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DiSC"!5iOn'I.Formspe"iUCOnSideredbelOngingtotheg"nus~ o\'!Itndus.havebeenreported frllllstrata rangIng in age through DlOllt of the Ordnvic\.an in both the Midcontinent and No(th AthntiC Provinces (Bra"s01\andMehl, 1'133, 1'J3t.;Rhdes. i'J53; Lindsrrn... l'J55a.lo;ebers, 1966). \.indstrom(1971),hUdiffe...ntiacedthet""species~ dito,...,.of D. foneps havealov and long bas," "ith a amaH "ndulation of the abofO degreeS. This spedes is recovered from Middle and upper Ordovician nrata (\lebers, 1966; ll1ik, 1976). The ..icrostructure of this species show. little "hite rarter it allY ac all (Barne~·!!..:....!!' 1973). The o\.stod1!otll nf orepanoisrodus n·; 51'. A has a 10"1'. s.tnighr cusp and relatively 1_ .~d short base. "hili' an antero-basal angle of 60 to 80 degrees ......terlo..ly tlle e1e....nt is so"",..hat pointed. E"cepr tnr the· nistOdifoffl"S, the appantu"e. nf these four

i. I spedes 1s very llillllhr. One vonden whether the slight morphological dlff"n'nce" of the oistodifonD.ll alone 15 enough to diffe"rentiat" on the species level. V"n Wamel (1974) questions. Lindstrom'. (1971) diffenntlat1onofD.·forcep.. and~andc1ai_thatanyauhdiviSl0n of Dtepanoisrodus .....uld be poa"ibhonly on rh.. basis of blo~trtc data and.eartUiesl_thad". Sonethe.less. the ohtodHorllS of the Cobbs Arm Fonnatlon specI",. of Drepslloinodus arC rather unlfot1ll'in lh;ir characteristics and are d18- tinct f"OlloistoditonllS of the othn three speths mentioned. Considering also the relative ase ranges of th..c" lhr"e species it see:asal'propriate to, at leut tentativel)', place thl! Cobba Arm Formation ,,~du of ~ ~asanewspecies. Description. This difficult apparatus ot simple cone

i.<br />

I<br />

spedes 1s very llillllhr. One vonden whether the slight morphological dlff"n'nce"<br />

of the oistodifonD.ll alone 15 enough to diffe"rentiat" on the<br />

species level. V"n Wamel (1974) questions. Lindstrom'. (1971) diffenntlat1onofD.·forcep..<br />

and~andc1ai_thatanyauhdiviSl0n<br />

of Dtepanoisrodus .....uld be poa"ibhonly on rh.. basis of blo~trtc data<br />

and.eartUiesl_thad".<br />

Sonethe.less. the ohtodHorllS of the Cobbs Arm Fonnatlon specI",.<br />

of Drepslloinodus arC rather unlfot1ll'in lh;ir characteristics and are d18-<br />

tinct f"OlloistoditonllS of the othn three speths mentioned. Considering<br />

also the relative ase ranges of th..c" lhr"e species it see:asal'propriate<br />

to, at leut tentativel)', place thl! Cobba Arm Formation ,,~du of ~<br />

~asanewspecies.<br />

Description.<br />

This difficult apparatus ot simple cone

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