Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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What is man?<br />

Having learned of the many astonishing details<br />

of our body discussed in Part 1, there is no doubt<br />

that a human being is a masterpiece of design<br />

and construction. It would thus be foolish to<br />

assume that we developed from matter by means<br />

of blind material processes. Since the beginning<br />

the burning question has been: What is man? If<br />

we deny the fact of creation, we stumble around<br />

in the undergrowth of evolutionary thought systems<br />

without getting to the truth. When considering<br />

the works of the Creator, one inevitably<br />

must infer that He exists, since “God’s invisible<br />

qualities ... have been clearly seen, being understood<br />

from what has been made” (Rom 1:20). It<br />

follows directly from His works that God exists.<br />

But what about the other source of information,<br />

the Bible? Can we believe everything written<br />

there? Notwithstanding widely held opinions, the<br />

Bible is not merely an ancient collection of human<br />

ideas gathered over a time span of 1,500 years.<br />

On the contrary, God used about <strong>45</strong> people whom<br />

He selected to transmit His thoughts to us: “All<br />

Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for<br />

teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in<br />

righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16). This assertion is<br />

underlined by Peter in 2 Peter 1:21: “For prophecy<br />

never had its origin in the will of man, but men<br />

spoke from God as they were carried along by<br />

the Holy Spirit.”<br />

When Jesus prayed to his Father, He also confirmed:<br />

“Your word is truth” (John 17:17), and<br />

Paul stated “I believe everything ... that is written<br />

in the Prophets” (Acts 24:14). We base our further<br />

deliberations on these fundamental assertions<br />

which affirm the truth of all biblical statements.<br />

(Two other books by the present author<br />

deal more fully with the veracity of the Bible,<br />

namely So steht’s geschrieben (It is written);<br />

[Hänssler-Verlag, Neuhausen], and Questions I<br />

have always wanted to ask [CLV, Bielefeld]).<br />

The Bible is the only source which describes and<br />

encompasses all aspects of humanity. In the very<br />

first chapter we read that we were created in the<br />

image of God.<br />

Man: The image of God?<br />

1 The creation of man was based on a preconceived<br />

plan: “Let us make man in our<br />

image, in our likeness, and let them rule over<br />

the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over<br />

the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the<br />

creatures that move along the ground”<br />

(Gen 1:26).<br />

The plan was immediately implemented:<br />

“So God created man in his own image, in the<br />

image of God He created him; male and female<br />

He created them” (Gen 1:27).<br />

This plan entailed and established several facts,<br />

namely:<br />

– This plan was implemented after all the animals<br />

had been created. Man was thus a distinctly<br />

new creature, not related in any way to<br />

the animal kingdom, despite all evolutionary<br />

ideas in this regard.<br />

– Not only God the Father was involved in this<br />

creative act, but also the Son and the Holy<br />

Spirit, as indicated by the plural form.<br />

– Man was made to rule over the (physical) creation.<br />

He is its regent, having been given the<br />

responsibility of its upkeep. His task is to care<br />

for all of creation.<br />

What does it mean, to state that man was made<br />

in the image of God? God created man according<br />

to His own ideas and thoughts, in His likeness,<br />

reflecting God’s own properties and qualities. We<br />

were made for communing with God and with<br />

our beloved spouse. We bear God’s seal and His<br />

handwriting, as it were; we were made to serve<br />


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