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JUly 21, 1994<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

News<br />

Kelly confident as he makes bid f<strong>or</strong> u.s. Senate nomination<br />

By DavJd Howard<br />

Special Writer<br />

After 16 years in the MichIgan<br />

Legislature, John Kelly IS<br />

ready f<strong>or</strong> a change<br />

Rather than go down In hIst<strong>or</strong>y<br />

as a man who couldn't leg.<br />

Islate hIs ''Yay out of a state<br />

capi<strong>to</strong>l, state Sen Kelly IS mak.<br />

mg hIS thIrd run f<strong>or</strong> WBshmg<strong>to</strong>n,<br />

D C. - this tIme f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

US Senate.<br />

Kelly, 44, threw hIs hat m<strong>to</strong><br />

the rmg in two congressIOnal<br />

races, m 1980 and 1992, but<br />

he's especIally enthusIastIc<br />

about his chances thIS year<br />

WIth SIX maj<strong>or</strong> party candl.<br />

dates, Kelly said the WInner<br />

WIll only have had <strong>to</strong> appeal <strong>to</strong><br />

a small plurahty of voters.<br />

"ThIs IS hterally a race<br />

Whel'e virtually everyone<br />

counts," he said<br />

And he's convmced there's no<br />

better candIdate than himself.<br />

"I'm waglng a grass roots<br />

CampaIgn, I haven't left any<br />

k;:>k undone, and m terms of<br />

mternatlOnaI trade, f<strong>or</strong>eign relatIOns,<br />

mIlitary policy, and<br />

domestic priOrIties, and 16<br />

years of dealing Wlth these<br />

human social service and educational<br />

<strong>problem</strong>s, there Isn't<br />

anybody else that's qualified "<br />

But his campaign doesn't<br />

have the financial whereWIthal<br />

<strong>to</strong> allow hIm <strong>to</strong> rest on his laurels.<br />

"If you don't have money,<br />

you'd bettel make sure you hIt<br />

every little meetIng," he saId<br />

"I went <strong>to</strong> Tecumseh f<strong>or</strong> 12<br />

people."<br />

This is a crucial year f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

Democrats in Congress. There<br />

are 34 U.S. Senate seats up f<strong>or</strong><br />

grabs, 21 of them Democratic.<br />

"In an off-year election you<br />

can expect <strong>to</strong> lose two <strong>or</strong> three<br />

of those seats, Kelly said.<br />

If a Democrat doesn't win<br />

thIS seat and the Republicans<br />

do take the maj<strong>or</strong>ity, what<br />

you're guaranteeing of the Republicans<br />

is that they will be<br />

nothing but obstructionist."<br />

Especially on tile warpath,<br />

acc<strong>or</strong>ding <strong>to</strong> Kelly, are Rep.<br />

Newt Gingnch of Ge<strong>or</strong>gla and<br />

Sen Robert Dole of Kansas<br />

"Pingrich and Dole have decided<br />

that what they're going<br />

<strong>to</strong> do is try <strong>to</strong> block everything<br />

In the next year-and-8-half and<br />

use that as a basIS f<strong>or</strong> Clin<strong>to</strong>n's<br />

defeat m 1996," Kelly said.<br />

"So those are the two choices<br />

- either someone in the Democratic<br />

party who IS a voice of<br />

reason <strong>to</strong> the administration<br />

who starts telling them <strong>what's</strong><br />

going on out here in America,<br />

0t someone who by design f<strong>or</strong><br />

the next two years must do<br />

nothIng but obstruct and s<strong>to</strong>p<br />

Which is great f<strong>or</strong> their career<br />

but not very good f<strong>or</strong> the countIY."<br />

.Kelly, married f<strong>or</strong> 22 years<br />

WIth two daughters, said he'd<br />

fOCus his energIes as a juni<strong>or</strong><br />

senat<strong>or</strong> on cutting defense<br />

