Special Issue IOSOT 2013 - Books and Journals

Special Issue IOSOT 2013 - Books and Journals Special Issue IOSOT 2013 - Books and Journals

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70 S. Japhet / Vetus Testamentum IOSOT (2013) 36-76 In the use of the verb אמץ as parallel to חזק two places are noteworthy: 2 Chr. xxiv 13, where the subject of they‏“—”ויאמצוהו“‏ strengthened it” is the house of God, and 2 Chr. xiii 7, where על רחבעם“‏ ‏”ויתאמצו is translated “and . . . defied Rehoboam”, and is rather “they tried to overcome him”.172 The root אמץ is not found in the vocabulary of late biblical prose, including Ezr.-Neh. אמונה .L The noun אמונה is rare in early prose173 but is quite frequent in poetry. As in other instances it was transferred by the Chr. to his prose and was absorbed there.174 Its meaning in Chr. is “stability” and “faithfullness”. But it also has the peculiar connotation “permanent office”,175 or being in charge of something. The first meaning, “faithfulness”, is exemplified by: 2 Chr. xxiv 12 // 2 Ki. xxii 7; 2 Chr. xix 9; xxxi 12. The second is exemplified by 1 Chr. ix 22: “David and Samuel . . . established them in their permanent office” ‎176‎‏(באמונתם)‏ and also by 1 Chr. ix 26, 31; xxxi 15.177 The problematic verse is 2 Chr. xxxi 18 באמונתם יתקדשו קדש“‏ ‏.”כי It is translated by RSV as “for they were faithful in keeping themselves holy” which is rather paraphrastic. It seems that here too we should translate “for in their office ‏)באמונתם(‏ they should be sanctified”. The noun ‏,אמונה in either of its meanings, is not found at all in Ezr.-Neh.178 172) The other instances are: 2 Chr. xi 17; xiii 18; 2 Chr. x 18 // 1 Ki. xiii 18. 173) Exod. xvii 12, 1 Sam. xxvi 23, and twice in Kings in similar contexts and wording: 2 Ki. xii 16, xxii 7. 174) To a lesser degree it is shown also in the use of the verb, ‏.אמן The utterance of Isaiah (vii 9) האמינו בה׳ אלהיכם ותאמנו האמינו sermon: is utilized in Jehoshaphat’s אם לא תאמינו כי לא תאמנו substitutes for another in the parallel text or is אמן In three instances the root ‏.בנביאיו והצליחו ‏,יאמן ויגדל in 2 Sam. vii 25, a nd in the following verse הקם in place of יאמן 23: added to it: 1 Chr. xvii found in place of ויגדל alone. The same addition is made also in 2 Chr. i 9 in comparison to 1 Ki. iii 6. All these sections are related to God’s promise to David and his house, and in this connection it does occur once in Kings, and in the parallel text in Chr. (1 Ki. viii 26 // 2 Chr. vi 17). The consistent use of the verb in this context in Chr. suggests that its origin is in Chr. and it was secondarily transferred to 1 Ki. viii 26. On the other hand, it might have been taken by the Chr. from this place in Kings and used in all the other sections dealing with the same subject. The case is complicated by the fact that the Septuagint’s version of 2 Sam. vii contains a trace of the same verb there. 175) Cf. Thesaurus of the Language of the Bible, p. 197. 176) Translated by RSV: “In their office of trust”. 177) It seems that it should rather be translated here “in their office” instead of “faithfully” (RSV). 178) Neither the verb. We do have in Ezr.-Neh. twice the adj. נאמן in “non-chronistic” parts (Neh. ix 8, xiii 13) and the noun ‏.אמנה Neither are found in Chr.

