Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...


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8A<br />

Nice lawn,<br />

but _ ..<br />

Te, the Edit<strong>or</strong>:<br />

Are there other people in<br />

the community who are offended<br />

by the daily din of<br />

motQrs of lawn care equipment?<br />

It is 8'30 a.m. and my<br />

neighb<strong>or</strong>s' lawn service<br />

company has just begun<br />

w<strong>or</strong>k F<strong>or</strong> two <strong>to</strong> three<br />

hours we will be assaulted<br />

by the droning and wailing<br />

of blowers, edgers and<br />

large lawnmowers. The<br />

noise IS so loud that if we<br />

are outsIde It drowns out<br />

conversation. If we are in-<br />

SIde with the windows open<br />

the noISe is still intrusIve<br />

and offensIve<br />

We, <strong>to</strong>o, value well maintamed<br />

and tended lawns<br />

but the noise generated <strong>to</strong><br />

aceomphsh this has become<br />

absurd. As a testament <strong>to</strong><br />

the noise mtensity level,<br />

note that many of the<br />

w<strong>or</strong>kers wear ear protection<br />

The technology <strong>to</strong> reduce<br />

this noise is available.<br />

I would supp<strong>or</strong>t regulations<br />

<strong>to</strong> limit and control<br />

such noise levels.<br />

Robert<br />

H. Schappe<br />

Grosse Pointe Park<br />

The unkindness<br />

of strangers<br />

To the Edit<strong>or</strong>:<br />

Last week, I bicycled <strong>to</strong><br />

the Farms Pier with my<br />

chIldren While en route<br />

down Kerby <strong>to</strong>ward Lakesh<strong>or</strong>e,<br />

we noticed two<br />

mothers With children attempting<br />

<strong>to</strong> assist the<br />

street crossmg of a mother<br />

duck and her brood of<br />

seven ducklings<br />

In the sh<strong>or</strong>t moment it<br />

<strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> bring a smile <strong>to</strong> our<br />

faces, we immediately notIced<br />

the approaching cars<br />

were not gomg <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p, <strong>or</strong><br />

even slow down We began<br />

<strong>to</strong> yell in an attempt <strong>to</strong><br />

alert the dnvers, but carelessly<br />

those same drivers<br />

made no attempt <strong>to</strong> exer-<br />

CIse caution as we watched<br />

hqck whIle t. ~ .-<br />

tk'lVers<br />

ve~<br />

t It ~eBuc0~.m-<br />

~<br />

front of the cfnldren.<br />

It was very dIfficult f<strong>or</strong><br />

my chIldren <strong>to</strong> understand<br />

'why these inconsiderate<br />

persons dId not care<br />

enough <strong>to</strong> wait the few<br />

minutes it would take f<strong>or</strong><br />

the ducklings <strong>to</strong> clear their<br />

path. I couldn't offer a response<br />

aside from my extreme<br />

discontent f<strong>or</strong> those<br />

reSIdents who would dare<br />

<strong>to</strong> run over baby ducklmgs<br />

in the presence of children.<br />

None of us present that<br />

flnR<br />


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EurAupaJr IntercullUral<br />

Ch lid Care Progra ms IS<br />

currenlly plaCIng<br />

carefully selected.<br />

EnglISh speaking<br />

au pam; ages 1825<br />

-..'lh quahfied<br />

Amencan families<br />

Select from a ",de<br />

vaflety of bright ~<br />

,rlo.hl. OJ "•• ~ ~.<br />

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Holland Lngland<br />

france, Germal1v ....:nlutlf:<br />

and masl (-urope.n<br />

c.ounlnes l...oc.1l<br />

rep supp<strong>or</strong>t F<strong>or</strong><br />

Ocx.hle child care<br />

and a cullUrally<br />

ennchlng experience<br />

I", the cnll,e famlTy<br />

(.all f<strong>or</strong> de falls <strong>or</strong><br />

H!Jlncd,.atc plac:emCIII<br />

~haroD<br />

881.5643<br />

1-800-333-3804, Ext #2<br />

iiiAufhir<br />

••~ CNde- Prognrn$<br />

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.. ~ 'WfHS A~".""~ I-\f'~" l'W~J\b fl.t'\~ .....\.LrI'om<br />

