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EEP ON<br />

OT post ispatdi<br />

KEEP OH<br />

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WAR I0HDS<br />


MAY 18 1944 ' THE GATEWAY TO THE PLAINS" W-Miiir<br />

uayneiu<br />

:iimax P-T- A<br />

trams For '44<br />

Albert Power To<br />

Seek<br />

Re-Election<br />

As Representative<br />

III<br />

<strong>BEST</strong> <strong>WISHES</strong><br />

aaasr<br />

'osl Parent Teacher As- - To The Citizens of the 118th<br />

met Mny 11 In the grade. Representative District<br />

Plans are neartng completion<br />

of Tcx.1<br />

A large group of Garza county The whistte will blow at<br />

auditorium for the Mini In January, you<br />

for<br />

1042 wore con- -<br />

ehi<br />

sssssssr ssssssssssi i y<br />

the<br />

r<br />

of the school yenr. Mrs. sldoratc enough to elect mo a<br />

to the<br />

county-wid- e H club boys' men. some or wnom nave oeen<br />

20 i<br />

in. .Sunday, May 21,<br />

livestock and poultry show, lor the<br />

according<br />

to Wallace Kimbrough,<br />

fin<br />

in farming the pant two of a<br />

- In 11- .- your<br />

series of matched ropln,<br />

representative m the Legis<br />

years, reported to tho Induction<br />

of Mrs. J. E. Parker, preal- -<br />

county<br />

contests to be<br />

agent. The sImiw Is to<br />

held in Post<br />

bo<br />

durini<br />

lature of the Stale of Texas In Graduating<br />

Station in Lubbock<br />

pre-inductphysical<br />

on May 13. In<br />

-<br />

month during May, Juno, July<br />

for their tho summer<br />

held on Saturday. May 27, in<br />

r<br />

the same<br />

same year,<br />

the<br />

The contests, one encl<br />

month of the<br />

wareivousc<br />

brocrnm chnlrmnn wns Mrs.<br />

days<br />

located between the<br />

nnd within a few after the<br />

cluded in the group were the fol am! August, are undor the sponsorship<br />

of<br />

vis An Arbor Dny thomc election, a regular session of the<br />

losscd with the rending of State Legislature convened at IrilsldliXidd<br />

Co-o- p Locker Plant and Earl lowing men:<br />

Rogers Feed store and will opon<br />

the Post Stampede, Inc.,<br />

Artie Layman. Melvin Clayton<br />

at 3.00 o'clock p.<br />

and will be held in the rodeo<br />

m.<br />

two erode school pupils. Austin. Texas. I went to Austin as<br />

Kdwards. J. Wesley Pcttlnrew, grounds just souUi of Uie High<br />

Jolly and Fnyc Ruth Ham your representative without obligation<br />

to wny person or group of<br />

Prizes amounting to $300.00 have George liurton Adams. John Tru school gymnasium.<br />

)uc to the weather the<br />

been announced. One hundred dol man Shepherd. William Mowck, The Post Stampede. Inc. lias one<br />

SENIOR<br />

for on ouismc proKram persons except the obligation<br />


to<br />

lars of this amount was given by Uortis Clyde Henderson, jr, Jim of the best arenas in West Texas<br />

lltcrcd Upon completion of do my utmost to do what was best<br />

the Post Chamber of Commerce mlo Furguson ClMnmlngs, Jack for staging such a show and indications<br />

point to a capacity crowd.<br />

Iplcmhd reports the group for you and the othor people The Graham and Closo City Co IMIry Wright. E, L.<br />

of<br />

Short. Dorris<br />

Jnncll Huster n,v Mu McDougle<br />

op gins voted<br />

to have them published m<br />

in a<br />

the State of Texas. still not<br />

recent meeting Hay<br />

I am<br />

Porter, Joseph Lloyd Leo. Admission prices, including tax,<br />

art Dispntch so that more under obligations to any special Gene Caldwell<br />

jonn McQuton<br />

to also donate $100.00 In prizes to James Ha ye Daniels. Harold will be: adults, 80c; children. 50c.<br />

Utta<br />

vuuld be able to know how group, but I remain duty bound Mnry Cnrpontor<br />

fine group of boys. "Any or Thomas Cliilds.<br />

Servicemen and women In uniform<br />

ImoKono North<br />

gAfttxation<br />

do school children appro-- 1 to continue to you<br />

or any individual who<br />

serve and our<br />

Transferred to Garza county will be admitted free.<br />

Hascel Cnih<br />

he<br />

A project of beAUti-- 1 great State. My constant attend- -<br />

Xora Anm Outlaw fols that club work of this nature from other counties were. Manuel Star performers for the evert<br />

ihcsc grounds. ance to the dally meetings of the Johnnie Ruth Cato Dorri Hay l'ortor<br />

it worthwhile wouldn't o barred Salcide. David Carl Pearson, Vis will be Troy Fort of Lovington,<br />

from giving the youngsters a boost<br />

N C Outlaw rend the re-- 1 Legislature and my constant<br />

enfe Hernandez, Eugene F. Mil<br />

watch Knthryn<br />

New Mexico,<br />

Childrow<br />

and Sonny Edwards<br />

Margaret Portorfiold<br />

ven nt the District Con- -<br />

with prizes." a<br />

over your<br />

numbr of farnwt Horn.<br />

interests Is reflected In<br />

of Big Spring, Texas. Both arc<br />

tins yenr. The report of the records of the last session. I<br />

Dale Cravy Dorrace Propnt<br />

ami ranchers said in discussing John Kldo Mayo was Inducted widely known for their skill in<br />

t unit wns cleverly writ- - have studied constantly the work- - W.<br />

the show following a recant<br />

L. Criclor mt into the Navy on May 11 and two rodeo arenas and have a fin following<br />

among rodeo crowds. Those<br />

Marion Ilulnn<br />

ing<br />

vcrsc by Mrs. D. M. Robin- - Ings of our government<br />

where club boys were in at registrants from other counties<br />

and at Alvin Davis<br />

her delegates to this con- - this time I am in fur better post<br />

MHrie Uylant<br />

tendance. "It is up to us to give were transferred hero for induction<br />

on<br />

two<br />

top-ranki- ng<br />

ropers using tlioir<br />

Umm<br />

gave interesting discuss-- tlon to return to the State Capitol Scott Davis<br />

all Uie encouragement we<br />

James I.ee Smith<br />

the same date. They were skill in a contest will be one of<br />

ewi."<br />

the following subjects: nnd do a greater for you<br />

Delmer Jolene ShadoVh and Kenneth<br />

Edward Warnhnw.<br />

service<br />

the best features that can be pro<br />

Wilma Dixon<br />

joycc Stephens<br />

dg". Juvenile Dollnqucn- -<br />

Bays of clubs of the coun<br />

and our State.<br />

vided<br />

B J Edwards, Men's Pan- - It is a sacrifice for any man to Iiillie Maxine Doggett<br />

nh 4-- H<br />

by any show in the southwest.<br />

These performers will rope<br />

Stewart<br />

ty formed the plans for the show<br />

Mlegtod<br />

at-M-<br />

Tol Thomas, Dedication leave his home and business to rs Mary Margaret Duckworth<br />

the judges, broke down<br />

Milk-Buttcrf-<br />

Frank Stokos<br />

On<br />

al<br />

Subsidies ten calves each.<br />

Kelly Sims, Hospl- - tend the legislature of sny state.<br />

tho class us. distributed the prizr<br />

Preliminary events will be hold<br />

Pearl Fleming'<br />

nd Mrs, A. C Surmnn, who but I place my Country, my State<br />

Victor Sweoten<br />

rrnmoy and made the rules and<br />

To Be Run before the main show begins and<br />

.ite officer, explnined that and my people above my own in Alene Gernor<br />

Hugh Tompleton<br />

regulations for the show This it<br />

itio of the district meeting teresU. And, if it is your wish that<br />

the first time in many years<br />

Through March<br />

that<br />

'45 L... 4.14nw wtr flitn<br />

I calves each. Drone riding, steer<br />

Jeanette Gilmorc<br />

Johnny Thomas<br />

en the "Four Freedoms." I return to Austin as your roprc<br />

anything but a calf show has been The War Food Administration riding and other rodeo billkiim<br />

Kelly Sims, past local prest-- scntative I will feel that it is my Mary Margaret Graham Betty Jane Travis<br />

planned. Since many 4-- H club ha. announced, conditioned upon are scheduled for tho afternoon s<br />

id past district officer serv-- duty nnd a distinct honor for mo Hlsic Josey<br />

tnumburs aro branching out under Congressional provisions for ad performance.<br />

Cecil Truell<br />

installing officer for the to do so. My candidacy Is in your<br />

the diversified club program it ministrative expense, that sutisid- - E. W. Williams, Garza county<br />

Jeff Justice<br />

elected officers: Mrs. J,<br />

Kenneth Turner<br />

was deemed wise to Include<br />

E hands for the combiK Democratic<br />

les will be continued through rancher, will furnish calvos for<br />

president, nnd Mrs. Ray Primary of July 22nd, 1944 Doris Kirkendoll<br />

James D. Wall<br />

Swine, Dairy Cattle. Poultry ami March 31. 1945. The payment rates the show.<br />

Sheep along with the Doef cattlr<br />

ith, vice president were ALBERT POWER Spencer Kuykendall<br />

for May 1. 1944 through August 1. Homer McCrary and O. D<br />

Bt,tty Williams<br />

show. However, tho boef show 1944 will be 0 45c per hunrtrert- - Cardwell will have charge of general<br />

arrangements. Others whr<br />

stalled in nbsentla. Others Representative, 118th District James Lucas<br />

,lrs. D, J Edwards, finance;!<br />

of Texas<br />

Wanda Lou Williams still will hold the primary place woight on milk ami six contf a<br />

ommlo Anderson, chairman<br />

Marshall Mason<br />

on the show calendar as SI 35.00 of<br />

Donald Windham<br />

pound on bulterfat. Tho rati for will assist in the show arc: tioko<br />

the prize money will be given on September<br />

nbcrshlp, Mrs. Jesse Barn-Cav- n 1. 1044 through March committee chairman. B. J. Edwards:<br />

grounds committee chair-<br />

flnnthitlPH<br />

Buddy Malouf<br />

LV.-<br />

-I t .Blo,(n nm,.n. "M W<br />

Opal Wells<br />

beef cattle.<br />

31. 1945 will bo seventy cents per<br />

:ecii Thnxton, chairman otieeaea v or Harvest;<br />

Melba Jo Miller<br />

Members of the executive committee<br />

who have charge of gener cents on butterfat.<br />

committee chairman. Pat O'Con-<br />

hundredweiaht on milk and ten man. A B Haws; car parkin?<br />

bity; Mrs N C. Outlaw, sccre- -<br />

eff Almlr.<br />

al arrangomenUi sre Alvjn Davis, Produc ors should mamtain a nor; timekeepers. Doan A. Robinson<br />

and L. V. Beardcn: starter.<br />

-""<br />

Mrs. Raymond Rodman. VU "<br />

EMU lUton, Dori Jones, Harley record oT protlWUw and sale,<br />

rfir. I A<br />

.nninv io l.nltll' milflo hv lllo<br />

Martin and the county agent. This hnwovor. no date has boon an Charley Miller of Dermott. Toxa<br />

Wlllard Kirkpalrlck. chair-Ln.- v<br />

ntront thi week cm the<br />

group along with<br />

f programs, will be Installed harvesting situation. Thorc seems<br />

Production On Big Four Senior Boys<br />

4-- H club boys mmncMl as to when payments will i announcer. Ollie Weakley<br />

invite all Garza folk to attend tho be made. No announcement has<br />

ho L'rcflt for combnics<br />

Edwnrds pave the Life In n nood<br />

show.<br />

hnth fnr .. harvostinir of small Scale Carried On To Enter Armed,<br />

been made as to tho mim b<br />

months' production that will bo Funeral Rites Heh<br />

rship Committee's report In Br-i- n. an.i for cr.in .orahuma not<br />

scnce of these members.<br />

By Garza Farmers Forces Next Week<br />

She<br />

rluded in each payment.<br />

only m tnt. Panhandle but in the<br />

Commencement<br />

P.- "menu are being made now<br />

nav Mrs. j. a.<br />

For -'<br />

omiiniR Soutl Texas area<br />

of<br />

een chosen to receive this<br />

.,<br />

Farmers and ranchers Guru Four giariuate of the 1944 class.<br />

for February. Marrh and Apr<br />

If. Douglas<br />

'I.<br />

Anv -- mi,ini. nwnor who would riiuntv have parried out. and on a of Post High school will go direct- -<br />

payment rates for February botng<br />

Room prizes went to Miss m.., i Wke his combine, oitlier<br />

hon's and Mrs. Wright's<br />

much larger scale, more produc- - ly into tho army nexi woor. i Programs To Be ix cents on butterfat and fifty<br />

erew or without to either of<br />

Carradine Tuesday<br />

tion practices, than was twing car- - have already been inducted into<br />

rents hundredweight on n.ilk.<br />

school classes anu uie bin hmrv.Mt nm should net in<br />

Iph fchool The meeting clos- -<br />

rled out last year at this same the army but were given defer- -<br />

tmIcn wllh tj,0 county agent and date." announces James A. IVoyd. menu unUl they completed their Held May 18 -- 19 while payments for March and Lt Douglas G. Carradine. 32.<br />

April, a combined peym'it.<br />

th slngme; of "Oh, uoauwui r,u out form Bivii: nrotwr In<br />

Secretary Garxa County A. C. A. school wook. These two were<br />

eight on butterfat and ytv died in an airplane accident while<br />

tents<br />

pacious Skies" by the group,<br />

flying a<br />

formation nuodod to fit this prob--<br />

Since Uie 1044 AAA program is Huh Forty nine tudits will rerpivf rents hundredweight on milk The<br />

P-5- 1 in preparation for<br />

Apprcclatlon<br />

loin. This information will also be<br />

Read by Patsy Holly luted In th grain sorfhum har- - based on production practice, car- - Sten<br />

