Special Issue IOSOT 2013 - Books and Journals

Special Issue IOSOT 2013 - Books and Journals Special Issue IOSOT 2013 - Books and Journals

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50 S. Japhet / Vetus Testamentum IOSOT (2013) 36-76 The opposite is true in the other books of the same period. כהן גדול is found five times in Haggai, three times in Zechariah and three times in Ezr.-Neh.80 These last are indeed found in Nehemiah’s memoirs but yet the redactor has not altered them. כהן הראש is mentioned once in Ezr.-Neh., at least at first sight. In Ezr. vii 1ff. the text runs as follows: “Now after this in the reign of Ar-ta-xerxes, king of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiah, son of . . . Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the chief priest—this Ezra . . .” etc. The Hebrew text is אהרן הכהן הראש“‏ ‏.”בן It seems that the RSV has wrongly understood the words כהן הראש as a fixed title for Aaron. What it really means is: “The son of Aaron the first priest”. It has nothing to do with the priest’s rank.81 We might ask whether the expression כהן הראש originated here and then crystallized into a fixed term. כהן and prefers כהן גדול In conclusion: The Chr. deliberately avoids the title which is a characteristic trait of his style. In Ezr.-Neh., as well as in other ‏,הראש books of the same period, כהן גדול alone is used. When כהן הראש is mentioned once, in Ezr.-Neh., it is not a title and its meaning is different.82 מחלקת־)משמרת(‏ .3 According to the Chr.’s view the people of Israel were organised into smaller administrative units. The schematic organization was established by David and it included both the people and the different classes of the cult personnel.83 The term used to designate the single unit is division.84‎‏—מחלקת 80) Haggai i 1, 12, 14; ii 2, 4; Zach. iii 1, 8; vi 11; Neh. iii 1, 20; xiii 28. 81) So Batten, Ezra and Nehemia, p. 304 and others. In Hebrew the meaning “first” or “beginning” for ראש is quite frequent, cf. Exod. xii 2, and others. Although it is here a question of interpretation, it is worthwhile comparing the various versions of the Septuagint. 1 Esd. viii 2 renders: τοῦ πρώτου ἱερέως. Since the usual translation of כהן הראש in 1 Esd. is ἀρχιέρευς (ix 39, 40, 49) the deviating use of πρῶτος in this verse is not without significance. The version of Ezr. in Vaticanus is: ὑιοῦ Ααρον τοῦ ἱερέως τοῦ πατρώου. If πατρώου is not a mere textual error for πρώτου it should be translated as “the priest of the fathers”. 82) An interesting aspect, which is outside this present study, is the various stages through which כהן became dominant in the Rabbinic literature, while הכהן הגדול passed. these terms have 4, was taken over by the sect of the Judean desert. Cf. The War of the Sons of Light, ii 1, xv הראש xvi 11, xviii 5. 83) In the schematic picture drawn by the Chr. three main elements can be traced: I. An historical nucleus from the first Temple, such as the division of the land into twelve tax districts. II. Orders of the Second Temple, such as the ramified organisations of cult personnel, even if we admit to some historical nucleus even here. III. Unrealistic elements which issue from the Chr.’s inclination to schematisation and to exaggerated numbers. 84) The word is found in the O.T. 42 times, and only 6 in addition to Chr. The other instances are: Jos. xi 23; xii 7; xviii 10; Ez. xlviii 29; Neh. xi 36, once more in the Aramaic portion, Ezr. vi 18.

S. Japhet / Vetus Testamentum IOSOT (2013) 36-76 51 a) The division of the people: 1.1 Chr. xxvii 1-1585—“This is the list of the people of Israel . . . and their officers who served the king in all matters concerning the divisions that came and went . . . each division numbering twenty-four thousand. Jashobeam . . . was in charge of the first division in the first month. In his division were twenty-four thousand . . .” and so on to the end of the list. 2.1 Chr. xxviii 1—“David assembled at Jerusalem all the officials of Israel . . . the officers of the divisions that served the king . . .”. b) The division of the cult personnel: This division is much more emphasized in Chr. and is mentioned in the various parts of the book: 1 Chr. xxiii 6; xxiv 1; xxvi 1, 12, 19; xxviii 13, 21; 2 Chr. v. 11; viii 14; xxiii 8; xxxi 2, 15, 17; xxxv 4, 10. The abundance of material and the frequent repetition demonstrate the Chr.’s interest in these matters as one aspect of his vital concern with the cult in general. The second outstanding point is the use of a fixed term, מחלקת to designate these units, which as a technical term does not occur elsewhere. In Ezr.-Neh. the division of the people does not exist. The evidence relating to the division of the cult personnel is much more complicated. First of all, we can notice the lack of interest in these matters: In the descriptions of the ceremonies, and in particular those which are designated as “chronistic”, the organization of the cult personnel into units is overlooked.86 As to the word מחלקת itself—it does occur once in Ezr.-Neh., similar in meaning to Chr., but in the Aramaic part of the book.87 It is confined here to the units of Levites alone. 85) As the present study proves it is very difficult to accept Noth’s opinion, followed also by Rudolph, which regards 1 Chr. xxiii-xxvii as non-chronistic. (Noth, op. cit., p. 112ff., Rudolph, Chronikbücher, p. 152ff.). Noth, in a more general way, and Rudolph in greater detail have shown that these chapters are not homogeneous and contain many inconsistencies. Nevertheless, we can only conclude that the various materials used by the Chr. were not thoroughly reworked and harmonized, and in particular, where the material comprises lists of various sorts. Both linguistically and ideologically these chapters form a part of the characteristic world of the Chr. and cannot be separated from it. 86) In the erection of the altar and its dedication (Ezr. iii), in the celebration of the Passover (Ezr. vi 19 and 22), etc. 87) Ezr. vi 18 כהניא בפלוגתהון ולויא במחלקתהון“‏ ‏”והקימו translated as “and they set the priests in their divisions and the Levites in their courses”. The translation is not consistent in rendering here ‏”מחלקת“‏ as “course”. The word מחלקת is found once more in Neh. xi 36, in an eliptic and ומן הלויים“‏ obscure verse. After enumerating the dwelling places of Judah and Benjamin it reads The RSV translation is “And certain divisions of the Levites in Judah were ‏.”מחלקות יהודה לבנימין joined to Benjamin” and lately J. Myers reads it more freely as “Some of the Levitical groups of Judah were assigned to Benjamin”. The meaning of the verse is most unclear, speaking about “Levitical groups of Judah” or the like. But from the general context it is assumed that: a) the description is confined to the Levites, b) it deals with the question of their dwelling places and

