Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...


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JUlY '::::1, l~~q<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

Schools 15A<br />

Student Spotlight<br />

Jimmy Manganello<br />

.::: Eoch week in this column we<br />

::: focus on tlul w<strong>or</strong>k of a student.<br />

.: : :[t can be a poem <strong>or</strong> slwrt st<strong>or</strong>y<br />

.: <strong>or</strong> essay.<br />

.;:: Jimmy ManganelkJ has Just<br />

:•finisluld tlul first grade at Maire<br />

_:-:Elementary School m tlul City<br />

: : :of Crosse Pointe. He IS the son<br />

. -aITom and Marian ManganelkJ<br />

. : ".0{ Grosse Pointe Park.<br />

The Magic Rabbit<br />

Once upon a time there was<br />

.' a magic rabbit. He lived in a<br />

.black hat. He belonged <strong>to</strong> a<br />

-magician named Gabe.<br />

There was going <strong>to</strong> be a<br />

f ••<br />

magic show on Friday and it<br />

was going <strong>to</strong> be exciting. Three<br />

days later, the magIc show began.<br />

The magician said, "F<strong>or</strong><br />

my last trick I will make my<br />

rabbit disappear! Pres<strong>to</strong><br />

chango!"<br />

The audience said, "It disappeared."<br />

The magician Bald, "Now I<br />

will n;.ake it reappear."<br />

He said, "Uh-oh," because<br />

the rabbit wasn't there. He Bald<br />

• ;'pres<strong>to</strong> chango" again but it<br />

: ~didn't w<strong>or</strong>k.<br />

The audience left. When a<br />

~.: .Grunow earns<br />

r;~couting award<br />

• Grosse Pointe Farms resident<br />

;.' Sarah Grunow recently was<br />

, •hon<strong>or</strong>ed with the highest<br />

~ : award in Girl Scouting - the<br />

, Gold Award.<br />

. To earn this award, Grunow<br />

: had <strong>to</strong> learn about herself, ex-<br />

•• pl<strong>or</strong>e career ideas, build upon<br />

:.• Skills and talents, develop lead.<br />

".• ership skills and conduct a ser.<br />

: : vice project in her community.<br />

Grunow is a member of Girl<br />

. Scout Troop 1012 of Grosse<br />

Pointe Farms. F<strong>or</strong> her service<br />

project, she w<strong>or</strong>ked with other<br />

scouts in writing a training<br />

I manual and referel1ce guide f<strong>or</strong><br />

. the Mackinac Island Scout Ser-<br />

safety Club<br />

Service<br />

Club<br />

woman from the audience got<br />

home, she began pouring some<br />

pop from the show and the rabbit<br />

popped out.<br />

"Hi," he saId.<br />

"1. . . I . 1 don't think<br />

you're him," the woman said.<br />

She called the magician. "I<br />

found your rabbIt," she said.<br />

The magician came over <strong>to</strong> the<br />

woman's house and got the rabbit.<br />

The end,<br />

Sarah Grunow<br />

vice Camp. The manual included<br />

pictures, general rules<br />

and suggestions f<strong>or</strong> all girls.<br />

South teacher reads AP exams<br />

Ann Eatherly, social~fiUdles<br />

teacher at Grosse Pointe South<br />

• High School, was picked <strong>to</strong><br />

take part inJune in the annual<br />

reading and sc<strong>or</strong>ing of Advanced<br />

Placement Examinations<br />

in Economics in a weeklong<br />

session at Trinity<br />

University in San Ant<strong>or</strong>no,<br />

, Texas. Eatherly has taught AP<br />

• microeconomics at South.<br />

:-.' Each year the AP Program,<br />

: Spons<strong>or</strong>ed by the Prince<strong>to</strong>n-<br />

: :?ased College Board, gives hun-<br />

dreds of thousands of capable<br />

high school students an opp<strong>or</strong>tun;.ty<br />

<strong>to</strong> take rig<strong>or</strong>ous collegelevel<br />

courses and examinations<br />

and, based on their exam<br />

perf<strong>or</strong>mance, <strong>to</strong> receive credit<br />

and/<strong>or</strong> advanced placement<br />

when they enter college.<br />

This year m<strong>or</strong>e than 695,000<br />

examinations in 16 disciplines<br />

were evaluated by over 2,800<br />

selected faculty consultants<br />

from high schools and universitief<br />

across the United States.<br />

~~~ Students of the month<br />

:: :Defer - Shawn Fraser<br />

: ::Ferry - Michael Hadgis and<br />

-R8sika Karnik<br />

, .Kerby - Alex McKenzie<br />

- : :Maire - Matt Ehas<br />

>Mason - John Klawitter<br />

; :: MonteIth - Philip Mannmo<br />

:aild Elizabeth Olson<br />

-Poupard - Jac1yn MIddle<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Richard - Paul L<strong>or</strong>edo<br />

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