-- combat duty near Hillsboro Field,<br />

diplomai hn the Eight grade Com ffer iwi<br />

th" three month close Tampa. Florida on May 11. 1944<br />

ried out on the farm,<br />

Ik--<br />

it ha.<br />

dream for bcuti(iig vest cf Garza county.<br />

'J'and<br />

- msthmi '"Y"<br />

mencement<br />

i 7<br />

Exercis which will Juno 30. HM4<br />

l Douglas moved with his parents<br />

rwceary that the fanner, report for pre-induct- physical. bo held at 8 30 tonight in the High<br />

to the Graasburr community in<br />

r Hnol has been rwrtly real- - Combines atwl other quipmnt and ranchers of Garza county lnl we- -<br />

school auditorium.<br />

;<br />

Clint Herring, Now Garza county in 1935. He had been<br />

n the planting of our shrub- - that need tlrs must bo llstKl with realtte the need of the different Many others in the graduating The program will be' "Hutnores- -<br />

a member of the Union Center<br />

tl anks to the Parent-Teac- the county agent by Saturtiay practices ami take advantage of class will probably receive their que, N. w stone: salutatory Member of Selective Baptist church since 1M7.<br />

h-<br />

oriatlon Mav '10. A jmxiI is being mad up this opportunity and apply all induction orders before many Vlya Km?- Ming by class: Class<br />

Mrs Ira Lee Duckworth we of tiiss neadwi by Uw Offle of possible practices on their farm weeks as a majority of the boys m<br />

our thanks too for the time. Defs-ns- Transportation. Thu is a or ranch.<br />

tne class win reacn wnrir<br />

(Km<br />

nnd counsel she so gladly Ivory important stop in getting the<br />

0wl<br />

cidn- tt -<br />

poem, Jane Turner: Pageant<br />

Service Board<br />

Me at survived by his parents.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Carradine and<br />

'Spirit of Citlienship"; Vgledio- - Appointment of Clint Herring one<br />

. ... .<br />

sister. Mrs. Virginia Shockley<br />

thi<br />

To this<br />

She and ar ,,..<br />

date we have completed n oin.,-- .<br />

tory. Helen maxton; Song, class ai. a memoer oi uie uarza v oumy of Waco, Texas and his grandmother,<br />

Mrs. Tiny Elliott.<br />

Miss Haiigard plant- - combines into use so ownrs , ,,,1, nf ltwi noo cu. summer<br />

SdTren SUB Presentation o f Selective Servvce board, succeed<br />

e :hnil) with the holn of advid to attnd to this phase of ...<br />

,<br />

Dipiotnas. L. S. Smith. High school ing W. W. Hyde has be- -) announced<br />

by Chairman Dean A. g. 142 at Shetspard Field. Texa--H- e<br />

Carradne entered service Oct<br />

rh'ldwn Also had It not the combine problem immdlate- -<br />

j "county. Also. 413.072 ftwt of Tliree Seniors To<br />

principal.<br />

lor Mrs. L.00 Davis anu aoi ny. tonus are ocmg uianu<br />

Is giving their time, gasoline. those persons who are known to<br />

terraces have been constructed on<br />

The Commencement program for Robinson. Tho appointment wat-<br />

UiaUUaiC Prnm SaiUO<br />

-<br />

took his primary training at<br />

17 farms, Uoyil announced.<br />

the MptiK'n of Post High school confirmed recently by the State Chirkisha, Oklahoma and his baair<br />

t'Toh our shrubs would not have cwnbinea but everal may be lioytl states that we how to ue will be held in<br />

had a rich bed to live In. missed. The rountv ngent urges<br />

Xo<br />

AS<br />

the High school officials. Another new mem be i of training in Kansas. He graduated<br />

rarCUlS<br />

be children gladly did the work all owner, tu conform with the<br />

able to construct all needed tanks<br />

auditorium Friday night. May 1 the board is Will Cravy who suc from Foster Field, Victoria, Texas<br />

From there he went to Dale<br />

iwi iarracs during this program Marshall Mason, jr . Mary Mar- - at 8:30 p. m<br />

ceeds J 1. Simmons<br />

have cared for ths shrubs I rogulations<br />

var.<br />

garet Duckworth and Jen Jusuce.i The theme of the program will Hyde, s member oi the board Mabry Field in the proress of<br />

an yet only one shrub has<br />

to every ono who a part<br />

Sears 'Cow-Ho- Boyd asks every interested<br />

lien'<br />

op-- Jr.. are granuaung rnuay nisjm be "Victory is Ours." Procession for more than two years, tendered<br />

his reHignatlon several weekf borough Field.<br />

and was sent to Hills-<br />

had<br />

y<br />

-- orator to come to Uie AAA otiice irom "' nw<br />

si. Mrs. Ray N. Smith: Invocation.<br />

:We our sincere thanks for Contest Winners<br />

ami check his producUon pracUce their fatliers and mother graduated Rev A T Moore, pastor of the ago effective when his successor The military funeral, in charge<br />

allowance and he will discuss with respectively.<br />

Church of the Nazarene; Saluta had been appointed. Simmons' of the Americaa Logson. wss he1<br />

ig us make Grade school a<br />

pleasant place in which to innounccd Tuesday you In what manner you may sarn Marshall Mason, sr. Ira Lee tory address, Jeff D. Justice. 111. pliter was filled when he moved in the First Baptist church on<br />

Thank you.<br />

lly WalUcc Klmlirouch, County<br />

this allowance that will ue io Dockworlh ami wrs. J en jubwc. Valedictory address, Betty e Jane to New Mexico.<br />

Tuesday. May It. Chaplain Millet<br />

advaatago on your farm. the former Doyle Hrklges, ail Travis; -- Perfect Day." Mary Mar<br />

of Lubbock Army Air Field officiated<br />

for the funeral. He was<br />

kianclal Report<br />

Aecnl of Texas A A M Oillrge<br />

graduated with ine cmss oi is is. garet Duckworth. "A KnowWrigje HIGH I'OINT STUDBNTS<br />

cad by Faye Ruth Hamilton<br />

llxtrnslon Service<br />

If. 'I Iarr transude! Duamess of the ou grauuaMsi an ;nis<br />

Charter." Wllma Dixon; "A Chris ANNOUNC'Iil) KOK 44 assisted by the pastor. Rev R. C<br />

jm<br />

Grade school we have a bal- -<br />

--<br />

of $39 75 In our shrubbery The following<br />

H<br />

Club boy in rwiiu lui whuk eitu at hi 1<br />

tian Charter." Alvin Davis; "Vic OUADUATINfi CIASSES Tennison and Rev F A Hardlnt-oeiaaa<br />

imrieen iwth itm<br />

f<br />

won the eight gllU and one boar rd four of hi. children who live ad My arhool except in INsot. They tory Poem," (own composition)<br />

Piainvww<br />

iiJii<br />

Irs Ilristcr's room led In the<br />

offered to the club boys of there<br />

are: Buddy Maloui. w u.<br />

Victor<br />

i.rniw.<br />

Sweeten. "The Soldier Mim Bettys Jano Travis is top-rankistudent<br />

for the Senior cemetery with Mason imd Com-<br />

Burial was made in Torract<br />

r with a total of $11.00 and Garza county on the essay contest<br />

Betty WUliams. IWltye Jane Trav Donald Windham: "The Bed Cross<br />

Nurse," Johnnie Ruth Cato;<br />

Mt lice's room second with a Alvin G. Davu. D. ti. rorierneiu<br />

is, Jeanetto Giimore. jojreo<br />

The<br />

class of Post High school She pany fumral directors in charge<br />

Kuaono Ashley. B. P Wicker, Jim- ens, De Alva Dardon, ttiliy J<br />

Civilian," Buddy Malouf; Seniors made an average, of 91 19 She n<br />

of -<br />

$4 SO.<br />

Ins money will applied on<br />

my Puekvtt. llonnte WUks. Hill<br />

Baker, Victor Sweeten, uoony of '44. Hasel Cash. Melba Jo Mil the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs K<br />

be<br />

cost of the shrubs hero at FumsBalll. Ullly Thomas itamage New Arrivals . . . Gene Tillman. Mary Margaret<br />

ler. Frank Stokes and Marshall D. Travis and started school<br />

Changes Announced<br />

in<br />

kle school<br />

Reporter and Joe Stokos- Duckworth. Jeff Justice and Marshall<br />

Mason. Jr<br />

Williams: presentation of Rotary night when the 1W4 Seniors com-<br />

Home Canning Sugar<br />

Mason and seJieoi song by the Post in 1M3 She will give the In Procurement Of<br />

-<br />

attlor class accomnaalad by Betty Valedictory address tomorrow<br />

Tlie nlils will be presented to the<br />

club boys before the first of Juno<br />

KNolaraain. W F. Prsoaon:<br />

pre-senUof<br />

IMplamas. WUlanl Second high student is<br />

plete their school year.<br />

tio data lias not been sol as u<br />


la hiMMMl tlMt K M. IlttgcMurecHi<br />


Jn jus- - Change effecting procurement<br />

of sugar for<br />

Kirkoalrirk, rwcossianal, Mrs. Ray tico 111, son of Mr. and Mh Jeff<br />

home conning werr<br />

RATIONING Swine Specialist of Texas A & M<br />

N.<br />

College lixtensien Sorvlso ami Mr<br />

The Oarsa County Home Dem-- Smith<br />

Juaticeburg. His average was M B.<br />

announced today by the Foodi<br />

Forty-nin- e<br />

i rVoiMil UM11 lUMM Ilk<br />

seniors will receive J tan will give the Salutatory ad- - Division of the District Office oi<br />

Price Administration<br />

Sears-ReelMi- ek<br />

.tuWon of f Cm<br />

drees.<br />

s<br />

CALENDAR at ttellas ran arrange la tie nere<br />

regular monthly meotmg satur-j-e- -<br />

Too ranking students m the Two have been designs l<br />

o<br />

i<br />

in make the wesefiUilMn of me<br />

wj i<br />

U.w - 17<br />

j<br />

. at- a SB)<br />

- csora<br />

: HCn "<br />

Mrs. May<br />

igHUi grade are Hehm Thsxton. ed during whiah consumers ma.v<br />

ltoMie DesnMistrattoM club prew N Smith are cli<br />

valedictorian, with aa average of apply fur canning sugar The first<br />

pig<br />

IcaU Fat Red stamps At These puts are given through<br />

deat and Council detogate is urged<br />

94<br />

I. us &a m leiiiiaT<br />

tiuch T 8. good indefinitely th LubtMMk tVaws store and the U asul Mrs. Dnrwood sBHMIga i a p u - lk.<br />


4-- 7 and Viola King, salutator- - issuance will be from May lt u<br />

ton. with an avoraga f M 3-- 7 July I. and the ineuanre for this<br />

a I - - saasai Ill I - THaal YtamwmtMML lgXsssssssMM a<br />

rocetsed Foods lUue stamps boar smi t gdt of the eight will<br />

all<br />

PKHCINCT NO. 4<br />

Vtala I the daughter of Mr and ported will not be over 18 pounds<br />

(through OJ. good tMdefWtitaty go to LwUbock to dsstrtct show .aa,l aauf amat A<br />

MlaiMi I<br />

Mlllf UggBl UM J Will<br />

Mrs. Ajsdjr King aasl Nalan w the per person. The socoad period will<br />

Iu4 r Sugar stamps 3 a4 Ml cnasiHsto<br />

each good for live immmhw Ih--<br />

tm outsat I on taking this<br />

lor Jests<br />

keif art-- Thaw wiM We a WU1<br />

iwuned Caaanrl Aaa-- MW-lvst-v laapsnsai aaet wmm wmm<br />

aurseH as a<br />

Tkaxsaa.<br />

girl a May<br />

dasagater of Mr<br />

11 Tae<br />

and Mm Ceil be announced latei<br />

W LT<br />

Thi il.uns in is m<br />

of aactssri Ma.<br />

tuie with Ue<br />

Pmtely Sugar slump 40. ai aaeesi aaMa ami eeeai bears am<br />

ive iKund of Mikig sugnr the tUairtetaWew aW UM IHtaa a. Dixie Heal S4eees. aaggiilur ofltaha shssa badt to<br />

imrn.<br />

lsresewt<br />

4 gad wiU anptsrtgH your vote. Mrs. a. W. Camden f Mniuntt r4it<br />

Niade ear Us i<br />

that ii.i.um<br />

for hajne<br />

1 wttt do<br />

ngti February, naxt year. will also be awafi M we i. .i<br />

hm sssesu.. ui. issssas. TSMre wass aw<br />

m beat t saaht you a. OalllMsiilii gia4r of Mrs H P vaoaung muau unlit 1hm ham<br />

Airplane stamps I and show this iaU to ifcc waawow<br />

Is siaUwaed al gwMiiiHK sofwne seam o mmm mm--<br />

ged opsBsasMjanar if eieatod-W- . AiMtwsan, It fpondiwg thi wefck grown iruii wio- bvattabie In the<br />