spending, a bureaucracy he<br />

f~els has long been "overbuilt<br />

and oversubsidized."<br />

;"The Cold War's over. F<strong>or</strong> 50<br />

years we spent tnllions of dolhirs<br />

on weapons systems. we've<br />

built Stealth bombers that can<br />

escape radar systems that don't<br />

exist. And the president had<br />

buckled on continuation of the<br />

TrIdent submarine program f<strong>or</strong><br />

another two years, <strong>to</strong> assuage<br />

the people of Gro<strong>to</strong>n, Conn,<br />

(where the submarme IS made)<br />

when we've got absolute supremacy<br />

of the seas There's no<br />

one <strong>to</strong> challenge that and<br />

there's no need f<strong>or</strong> that submarine,"<br />

he said<br />

"And the same thing's true<br />

in other advanced weapons systems.<br />

We're stIll committmg<br />

hundreds of bllhons of dollars<br />

In federal outlays f<strong>or</strong> a com<br />

mumty that is overbUIlt, has<br />

been oversubsldlZed and needs<br />

<strong>to</strong> be rapidly and severely<br />

downsIZed. If they want <strong>to</strong> keep<br />

the w<strong>or</strong>kers In ConnectIcut<br />

w<strong>or</strong>k 109 on shIps let's rebuild<br />

our merchant marme fleet<br />

That's something that's been<br />

viable and commercial and<br />

(can) get AmerIcans in<strong>to</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ld<br />

trade."<br />

He supp<strong>or</strong>ts, in general, Presldent<br />

Chn<strong>to</strong>n's subSIdy system<br />

But he saId he also supp<strong>or</strong>ts<br />

the General Agreement on Tariffs<br />

and Trade (GA'IT), III Vdlious<br />

stages of negotIatIOn smce<br />

the end of W<strong>or</strong>ld War IT, which<br />

narrowly defines goods and<br />

places them m various catego<br />

nes f<strong>or</strong> purposes of universal<br />

recogmtIOn and eliminates<br />

trade and mvestment barrIers<br />

w<strong>or</strong>ldwide.<br />

Kelly saId the natIOn's resources<br />

should s<strong>to</strong>p being allocated<br />

<strong>to</strong> those who don't need<br />

them.<br />

"We cannot subsJ(me our<br />

farming communIty," he said<br />

"When you look at the agricultural<br />

sect<strong>or</strong> and how it's defined,<br />

they're going <strong>to</strong> have <strong>to</strong><br />

do away with price supp<strong>or</strong>ts,<br />

and they're going <strong>to</strong> have <strong>to</strong> do<br />

away with a lot of the Indirect<br />

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State Sen. John Kelly is running f<strong>or</strong> U.S, Senate.<br />

SubSIdies the federal government's<br />

been glvmg them,"<br />

Kelly SaId<br />

He CIted as a maj<strong>or</strong> polItICal<br />

<strong>problem</strong> French farmers' dependence<br />

on government supp<strong>or</strong>t<br />

at a tIme when other European<br />

countrIes had phased out the<br />

practlce<br />

"They're phased out over a<br />

couple of years and they're<br />

done. And that's the way it<br />

should be anyway. American<br />

agricultural productiVIty's so<br />

hIgh, and remams high, and<br />

there's a w<strong>or</strong>ld market f<strong>or</strong> it<br />

and we will be a primary benefiCIary<br />

under GATT. So the<br />

subSidies they're going <strong>to</strong> get<br />

are gomg <strong>to</strong> come from the<br />

marketplace rather than the<br />

taxpayer," Kelly said<br />

lIe wants <strong>to</strong> "bnng some<br />

common sense back <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Democratic party and elimmate<br />

all thIS c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate welfare."<br />