S. Japhet / Vetus Testamentum IOSOT (2013) 36-76 71 המון .M In early biblical literature the noun המון is more prevalent in poetry than in prose.179 In the prose of Chr. it occurs ten times in various contexts180 and nowhere in Ezr.-Neh.181 עשר וכבוד .N This is another phrase which the Chr. has taken from earlier sources182 and absorbed into his style. The עשר of 1 Ki. iii 11 and the עשר וכבוד of 1 Ki. iii 13 are turned into עשר נכסים וכבוד in 2 Chr. i 11, 12. The “riches and honour” form an important part of success: David has died ‎183‎‏(שבע ימים עשר וכבוד)‏ honour” “in a good old age full of days, riches and (1 Chr. xxix 28) and it was also the sign of success of Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah (2 Chr. xvii 5; xviii 1; xxxii 27). It is explicitly described as God’s blessing: “Both riches and honour come from thee” (1 Chr. xxix 12). This phrase too does not occur in Ezr.-Neh. 2. Ezra-Nehemiah כיד אלהים הטובה על .A The expression “the hand of my God was good upon me” is a characteristic phrase of Ezr.-Neh. It recurs several times in the various literary parts of the book, and it is not found elsewhere in the O.T. The full phrase occurs in Ezr. vii 9; viii 18, 22; Neh. ii 8, 18. Twice more it is used eliptically, with the omission of “good”: Ezr. vii 28; viii 31. The exact semantic development which formed this peculiar expression is not attested to in the O.T.184 However, its use in Ezr.-Neh. is variegated, lively, 179) But we cannot regard its use in early prose as exceptional. It does occur once in Jud. 5 times in Sam. and 5 times in Kings. It is, however, most typical of Ez.’s style, where it occurs over 25 times. 180) 1 Chr. xxix 16; 2 Chr. xi 23; xiii 8; xiv 10; xx 2, 12, 15, 24; xxxi 10; xxxii 7. Cf. Driver, op. cit., p. 504. 181) It does occur in Dan.: in x 6, xi 10, 11 (twice), 12, 13. 182) Found mainly in the Wisdom Literature, i.e., Prov. iii 16, viii 18, etc. Cf. also Driver, op. cit., p. 504. 183) Cf. Gen. xxv 8: “and died in a good old age, an old man and full of days”. The specific Chr.’s addition is made to a literary formula. 184) In its wording it resembles most closely the phrase ה׳ היתה על“‏ ‏”יד and actually it does occur twice in this form (Ezr. vii 28, viii 31). However, ה׳ היתה על“‏ ‏”יד generally denotes the power of God which is resting on a person and compels him to perform certain actions. For example: “And

S. Japhet / Vetus Testamentum <strong>IOSOT</strong> (<strong>2013</strong>) 36-76 71<br />

המון .M<br />

In early biblical literature the noun המון is more prevalent in poetry than in<br />

prose.179 In the prose of Chr. it occurs ten times in various contexts180 <strong>and</strong><br />

nowhere in Ezr.-Neh.181<br />

עשר וכבוד .N<br />

This is another phrase which the Chr. has taken from earlier sources182 <strong>and</strong><br />

absorbed into his style. The עשר of 1 Ki. iii 11 <strong>and</strong> the עשר וכבוד of 1 Ki. iii 13 are<br />

turned into עשר נכסים וכבוד in 2 Chr. i 11, 12.<br />

The “riches <strong>and</strong> honour” form an important part of success: David has died<br />

‎183‎‏(שבע ימים עשר וכבוד)‏ honour” “in a good old age full of days, riches <strong>and</strong><br />

(1 Chr. xxix 28) <strong>and</strong> it was also the sign of success of Jehoshaphat <strong>and</strong> Hezekiah<br />

(2 Chr. xvii 5; xviii 1; xxxii 27). It is explicitly described as God’s blessing: “Both<br />

riches <strong>and</strong> honour come from thee” (1 Chr. xxix 12). This phrase too does not<br />

occur in Ezr.-Neh.<br />

2. Ezra-Nehemiah<br />

כיד אלהים הטובה על .A<br />

The expression “the h<strong>and</strong> of my God was good upon me” is a characteristic<br />

phrase of Ezr.-Neh. It recurs several times in the various literary parts of the<br />

book, <strong>and</strong> it is not found elsewhere in the O.T.<br />

The full phrase occurs in Ezr. vii 9; viii 18, 22; Neh. ii 8, 18.<br />

Twice more it is used eliptically, with the omission of “good”: Ezr. vii 28;<br />

viii 31.<br />

The exact semantic development which formed this peculiar expression is<br />

not attested to in the O.T.184 However, its use in Ezr.-Neh. is variegated, lively,<br />

179) But we cannot regard its use in early prose as exceptional. It does occur once in Jud. 5 times<br />

in Sam. <strong>and</strong> 5 times in Kings. It is, however, most typical of Ez.’s style, where it occurs over<br />

25 times.<br />

180) 1 Chr. xxix 16; 2 Chr. xi 23; xiii 8; xiv 10; xx 2, 12, 15, 24; xxxi 10; xxxii 7. Cf. Driver, op. cit.,<br />

p. 504.<br />

181) It does occur in Dan.: in x 6, xi 10, 11 (twice), 12, 13.<br />

182) Found mainly in the Wisdom Literature, i.e., Prov. iii 16, viii 18, etc. Cf. also Driver, op. cit.,<br />

p. 504.<br />

183) Cf. Gen. xxv 8: “<strong>and</strong> died in a good old age, an old man <strong>and</strong> full of days”. The specific Chr.’s<br />

addition is made to a literary formula.<br />

184) In its wording it resembles most closely the phrase ה׳ היתה על“‏ ‏”יד <strong>and</strong> actually it does occur<br />

twice in this form (Ezr. vii 28, viii 31). However, ה׳ היתה על“‏ ‏”יד generally denotes the power of<br />

God which is resting on a person <strong>and</strong> compels him to perform certain actions. For example: “And

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