-<br />

T. PARCHMAX in the AadorsOM home.<br />

Lubbevk Datrwt<br />

lndefUiltcJy.<br />

Seam gilts.<br />

PtsOns Army air Oeid.<br />

0<br />

1944<br />

Plans Nearing<br />

Completion For<br />

Livestock Show<br />

Several Farmers<br />

with WAR<br />

BONDS<br />

Roping Contest<br />

'<br />

ncluded On List of Set For 2:30 P. M.<br />

May Indvetees SunJay, May 21

Dispatch<br />

ZVic Pos<br />

--Fwrnded In 1018<br />

Published Every Thursday By<br />

THE<br />



E. A. Warren, Odlwr ami<br />

Publisher<br />

U. S. Nary Reserve<br />

Mrs. F. I. Bailey, Business<br />

Manager<br />

Mrs. E. A. Warren. Society<br />

Editor<br />

Advertising Rates On Application<br />

Subserlpthm Ratos:<br />

Garia County $2.00 - Outside<br />

Garza County $2.30<br />

Any erroneous reflection up-a-<br />

the n<br />

character of any person<br />

ir firm appearing In these<br />

tolumna will be gladly and<br />

promptly corrected upon being<br />

drought to the nttontkm of the<br />

nanagemont.<br />

Entorcd at the Post Office<br />

at<br />

Post, Texas, as second class mail<br />

matter, according to an Aet of<br />

Congress, Mnrch 3, 1879.<br />


Writing in the Saturday Evening<br />

Post of April 18. Ed Will, the<br />

operator of a small farm near<br />

Odessa, New York, shows how the<br />

grip of buroaucraty is tightening<br />

on the farmor.<br />

A subsidy which independent<br />

farmers do not want, is forcod<br />

on them to offset the cost of feed<br />

which the price of milk Is not allowed<br />

to cover. It has grown from<br />

pin money to cne-fif- th or the<br />

dairyman's Income, Unas making<br />

him dependent on political handouts.<br />

The inevitable conclusion to be<br />

drawn from Mr. Will's article is<br />

that the farm subsidy is a political<br />

expedient to hold the price<br />

of focd besow its production coat,<br />

at the expanse of the taxpayer, at<br />

time when the consumer Is best<br />

ble to pay the true cost of the<br />

food.<br />

A the subsidy program increases<br />

its hold on the farmer, he becomes<br />

leas and leas a free man.<br />

and governmont grows in its position<br />

of overlord toward him. This<br />

ndeed a "new order" for the<br />

V ted States.<br />

1<br />

jp"<br />


"Amtrtrnn workmen are watering<br />

their pay ehecks and today<br />

they find a substantial and growing<br />

difference between their rate<br />

pay and what is taken home,"<br />

Soys Davkl B. Robortscn. President<br />

of the Brotherhood of Locomotive<br />

Firemen and Engineers.<br />

"We wonder If sueh government<br />

oroecdure wtll eventually give a<br />

rate of pay of $00 a week to the<br />

man In the eob of a lecamotlvc<br />

and pormlt him to take home only<br />

$10 a week."<br />

Brother, you have asked a question<br />

which has a simple answer:<br />

The more the man In the cab or<br />

the man on the street or the farmer<br />

asks the government to do for<br />

Mm m other words, the mere<br />

handouts he seeks on the theory<br />

that the government can do something<br />

for him which he cannot do<br />

for hlmsolf, or which cannot be<br />

'lone by hts fellow citliens the<br />

lees he will have loft in his pay<br />

check or income, regardless of Its<br />

siic.<br />

Government can give the individual<br />

nothing In thc shape of<br />

gratuities, which It first docs not<br />

extract from him by the taxation<br />

route The more It glvos, the higher<br />

the tnxos.<br />

And it makos no difference<br />

whether the gratuity be called<br />

social security, free , electricity,<br />

farm conservation program, food<br />

subsidies, socialized medical core,<br />

or whatnot the cost will come<br />

out of (he pay check, and the leas<br />

the individual will be able to do<br />

for himself.<br />

The price of financial depen<br />

dence cn government Is the loss of<br />

Individual independence.<br />



Is America appreciative of Its<br />

servicemen? Whon a man conies<br />

home from the fighting front, for<br />

a brief furlough, under existing<br />

regulations he is allowed a paltry<br />

five gallons of gasoline. He can t<br />

go fishing, he can't go hunting,<br />

can't visit friends, can't renew<br />

himself by trips to the country.<br />

He may well doubt our interest<br />

In him when he sees countless<br />

civilian and public officials allowed<br />

ample gas rations because<br />

of their "essential" activity. What<br />

is more "essential" than relaxation<br />

for a weary serviceman when<br />

he is on leave, and freedom from<br />

petty official annoyance?<br />

Buy a War Bond<br />

Today!<br />


,0944<br />

"Ike BaoM af JIJa<br />

a Often to. y044<br />

wmt or hill tax up arms<br />

. . , orn;R well xtkrr carunite axd<br />


you<br />


. . . WHAT YOU WitlTB QiS'<br />


DONS Is SCIilQOU<br />

Wf FTWQW<br />

3$e$t Wishes<br />

Bryant-LinklC- o.<br />

'<br />

T<br />

Til<br />

i'tXrl<br />

Vmurns nstinttx<br />

uvea, mum mm is<br />

rvrrwttticvTottmr<br />

rtocva<br />

cvtutixrt<br />

NAA BONDS"<br />

Neighboring Editors:<br />

Slaton Slatonlto The strain of<br />

war and the influence of women<br />

In every phase of life is being felt<br />

in Slaton. Last Monday night<br />

Mrs. Sy Wilson went so far as to<br />

have a ten to which she Invited<br />

mombers of the school board and<br />

their wives, as well as members<br />

of the graduating class and their<br />

parents and what's disturbing me<br />

is the fact that the men of Slaton<br />

were at the tea. Ray Hickman told<br />

me confidentially that he wont because<br />

he wanted to see what kind<br />

of hutlybaloo his wife had been<br />

getting so excited over, every<br />

week or two, over many yesrs. Ho<br />

seemed very much disappointed<br />

as he hold a small nip full of<br />

fruit juice In one hand, tried to<br />

balance a fancy plate on his knee<br />

and dived at a paper napkin that<br />

he had placed between his feet.<br />

Scurry Countv Times With<br />

the days of a full-blospring<br />

here m all their glory, people of<br />

Scurry county communities still<br />

find time, (hiring the stress of<br />

these crucial days, to staee<br />

annual cemetery workings to keep<br />

srfsmmciS<br />

our silent cities of the dead In the i<br />

tate of beautlflcation wlvch<br />

thnae gone on before would detre<br />

Proper keeping of the ccmcter<br />

iis not only reflects our tme re<br />

nrt in t hn now rol I n tr -i 1<br />

hrlnori maki ihle trad jnni<br />

i t<br />

it is today. W should rount ur-lv- es<br />

fortunate to live m i la"<br />

where we can keep our cenctcr.es<br />

beautiful and know, in rur c rt<br />

that rain and enow and t',r<br />

d'st illation of nature 'It- - 1<br />

that will fall from the k:s c<br />

The Lynn County Nev T".-- V<br />

S Supreme Court h ' . ri<br />

t consider the plea of Tex ; f r<br />

t and a reiN 1 i f<br />

dwslojt<br />

f<br />

that Texas Denv. - d- - r.-- ri<br />

....fk.'V ...... .11. .v<br />

rrattc primaries. Texnt u 11 cy<br />

compelled to admit th-- N'cgr c ' j<br />

"r aooiun tne primaries Ji'ie ai<br />

hardly abolish the primaries this<br />

vear So. Negroes who are qual --<br />

fled voters and who appear at the<br />

poll to vote should be permittdl<br />

to do so without moletatum or<br />

hindrance of any kind. If they are<br />

to have this privilege permanent<br />

ly, our laws against political corruption<br />

should be enforced rigidly<br />

against white and black alike<br />


The oil industry hat always been<br />

out in front when it came to be<br />

ing ahead of demand If it V 1<br />

been as unprepared to meet V c<br />

need cf this war as was ur own<br />

government, one hesitates ( i e y<br />

what would have happened t ur<br />

nation. Foi lunately. oil. n, or lcr<br />

to meet the demands of oiwumir<br />

kept abrest of the times<br />

1<br />

And now. while the t. i!<br />

managers who caused our country<br />

to be so wholly unprepared for<br />

war. are dreaming up fantastic<br />

ideas for employing our armed<br />

forces when they return, the oil<br />

industry is agam out In front with<br />

Its plans to have suitable )obs for<br />

each returning former employe<br />

They arc studying ways to utilise<br />

the added training and experience<br />

which wilt have been gained<br />

by these men sad women who<br />

have grown In experience, Judgement<br />

and leadership while serving<br />

the fighting forces Those in<br />

the service from the petroleum in<br />

duetry can iaet Out top oil executives<br />

consider this one f their<br />

mrst important postwar obi if -<br />

lUdaees Hmvt Itaca CeHtafts<br />

The reding .nce of live h<br />

eighitm ,nw 340<br />

retitM-o- by 7$c<br />

rffr,i .r May U. CMOw<br />

I<br />

J<br />

I<br />

af Mm<br />

Admmutratton aaaaWantai. ftk<br />

aoUon was MeMtl ! iHuiiniiHi<br />

a<br />

mk<br />

sofrjfr sore,<br />

a kmmnrmUULhm and in<br />

(ay taaah M pMnds.<br />

THE<br />

l!<br />

ISSUE<br />

"There arc two groups<br />

In Con<br />

gressone Vhlch tolerates bureaucracy<br />

hi government and one which<br />

insists that this shall be a government<br />

of law and not of men. That<br />

is the line upon which most of this<br />

controversial legislation Is divided.<br />

It is a struggle which will determine<br />

whether the representatives<br />

of the people in Congress<br />

shall make the low undor which<br />

we all must live, or whether in the<br />

future we shall live under directives<br />

and proclamations and orders<br />

made by the executive agencies.<br />

And I believe when it is settled<br />

that government by law will prevail<br />

over government by men."<br />

James W. Mott, U. S. Representative<br />

from Orogou.<br />

Marriage is a lottery in which<br />

too many want another chance<br />

tis all<br />

'wla<br />

Tho makers of America's prewar tire<br />

quality leader, tlia VS. Itoyal MjUr,<br />

are building Into the new J3. Hoyal<br />

DrLuiB ail the iVill ml experience,<br />

Uie extra mileage, fty and dspend-abilit- y<br />

that have made Hoyal the<br />


Tmi more states have lohtett m<br />

the movement to put a ceiling<br />

the peace lime taxing power of the<br />

v!rl aavornmont. In addition.<br />

proposals are before Congress to<br />

simplify the tax laws, ueui<br />

constructive and necessary steps.<br />

in tlin meantime, tlw Federal<br />

debt Is rising so rapidly that other<br />

than a few fiscal experts, no one<br />

Vnnu'i the debt total unless they,<br />

read a Treasury report each morn<br />

ing. Moreover, no one expects mc<br />

rlie in debt to halt for years to<br />

come These arc facts.<br />

It is also a fact that tho country<br />

is enjoying a peak of prosperity<br />

without precedent In the history<br />

of the nation. A visitor from<br />

Mars could not be blamed for<br />

concluding that as far as mosf<br />

Americans are concerned, "total<br />

war" Is still a catch phrase.<br />

Statistics, compiled by peacetime<br />

standards showing why the<br />

Federal debt cannot be brought<br />

under clocr control, ore an Insufficient<br />

answer now to the question<br />

of whether the people arc doing<br />

their tax best and the government<br />

Its thrift best to save the<br />

nation from bankruptcy and preserve<br />

a framework upon which<br />

individual onnortunity and enter<br />

prise con flourish after the war<br />

Call 94<br />

for<br />

Blondies Laundry<br />


PICKUP . . .<br />

Monday - Thursday<br />

DELIVERY . . .<br />

Wednesday - Saturday<br />

f<br />

sit mm M: f<br />

Mm x , wlw W 1 1 i k 111<br />

n fivxwemfmmii? ,?m- - fnvBi<br />

ss vv a<br />

Baaa-- JJ 1 1<br />



U.S. ROYAL<br />

Ajfe.<br />

can<br />

WHO<br />

'1 ft ifti<br />

quality leaders for years. Wlwm you<br />

am eligible for get the new beat. tiros, be sure you<br />

Co to the dealer<br />

the familiar US. Tire with<br />

sign and get<br />

U.'3. Hoyal DeLuxe , . . there Is no<br />

better tire model<br />


May 21 has been designated "<br />

I Am An American Day, the da<br />

en which the United State will<br />

honor the 2,470,000 men and women<br />

who reached voting age and<br />

the 400.000 citliens of foreign origin<br />

who were naturalized In 1043,<br />

It was reported by the Office of<br />

War Information. Of the 400.000<br />

newly naturallml citizens. fle.OOO<br />

are In the armed forces and approximately<br />

114,000 came from<br />

enemy or former enemy nations<br />

75,000 Italians, 37,000 Germans<br />

FRY<br />


Our Best<br />

Wishes<br />

1<br />

snd S,MQ Ruii'.i<br />

and Bulgarians<br />

to April 19. In,<br />

ign-ba- rn<br />

membe<br />

forces en ovcrtc.<br />

naturalized.<br />

DR. It. E. Ydj<br />

URNTIJi<br />

X.RAU<br />

Office In Double u<br />

leiepnon .<br />

-- II<br />

I.1 I.' 1 I"N<br />

r jmllj anc<br />



tills ahoti tires'!<br />

BUY<br />

e<br />





...Tho Ofiico of Prico Adrainiatration<br />

lias recently extend!<br />

rationing regulations to mako all "B" and "C" gns raua<br />

card holders eligiblo for Grado 1 top quality Bynthetic ura<br />

niia means that when tho present tires of these card holda<br />

can no longer bo recapped, thoy nro eligiblo to buy the m<br />

U.S. Royal DoLuxe. "A" card holders nro eligible for<br />

Grado 3 tires . . . used tires, recaps, "war" tires and secondi<br />


. . . All synthetic tires aro far hotter than ovon tho mat<br />

optimistic tiro men thought possible. From all over tit<br />

country reports from car owners aro pouring in that tie<br />

now U.S. Royal DoLuxo is turning in performance eve<br />

boyond expectations. Backed by years of work in tin<br />

pioneering of synthetics, and built by craftsmen who hart<br />

learned how to uso overy ounco of materials to givo tb<br />

greatest poasiblo service, tho U.S. Royal DoLuxo is ta<br />

best tiro buy on tho market today.<br />

WHERE<br />

CAN WE BUY<br />

... If you havo n Grado Ono Tiro Certificate, you can buj<br />

tho new U.S. Royal DoLuxo whero you boo tho fairuUr<br />

U.S. Tiro sign. If your U.S. Tiro Donler docs not hate yoc<br />

sizo in Htock, bo patient. All popular sizes aro now rollie<br />

out Of tho Ctant U.S. factories in inemninW nnnntitv. &<br />

Dealer will tako care of vou as soon na stocks nro nvailaW<br />

Waere ytm sec tiw U. S.TJre sign,<br />

yw will TmhI a kcal,<br />

btisiMss bwit<br />

THEM?<br />

WMkHMkt<br />

SKVtC<br />



J 4JuJ aajtsjaaw<br />

m 1 ' wui Vi win aw a<br />

t be removed frem<br />

M..,Mla 1st fctlsubvtflw<br />

Th )Mt male mnrtwr of Uic<br />

Mayflower mm JHm Aklan, wlw<br />

died In 1087.<br />

WHNTED<br />

1,000 Families To Buy Land In Cut-U- p<br />

ianch Proposition. You may buy from<br />

to 10,000 acres. Many locations.' $5.00<br />

)er acre up. Good land - - Easy terms.<br />

Juaranteed Deed Titles. Get in on<br />

ground floor and pick your land first.<br />

See<br />

. S. DENSON<br />

Room JO, White House Hotel<br />

Post, Texas<br />

TUB PQfT pjgPATCH<br />

Troy I Dean Taking Advanced<br />

Trainlnr At Foster Field<br />

Troy L. Dmn, 24, son of Mm.<br />

UsWIe Justice, Is among ng<br />

those<br />

training In precision fly--<br />

mn, aerial gunnery theory. nMhl<br />

rroaa coutriry flying and other<br />

phases of advanced pttotng with<br />

in now claa at Foster Field.<br />

Texan.<br />

Thla Rroup of fledgling pilots<br />

moved closer to the erwkrdts of<br />

Uncle Sam's awlft pursuit ships<br />

last week m the Intoat class of<br />

aviation endcta. representing 38<br />

state of the Union reported to<br />

Foster Field for advanced training<br />

their last atop before becoming<br />

flying officers.<br />

Ten' weeks from the date of<br />

their arrival nt Foster Field, successful<br />

students, with more than<br />

a year and n half of Intensive pilot<br />

training behind them, will be presented<br />

their Just reward silver<br />

pilot "wings" imd commissions of<br />

second lieutenants or appointment<br />

as flight officers.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Douchier and<br />

