Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...

Who, or what's to blame for lake's problem smell? - Local History ...


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hit on MEA<br />

hurt Nov.8 ?<br />

Gv. John Engler's path <strong>to</strong> a a sec.<br />

nd term is not yet assured, even<br />

though Michigan's Democrats will<br />

not be united behind a single candidate<br />

until the Aug, 2 primary f<strong>or</strong>ces them <strong>to</strong><br />

choose,<br />

Instead, 42 percent of all respondents <strong>to</strong><br />

The Detroit News poll taken by South.<br />

field-based N<strong>or</strong>dhaus Research Inc. say<br />

they will vote f<strong>or</strong> <strong>or</strong> fav<strong>or</strong> a second Engler<br />

term, but 44 percent say they defi.<br />

nitely <strong>or</strong> probably would vote against<br />

him.<br />

The govern<strong>or</strong>'s maj<strong>or</strong> <strong>problem</strong> is with<br />

Michigan women, He gets only 37 percent<br />

solid and tentative supp<strong>or</strong>t among all<br />

women m the poll, as contrasted with 46<br />

percent who oppose his candidacy. The<br />

poll shows an even split f<strong>or</strong> and against<br />

Engler among men.<br />

Part of his <strong>problem</strong> with women may<br />

stem from his administration's all-out attack<br />

on the Michigan Education Association,<br />

and by inference, on public school<br />

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teachers and parents who back their<br />

children's teachers.<br />

But with the primary just weeks away,<br />

no single Democrat has emerged as a<br />

clear choice. In fact, f<strong>or</strong>mer Congressman<br />

Howard Wolpe led The Detroit News poll<br />

with 19 percent supp<strong>or</strong>t followed closely<br />

by state Sen. Deb<strong>or</strong>ah Stabenow, with 15<br />

percent backing.<br />

Other Detroit News polling results help<br />

explain the govern<strong>or</strong>'s lack of strength in<br />

spite of an economy that IS expanding<br />

and an unemployment rate that is declining.<br />

The poll showed that 27 percent of the<br />

respondents list improving the economy<br />

and creating jobs as the state government's<br />

<strong>to</strong>p pri<strong>or</strong>ity this year, a figure that<br />

critics explain emerges from the public<br />

perception that the economy's improvement<br />

has been felt unevenly around the<br />

state.<br />

.<br />

Tim Nayl<strong>or</strong> of N<strong>or</strong>dhaus said, however,<br />

that the explanation may lie in the lag<br />

time often perceived beween when things<br />

start <strong>to</strong> get better and when people recog.<br />

nize the improvement.<br />

Democrats, in the Detroit newspaper's<br />

view, believe the recovery is an illusion<br />

f<strong>or</strong> many Michiganians, and that the decreasing<br />

unemployment rate means little<br />

because high-wage manufacturing jobs<br />

have been replaced by low-paying service<br />

Jobs.<br />

F<strong>or</strong> the govern<strong>or</strong>, "Michigan is back"<br />

has become a popular theme, the Detroit<br />

paper went on, as Engler brags about the<br />

declining jobless rate, gains in personal<br />

income and c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate profits, and earn.<br />

ings growth f<strong>or</strong> small and medium-size<br />

busmesses.<br />

While m<strong>or</strong>e of the public may be sold<br />

on that view as time passes, people who<br />

have not benefited from the economic re-<br />

\.vy.:Jry,<strong>or</strong> see ..... e prO::lp~1 Vi. ""p'VY"'-<br />

ment in their own jobs <strong>or</strong> bus mess, obviously<br />

will continue <strong>to</strong> challenge<br />

Engler's claim that "Michigan is back."<br />

Even the poll finding that the p~bhc'sl<br />

third pri<strong>or</strong>ity f<strong>or</strong> state gov~~ent IS ~pgrading<br />

the schools hardly mdicates sails. I<br />

faction with the so-called Engler educa.:<br />

tion ref<strong>or</strong>m package passed by the<br />

Legislature.<br />

That feeling, in fact, may be a reaction<br />

not only <strong>to</strong> the legIslation itself b~t. also<br />

<strong>to</strong> the all-out attack that the adm~mstration<br />

made on the Michigan EducatIOn As.<br />

sociation and, as we've said, by inference,<br />

an attack on public school teachers and<br />

the parents who supp<strong>or</strong>t them.<br />

As might be expected, the MEA is responding<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Engler attack with a<br />

well-financed campaign of criticism of and<br />

opposition <strong>to</strong> the govern<strong>or</strong> which, if this<br />

early poll IS accurate, could jeopardize his<br />

re-election,<br />

Since Engler has no primary opposition,<br />

time appears <strong>to</strong> be on his side, especially .<br />

if the economic recovery continues.<br />

If m<strong>or</strong>e people see improvements in<br />

their own situations, the govern<strong>or</strong> could '<br />

easily win in November even though his<br />

public standing now just oof<strong>or</strong>e the Aug.<br />

2. primary appears <strong>to</strong> be somewhat precarIOus.<br />

Robert G. Edgar<br />

Publisher<br />

Robert B. Edgar<br />

Founder and Publisher<br />

(l94D-1979)<br />

.<br />

Publubed Weekly by<br />

Aa.ocbo PIobhoh ...<br />

96 Ker..::- YA<br />

John Minnis" ..... .... ~ ~<br />

» .;..,~ ~.? ::::: .w; .....<br />

Letters are on page SA<br />

•<br />

Speakmg of weather, it's<br />

been unusually hot and dry<br />

here since I arrived. I haven't<br />

even needed my umbrella.<br />

Temperatures hit the mld-80s<br />

last week, the first time m<br />

years The n<strong>or</strong>mally staid Brits<br />

are sweating It out and wondering<br />

why they never developed<br />

alf conditIOmng - eIther m<br />

their cars Oftheir homes.<br />

•<br />

On BastIlle Day, July 14<br />

(Grosse Pointe News edit<strong>or</strong>ial<br />

writer Wilbur Els<strong>to</strong>n's bIrth.<br />

day, hope it was a good one),<br />

tanks rolled down the Champs-<br />

Elysees, almost 50 years <strong>to</strong> the<br />

day smce they were pushed out<br />

of Pans. While the Germans<br />

received pohte applause from<br />

the spectat<strong>or</strong>s during France's<br />

annual mihtary parade, some<br />

of those long of mem<strong>or</strong>y and<br />

<strong>to</strong>oth were less elated.<br />

•<br />

Round up the usual suspects,<br />

At least that's what Bntlsn p0-<br />

lice are domg following a recent<br />

infant-snatching from a<br />

hOspItal A Vogue covergirl<br />

who slightly resembled a police<br />

sketch of the babyknapper was<br />

arrested and questIoned not<br />

• « "' .-...---.. _~.......-. _ -.eo He .....<br />

once but twice. The woman was<br />

arrested f<strong>or</strong> the second tun~<br />

while shopping m a London department<br />

st<strong>or</strong>e on Oxf<strong>or</strong>d<br />

Street.<br />

The Vogue model and her 3-<br />

week-ldson were hauled <strong>to</strong> p

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