
DavidRoyHunter.pdf DavidRoyHunter.pdf

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1914), to a ..ell founded dl~,"{sul of the first four of ch" above five hypoth~"e:l. The 1..,,[ hypothesis, h"""vet, does appear to b" on" 'Jay of explaining grovth, sh"pe. syrrnctry and h"1IIOlogy of conodonts. ~rrls (1976), dese.thed an In,,,,rtebnte, """"'d Odontogriphus o""'lusJolorris, frolll the Borge"" "hale (C"mbrlan) of British Colull'bls. It carries a horse-sho'", shap"d structursof teeth-llke ..Ie_nts that ste (onsidered to have supported a lophophore. This lnd""d is an exciting find, and One that I"so""'''''hat In support of 1.1ndstrol1'shypothes!s (Lindstr""', 1964. 1973, 1974). however, the lophophorau described by Monls Is badly cotllpressed and needs to:'e supponed by addHionaldlscoverie". The fossijj,.ed reoulns of a sroall soft bodied organism Irm" th" Be3rGulchLi....,stone (Carbonlf"rous) In Hontana, loiaS found to contain conodont eh_nts thaI are dllconod.ont pr"dltor,., ralll"r than conortont animals. tf the conodcnlS liere eaten by thec"nod,,"tochonlates, th"max- ImuTlslze of Ihec"nodont animal couldnoth;\vebaenm"chgr."tcrth

conodont eleonent~ could h~ve been caken up from the botton sedi.-ent. Interpretation of the mode of 11fe oft.heconodont.ani.... l "HI probably only h.. possible from exa..lnH1on of the nat.ure·of the conodontsthem,."lv"s. It S""lIls apparent, froIO the previous chapter, that. the «>nodont. "nI1lla1"""pelagic and/or nektonic as ",.U asnektobenthic, and "'as thus 11kely 8bl" to have control over its moveents. Most 8't~er. alre"dy"gree that the conodont ".set of lMny other tax"no

conodont eleonent~ could h~ve been caken up from the botton sedi.-ent.<br />

Interpretation of the mode of 11fe oft.heconodont.ani.... l<br />

"HI probably only h.. possible from exa..lnH1on of the nat.ure·of the<br />

conodontsthem,."lv"s. It S""lIls apparent, froIO the previous chapter, that.<br />

the «>nodont. "nI1lla1"""pelagic and/or nektonic as ",.U asnektobenthic,<br />

and "'as thus 11kely 8bl" to have control over its moveents. Most 8't~er.<br />

alre"dy"gree that the conodont ".set of lMny other<br />


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