baby, Joe Tom. spent Sunday In<br />

SnydT with Mr. and Mrs. Joe<br />

Strayhom.<br />

Miss Kitty Falrea spent the<br />

week end with her parents In<br />

THUniPAY, MAY 18, 131<br />


MAKB8 ItP.COftf) AT<br />


Wn T. II Ilarrlaon, S4pbtn-vill- e.<br />

received a letter from Wtajor<br />

General Walter E. Lauer. Division<br />

Commander at Camp Maxey, Tx-a- s<br />

stating that her son. Private<br />

Ouy T Harrison, has been adjudged<br />

one of the outstanding aotdlera<br />

m ms company or 300 men In the<br />

training regiment.<br />

This regiment was set un within<br />

the Division to provide Intenelve<br />

training for about 3.000 now men.<br />

like Private Harrison, who came<br />

to the company<br />

from various Army<br />

8pwlalled Training Program un<br />

its. This was done so that thev<br />

could complete this training well<br />

prepared to take their place in the<br />

units or the Division to which they<br />

have been aaaignod, .<br />

uencrai iaucr says. "We are<br />

proud of the progress of those men.<br />

and are particularly pleased with<br />

the splendid record of your son. I<br />

know you will be gratified to learn<br />

that he has been doing outstanding<br />

work as a dnily habit It is espo- -<br />

POfT, TEXAS<br />

Mrs. Jessie Vow spent Mather's<br />

Day with Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Anderson<br />

in Seminole.<br />

Mrs. Ed Caffey and daughter of<br />

Lubbock spent Sunday In Post.<br />

cially gratifying to me, as the Division<br />

Commander, to have him In<br />

our Division."<br />

Guy T. Harrison gratuatod from<br />

Post High school In 1041 and<br />

moved with his parents to Steph-envll- lc<br />

in the summer of 1041<br />

Two years later he gratuatod from<br />

John Tarleton at Stephcnvllle.<br />

Mrs. Alia Jones Buys<br />

Beauty Shop In<br />

Colorado City<br />

Pre. Ileyd Stanley In Hospital<br />

lfc. Floyd Stanley returned<br />

from Australia five weeks aaw be--<br />

cUM of sciatic rinmiMUmn. He la<br />

now taking treatment in a hoanital<br />

in MtUe, Washington. While en Mrs. Alta Jones,<br />

route to<br />

formerly<br />

Seattle. Floyd<br />

of<br />

spent two Port, recently purchased<br />

dnys<br />

The<br />

in a hospital in Oakland,<br />

Fair<br />

Beauty ShoD in roloroiln rt .n,i<br />

Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Odel Stanley. assumed operation of the<br />

who<br />

business<br />

live in Oakland, visited with! l.,t WMW Shn im SI fl Aw nuriyi , J<br />

Floyd about 40 mtnutos while he operator in all types<br />

was<br />

of beauty<br />

there.<br />

cuitura. one nurcnancd tne sitoo<br />

from Mrs. Ed Durham of Colorado<br />

City. She will assist Mrs. Jones<br />

In the operation of the shop.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Mavo and<br />

son, Floyd, of Wilson, Mr. and<br />

Mra. J. D. King and family of<br />

iMrnum Springe and Mis Almcta<br />

King of Lubbock visited Mrs. J.<br />

It. Hammit on Mother's Day.<br />

Reoelvcs Mother's Day Message<br />

Mrs. J. T. Sholnutt received a<br />

lovely Mother's Day telegram from<br />

her son, Merl Sholnutt, who is<br />

stationed in Nome, Alaska.<br />

Eyes<br />

Tested<br />

Lenses<br />


Frames Repaired<br />

Duplicated<br />

FITTED<br />

DR. 0. 72. HILL<br />

r.cr'.tercd Optometrist<br />

1714 Avenue Q.<br />

Lubbock, Texas<br />

GoodhCu.ck<br />

wClass<br />

Congzatu lotions<br />

You deserve Congratulations,<br />

It's o pleasure to send them too,<br />

And to hope you'll find happinass<br />

That life is holding<br />

for you.<br />



nt<br />

v--,.<br />

- m m n<br />

Wc join hundreds of others in<br />

commending you on your attainment<br />

and we wish for your<br />

continued success in whatever<br />

field of endeavor<br />

you choose to<br />

follow.<br />

MALOUF<br />


M. J.<br />

MALOUF<br />

rss of<br />

twjji 944<br />

With new worldg to conquer ami now career to cultivate,<br />

the 1941 fjrnduatb<br />

fe<br />

a changing world. Uncertainty<br />

in workl croMog thoir jmths, but<br />

war-ragiri- K<br />

preparedneiw and courage will lad them straight and<br />

true. We hail thla class of 19M ahead lies military<br />

services for some, other war activities for others and<br />

for all, wc wish success.<br />

Remember Moving Picture Are Your Boat<br />

Entertainment, at Home, In Camp, or<br />

Whorcver You May<br />

Be.<br />

It ha been a pleasure to have been a part of the<br />

activities connected with your school life.<br />

Garza Theatre<br />

B. J. EDWARDS<br />

4<br />

tJOV GULF'S<br />

AntiBreDkdownCluU,L<br />

'.v<br />

-<br />

.<br />

fiCLAS5<br />

The Book of Life is open to you<br />

. . . Sonic of you will take up arms . . .<br />

Others will start careers and professions<br />

. . . What you write on its pages<br />

is up to you. We know you will do<br />

your best as you have done in Post<br />

High School.<br />

We extend<br />

Best<br />

A<br />

TODAY-- "<br />

6aBB.<br />

Here<br />

' Pla- n-<br />

Maintenance<br />

Before<br />

be only two<br />

war is ovbk. thore mav<br />

kinds of peopk in America . . , C<br />

this<br />

avtomobUot,<br />

1. theis who tan itin gt to work In<br />

3. thoio who ar lore od to walk.<br />

If you want to be in the fortunate group who will still be<br />

tiding to work in automobiles, join Gulfs "Anti Breakdown"<br />

Club today. How do you do it? Juit come in for<br />

Gulf ProfectiVe Maintenance Plant<br />

This plan was conceived by experts In car care.<br />

Gulf developed it because car maintenance ii a<br />

most important civilian job.<br />

Wish<br />

ftprotects<br />

your car<br />

39 6vt?4rots<br />

at<br />

"2"<br />

ft Acfe Aeep<br />

your motor<br />

ft sfatcAcs youryos colons<br />

as you take over new assignments<br />

and wish Continued Success.<br />

Wilkirson Lumber Co<br />

R. . 6mc, Mancuj&i<br />

--2 L<br />

QUtra Protective Maintenance Plan Includes<br />

Oulfles RetUtcred Lubrication which<br />

reaches up to 39 vital points with uJx<br />

diirrnt QuXftex Lubrteanti that reduce<br />

wtar. and lenctben your ears wc.<br />

On AN<br />


Tu tutr your Cult twice da<br />

.Ihorough Jab on your car<br />

and to your lima rnaka<br />

an appotnimont In aJanc.<br />

Phont or pk to him at tha<br />

ration. Thoo you should<br />

no dalay whtn you gat<br />

rratactlT<br />

Malnto-smiu- cs<br />

Oulf's PUa-- .tl mttUm U aill<br />

3<br />

a<br />

Irs turoRTANT to tivc your car a ood<br />

motor od and change regularly. Gulf offers<br />

rw-- outstanding odt . . . Oulrpride, "The<br />

World's Finest Motor Oil," and Oulflube, an<br />

eiUa-quaht- y oil costing a few cents leas.<br />

and spark-plu- g cleaning, and<br />

radiator fludung heip give better gat mileage.<br />

A clean air filter makes gas burn more<br />

economically , clean plugs increase power i a<br />

clean radiater prevents overheating.<br />


4i&r Aetter car case toctay<br />

-- 6? avocC 6wafytowns fomonQut<br />


umm<br />

mm<br />

mm ratt k<br />

lafe IMMliMft MsT f&sMaM2MncT<br />

tear wteist it ttCfesNtf feMW<br />

lH-da- y.<br />

She will be aWswsaHilJd hy<br />

her sister. Opal Smtlk.<br />

Buy it<br />

War Bond today!<br />

.fltlltflltllllltllltltllllllllllllllltllltllllllltlltlllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllltlllllllttlMtltlllltltlllllltlllttlllllltlllllllllltll<br />

Mom Soys "I always<br />

manage to find time for<br />

several ghisscs of Teal<br />

Dairy milk during the day<br />

Surprising how it makes<br />

me feci better and gives<br />

me more energy "<br />

Sis Says: "Nothln like<br />

a glass of Tcnl Dairy milk<br />

with some of Mom's cake!<br />

It seems like all the kids<br />

at school drink it. Miss<br />

Brown, our teacher, says<br />

milk gives us good teeth<br />

and solid bonos and is<br />

Juat about the best all<br />

'round food there Is."<br />

mt Mi tsMttar wfM to vary m.<br />

Mr. mmI Mrs. Jaett CeekrMn ami<br />

daughter of Seminole were vM-to-rs<br />

in Poet Wednesday<br />

f<br />


KasT.TSKA<br />

fcwlnius to Lwlitncn CHneral hos<br />

pital Tuesday istfsht.<br />

American ineemitnry bombs<br />

weigh from two te We pounds.<br />

v 5<br />

Dllly Says: "1 want to<br />

grow up to be strong like<br />

Uncle Jim. He says milk's<br />

the best thing for every<br />

fella' that likos - to piny<br />

baseball and football the<br />

way I do! Mr. Smith<br />

that's my gym teacher-te-lls<br />

ail us kids to drink<br />

a quart a day."<br />

Dad Says: "I wasn't<br />

much of a milk fan until<br />

I tasted Teal's Dairy milk.<br />

After that, I drank It<br />

regularly. Seems like I<br />

feel bottcr, too."<br />

Teal & Son Dairy Milk rates first with Post families.<br />

It contains the minerals and vitamins that are necessary<br />

in every diet. It is vital protection against sicknessand<br />

it promotes body growth. Serve it to your<br />

family daily.<br />

J. W. TEAL h SON<br />

Wc Make Home Delivery<br />

Post, Texas<br />

J i n tt n 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m n 1 1 1 1 1 i<br />