Letters<br />

day could believe it. Is this<br />

really the way Grosse<br />

Pointe residents set exam.<br />

pIes f<strong>or</strong> our youth?<br />

Ironically, on our way<br />

home from the PIer, my<br />

son riding his new bicycle<br />

about a half block ahead of<br />

me In front of Kerby<br />

School, <strong>to</strong>ok an unf<strong>or</strong>tunate<br />

fall rIght in<strong>to</strong> the "Welcome<br />

<strong>to</strong> Kerby" sign. A<br />

man In a maroon minivan<br />

immedIately pulled from<br />

the street In<strong>to</strong> the parking<br />

lot and jumped from his<br />

vehicle <strong>to</strong> assIst my son<br />

Thanks <strong>to</strong> this gentleman,<br />

my children realIZed that<br />

there are still those persons<br />

who care enough <strong>to</strong> take a<br />

moment out <strong>to</strong> help others<br />

C<strong>or</strong>inne<br />

Vote f<strong>or</strong><br />

Martin<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

Guns f<strong>or</strong> <strong>to</strong>ys<br />

To the Edit<strong>or</strong>:<br />

On a recent assIgnment<br />

f<strong>or</strong> our government class<br />

we inVestIgated programs<br />

offerIng merchandIse m ex.<br />

change f<strong>or</strong> firearms<br />

As we researched our<br />

<strong>to</strong>pic, we dIscovered that<br />

until recently there were<br />

no such programs in the<br />

metro Detroit area In the<br />

past month, Detroit followed<br />

in the footsteps of<br />

other crime-ridden CItIes,<br />

such as Los Angeles and<br />

New Y<strong>or</strong>k, in establishing<br />

its own programs.<br />

We believe that DetrOIt's<br />

commencement of these<br />

programs is a large step<br />

<strong>to</strong>ward much-needed gun<br />

control<br />

In our recent survey, we<br />

questIoned people aging<br />

from 14 <strong>to</strong> over 50; out of<br />

those, 67 percent were In<br />

fav<strong>or</strong> of the Guns f<strong>or</strong> Merchandise<br />

programs. These<br />

programs reduce the number<br />

of guns in circulation,<br />

thus reducing the number<br />

of gun-related crimes Also,<br />

this pertains <strong>to</strong> the renaissance<br />

theme Detroit has<br />

attempted <strong>to</strong> p<strong>or</strong>tray In<br />

past years.<br />

We commend the city f<strong>or</strong><br />

its eff<strong>or</strong>ts, however, there<br />

should be regulations as <strong>to</strong><br />

what type of f"Irearm may<br />

be exchanged This would<br />

~re~iW 'fhW ;ex~ge of ..<br />

relatively useless, outdated<br />

weapons A safer city<br />

would increase the number<br />

of city-goers, thus increasing<br />

business, employment,<br />

and a prospering economy.<br />

Tina DiLaura<br />

Don Pierce<br />

Paul Hathaway<br />

Ken Reeves<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

Sanders stays<br />

To the Edit<strong>or</strong>:<br />

This is 8 day f<strong>or</strong> Grosse<br />

Pointers <strong>to</strong> be happy and<br />

proud because Sanders in<br />

the Village has a new<br />

three-year lease and will<br />

remain the charming place<br />

it is <strong>to</strong>day because many in<br />

the area w<strong>or</strong>ked hard <strong>to</strong><br />

ensure Its preservation.<br />

Recognition goes <strong>to</strong> Gail<br />

Phillips, who Initiated the<br />

petition drive, and Danielle<br />

Hams. These merchants,<br />

with the help of others at<br />

Hadden's of London and<br />

Village Shoes, w<strong>or</strong>ked enthusiastIcally<br />

<strong>to</strong> keep the<br />