Kelly saId the United States<br />

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PholD by DaVId Howard<br />

lags behmd other natIOns, such<br />

as Germany and Japan, in exp<strong>or</strong>t<br />

development. Not only are<br />

these countrIes bestmg the<br />

Untted States m the amount of<br />

theIr gross national product<br />

(GNP) they exp<strong>or</strong>t, they know<br />

better how <strong>to</strong> target those exp<strong>or</strong>ts<br />

"What we should be doing is<br />

ldentIfymg successful small and<br />

medIUm businesses, because<br />

those are the principal Job creat<strong>or</strong>s,<br />

and through a cooperatIve<br />

federal and state program, say<br />

'who are the people who are<br />

successes m the marketplace?'''<br />

he said<br />

"Let's find out who needs <strong>to</strong><br />

get m<strong>to</strong> the stream of commerce,<br />

whether they're making<br />

broom handles <strong>or</strong> au<strong>to</strong>motive<br />

parts, and proVIde them Wlth<br />

the encouragement and provide<br />

them WIth the services <strong>to</strong> get<br />

our products out m<strong>to</strong> thIS w<strong>or</strong>ld<br />

of free trade that we've ere.<br />

ated"<br />

"You don't need <strong>to</strong> do It f<strong>or</strong><br />

3M; they've got offices w<strong>or</strong>ld<br />

wIde"<br />

He saId most smaller busl<br />

ness owners may not know that<br />

there are markets f<strong>or</strong> theIr<br />

goods and servIceS all over the<br />

w<strong>or</strong>ld.<br />

IdentIfymg and gettmg products<br />

<strong>to</strong> these markets, he saId,<br />

would aceomphsh two thmgs<br />

prOVIde stable, long-term employment<br />

and bnng down the<br />

per-umt costs of the goods they<br />

sell domestICally<br />

Kelly would also review the<br />

SOCIal SecurIty proviSIOns<br />

whIch allow the federal government<br />

<strong>to</strong> extncate Itself from<br />

any responsIbIlity f<strong>or</strong> dIsabled<br />

mdlvlduals and others who've<br />

tradItionally been consIdered<br />

unable <strong>to</strong> contnbute <strong>to</strong> society.<br />

He saId It's unacceptable<br />

that money IS arbItrarIly and<br />

indifferently dIsbursed <strong>to</strong> such<br />

people, with no attentIOn paId'<br />

<strong>to</strong> theIr unique and valuable<br />

aptitudes<br />

"It doesn't mean that we<br />

can't do Subsllbzmg m terms of<br />

Income; It doesn't mean that<br />

we can't help In proVldmg education<br />

<strong>or</strong> remedial servIceS. But<br />

everybody has a place at the<br />

table," Kelly said.<br />

"Vv"nen you look at people<br />

with handicaps. regardless of<br />

whether they're emotional<br />

handicaps <strong>or</strong> physical handicaps,<br />

those individuals want <strong>to</strong><br />

be an active part of SOCIety.<br />

And we should not cash people<br />

9A<br />

out and say we no longer have<br />

a responslblltty f<strong>or</strong> you"<br />

"I'd <strong>to</strong>tally revIew that. And<br />

the review would not be a Ronald<br />

Reagan-style review. All he<br />

dId was cut the checks off and<br />

say you're on your own "<br />

Kelly WIll face fellow Democrats<br />

Carl Marlinga, Bob Carr,<br />

Joel Ferguson, Lana Pollack<br />

and Wilham Brodhead in the<br />

Aug 2 prImary, a field from<br />

whIch he saId he dlstmguishes<br />

hImself by beIng an mdependent<br />

Democrat.<br />

"Very mdependent Democrat<br />

Always have been, always<br />

wIll be," he said<br />

"I've never let the dommant<br />

mterests III the DemocratIc<br />

party dIctate my course of actIOn<br />

I'm not gomg <strong>to</strong> roll over<br />

because the preSIdent of the<br />

Umted States calls And I'm<br />

certaInly not gomg <strong>to</strong> flInch because<br />

Bob Dole wants <strong>to</strong> put<br />

me m a partisan box. Neither<br />

one of those is gomg <strong>to</strong> happen"<br />

What IS going <strong>to</strong> happen,<br />

Kelly saId, IS that he will be<br />

prepared <strong>to</strong> respect the differences<br />

of opInion that invariably<br />

turn the politIcal process m<strong>to</strong> a<br />

prolonged, arduous give-and<br />

take.<br />

"What I dIscovered after<br />

w<strong>or</strong>kin~ with people f<strong>or</strong> 16<br />

years is that every single one of<br />

those people commg from their<br />

districts had a dIfferent point of<br />

view I had <strong>to</strong> understand that<br />

poInt of VIew, <strong>to</strong> find out what<br />

the common linkages were,"<br />

Kelly said.<br />

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