iMMitimmiiiHmii mimiiiiiiiimiimiiimimii<br />

2:.W<br />

P.M.<br />

JusticeburgNews<br />

Sirs. .'. It. Key Correspondent<br />

Mrs Hatrl Brewer of 'Trent<br />

visited her mother Mm W. A.<br />

batman and sister Mrs. Vernon<br />

Loebins last week end.<br />

Mrs. W. M. Hsndorson returned<br />

to Plalnvlew after visiting her<br />

daughter. Mrs. George Bvana ami<br />

family here.<br />

Mrs D. L. Rates and family of<br />

Hamlm visited her parents Mr.<br />

and Mrs. L. W. MeCombs and<br />

family<br />

Vernon Lobbtne of California<br />

visited his wife and children here.<br />

Mrs. Iobblns and ehlhlren return<br />

er to California with him Wednesday<br />

to make their home.<br />

Mrs Hern Pcttlgrcw and<br />

daughter of Slaton are visiting<br />

her sister. Mrs. Honry Key and<br />

daughter Eva Lou.<br />

A. D. Wilson of Dig Spring<br />

vialted frlonds here Wednesday<br />

and Thursday.<br />

SSgt. Harry Evans has returned<br />

to Camp Forrest, Tenn. after a<br />

furlough with his wife and par<br />

ents, the George Evans.<br />

Garland Dorman .of Snyder<br />

spent the week end with his parents<br />

Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Dor-m- an<br />

Chester<br />

and family.<br />

The close of school play was<br />

presented here Friday night. A<br />

large crowd attended.<br />

Several Small<br />

nvHps Honor<br />

Bridal Couple<br />


ROPING<br />


Several small parties were given<br />

during the past week for Miss<br />

Erma Lee Cass and Captain Euel<br />

Harrison who were married last<br />

night.<br />

Among those given were a dance<br />

on Saturday night, an a! fresco<br />

supper at the home of Mrs. Skeet-e- r<br />

Slaughter on Monday night ami<br />

a buffet supper at the home of<br />

Mrs. Madge Mathis on Tuesday<br />

night. The buffet supper followed<br />

rehearsal at the First Baptist<br />

church.<br />

Visiting in the home of Mr and<br />

Mrs. Cecil Osborne last week were<br />

Osborne's mother and stepfather,<br />

Mr and Mrv J T. Sybort of Mule-hn- e.<br />

a niece. Mrs. Marvin Vaves,<br />

,ilo of Muleshoe, and their daughter.<br />

Gradvlinc Osborne, who is a<br />

student of Howard Payne.<br />

SUNDAY, MAY 21st, 1944<br />


Big Spring, Texas<br />

Lovington, New Mexico<br />





Service Men and Women In Uniform Admitted Free Of Charge<br />

StU .Maaon JmHrc In KfeUy<br />

ImpnvtJ SUNDAY SgL Owe MNW jtmlia, im mi<br />

Uniform<br />

Mr. ami Mrs. GMnamt Jitettfe, la<br />

Utttrnathnal SCHOOL now stationed m Sfcfly. He IHied<br />

Nerth Afrlen muen better, he mM.<br />

:<br />

LESSON<br />

-:- - Toll everyone holki far me ami<br />

to write to me."<br />

Ills address is: SgL Gone M.<br />

Justice. Htlq. Co. AHTC - APO<br />

812. co PM. New York, H. Y.<br />

Lesion fcr May 21<br />

Experience tenoheg us that If<br />

we want a thing cheep we must<br />

Ifftai imd ( IlXvi iWilKM!; pay pretty doarly for It.<br />

""J br<br />

sasaisasasaKaaas<br />

m ayiSMiswsiwwwew<br />


t.KMON TBXT-A-eit II. M: I Certn- -<br />

OOLDKN TEXT tint new sbMtth<br />

fMh. Mf. thrie<br />

treat it ef these Is Wvs "' I ''5; FOR<br />

II 1J.<br />

SALE<br />

Who Is a Christian? One might<br />

answer In a number of ways. He li<br />

one whe has been saved by the re Genuine<br />

deeming grace of Jesus Christ lit<br />

li one who seeks to live a life in ac<br />

(Used)<br />

cord with the will of God. He Is a<br />

witness for God. nd 10 on. Dut th . c. c.<br />

niwer that the whole world under<br />

stands Is a life In which the re. DRUMS<br />

deeming love of Christ begets a trut<br />

love for one's fellow man.<br />

I. An Example of Christian Lovs If you<br />

(Acts 18: Ml.<br />

Teaching snd preaching are God'i want one<br />

ordained wo'y for presenting th<br />

truth. They arc effective, but only<br />

when done by one whose life<br />

or more<br />

the truth. In his letter to<br />

the Corinthians Paul gives the great. See Us<br />

est discussion of love known to thi<br />

world, but before he wrote It he had NOW<br />

lived that truth before them. Th<br />

Holy Spirit spoke through him ol<br />

love, because He had already lived RAKER-FLEMIN- G<br />

the truth out In the preacher.<br />

Flash-O-Ga-<br />

Two things appear here: Paul<br />

s Co.<br />

was:<br />

Plalnview, COO Ash St. - Pho. 616<br />

1. Working (vv. The world's Lubbock. 3200 Ave II - Pho. 5141<br />

most distinguished missionary and<br />

preacher had arrived In Corinth.<br />

Where was the welcoming commit-te- e<br />

of local dignitaries? There was<br />

none. Whose comfortable home<br />

would receive him? None was offered<br />

His was the tot of the pio<br />

neer for Christ He had to hunt up,<br />

a Jewish fellow craftsman and go!<br />

to work to earn his bread.<br />

Paul, like every other Jewish boy,<br />

had learned a trade, something he:<br />

could do with his hands. He was a<br />

tent and sail maker, and was not<br />

ashamed to work at his trade. A<br />

more recent follower of Christ put<br />

It thus: "My business is to preach<br />

the gospel, but I pack meat to pay<br />

the expenses."<br />

Dut notice that Paul did not let<br />

this work become the chief thing, j<br />

As the Lord prospered him he did.<br />

not decide to "go back Into bust<br />

I<br />

ncss." No. for his real business was: I<br />

2. Witnessing (v. ), He began. I<br />

as was his custom, In the synagogue,<br />

presenting Christ to Jews and<br />

Greeks. The Jews opposed him (see<br />

v. 0), and then Paul addressed himself<br />

to the Gentiles.<br />

God prospered that ministry and<br />

encouraged Paul by a vision, assuring<br />

him that the Lord had "much<br />

people" (v. 10) in that wicked city.<br />

The love of Christ in Paul thus shone<br />

forth as a light In the darkness of<br />

sin and superstition.<br />

Love was something which the<br />

heathen world of Paul's day had so<br />

misrepresented and distorted (even<br />

as It has today) that It needed definition<br />

and exposition. So we have<br />

II. An Explanation o( Christian<br />

Love (I Cor. 13).<br />

This Is one of the outstanding<br />

chapters of all Scripture. Its magnificent<br />

discussion of the greatest of<br />

alt themes has drawn forth many<br />

choice expositions.<br />

The thought centers around the<br />

emptiness of the loveless life, the<br />

glory of the life of love, and the<br />

eternal unchangeable power of love.<br />

Wc gather it up In three words.<br />

1. Indispensable (w, Without<br />

love man's attainments are empty.<br />

He may become an orator with<br />

a "heavenly" gift of speech, but unless<br />

he truly loves, his elegant and<br />

persuasive talk Is Just a meaning-les- s<br />

noise. How true!<br />

One may also have man-clougifts<br />

s<br />

of prophetic Insight and a<br />

faith, and find that It<br />

Is all a vain and empty experience<br />

without love. Our world leaders<br />

could well study that verse just now.<br />

Sacrificial Interest In the needs of<br />

mankind Is a fine trait In man, but<br />

It roust have the love of Christ In<br />

It or It too li profitless. As we<br />

think of feeding the hungry nations<br />

of tae earth, let us not forget to<br />

make it worth while by doing it In<br />

Christian love.<br />

J. Incomparable (vv ).<br />

The<br />

standard far the life of a Christian<br />

li a very high one; In fact. It Is Impassible<br />

POST,<br />

of attainment apart from<br />

the grase and power of Christ. Ns<br />

urally. we And ourselves to be Impatient,<br />

proud, suspicious, resentful,<br />

t. The new nature In Christ is<br />

fust the apposite, tor lavs rules.<br />

N4e that phrase -- enduroth<br />

tWngs."<br />

ill<br />

We need that in Uete days<br />

It Is se hard to keep en gelag<br />

r as sent sens said, "is, keep m<br />

keetsaag en" Lev. erss all<br />

tntnga.<br />

3 IsntauUMe (vv 8--<br />

AM<br />

IMstgs In Ms eag and pes-- i<br />

Ues is eternal sad usjesagMUs<br />

Kvm ssaVtttMj galis hsv.<br />

wasttmul sad pass Iran view inti<br />

ssvail sasiife tftwetMfc alt alar<br />

ftftr. OsmI. tne HtetsMi Osx. s tevs<br />

CIJesKi l. It.<br />

te steal per.<br />

feetness ef imdwsUamj wMeii U<br />

le be swi ens day. wfce w,<br />

even as God aew smws<br />

let we<br />

u.<br />

snail ass levt at & ,u.<br />

vS ,UrMl fa 'U<br />

i<br />

I<br />

lifeifihinly Reunl<br />

In Talioka Sunday<br />

Tlte annuel Hr., .<br />

kt will be held in l<br />

itay, May 21 The r.<br />

held In the I'dy t "<br />

to Mis Ida PtM ,<br />

lory of the group<br />

sisssassssaiaataisaasai<br />

mmmm<br />

Tn Hn<br />

Add Joy to a Joyous ....<br />

by giving<br />

nu:<br />

Ti<br />

i sTaaaal<br />

Tomorrow We<br />

Extend<br />

'Best Wislm"<br />

STAR SERVlCll<br />


Cecil Osborne<br />

Personalized<br />


Turn in orders now for that Gift<br />

Box of Fine Stationery<br />

Name Imprinted on<br />

Highest Quality Paper<br />

100 Sheets 50 Envelopes<br />

Dispatch Publishing Co.<br />

Hard of Hearing<br />

Do you have trouble understanding<br />

conversation? Come in.<br />


Friday, May 26, 191i --<br />

TEXAS<br />

10 a. m, to I p. nu<br />

I will gladly make an audiogram of your<br />

hearing. In 20 minutes you can see how<br />

much of your hoaring has slipped and<br />

whoather or not you need a hearing aul<br />

There is no obligation. It's free,<br />

E. W. CARR<br />

Certified Sonotonc Consultant

Yia porr pppatch THUMOAY, MAY It, 1144 POST, TEXAS<br />

Society<br />

WOMAN'S<br />

Mrs. E. A. Warren<br />

Club Notes SOCIETY and LOCAL EDITOR<br />

111 and 110 J<br />

Church News<br />

Announcements<br />

jo the CLASS<br />

lemors . . .<br />

,Ve are proud we<br />

have had the<br />

opportunity of<br />

serving you this<br />

year. To you and<br />

he classes which<br />

follow we extend<br />

an invitation<br />

o make our store<br />

)ur headquarters.<br />


DRUG<br />

I Mv<br />

If.<br />

K4.<br />

FOR THE<br />

Gretta Bilberry --<br />

Pvt. Calvin Cooper<br />

Marry Friday<br />

MIm Gretta Dllborry and Pvt.<br />

Calvin L. Cooper were mart red<br />

Friday. May 12. at 7:00 n. m. at<br />

tjc First Baptist church with Ilcv.<br />

r a. m . ... . . .<br />

iv. ,. icnmson oiiicwung.<br />

PAGE<br />

Phones<br />

With the cUmo nf wluvil tho Mill.<br />

Dobs have refunded out a full vr<br />

of fun with a scrloa of narlle and<br />

picnics. They were started with a<br />

picnic some weeks ago which was<br />

The bride was attended lv mi. ronowed soon Bftor by a waffle<br />

Joyce Stevens and Allen Julian at supper given by Norma Joan<br />

tended the groom ns best man. Sclniler.<br />

MIm Dllborry wore a drew of Sunday morning the Senior Sub<br />

sky blue with white accessories Debs were filven n lirnulcfmf hv<br />

ami a corsage of pink rose buds. the other members of the club at<br />

Alls Stevens was dressed In light the Courts cafe. The tables were<br />

blue crepe with pink accessories. beautifully decorated with lnco<br />

The bride is the daughter of tablecloths and nnmlM nnri n<br />

Mrs. Henry Bilberry and the delicious menu was served. At the<br />

Rroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. breakfast Mrs. B. J. Edward Invited<br />

