Hayes and Garber - Cucurbit Breeding

Hayes and Garber - Cucurbit Breeding Hayes and Garber - Cucurbit Breeding

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302 BREEDING CROP PLANTS CUMMINGS, M. B., 1904. Fertilization problems: A study of reciprocal crosses. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull., 104 : 81-99. CUTLER, G. H., 1919. A dwarf wheat. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron., 11: 76-78. DARWIN, CHARLES, 1877. The effects of cross- and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. Appleton & Co., London. DE CANDOLLE, ALPHONSE, 1886. Origin of cultivated plants. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London, 468 pp. DETTWEILER, 1914. Aryan agriculture. Jour. Heredity, 5: 473-481. DE VRIES, HUGO, 1899. Sur la fecondation hybride de 1'albumen. Comptes Rend, des Seances de 1'Academe des Seances, 129 : 973-975. 1906. Species and varieties: their origin by mutation. Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago. 1907. Plant breeding. Open Court Pub. Co., .Chicago, 360 pp. DILLMAN, A. C., 1916. Breeding millet and sorgo for drought adaptation. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bull. 291, 19 pp. DON, GEORGE, 1838. A general history of the dichlamydeous plant. Vol. IV. Corolliflorae. DORSET, M. J., 1914. Pollen development in the grape with special reference to sterility. Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 144: 3-60. 1916. The inheritance and permanence of clonal varieties. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., for 1916: 1-31. 1919. A study of sterility in the plum. Genetics, 4 : 417-488. DURST, C. E., 1918. Tomato selection for fusarium resistance. Phytopath., 8 : 80. EAST, E. M., 1907. The relation of certain biological principles to plant breeding. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 158, 92 pp. 1908a. Some essential points in potato breeding. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Report for 1907-08 : 429-447. 19086. A study of the factors influencing the improvement of the potato. Illinois Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 127 : 375-456. 1908c. Inbreeding in corn. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. for 1907 : 419-428. 1910a. The transmission of variations in the potato in asexual reproduction. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. for 1909-10: 119-160. 19106. Inheritance in potatoes. Am. Nat., 44: 424-430. 1910c. The role of hybridization in plant breeding. Popular Science Monthly, Oct., 1910 : 342-355. 1910d. Note on an experiment concerning the nature of unit characters. Science. N. S. 32: 93-95. 1912a. A study of hybrids between Nicotiana bigelovii and N. quadrivalvis. Bot. Gaz., 63 : 243-248. 19126. Inheritance of color in the aleurone cells of maize. Am. Nat., 46:363-365. 1916a. Studies on size inheritance in Nicotiana. Genetics, 1 : 164-176. 19166. Inheritance in crosses between Nicotiana langsdorffii and Nicotiana alata. Genetics, 1: 311-333. 1919a. Studies on self-sterility III. The relation between self-fertile and self-sterile plants, Genetics, 4 ; 340-345,

LITERATURE CITATIONS 303 19196. Studies on self-sterility IV. Selective fertilization. Genetics, 4 : 346-355. 1919c. Studies on self-sterility V. A family of self-sterile plants wholly cross-sterile inter se. Genetics, 4 : 356-363. EAST, E. M. and HAYES, H. K., 1911. Inheritance in maize. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 167 : 142 pp. 1912. Heterozygosis in evolution and in plant breeding. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Plant Indust., Bull. 243, 58 pp. EAST, E. M. and JONES, D. F., 1919. Inbreeding and outbreeding. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 285 pp. EAST, E. M. and PARK, J. B., 1917. Studies on self-sterility I. The behavior of self-sterile plants. Genetics, 2 505-609. : 1918. Studies on self-sterility II. Pollen tube growth. Genetics, 3 : 353-366. EDGERTON, C. W., 1918. A study of wilt-resistance in the seed-bed. Phytopath., 8: 5-14. EMERSON, R. A., 1910. The inheritance of sizes and shapes in plants. Am. Nat., 44 : 739-746. 1911. Genetic correlation and spurious allelomorphism in maize. Ann. Kept. Nebraska Agr. Exp. Sta., 24 : 59-90. 191 2a. The unexpected occurrence of aleurone colors in Fz of a cross between non-colored varieties of maize. Am. Nat., 46 : 612-615. 19126. The inheritance of the ligule and auricles of corn leaves. Ann. Rpt. of Nebraska Exp. Sta., 25: 81-88. 1914a. The inheritance of recurring somatic variation in variegated ears of maize. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res., Bull. 4: 35 pp. 19146. Multiple factors vs. "Golden Mean" in size inheritance. In Science, N. S., 40 : 57-58. 1916. A genetic study of plant height in Phaseolus vulgaris. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res., Bull. 7 : 73 pp. 1917. Genetical studies of variegated pericarp in maize. Genetics, 2: 1-35. 1918. A fifth pair of factors, Aa, for aleurone color in maize, and its relation to the Cc and Rr pairs. N. Y. Cornell Univ. Exp. Sta. Memoir, 16: 231-289. EMERSON, R. A. and EAST, E. M., 1913. The inheritance of certain quantitative characters in maize. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res., Bull. 3: 120 pp. ENGLEDOW, F. L., 1914. A case of repulsion in wheat. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 17 : 433-435. ETHERIDGE, W. C., 1916. A classification of the varieties of cultivated oats. New York. Cornell Univ. Exp. Sta., Memoir, 10: 167 pp. FARRER, W., 1898. The making and improving of wheats for Australian conditions. Agr. Gaz. of N. S., Wales, 10 : 131-168. FLETCHER, S. W., 1911. Pollination of the Bartlett and Kieffer pears. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. for 190&-10 : 213-224. 1916. North American varieties of the strawberry. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta., Tech. Bull. 11: 3-126. FOCKE, W. O., 1881. Die Pflanzen-mischlinge. Borntra&ger, Berlin, 569 pp.


