by MSUE <strong>or</strong> blaS agarnst tJwse not<br />

mentioned.<br />

Manon E Hubbard is a dietitian<br />

With a master's degree Ln nutntum and<br />

is on staff at tlu! Macomb MSU<br />

ExtenSion. Contact the food and<br />

Nutrition Hotlme at 469-5060,<br />

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from<br />

9 a.rn.. <strong>to</strong> 4 p.rn.. Lmuted inrome {amllles<br />

WIth children mterested In "stretch-<br />

Ing your food dollars" may call 469-<br />

6432 f<strong>or</strong> free classes<br />

Foods & Nutrition<br />

Marion E.£.Hubbard<br />

A~<br />

fd\<br />

1 Bedroom from $595! 2 Bedroom from $650!<br />

-----PLUS -----<br />


Res<strong>or</strong>t features include:<br />

-Clubhouse With Indo<strong>or</strong><br />

racquetball court<br />

-Health/fitness center<br />

-Pool with waterfall<br />

-Outdo<strong>or</strong> hot tub<br />

-Seachfront sand volleyball court<br />

-Village Suites-sh<strong>or</strong>t term<br />

furnIshed rentals<br />

Jom us f<strong>or</strong> our<br />



Thursday, July 21'It & 28th<br />

from 9-11 pm<br />


Check Out Our Spectacular<br />

Move-In Gifts And Prizesl<br />

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1-94 <strong>to</strong> Metro Plwy Between Shool & Crocker on Jefferson Ave<br />

8107913093<br />

'Some Restnc!lons Apply<br />

oJ<br />


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