st<strong>or</strong>e open Jerry Valente,<br />

of the VIllage Association,<br />

was a source of backing, as<br />

were several other merchants<br />

in the VIllage, Hill,<br />

Kercheval in-the-Park, and<br />

Mack Avenue shopping districts.<br />

Sc<strong>or</strong>es of concerned<br />

citizens made the cause<br />

their own<br />

The Grosse Pointe Hist<strong>or</strong>ical<br />

Society <strong>to</strong>ok the<br />

matter very serIously, and<br />

municipal officials ill many<br />

cities were concerned.<br />

Wayne County commissioner<br />

Andrew RIchner and<br />

his staff even prepared a<br />

resolution in supp<strong>or</strong>t of<br />

Sanders f<strong>or</strong> city councils.<br />

Of course, the community<br />

owes a debt of gratitude <strong>to</strong><br />

Jun Brasier and Sanders<br />

management, as well as<br />

Talon Development, which<br />

hammered out details of a<br />

lease that saves jobs and a<br />

neighb<strong>or</strong>hood institution.<br />

As Sanders in the Village<br />

begins its 60th year<br />

serving the community, I<br />

hope everyone joins in celebrating<br />

this very sweet success.<br />

Mike Mengden<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

It's the process<br />

To the Edit<strong>or</strong>:<br />

I would like <strong>to</strong> make a<br />

comment on the constitionality<br />

of legislative and congressional<br />

term l.inl;i.tation.<br />

hnplied in tn~~"'tIhdijg 1 :l><br />

Fathers' provisions- .qbr II \I.<br />

state representation was<br />

that these people would be<br />

elected by those they were<br />

<strong>to</strong> represent.<br />

How they should be<br />

elected has -been changed<br />

several times. Term limitation<br />

applies <strong>to</strong> the election<br />

process, not the other qualifications<br />

Neil Heffernan<br />

Harold Jinks<br />

Grosse Pointe Park<br />

IIWithout a solid and stable family<br />

structure f<strong>or</strong> our children, we will<br />

not have good neighb<strong>or</strong>hoods and<br />

safe cities.<br />

Crime, street violence, and dis<strong>or</strong>der<br />

in neighb<strong>or</strong>hoods is caused lJy the<br />

breakdown of the family."<br />

Nell Heffernan can be<br />

trusted in Lansing as a State Senat<strong>or</strong><br />

dedicated <strong>to</strong> strengthening families<br />

throughout Michigan.<br />

A common Sense oem ocrat<br />

August 2nd-<br />

Community<br />

is thanked<br />

To the Edit<strong>or</strong>:<br />

Several months ago the<br />

Grosse Pointe South High<br />

Drive F<strong>or</strong> Lights Committee<br />

came bef<strong>or</strong>e the Farms<br />

City Council requesting a<br />

SIte plan approval f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

installation of permanent<br />

lightmg f<strong>or</strong> night sp<strong>or</strong>ts<br />

events at South High<br />

School.<br />

The proposal was made<br />

WIth the best of intentIOns<br />

WIth the hehef that night<br />

sp<strong>or</strong>ts events such as Friday<br />

mght football would be<br />

an asset <strong>to</strong> the community.<br />

That same meeting was<br />

filled with reSIdents dIametrically<br />

opposed <strong>to</strong> permanent<br />

lightmg at South.<br />

TheIr OppoSItIon was also<br />

made WIth the best of m-<br />

tentIOns, WIth the behef<br />

that night sp<strong>or</strong>tmg events<br />

would be a detriment <strong>to</strong><br />

the community.<br />

What was clear IS that<br />

both parties were sincerely<br />

interestro in the be

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