CUMMINGS, M. B., 1904. Fertilization problems: A study of reciprocal<br />

crosses. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull., 104 :<br />

81-99.<br />

CUTLER, G. H., 1919. A dwarf wheat. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron., 11:<br />

76-78.<br />

DARWIN, CHARLES, 1877. The effects of cross- <strong>and</strong> self-fertilization in the<br />

vegetable kingdom. Appleton & Co., London.<br />

DE CANDOLLE, ALPHONSE, 1886. Origin of cultivated plants. Kegan<br />

Paul, Trench & Co., London, 468 pp.<br />

DETTWEILER, 1914. Aryan agriculture. Jour. Heredity, 5: 473-481.<br />

DE VRIES, HUGO, 1899. Sur la fecondation hybride de 1'albumen. Comptes<br />

Rend, des Seances de 1'Academe des Seances, 129 : 973-975.<br />

1906. Species <strong>and</strong> varieties: their origin by mutation. Open<br />

Court Pub. Co., Chicago.<br />

1907. Plant breeding. Open Court Pub. Co., .Chicago, 360 pp.<br />

DILLMAN, A. C., 1916. <strong>Breeding</strong> millet <strong>and</strong> sorgo for drought adaptation.<br />

U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bull. 291, 19 pp.<br />

DON, GEORGE, 1838. A general history of the dichlamydeous plant.<br />

Vol. IV. Corolliflorae.<br />

DORSET, M. J., 1914. Pollen development in the grape with special reference<br />

to sterility. Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 144: 3-60.<br />

1916. The inheritance <strong>and</strong> permanence of clonal varieties. Proc.<br />

Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., for 1916: 1-31.<br />

1919. A study of sterility in the plum. Genetics, 4 : 417-488.<br />

DURST, C. E., 1918. Tomato selection for fusarium resistance. Phytopath.,<br />

8 : 80.<br />

EAST, E. M., 1907. The relation of certain biological principles to plant<br />

breeding. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 158, 92 pp.<br />

1908a. Some essential points in potato breeding. Conn. Agr. Exp.<br />

Sta. Ann. Report for 1907-08 : 429-447.<br />

19086. A study of the factors influencing the improvement of the<br />

potato. Illinois Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 127 : 375-456.<br />

1908c. Inbreeding in corn. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. for 1907 :<br />

419-428.<br />

1910a. The transmission of variations in the potato in asexual reproduction.<br />

Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. for 1909-10: 119-160.<br />

19106. Inheritance in potatoes. Am. Nat., 44: 424-430.<br />

1910c. The role of hybridization in plant breeding. Popular<br />

Science Monthly, Oct., 1910 : 342-355.<br />

1910d. Note on an experiment concerning the nature of unit characters.<br />

Science. N. S. 32: 93-95.<br />

1912a. A study of hybrids between Nicotiana bigelovii <strong>and</strong> N. quadrivalvis.<br />

Bot. Gaz., 63 : 243-248.<br />

19126. Inheritance of color in the aleurone cells of maize. Am.<br />

Nat., 46:363-365.<br />

1916a. Studies on size inheritance in Nicotiana. Genetics, 1 : 164-176.<br />

19166. Inheritance in crosses between Nicotiana langsdorffii <strong>and</strong><br />

Nicotiana alata. Genetics, 1: 311-333.<br />

1919a. Studies on self-sterility III. The relation between self-fertile<br />

<strong>and</strong> self-sterile plants, Genetics, 4 ; 340-345,

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