Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...


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48 Churches<br />

July 21, 1994<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

The Past<strong>or</strong>'s C<strong>or</strong>ner<br />

Community<br />

By the Rev Wilham C. DeVrIes<br />

Flrsl Christian Ref<strong>or</strong>med Church<br />

Lately, I have been mlssmg what we ale Not what 1 am,<br />

but what we are Not what you are, but what we are Each<br />

one of us who reads thIS weekly paper deSignated "news"<br />

and locahzed "Grosse Pomte" has certam chalactel'lst1cs<br />

Each of us IS thmgs that makes each you and me the specific<br />

vou and me that each IS<br />

But when we are <strong>to</strong>gether there IS someth1I1g m<strong>or</strong>e It IS<br />

not Just that my seven <strong>or</strong> 10 <strong>or</strong> two whatever characteristICs<br />

are added <strong>to</strong> yours There IS someth1Og mOle It IS s<strong>or</strong>t of<br />

like bakmg soda and vmegar When you mix them you don't<br />

Just have the two, you have m a sense someth1Og m<strong>or</strong>e. Real<br />

commumtles can be very powelful because of thIS reality<br />

"Us" IS a whole lot m<strong>or</strong>e than "you plus me "<br />

It strikes me that thiS IS true not despIte those mdlvldual<br />

chm act~l'lstlCs that are ours It IS rather tI ue because of and<br />

111 dependence f<strong>or</strong> those characterIstIcs The health and<br />

power of a commumty grows out of the charactel'lstIcs of ItS<br />

people A strong commumty IS not one which welcomes only<br />

persons of a certam type <strong>or</strong> style The blOader the range of<br />

charactellstlcs (1\ allable, thE' greater WII! be the chance f<strong>or</strong><br />

added stleugth dud Vitality thIOUgh the mlxmg of mdlvIduals<br />

WIth those chal actellstlcs<br />

A commumty I" a g1oup of persons who are blought <strong>to</strong>gether<br />

II1tOa "umty" 111 whIch they are "WIth" each othel<br />

At least tho~ al'e the loot" of the tW0 pqrt" of the English<br />

w<strong>or</strong>d If the unity IS sought on the baSIS of preconceIved<br />

sameness among mdlvldual <strong>or</strong> family characteristIcs, that<br />

group Wll! never experience Its true pot~nt1al and hfe. We<br />

truly need each other But not because we are alike, but because<br />

of our dIfferences<br />

SocIal commullltl€S should seek <strong>to</strong> welcome "outsIders"<br />

whenever poSSIble, JUSt because new mgredients <strong>to</strong> the rec-<br />

Ipe will strengthen and deepen the value of who we are<br />

Tl ue, there can be no "umty" WIthout a common goal <strong>or</strong> set<br />

of goals But those have been masterfully set out f<strong>or</strong> us In<br />