S. Japhet / Vetus Testamentum <strong>IOSOT</strong> (<strong>2013</strong>) 36-76 51<br />

a) The division of the people: 1.1 Chr. xxvii 1-1585—“This is the list of the<br />

people of Israel . . . <strong>and</strong> their officers who served the king in all matters concerning<br />

the divisions that came <strong>and</strong> went . . . each division numbering twenty-four<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>. Jashobeam . . . was in charge of the first division in the first month.<br />

In his division were twenty-four thous<strong>and</strong> . . .” <strong>and</strong> so on to the end of the list.<br />

2.1 Chr. xxviii 1—“David assembled at Jerusalem all the officials of Israel . . . the<br />

officers of the divisions that served the king . . .”.<br />

b) The division of the cult personnel: This division is much more emphasized<br />

in Chr. <strong>and</strong> is mentioned in the various parts of the book: 1 Chr. xxiii 6;<br />

xxiv 1; xxvi 1, 12, 19; xxviii 13, 21; 2 Chr. v. 11; viii 14; xxiii 8; xxxi 2, 15, 17; xxxv 4, 10.<br />

The abundance of material <strong>and</strong> the frequent repetition demonstrate the<br />

Chr.’s interest in these matters as one aspect of his vital concern with the cult<br />

in general. The second outst<strong>and</strong>ing point is the use of a fixed term, מחלקת to<br />

designate these units, which as a technical term does not occur elsewhere.<br />

In Ezr.-Neh. the division of the people does not exist. The evidence relating<br />

to the division of the cult personnel is much more complicated. First of all,<br />

we can notice the lack of interest in these matters: In the descriptions of the<br />

ceremonies, <strong>and</strong> in particular those which are designated as “chronistic”, the<br />

organization of the cult personnel into units is overlooked.86<br />

As to the word מחלקת itself—it does occur once in Ezr.-Neh., similar in<br />

meaning to Chr., but in the Aramaic part of the book.87 It is confined here to<br />

the units of Levites alone.<br />

85) As the present study proves it is very difficult to accept Noth’s opinion, followed also by<br />

Rudolph, which regards 1 Chr. xxiii-xxvii as non-chronistic. (Noth, op. cit., p. 112ff., Rudolph,<br />

Chronikbücher, p. 152ff.). Noth, in a more general way, <strong>and</strong> Rudolph in greater detail have shown<br />

that these chapters are not homogeneous <strong>and</strong> contain many inconsistencies. Nevertheless, we<br />

can only conclude that the various materials used by the Chr. were not thoroughly reworked <strong>and</strong><br />

harmonized, <strong>and</strong> in particular, where the material comprises lists of various sorts. Both linguistically<br />

<strong>and</strong> ideologically these chapters form a part of the characteristic world of the Chr. <strong>and</strong> cannot<br />

be separated from it.<br />

86) In the erection of the altar <strong>and</strong> its dedication (Ezr. iii), in the celebration of the Passover<br />

(Ezr. vi 19 <strong>and</strong> 22), etc.<br />

87) Ezr. vi 18 כהניא בפלוגתהון ולויא במחלקתהון“‏ ‏”והקימו translated as “<strong>and</strong> they set the priests<br />

in their divisions <strong>and</strong> the Levites in their courses”. The translation is not consistent in rendering<br />

here ‏”מחלקת“‏ as “course”. The word מחלקת is found once more in Neh. xi 36, in an eliptic <strong>and</strong><br />

ומן הלויים“‏ obscure verse. After enumerating the dwelling places of Judah <strong>and</strong> Benjamin it reads<br />

The RSV translation is “And certain divisions of the Levites in Judah were ‏.”מחלקות יהודה לבנימין<br />

joined to Benjamin” <strong>and</strong> lately J. Myers reads it more freely as “Some of the Levitical groups of<br />

Judah were assigned to Benjamin”. The meaning of the verse is most unclear, speaking about<br />

“Levitical groups of Judah” or the like. But from the general context it is assumed that: a) the<br />

description is confined to the Levites, b) it deals with the question of their dwelling places <strong>and</strong>

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