the group to a dance at her<br />

C. L. Cooper of the Grnlmin mm.<br />

rpunl.ty. Only the parents and m home, nftor the commencement<br />

lew close mends attended the program Friday night.<br />

service.<br />

Members of the club arc: Marion<br />

Following the wedding a reception<br />

was held at the home of the Graham. Betty Williams, Iris Joy<br />

Hod cc. Wanda Thomas. Mlooln<br />

bride's mother. The refreshment I'arKcr, Hazel Cnsn, Melba Miller.<br />

table held a beautiful three ticrd Mary Carpenter. Peggy Robmson.<br />

wedding cake which was cut by Billy Doggctt. Pearl Fleming, Dor-ra- ce<br />

the honor couple. About twenty, Propst, Billy and Betty Kennedy.<br />

Norma Hudman, Mary<br />

five guests attended the reception.<br />

Pvt. Cooper left Monday night<br />

Robertson and Marlon Edwards.<br />

for Fort Bcimlng, Georgia.<br />

Our sponsors<br />

Mrs.<br />

are Mrs. B. J. Edwards<br />

and Mrs. Bake Robinson,<br />

Cooper will remain here for the<br />

srtime<br />

being and resume her<br />

-<br />

work<br />

Reporter<br />

here for the O. K. food store.<br />

Out-of-toguosU<br />

who attended<br />

the wedding were Mrs. Marlln<br />

Podge of Ft. Worth. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

L. A. Enloc of Staton. Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Leonard Bullock of Grassland<br />

and Mrs. II. O. Lee of Ro- -<br />

wcll. New Mexico.<br />

GRAHAM<br />



PLAY<br />

J. W. Teal had the misfortune<br />

of breaking two bones in his hand<br />

last Friday.<br />

Hot Water Galore A New Automatic Gas Water Heating<br />

Magic Refrigeration The<br />

New Silent Gas Refrigerator<br />

to keep your food fresh<br />

longer.<br />

REMEMBER . . . Gas today<br />

speeds war production. Use<br />

it wisely. Tomorrow it will<br />

bring new ease, new leisure,<br />

hotter living,<br />

Senior Sub-De- bs<br />

Entertained With<br />

Formal Breakfast<br />

Grah am Club Met<br />

In Wallace Home<br />

On May 11th<br />

The Graham Homcmakcrs club<br />

met with Mrs. Pearl Wallace as<br />

host ens with Ada Mae Tucker and<br />

Jonnie Wallace as<br />

A nice program was presented<br />

by Mrs. Myrtle Hoover. Thei<br />

honored Mrs. Nettle Seay with a<br />

going-awa- y sliowor. She received<br />

many useful gifts.<br />

Lovely refreshments were serv-<br />

There will be a play at the<br />

Graham school auditorium Friday<br />

night. May 20. The play will be<br />

3 nets of Inughtcr and fun. The<br />

title of the play is "Aunt Syman-th- y ed to twenty members and four<br />

Rules the Roost!' and will visitors.<br />

begin nt 8:30. Everyone is invited The club will meet again on<br />

to come and have a good laugh. Thursday. May 25 Mc-Brlwith<br />

Alma dc<br />

and Dovlc Young in Mc-Brl- de<br />

the<br />

home.<br />

Reporter<br />

Buy a War Bond today:<br />

2),<br />

are<br />

Jotnorroiu'd<br />

IQeatitias<br />

HEARTS DREAMING . . . two heads planning . . . some day their<br />

TWO in the air will become a reality and two people will have the home<br />

they have wanted for so long. They have the faith and energy to make their<br />

dreams come true.<br />


eami<br />

A Wonder Kitchen cool, clean New Certified Performance Gas Range<br />

to give that "precision cooking."<br />

An All-Year-Hou- nd<br />

Perfect Climate A New Gas Air Conditioning<br />

System Co warm your home in winter and cool it in summer.<br />

System.<br />

West Texas Gas Company<br />

Beautiful Setting Given<br />

Harrison-Cas- s Wedding<br />

Wednesday Night<br />

The traditional nuntlal music<br />

and decorations which effectively<br />

combined pink roses, pink gladoll,<br />

and fern were used to provide a<br />

suitable sotting for the recitation<br />

of wedding vows for MIm Erma<br />

Lee Cass and Captain Euol D. Harrison<br />

in the First Baptist church<br />

on Wednesday night. White cathedral<br />

tapers in branched candclc-br- a<br />

provided the only illumination<br />

for the boautlfully decorated<br />

altar. The ceremony was performed<br />

at 8:30 o'clock by Ilev. H. C.<br />

TcnnHion who nsod the Impressive<br />

double ring ceremony to unite<br />

the couple.<br />

Prcnuptial music was given by<br />

Miss Mattle Evelyn Stone, soloist,<br />

who sang "I Love You Truly"<br />

(Bond) and by Mrs. Shooter<br />

Slaughter, pianist. Mrs. Slaughter<br />

played "Vienna Refrain" preceding<br />

the ceremony and "The Flower<br />

Song" as the vows were exchanged.<br />

She played traditional<br />

processional and recessional wedding<br />

marches for the wedding<br />

party.<br />

The bride, who was givon in<br />

marriage by her father, wore a<br />

becoming two-pie- ce<br />

oyster white<br />

crope frock and carried an arm<br />

bouquet of pale pink flowers and<br />

fern. Her fetching hat was of<br />

Navy straw and pink rose and<br />

was a Louie Miller model. Other<br />

accessories were white.<br />

Mrs. Madge Mathis was matron<br />

of honor. She wore a two piece<br />

erepe model of ro with harmon-Uhi- g<br />

accessories and a shoulder<br />

corsage of white gardenias.<br />

Miss Margaret Stone ami Miss<br />

Pegy Sue Robinson were bridesmaids.<br />

Miss Stone wore a dusty<br />

pink crepe and Miss Robinson a<br />

soft green crope. Both wore corsages<br />

fashioned from white carnations.<br />

Jolm Robinson served Captain<br />

Harrison as host-ma- n and ushers<br />

wore W. J. Tipton and Lieut. Fred<br />

Tranhart of Midland Army Air<br />

field.<br />

The bride. th daughter of Mr.<br />

md Mrs. E. E. Cass, is one of<br />

Post's most attractive young busi<br />

ness women, bavin been secretary<br />

of the First National bonk for a<br />

number of years.<br />

The ronm. son of Mr and Mrs.<br />

J. E. Harrison of Jay ton. is a<br />

bombadlcr instructor at the Army<br />

Air field in Midland. Texas He<br />

served more than a year overseas<br />

and saw service In North Africa.<br />

Tunisia, Italy and New Guiena.<br />

He is a graduate of A tt M college.<br />

The couple loft Immediately following<br />

the wedding for a short<br />

woddlngtrip before going to Midland.<br />

Decorations of Red<br />

Roses Used During<br />

Bridal Shower<br />

Especially attractive sprays of<br />

Paul's Scarlet climber rosos com<br />

bined with greenery were used to<br />

decorate the entertaining rooms<br />

of the Noah Stone home on last<br />

Friday night whon Miss Erma Lee<br />

Cass was complimunted with a<br />

miscellaneous showor. White tapors<br />

arranged around the chosen<br />

flowers gave illumination to the<br />

party rooms.<br />

Hostesses for the oceion were<br />

MUso Margaret ami Mattie Evelyn<br />

Stone. Mum Kitty Falres and Mrs.<br />

Woldon Jobo.<br />

In the receiving line wore Margaret<br />

Stone, Miss CaM and her<br />

mother. Mrs. R. E Caas. Other<br />

house party members wore Mrs.<br />

James Minor and Mrs. Madge<br />

Mathis who presided at the<br />

table; Mrs. I). M. Robinson<br />

who was in attendance over<br />

the beautiful display of gifts; Miss<br />

Kitty Fnlros who presided at Die<br />

bride's book; and Mrs. Skeoter<br />

Slaughter awl Miss Mattie Evelyn<br />

Stone who furnished music<br />

throughout the calling hours.<br />

Coffee, individual cake squaros,<br />

decorated with dnk ami white<br />

frostinr. asww tod nuts and oafer-r- ul<br />

mmts wre twved tram a<br />

(M indfully appointed lo stfvar-- c<br />

t A hawtoaiwo rrM-nr- rt<br />

f tne ehosan ttowni kt a<br />

'<br />

n ix'wl furmW tits tttwetiv<br />

rM.i pier<br />

i. .tt of frurndt aiUNsskd<br />

(ilt All AM ll CI.UU MOT<br />

--<br />


The Giahasn<br />

M ciufc BMrt 1M--I<br />

iU. May 10 at OmttsMst MtMXjL<br />

AfUr tofujs aarJ a kmntm NHrnU<br />

tsMC Miss Mfcrr fave bar tatt<br />

Asiostkm. TWe adult spowns<br />

wrtli be present at the hx meeting<br />

May M tn the eiuh room,<br />

Reporter<br />

Pastel Colors Add<br />

Charm To Party For<br />

Erma Lee Cass<br />

A party of uniMua! interest took<br />

place on Wednesday afternoon of<br />

last week in the twine of Mrs.<br />

Skeetcr Slaughter when several<br />

hostoesos entertained with an an<br />

nouncement tea honoring Miss<br />

Erma Lee Cass, who became the<br />

bride of Capt. Eucl Harrison in a<br />

ceremony held at the First Paptist<br />

church lust night.<br />

The hostesses wore Mrs. Slaughter.<br />

Mrs. Madge Mathis and Mrs.<br />

B. M. Robinson, who together<br />

with the honoroc and her mother.<br />

Mrs. E. E. Cass, formed the receiving<br />

line. They were attractively<br />

dressed In floor length pastels<br />

and wore shoulder corsages of<br />

pink rosebuds.<br />

Miss Cass was bcautlfuly gowned<br />

in a turquoise crepe modol and<br />

wore talisman rosebuds in her<br />

hair. The bride's mother wore a<br />

trim egg-she- ll dross with pink<br />

rosebud corsage.<br />

The spacious Slaughter home<br />

was artistically decorated with<br />

spring cut flowers In pastel shad- -<br />

!es to match the floor lenxth dress<br />

es worn by the girls of<br />

house-part- y.<br />

the<br />

Miss Margaret Stone invited<br />

KueaU into the dining room where<br />

Mrs. Belle Fairbanks poured tea<br />

from a gold service ami Mrs.<br />

James Minor poured coffee from<br />

a silver service. The tea table,<br />

covered with a handsome lme<br />

cloth was centered with gorgeous<br />

sprays of pink snap-drago- ns<br />

in a<br />

gold bowl, flanked by pink tapors<br />

in Hold and silver holders. Small<br />

iced brides' cakes, each topped<br />

with tiny pink rosebuds, enhanced<br />

the bridal theme. Miniature gold<br />

wedding bells attached to white<br />

cards bore the inscription "Erma<br />

Lee Captain Harrison, May 17.<br />

1014."<br />

Miss PeRRy Sue Robinson invit<br />

ed guests from the dining room to<br />

register in th brides' book, which<br />

was presided over by Miss Kitty<br />

Falres.<br />

Miss Mattie Evelyn Stone furnished<br />

music during the calling<br />

hours and sang several numbers<br />

accompanied by Mrs. Slaughter.<br />

Many frlfnds of the bride-ele- ct<br />

railed during the hours of four to<br />

five-thirt- y.<br />

OKAHA.it n. n. cum meets<br />


The Graham Home Demonstra<br />

tion club met Tuesday. May 9 with<br />

Mrs. Thelbert McBrtde. The evening<br />

was spent visiting and crocheting<br />

There were seven ladle<br />

present and tour new members<br />

joined. The rnw members were<br />

Mmes. Perry<br />

Gos-set-<br />

Graham. Fred t.<br />

Jesse Peede and Melvin Hill<br />

The next mating will be May<br />

23 with Mrs. Hoover as hostess<br />

This will be an all-da- y meeting<br />

Each lady is asked to brinn a<br />

covered dish. Miss Manley will<br />

give a demonstration on slip covers.<br />

Every one Is invited Rep<br />

Buy a War Bond Today'<br />

Jitst A rrived . . .<br />

Ladies and Misses<br />

WASH<br />

SLACKS<br />

They're rsaHtert-M- d<br />

vary ncwuMnlsaUy<br />

attrunk and<br />

priced. We<br />

have Uhm 1m two styl<br />

i<br />

Mis vvomll atylt)<br />

it - wi m-<br />

.1,95<br />

at<br />

&10<br />

Ptacit Kfrr<br />

in siaw It ta 18<br />

$4.95<br />

Interesting: Study<br />

Held By Ponder<br />

Y. W. A. Group<br />

The Pomlor YWA of the First<br />

Baptist church met Monday for a<br />

program from "The Window." The<br />

opontng prayor was led by Joyce<br />

itophons. The subject of the pro<br />

gram was "Fruitful Toll."<br />

Introduction to the program was<br />

by Mrs. Suits and the following<br />

topics wore given: Planting seeds<br />

through money, Ellouisc Dodson;<br />

Planting seeds through personality.<br />

Mary Margaret Duckworth;<br />

Planting seeds through conversation.<br />

Imogcne Preston; Planting<br />

seeds through community mis<br />

sions, Doris Kirkcndoll; Planting<br />

seeds through prayer, Joyce Stephens;<br />

Conclusion and meditation,<br />

Maxmc Tucker.<br />

The YWA Is sponsoring a mls- -<br />

Report! ef all sodal and club meetings will<br />

be appreciated. All reports should be turned<br />

In net later than Tuesday C p. m. each week.<br />

Speclal Religious Meetings Beiaf<br />

Held At Mexican Baptist Church<br />

Her. A. L. Ortiz, pastor of<br />

Am-aril- lo<br />

Mexican Baptist church is<br />

with the Mexican Baptist church<br />

hens In a special revival meet<br />

ing. All people that understand<br />

Spanish are welcome to attend<br />

these meetings.<br />

Rev. Ortiz is a Simmons University<br />

graduate and is the Moderator<br />

of the Mexican Baptist<br />

Association of West Texas.<br />

The revival will continue untlT<br />

Saturday night.<br />

Pnstot<br />

mi<br />

'<br />

Sfc -<br />

slon study class taught by Mrs.<br />

J. H. McClafn of Ralls next Monday<br />

night at 8 p. m. at the church.<br />

We are inviting the entire church-t- o<br />

attend. Mrs. McClaln is StaU<br />

WMU Stewardship chairman and<br />

n very Interesting speaker.<br />

Rcportcs<br />

r.CtSj-"- '<br />

... J v --<br />

Mi<br />

wxuona ojmomi. .<br />

A<br />


Mm. P h. Johnson tatt Tur-la- y<br />

for her home In Oakland,<br />

California, alter visiting few<br />

lays with hr sister. Mrs. Jim Wtl-Ua-<br />

Scott King of AmariHo also<br />

rial tod with his sisters over the<br />

week end.<br />

DR. II. G. TOWLE. D. 0. S.<br />

DR. JOHN F. BLUM.<br />

Associate<br />


-<br />

Eyes Scientifically Examined<br />

Glasses Accurately FUtcd<br />

rhono 465<br />

SNYDER. TEXA :<br />

Olen William Promoted To<br />

Staff Sergeant<br />

An Cighth AAP Liberator Station.<br />

England Prwmitl of Oten<br />

O. William. Rt. 3 of Post frcm<br />

Sergeant to Staff Sergeant was<br />

announced recently by Colonel<br />

Arthur J. Pteree. commaedlng officer<br />

of the Liberator Heavy<br />

Bomber Group to which SSgt<br />

Williams is assigned as a noncommissioned<br />

officer.<br />

Nedra Jo Evan<br />

In College Tlay<br />

Nedra Jo Bvans, student at West<br />

Texas Siate Teeehers eoHege,<br />

Canyon, has had a role m another<br />

college play. The play ran for for<br />

nights. Nedra Jo is pledging Alpha<br />

Pst Omega.<br />

ALL<br />

F YOU<br />

CLASS OF<br />

miTO<br />

13441<br />

Graduates of 1944 We Salute You<br />

And Wish You Well<br />

We do not know your future plans . . . but we hope<br />

the flnmc of ambition, which has spurred you on<br />

to the present successes, will continue to burn in<br />

your lives and that whatever you chose to do<br />

you'll Rive your best as you have done in the past.<br />



to ike Class of $<br />

Bdctuise of the war, the job ahead<br />

for rntvny of you is already cut out ... .<br />

you will either be working or fighting<br />

for Victory.<br />

Regardless of the task, the best wishes<br />

of this organisation go with you.<br />

With all of us working together, we<br />

can win the victory sooner, and return<br />

to the normal pursuits of life for which<br />

we have equipped ourselves.<br />


Questions on New Draft<br />

Regulations Answered<br />

Q Is every local draft board<br />

bound to follow the new policies<br />

announced last Thursday?<br />

A. National headquarters believes<br />

that the boards, by and<br />

large, wilt attempt to carry out<br />

the principles lakl down.<br />

Q. Does this moan that no men<br />

30 and over in essential Indus-tri- es<br />

will be dratted until further<br />

notice?<br />

A. As a general thing, yes. But<br />

a local board may decide that tin<br />

elevator operator In a war plant,<br />

for Instance, is doing work for<br />

which women arc available, if the<br />

board decides this man is not contributing<br />

all he coukl to the war<br />

effort, H can refuse him a dofcr--<br />

'<br />

merit.<br />

Q Then a board can draft men<br />

over 30 evon if it still has not inducted<br />

all Its men under 36?<br />

A. Yes, but this would be the<br />

exceptional case, not the rule.<br />

Q. Isn't it true, however, that<br />

many men over 30 doing useful<br />

'work in essential industries were<br />

drafted and arc being dratted now<br />

in spite of the "stay" ordered on<br />

April 8?<br />

A. The new directive is Intended<br />

to correct that.<br />

Q. What shall a board do if it<br />

runs out of men under 36, exhausts<br />

its<br />

36-2-<br />

0 group<br />

ry<br />

of<br />

men. and has no 30-3- 8 men in nonessential<br />

industries from which to<br />

draw?<br />

A. The board should let the call<br />

ride: that is. fail to deliver its<br />

quota for that month.<br />

Q. What should an ossential employer<br />

do If a deferment for an<br />

over-3-0 employe is turned down?<br />

A. Selective Sen.-ic- Director<br />

e<br />

Hershey advises that an appeal be<br />

filed.<br />

Q. In some cases which have<br />

developed In recent weeks, the appeal<br />

period has expired?<br />

A. You can appeal whenever<br />

there is a new fact to be considered.<br />

Those regulations arc a new<br />

fact.<br />

Q. What if a man is already accepted<br />

that is, has passed his<br />

physical examination but has not<br />

yet been Inducted.<br />

A. He is in no less favorable<br />

position. Selective Service has directed<br />

that those cases be reopened<br />

immediately.<br />

Q. There is always a time Inn<br />

between the forminR of policies<br />

and placing them in effect. Will<br />

some men be caught?<br />

A. There will be some injustices<br />

.ind discrimination. Inevitably.<br />

Q. Local beads have been directed<br />

to review the cases of all<br />

men in the 36-2- 9 and 30-3- 7 groups<br />

who have been classed<br />

A,<br />

and<br />

in defer those who meet the new<br />

requirements. Will this reclassification<br />

be automatic, or should the<br />

employer file a deferment application?<br />

A. To make sure, the employer<br />

should file at once for every man<br />

he wants deferred who la over 34<br />

and who has been classified A.<br />

Q. What should the registrant<br />

himself do?<br />

A. The registrant<br />

should make sure that his local<br />

board Is aware of his status. If he<br />

is in I -- A. and in essential work.<br />

lAiiu-mn.i- -<br />

Just Arrived . . .<br />

New Studio Couches<br />

with springs<br />

Dinner Sets<br />

55 pieces<br />

THURSDAY. MAY 18, 19<br />

V<br />

ii nnti Here are answers he shouM notify his board he<br />

to nr f the ciuetum that still should be in 2-- --<br />

or 2 11.<br />

may bother draft registrant 36 or Q Ixal boards are now authorised<br />

t grant deferments In In-<br />

oef<br />

dustries not mentioned on the official<br />

war mannowcr list of essen<br />

tia! activities. Coukl a board dafer<br />

a professional ball player?<br />

A. A board has that power, If It<br />

deckles baseball is an activity "in<br />

support of the national health,<br />

safety or Interest."<br />

Q. Is a board likely to defer n<br />

ball player?<br />

A. No. Boards which arc sending<br />

rathcrs to war are Hot likely<br />

to let ball players go on playing<br />

ball. It is up to the board's sense<br />

of responsibility.<br />

Q. Coukl n lawyer got a deferment?<br />

A. This also is up to the board,<br />

and might depend on how many<br />

lawyers there are in his<br />

Pvt. Ira "Dad" Greenfield, is m<br />

a Military Police school in San<br />

Antonio. He will finish the school<br />

oon after the first of June and<br />

will be assigned to new duty. Mrs.<br />

Greenfield who has been visiting<br />

her mother m Petersburg for several<br />

weeks has returned to Post<br />

and will begin work at the telephone<br />

office again. Site was given<br />

a<br />

leave of absence.<br />

Pfc. Jack Samson of Camp Hood<br />

spent several days visiting his intrants,<br />

Mr. ami Mrs. George Samson,<br />

and visiting with W. J. Tipton<br />

who is also home on furlough.<br />

Miss Ruby Jackson of Carlsbad.<br />

New Mexico, visited her sister<br />

Mrs. Woldon Swanger last week.<br />

r08T, TBXA3<br />

Alvln Morris Send Collection of<br />

Souvenirs To Ills Parents<br />

Mr and Mrs. W C W. Morrto<br />

- - from their son.<br />

Alvln Morris, who Is serving in<br />

the Merchant Marine swwwnmw<br />

In the Sowtti Pacific. The box contained<br />

many souvenirs from New<br />

Oulena awl other islands. Included<br />

in the collection were coral<br />

from the sea and a collection of<br />

Japanese shells. Alvln Is doing<br />

well and hopes to te everyone<br />

soon.<br />

Corporal Paul Simpson and Mrs<br />

ai......... fmmn 1Imm1 sncnt tllC<br />

week end In Post visiting with<br />

relatives.<br />

Approximately half of the<br />

world's population lives In Asia.<br />

Mr. ami Ml Hub HJre<br />

Mrs. Jack IHirm and Mrs. J. H.<br />

Ramsay dtd m Liberty 1111<br />

ami Oomtam last week returning<br />

to Post an Sunday.<br />

Lots Nance of Amertlle visited<br />

her parents. Mr and Mrs. Ott<br />

Nance, over the week end.<br />

IIS1<br />

OR. L. E. A<br />

Office Hours<br />

$ to 12 a. m.<br />

-.-IMinHa<br />

VOT1 FOR<br />

. Ut Sffcond Trm at<br />

Is-- .<br />

Ins<br />

" 3<br />

OF TIXAS<br />

AfroiMTfo iy oovmior com suvimom 10 ic<br />

vriwrisiu uwi wr wchaiu t MA Mr J<br />

n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r f i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i<br />