our SOCIalsystem They are not umf<strong>or</strong>mlty nOl exclUSIVIty<br />

Our commumty g1'ows m justIce, hberty and purSUIt of our<br />

I common good I guess that s who we ought <strong>to</strong> be, whether<br />

we are <strong>or</strong> not<br />

Louisa St. Clair DAR <strong>to</strong> meet Aug. 11<br />

The Louisa St. Clair chapter<br />

of the National SocIety Daughters<br />

of the Amencan RevolutIOn<br />

will hold a potluck picruc<br />

at noon Thursday, Aug. 11, at<br />

the home of Mrs. Ge<strong>or</strong>ge F<br />

Ryckman of the CIty of Grosse<br />

Pomte.<br />

Members should bnng school<br />

supplIes ,,-nd mIttens f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

~ndlans at the Hannahville<br />

ReservatIOn near Escanaba. F<strong>or</strong><br />

reservatIOns, call Barbara<br />

Clark, Lamse Reading <strong>or</strong> Mar.<br />

tha TIttle<br />

Mothers of Multiples elects officers<br />

The Eastern Bi-rounty Mothers<br />

of Multiples elected its<br />

board of chrect<strong>or</strong>s f<strong>or</strong> 1994-95.<br />

They are Joanne Denrus, presIdent,<br />

Kathleen Steiner, VIce<br />

preSIdent; Pat Austm, treasurer,<br />

Charlene Haberk<strong>or</strong>n, secretary,<br />

Peggy MIelke, state rep<br />

resentatlve, and Ge<strong>or</strong>gIana<br />

MacAlpine, member-at-Iarge<br />

The EBCMOM was fonned <strong>to</strong><br />

educate mothers and expectant<br />

mothers of multIples about the<br />

annually The group holds regular<br />

meetings on the second<br />

Monday of each month at<br />

G~llce Church, 21001 M<strong>or</strong>ass in<br />

DetrOIt<br />

F<strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e Infonnation, call<br />

Joanne Denrus at 884-3673.<br />

F<strong>or</strong>me1ly of Grosse Pointe<br />

special aspects of rearing multiples,<br />

through group meetings<br />

Specializingjn Permanents, Col<strong>or</strong>ing,<br />

w'mitrlx'<br />

BIeadr,-Frostillg & Manicures<br />

and actiVIties, professional<br />

speakers, peer supp<strong>or</strong>t, and research<br />

and educational matenals<br />

relatmg <strong>to</strong> tWIns, trIplets,<br />

ere. E SSE N T I A L S<br />

Membership dues are $18 24514 Harper 777-1088<br />

St Clair Sh<strong>or</strong>es Parking Available<br />

Personalized Care<br />

You Can Depend On<br />

When it comes <strong>to</strong> quality care, we pride ourselves<br />

on our cus<strong>to</strong>mer-onented service We cater <strong>to</strong> the<br />

comf<strong>or</strong>t needs of sem<strong>or</strong>s<br />

OUf profeSSIOnal staff is here <strong>to</strong> assist you If you<br />

<strong>or</strong> a loved one needs Home Care <strong>or</strong> Private Duty.<br />

Our staff mcludes<br />

RNs/LPNs - Home Health Aides - Personal Care Aides<br />

Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.<br />

(313) 772-5360<br />

St.[.l<br />

John~FLEXSTAFF<br />

an affiliate of St John Health System<br />


115'% MORE FUN ..<br />


(AND 15% IS OFF.)<br />

(Exp 8 1394)<br />

1ili3~~lIbl<br />

20655 MACK AT VERNIER<br />

GROSSE POINTE WOODS • 884-0140<br />

Cancer surviv<strong>or</strong>s<br />

M<strong>or</strong>E' than 260 cancer surviv<strong>or</strong>s,<br />

their families and fnends<br />

recently attended a free all.<br />

Amencan picnic hosted by St.<br />

John Hospital and Medical<br />

Center In recognition of National<br />

Cancer Surviv<strong>or</strong>s Day.<br />

The day is set aside <strong>to</strong> recognize<br />

cancer surviv<strong>or</strong>s, the<br />

professionals dedicated <strong>to</strong> them<br />

and <strong>to</strong> bnng attention <strong>to</strong> the issues<br />

of SurvIv<strong>or</strong>ship. The celebration<br />

<strong>to</strong>ok place on the<br />

grounds of the Edsel & Elean<strong>or</strong><br />

F<strong>or</strong>d House 10 Grosse Pointe<br />

Sh<strong>or</strong>es<br />

<strong>Local</strong> radio personality and<br />

cancer surviv<strong>or</strong> Dick Purtan of<br />

WKQI-FM kIcked off the event<br />

WIth a welcome f<strong>or</strong> everyone.<br />

PlcllIckers were entertamed<br />

The Colony Town Club recently<br />

installed its new officers<br />

f<strong>or</strong> 1994-95. They are Edith<br />

SmIth, president; Mildred<br />

Davis, fIrst vice preSIdent; Joan<br />

Palmer. second vice president,<br />

Barbara LaFaire, c<strong>or</strong>responding<br />

secretary; Gl<strong>or</strong>ia Sullivan, c<strong>or</strong>respondmg<br />

secretary; and Sylvia<br />

Wiard, treasurer.<br />

David Bradley Eisenbrey, son<br />

of Dr. A. Bradley and Louis

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