nni11It<br />

--BP<br />

"Home of<br />

Vitamin-Enriche-<br />

NlJim<br />

cnmopRAcm<br />



Aunt Betty Bread"<br />

A growing city is almost invariably a city with a friendly and hospitable<br />

spirit. Sometimes a city achieves a sudden growth as a result of<br />

an oil boom or the discovery of other wealth hidden beneath it's soil. But<br />

these instances are only rare. Most cities are man made.<br />

Small cities become great cities through the vision and energy of it's<br />

citizens. Such a city constantly seeks new capital investment in its development,<br />

new enterprises, new industries, new payrolls and new citizens.<br />

This program of city building, featuring 'the welcoming hand of<br />

friendship to new citizens and new enterprises and accompanied by the<br />

fullest possible support of the industries it already has, brings rich rewards.<br />

The great cities of the Southwest were built and are being further<br />

built in just such manner.<br />

The Southwestern Public Service Company is an independent company<br />

operating wholly under local management, since it has no holding<br />

company over it whatsoever. Thus it's officers and managers are in<br />

position to conduct the operations of the Company under a policy of cooperation<br />

with the people of the cities and communties it serves.<br />

This policy means the finest possible service to the public at the lowest<br />

possible rates consistent with such service. It also means the fullest<br />

cooperation with the citizens in all matters leading to the development<br />

and upbuilding of the cities and communities served by the Company.<br />

d<br />

iiiiitiiiifiiititiiitiiiitiiiitiitliiifiiiiitfiiitiitiiiiiiiiititliltliiiiitiiltiiiiitilililtiitlllllllliiiiiilliillllliliiiiiiiiiiinn<br />

To Our Friends and Customers<br />

11<br />

HAWS DRY<br />

GOODS<br />

New Chairs<br />

In a selection<br />

of styles<br />

N. J. LANOTTE<br />

Furniture Co.<br />

Southwestern<br />



fail To CotiW All<br />

y lUj Air Now<br />

Stoker spent tho first of the<br />

in Fori worm on ousincss.<br />

More than two million dozen<br />

essential Items of Infants' and<br />

children's wearing apparol will be<br />

produced during June, July and<br />

August, WPD said. All garments<br />

are to be manufactured from woven<br />

cotton fabrics and will Include<br />

infants' creepers, gowns and drosses;<br />

and boys' washsults, under<br />

wear, overalls, shirts and blousos.<br />

9<br />

Greetings Graduates<br />

We nrc proud of you, and ns you step out into a<br />

new world, vastly altered by a terrible global war,<br />

we wish for you success in every endeavor. Many<br />

of you will soon don the service uniform of the<br />

armed forces and to you we especially wish for<br />

you the best.<br />

Wilf and Jennie Scarborough<br />


CAFE<br />

Senior Class<br />

Prophecy<br />

William If. Prltc, better ftiwwfT<br />

local postafflce Informs tho to his many Post friends as Oadh Trrnn tho Sonlor CIkm Prphcy<br />

Dispatch tmu unucr me new Price, Is attending naval dental we 11 mi many unusual things hap<br />

nt.: ns received recently, school In San Diego. Prlco's wife penmg to the graduate of the<br />

cis V Mail from soldiers and and daughter are living near the 1044 class. Excerpts from<br />

army and navy<br />

the<br />

personnel. base. His address Is: William II. prophecy:<br />

properly stamped will come Price. Phm 3c, Marine Corps Dasc,<br />

c way uy atr man<br />

That vivacious personality be<br />

Dental Clinic, C, . Recruit Depot, longing to Hazel Cash is now be<br />

rctrfore, Incoming mail, when San Diego, 41, Calif.<br />

ing exercised to Its greatest extent<br />

by air. was brought to the<br />

(as First Lady of the U. S.<br />

vina offices here in the Unlt- -<br />

latcj. and after being devel<br />

More Children's Garments<br />

And surely you have hoard of<br />

that famous African Hunter.<br />

from tho film and printed on<br />

Frank Duck ( Dring Em Dack<br />

V-m- all<br />

regular paper, was<br />

Alive) Stokes. He and his equally<br />

sent on to its destination by<br />

famous, wife, the formor Mlgglc<br />

usual mall transportation<br />

Graham who Is to be compared<br />

nftcr developing, It will con- -<br />

with the groat Osa Johnson of old,<br />

on its destination by air,<br />

are making a tour of the U. S. at<br />

gj.nmg several days In time<br />

prosont showing off their mounted<br />

Extra Specials<br />


For<br />

SHE<br />


hippo hoads.<br />

The popular Mary Margaret<br />

Duckworth who was your class<br />

secretary and toosurcr, Is still go<br />

ing strong. Now she Is America's<br />

delegate to the International<br />

league at Switzerland. Who was<br />

it that said this was not a woman s<br />

world?<br />

All the subscribers of the Post<br />

Dispatch know and love another<br />

of your classmates, Dorracc Propst.<br />

She writes the "Advice to the<br />

Lovelorn" column In that large<br />

newspaper.<br />

Nearly every magazine you pick<br />

up now has the picture of that<br />

beautiful and "leggy" Margie Ry--<br />

tant on It. It Is rumored that MGM<br />

offered her a 20 year contract, but<br />

she turned it down so that she<br />

could remain loyal to her old<br />

boss, John Powers.<br />

I fear that you will be disappointed<br />

to hear that Hugh<br />

is still a dishwasher at the<br />

American cafe. But the poor boy<br />

Just cannot get the nerve to leave<br />

Jennie and Wilf without a dish<br />

washer. They arc so Indebted to<br />

him thev advanced his salary 50c<br />

straight and narrow way! She has<br />

taught the first grade for the past<br />

8 years (poor kids)! And. if Thom<br />

as Parks ever gets up the nerve,<br />

she is willing to be his Missus.<br />

It seems that Buddy Malouf has<br />

not yet succeeded in getting girls<br />

off his mind. Being in Rio de<br />

Janerio ns head of the G. E. plant<br />

there Ins not helped him any eith- -<br />

This Week<br />

mei awi<br />

. r .a. t.j kb ra<br />




High Grade Automobile Battery,<br />

Reg. Price 11.95 Sale Price . . , . S6.95<br />

Six Foot Flock Chicken Feeder,<br />

Reg.Price6MSalePrice $2,95<br />

Five Foot Flock Chicken Feeder,<br />

Reg. Price $4.2- 5- Sale Price $1,95<br />

Three Foot Chicken Feeder,<br />

Reg. Price $1.0- 0- Sale Price<br />

Gallon of Carbolineum, Hen House Spray,<br />

59c<br />

Reg.PriceU-75SalePric- e<br />

$1.09<br />

If you need any of this merchandise - - --<br />

Come And Get It<br />

Greenfield Hardware<br />

Company<br />

Southland Boys<br />

In Service<br />

Congratulattomi to the Harlan<br />

Hartngers of Lubbock on the birth<br />

of their son, Ronald Dale, weight<br />

lb., 3 oe, on May 8 at Plains<br />

hospital, Lubbock. The father left<br />

for San Diego May 2 and because<br />

he was In Boot camp, they could<br />

not got a phone call through to<br />

him to tell him the news. He is the<br />

son of the Alfred Ilasingers of<br />

Hackborry.<br />

Sgt. Dltly Basinger, another son<br />

of the Alfred Basingcrs, Is being<br />

moved from Kingman, Ariz, to<br />

Lincoln, Neb.<br />

Mrs. G. N. Small wood received<br />

a cablegram greeting last week<br />

end from her sflfi, 2? Petty Of<br />

ficer Nell Smallwood.<br />

1c Petty Officer Carlos Wagon<br />

er sent his mother, Mrs. Walter<br />

Kellum a cablegram Uiat on Mon<br />

day before, he and Miss Betty<br />

Lucas were<br />

I<br />

married. The bride<br />

British girl living in New Zoa<br />

land who has known Carlos for<br />

three vcars. If nothing prevents It<br />

she will come to the States to stay<br />

for the duration; the officials notl<br />

fled her that she must be roady at<br />

all times, as she would only be<br />

given a two-da- y notice before th<br />

sailing date.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cox had as<br />

guosts on Mother's Day Morris<br />

cox and family and Jess Hcndrix<br />

and family of Lubbock and Roy<br />

Green of San Angclo. Mrs. Green<br />

and two children spent the entire<br />

week here returning with Mr.<br />

Green to San Angclo late Sunday<br />

afternoon.<br />

or.<br />

If. after saving up your money<br />

for that N. Y. trip, you fall to visit<br />

the Stork Club and hour Thcda<br />

In 1053 when the ship "The Gllmore sing, you have wasted<br />

Princess" made Its maiden voyage, your time and money in a much<br />

the bond hostess on that stream-- 1 loss worthy spot. She Is the rogu<br />

lined liner of unheard of luxury lar Sinatra when it comes to mak<br />

was another classmate, Maxlne ing the old gents swoon. She sings<br />

Doggett.<br />

with James Lucas and his "Lucky<br />

As was expected. Betty Jane Tigers" who would rival Harry<br />

Travis has not strayed from the James back in 1944 with their<br />

sweet and hot music.<br />

The Scott St White hospital In<br />

Temple is doing a thriving busi<br />

ness nowadays with Zora Anne<br />

Outlaw as their technician.<br />

x-r-<br />

Doris Ray Porter has advanced<br />

mewhat from his job as school<br />

bus driver to that of manager of<br />

the Texas Greyhound coaches.<br />

I .oca ted on the outskirts of a<br />

large city m New York in sumption<br />

and beautiful grounds you<br />

vi'.l find the "Mason Experimen- -<br />

It.il Laboratories" owned and operated<br />

by Marshall Mason. He and<br />

aides have perfected a new<br />

device to cool coffee which eliminates<br />

"saucerlng." Ills home fire<br />

ire kept burning by his wife, th<br />

former Melba Miller, and the two<br />

ikiddos. Marshall and Marsha.<br />

certainly tell there is a<br />

You can<br />

I<br />

manpower shortage. Elsie Joaey is<br />

now customs<br />

1<br />

inipecior<br />

v. ..i<br />

wHreni<br />

Texas<br />

and Mexico.<br />

..<br />

it ravii is the owner of ai<br />

l.irc ranch that covers most of<br />

G ir;.i county. The Chamber of<br />

Commerce is scared to death that<br />

te will want to buy out the city<br />

of Post.<br />

FOR...<br />


FLAVOR<br />

and TEXTURE<br />

BUY...<br />

D131<br />

in El<br />

0IHIiiMhiJM<br />

BETTER<br />

BREAD<br />

If Thora In AnylMnK NEW<br />

Worthwhile In UaklnR<br />

. . . We Have III<br />


Mrs. Marvin Truelork, Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

High School Hwnor Itoll Wil- -<br />

ma Wheeler. Jack Lancaster, Wil- -<br />

mcth Hewlett, Billy George Kelley.<br />

Doris Becker, Wesley Scott, Eddie<br />

Cummings, Bobbye Mlnning, Joe<br />

Gale Fleming, Harloy Martin.<br />

Merle Beth Evrage, Nolda Smith.<br />

Albert Smallwood. Arthur Small<br />

wood. Ruby Ruth Becker, Mary<br />

Frances Evragc. Janoy Morris<br />

Mack Field. Mollis Berkley. Odell<br />

Brcete, Valton Wheeler, Mervln<br />

Edmunds, Jimmy Morris, Mary<br />

Plnkoney, Bobby Field. B. H<br />

Thomas, Muck Tmikorsley, Glen<br />

RobcrU. Duane Gilliland. Billy<br />

Lancaster, Joan Saunders, Edward<br />

Useery. O. R. Carey, Bobby Jack<br />

Trimble, Lois Howell and Charles<br />

Becker.<br />

Grade School Honor noli - 8th<br />

Grade Ferell Wheeler, Betty<br />

Jean Edmunds, Alice Joy Scott,<br />

Betty Ann Jackson and Lena Mac<br />

Samples; 7th Robert Schultz,,E<br />

P. Wicker. E. H. Jolmston, Winston<br />

Lester, Bllllc Nell Johnson, Betty<br />

Jean Wlntcrrowd, Gertrude Neu--<br />

gebauer; Oth Connie Field, Jun<br />

ior Jackson, Joyce Saunders, Burl<br />

Carey, Joy Trimble, Margery<br />

Becker, and Dlan Hairc; 5th<br />

Mary Frances King, Dave<br />

May-fiel- d.<br />

Emory Howell, Laqlujn Shcl- -<br />

ton. Ruth Pimkonoy. Mclvin Ba<br />

singer and Carolyn Edwards: 4th<br />

Glynda Grantham; 3rd Roland<br />

Hampton and Ephianna Lopez;<br />

2nd Etta Dec Hagler. Virginia<br />

Nelson and Doris Jackson; 1st<br />

Wllber Adams, Glen Edmunds,<br />

Glen Edmunds, Darrell Ray Nor<br />

man, J. Lloyd Wood, HlpallUi<br />

Lcpcz, Joyce Edwards and Josaic<br />

Stockton.<br />

Sunday dinner guest of Rev.<br />

and Mrs. E. C. Armstrong were<br />

their son. Vemon and wife and<br />

son of Lubbock.<br />

I.ast Friday afternoon at 130.<br />

4--<br />

the local H club met at school<br />

with thuir county agent. Miss<br />

Manley. Seven members were pre<br />

sent. The girls will meet May 26<br />

with Glynda Grantham.<br />

Viola Locklear, Georg. DnetM<br />

and Janice Ellis and Linda<br />

Expert, dependable mechanics modsrn tools<br />

and equipment authorized parts . . . ttisss<br />

are but a lew of many reasons why "mors<br />

people go to Chevrolet dealers for service<br />

than to any other dealer organization."<br />

Davles are recent measles victims.<br />

Because sf the Vacation Bible<br />

School next week, there will be<br />

no meeting of the Sunboams and<br />

OA's at the Baptist ehurch next<br />

Tuesday afternoon.<br />

Dorothy Sue and Mrs. Nell<br />

Smallwood of Midland, the Hawthorns<br />

of Slaton were Sunday<br />

dinner guostc of Uie G. N. Small- -<br />

woods.<br />

We regret that E. C Smallwood's<br />

name was omitted from the list of<br />

8th grade graduates.<br />

GOOD<br />

TO ALL THE<br />


CLASS<br />

Itoolla Rankin is visiting friends<br />

and relatives in Eastland this<br />

week.<br />

Doll numll it bom.<br />

kit eonUInt<br />

mnt Wv Bolutlon. Q7jT<br />

hinnao rurt.ra and w "<br />

w.v.tM Sat. Money bMK r ir<br />

WIN. a CkVM.Kan m iW..<br />


DRUG<br />

1:4-- 4<br />

Southwestern Life Insurance Co.<br />

Extends Beat Wishes To The<br />

SENIORS OF 2944<br />

Insure Your Voyage Throuh Life With<br />


0. D. Cardwell<br />

tern life In.urantc IU preventative<br />

Safe driving is always important. . . . And<br />

today, in wartime, it's more important than<br />

ovor boforo to avoid car accidents. . . .The first<br />

principle of safo driving is to keep your brakes<br />

at highest operating efficiency. Have them<br />

serviced now fluid chocked brake linlnf1<br />

chocked the entiro operating mechanism<br />

carefully adjusted by Chevrolet experts. . . .<br />

Como in for brako service complete car ami<br />

truck service todayl<br />

NEW CHEYROIET Chevrolet is producing a limited<br />

number of nw trucks for essentia<br />

TRUCKS FOR civilian users. See your Chevrolet<br />

ESSENTIAL USERS dealer for complete Information.<br />

FlRST m SERVKE '<br />


n<br />


Grade School News<br />

Miss Bonnie Me.Mahen. Reporter<br />

Brail and Stamp Sale<br />

Last wNk'i sales amounted to<br />

$240.06. Mioses Gertrude School<br />

craft and Laurene lUehanhwm,<br />

Zoc Sims, Jean Stma, John JrM<br />

Bilberry. Wand Jean Bilberry,<br />

Arm Mull In, Ina Joan Cato ami<br />

ur little friend Jaekte Redman<br />

taught bonds. Jackie Is a preschool<br />

boy.<br />

"<br />

-<br />

Grade School<br />

Personality<br />

She la in the third grade. She<br />

makes good grades and the honor<br />

roll. She took expression from<br />

Mrs. Mulllns and1 was on the last<br />

recital. She Is the most popular<br />

Sirl irf th"e thrd grade. Can you<br />

guess ,who she is?<br />

Thq answer to last week's personality<br />

Is Junior Malouf. the son<br />

at Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Malouf.<br />

Jamiale Thomas To Arrive Today<br />

Jimmic Thomas, son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Tol Thomas, fas expected to<br />

arrive today for a 45 day furlough.<br />

Jimmic has been stationed in<br />

Puerto Rico for 27 months and was<br />

rVt back to the states last week<br />

where he was hospitalized for a<br />

few days. He is with the Army<br />

"Air Corps. He will be accompanied<br />

lq Post by bis sister. Mrs. Red<br />

Floyd.<br />

Word baa been received from<br />

tVeldon Jobc that be is to bo moved<br />

again very soon. He was sont<br />

from the San Diego naval base recently<br />

to TKmrtwi, Calif. He la<br />

with the Naval Construction unit<br />

nod is to be sent to a school.<br />

ROY<br />

KOC.KKS<br />

'"BIG BOY" Wl U.I<br />


HORDER"<br />

THE<br />


May 21-2- 2<br />

LIU'<br />

For Your<br />

lUetter Knjov<br />

went f Th<br />

Picture See<br />

It From The<br />

Beginning<br />

SI)<br />

GflRZH- -<br />

May<br />

S<br />


sad his erehestr--<br />

Everybody,<br />

Vacation Bible School<br />

To Be Held I$y<br />

Church<br />

Southland<br />

Sunday afternoon. Ma 21. at<br />

a n'rlnt-- all children of all<br />

k<br />

denominations are unfed to be<br />

peasant at the Southland Methodist<br />

chun h for regtalratton and<br />

opening exercises of the Vacation<br />

Bible School. Mrs. J. W. noinmn<br />

of Slaton will be supervisor of the<br />

three eiaasea intormeiHaiea,<br />

Juniors and Primary Boys and<br />

girls from 15 years to tiny tota are<br />

invited. Other assistants will be<br />

local people Mothen are Invited<br />

to visit any ttmo. Ctaesos each<br />

week-da- y will be from 3:30 to<br />

5:30 p. m. On the dosing day there<br />

will be a program ami community<br />

supper.<br />


Miss Jackie Rac McCombs,<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I W.<br />

McCombs and W. T. Parchman,<br />

Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.<br />

Parchman of Justtccburg were united<br />

In marriage Friday, May 12<br />

in the home of Rev. D. V. Reed<br />

of Close City The bride was dressed<br />

in white with blue accessories,<br />

carrying a white satm covered<br />

Bible and wearing a bouquet of<br />

pink rosos.<br />

They were accompanied by each<br />

of their mothers and also a sister<br />

of each, all from the Justiceburg<br />

community. The couple will make<br />

their home in Justiceburg<br />

Mrs. Jessie Voss spent Mother's<br />

Day In Seminole with her daughter.<br />

Mrs. Joe Anderson and Mr.<br />

Anderson. She returned via Snyder<br />

and visited Monday night and<br />

Tuesday with her former pastor<br />

and wife. Rev and Mrs. O. B.<br />

Herring. She also visited her aunt,<br />

Mrs. A M. Curry.<br />

CCESS<br />

io ffl<br />

CLASS<br />




24 noun SERVICE<br />

Gulf Service Station<br />

F. C. Mc AS ALLY<br />

A.MS<br />

WKEK OF<br />

MAY 19 - 25<br />

FRIDAY . SATURDAY May 19 . 20<br />

"Is<br />


Happy"<br />


nix<br />

The<br />

(.HOST SHIP"<br />

-- i a<br />

Reportor<br />

SLe wwJ!<br />

Wednesday<br />

May J I 14<br />

Thursday<br />



"The<br />

Fallen Sparrow"<br />

the rorr dispatch tMI HI AVW AVtlSMflHl<br />

Political<br />

Announcements<br />

The Dispatch is authorised to<br />

ammmce the following eandi<br />

dates for office in Oram county<br />

subject to the action of the Dome- -<br />

era tic Primaries:<br />

For Sheriff, Tax<br />

Assessor-Collecto- r:<br />

G. K, McPHBRSON<br />

W. I (LON) CROSS<br />

n)<br />



For County and District Clerk:<br />

RAY N. SMITH<br />

n)<br />

For County Treasurer:<br />


n)<br />

For County Attorney:<br />

V. J. CAMPBELL<br />

(Ke-flectt- on<br />

2nd Term)<br />

For County Judee:<br />

J. LEK BOWBN<br />

(Re-electio- n)<br />

For Commissioner, I'reolnct No. 1:<br />


(Re-electi- on<br />

2nd Term)<br />

For Commissioner l'reclnct 2:<br />

D W. PARSONS<br />

n)<br />

For Commissioner Precinct No. 3:<br />

E. W. CROSS<br />

n)<br />

M. R. DAVIS<br />

For Commlvsloner Precinct No. i:<br />

JOHN S. HO It EN<br />

All political announcement<br />

are accepted far publication<br />

strictly on a eah-ln-ailvanbaMi.<br />

(Re-electi-<br />

W. T. PARCHMAN<br />

For Justice of the Peace, Prcct. 1:<br />


For District Attorney<br />

lOCth Judicial District:<br />


Of Lamcsa, Dawson County<br />


of Tahoka. Lynn County<br />

n)<br />


of Tahoka, Lynn County<br />

For Contress:<br />

GEORGE<br />

(Re-electio-n)<br />

C. L. HARRIS<br />

MAHON<br />

ltereentallre. 118th<br />

Per State<br />

District:<br />


n)<br />

Mr and Mrs W. C W. Morrut<br />

returned home Sunday from<br />

Sttveall Wells. South Bend. Texas<br />

They visited in Wichita Falls<br />

and nesr there cm the C ranch,<br />

perated by Mr. and Mrs. Noah<br />

pryson They were entertained<br />

with a picnic Many of their<br />

friends and relatives en)oyed the<br />

picnic with them.<br />


First Insertion. 3c per word; sub.<br />

sequent Irwertlens. 1c per word. Nt<br />

sd taken for less lhan 23e, cash Is<br />

advance.<br />

P6R RENT<br />

FOR RENT Furnished rooms and<br />

apartments, private baths imd<br />

garages, reasonable price phone<br />

SSJ Colonial Apartments.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

FOR SALH My home In north!<br />

Pest. Mrs. Wade Bruton 2tp<br />

FOR SALE Wostorn Prolific and<br />

Hybrkl cotton seed. See Virgil<br />

Stone, one mile oast of Pleasant<br />

Valley. "<br />

FOR SALE Marglobe tomato<br />

plants. Mrs. R. Hardin, north of<br />

Wllklrson Lumber Yard ltp<br />

FOR SALE Anyone Interested in<br />

a Groat National Cotton Harvesting<br />

Machine see Lee Mason, Route<br />

2, at his farm mile north, 1 1 mile<br />

wost of Gordon store Can give<br />

Immediate delivery on this machine.<br />

It will handle<br />

storm-pro- of<br />

cotton as efficiently as a combine<br />

will lwrveal combine maixe<br />

- i<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Allts-Chnlm- cr<br />

Planter Boxes. Howard Freeman<br />

Route 1. Post. 1P'<br />

FOR SALE Pour varieties of<br />

Tomato Plants. See Mrs C'nKin<br />

Cooper. Rt. 2 on the John H pp-tfarm.<br />

"P<br />

FOR SALIC Walnut Be-- room<br />

Suite. Table Top Gas R.mgc sec<br />

Rev. J. Harve Math tn S nth<br />

Poet<br />

HP<br />

FOR SALE 20 emptv fruit j.ir<br />

Also a few caws of vegetables<br />

plums. Several hens See Mr-- . l,ci<br />

Cartwrtght.<br />

FOR SALE 2 year old Jcr cv<br />

Bull. Asa Casey. Post Texm i<br />

FOR SALE White Rabbit- - Sec<br />

Charles Ray Caey. Post. Tcxa c<br />

FOR SALE Monuments. Any<br />

kind or price. See me for quality<br />

stones. Marvin Hudman.<br />


Family Burial Insurance Average<br />

Family of Five Insured For 85c<br />

Per Month. Old Line Legal Re<br />

serve Insurance. MASON & CO<br />

LOST In Post last Monday n<br />

small nurse tied up In handker<br />

chief containing A ten dollar bills,<br />

1 twenty dollar bill. Generous reward.<br />

Flndor return to Ada<br />

"Sears" Connor.<br />

REWARD A reward will be Riv<br />

en to the person who returns the<br />

Signal Flag charm bracelet lost<br />

several days ago on the streets of<br />

Post. Inquire at Dispatch office<br />

FOR SALE or RENT Graves<br />

Studio Building. Sec O Wc-nk--<br />

I.<br />

ley, First National Bank. Post or<br />

Mrs. K. W. Gravos. H09 Ave S<br />

Snyder. Texas.<br />

Up<br />

Mrs. Joe Call is, writer for The<br />

Post Dispatch, returned Tuesday<br />

from Portalas, N. M.. where she<br />

had boon with tier daughter wlvi<br />

underwent sefiosts surgery there<br />

on Friday night. The daughter<br />

known to her friend here ..;<br />

Katherine Callis. was tmproi .rig<br />

very satisfactorily when hrr<br />

mother left. Mr. Callis<br />

Mrs. Callis to Portales and re<br />

turned with her Tuesday<br />

Carmichaers<br />

Variety Store<br />




Mr. and Mrs. L. Q. Oarmichael<br />

aifomwn-te- d<br />

if<br />


in<br />

YovwfJfffnfrtwKU)<br />

FRIDAY<br />




F R E S II<br />

POUND<br />

E S II<br />

HUNCH<br />

TMRWV'ai<br />



Cabbage<br />

F R E S II<br />

POUND<br />


T0ASTIES 22c : MATCHES W<br />

Cane Sugar<br />

10<br />


i<br />

CHUM<br />

COFFEE 34c ! SALMON<br />


SCOTTlSSUE...lk<br />


JAR<br />

CRISCO<br />

3 LH.<br />

69c<br />

LARGE<br />

HAR<br />


Oxydol<br />

MILK<br />

Ft<br />

LBS.<br />

NO. 2<br />

GIANT P & G<br />

SOAP.. ,<br />


SOAP..<br />

L A R G E<br />


KRAFTS<br />

"j Lb. llox<br />

Pork Chops 36<br />

QHNpiR CUTS<br />

POUND<br />


T<br />

5<br />

10<br />

5<br />

1<br />

66c<br />

TALL CAN'- -I<br />

2M<br />

LARG- E-<br />

M<br />

10c<br />

3 FO- R-<br />

. . M<br />

3 It MIS- -<br />

Hamburger Meat 25.<br />

.<br />

Velveeta Cheese<br />

23d<br />

23<br />

Brisket Stew Meat it. 24<br />

naKtiSft<br />


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