Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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Heaven:<br />

a) Heaven is a place where we will see and hear:<br />

In the first place we will see God the Father and<br />

Jesus in person: “we shall be like him, for we shall<br />

see him (Jesus) as he is” (1 John 3:2). Furthermore:<br />

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no<br />

mind has conceived what God has prepared for<br />

those who love Him” (1 Cor 2:9). Here on earth<br />

we are astounded by God’s providence and wisdom;<br />

how much more will we be astonished<br />

when we see Him face-to-face in heaven, and<br />

enjoy his presence eternally!<br />

b) Heaven is a place where we will taste and smell:<br />

The essence of heaven is described in the New<br />

Testament as a great banquet where there will be<br />

feasting. At the last supper Jesus told his disciples<br />

“I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now<br />

on until that day when I drink it anew with you in<br />

my Father’s kingdom” (Matt 26:29). Also in the<br />

parable of the royal banquet where the essence of<br />

heaven with God as Host is described, we read:<br />

“I have prepared my dinner” (Matt 22:4). In Luke<br />

12:37 we find another equally important statement<br />

in this regard: “He will dress himself to<br />

serve, will have them recline at the table, and will<br />

come and wait on them.” If the Son of God invites<br />

us to dinner, we may presume that the spread will<br />

be exceedingly rich and excellent.<br />

c) Heaven is a place full of wonderful experiences:<br />

When the prodigal son returned to his father, he<br />

prepared a feast for him. After everything was<br />

ready, we read in Luke 15:24: “So they began to<br />

celebrate.” Another very important aspect of<br />

heaven has now been expressed, namely that it is<br />

a place of indescribable and everlasting joy. Everything<br />

which pleases us will be richly available in<br />

heaven – love, peace, friendship, and well-being.<br />

It is noteworthy that Jesus addresses all five<br />

<strong>sense</strong>s during His last supper. In this way He<br />

reminds us of our salvation which He effected,<br />

and consequently also of heaven:<br />

When the Lord’s supper is celebrated, the words<br />

for its institution (1 Cor 11:23 ff) are usually read.<br />

This involves the <strong>sense</strong> of hearing.<br />

46<br />

The bread and the wine are firstly observed visually,<br />

then we see them as signs of the Lord’s presence.<br />

We accept the bread, using our <strong>sense</strong> of touch.<br />

“Taste and see that the Lord is good“ (Ps 34:8).<br />

When we eat and drink, our <strong>sense</strong>s of tasting and<br />

smelling are also involved.<br />

Hell:<br />

a) Hell is a place of thirst and torment: The rich<br />

man in Luke 16 calls to Abraham: “Have pity on<br />

me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger<br />

in water and cool my tongue, because I am in<br />

agony in this fire” (Luke 16:24). In contrast, Jesus<br />

says: “He who comes to Me, will never go hungry,<br />

and he who believes in Me, will never be thirsty”<br />

(John 6:35).<br />

b) Hell is a place for remembering: The knowledge<br />

of this life does not vanish when we die. In the<br />

place of damnation the rich man thinks of his<br />

brothers who lived just as godlessly as he did. He<br />

realises that he could do nothing for them, and<br />

thus requests Abraham to send Lazarus to them:<br />

“Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my<br />

father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him<br />

warn them, so that they will not also come to<br />

this place of torment.” Abraham replied: “They<br />

have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to<br />

them” (Luke 16:27-29). It is a fact that nobody<br />

returns from death to warn his relatives. <strong>Our</strong> only<br />

guide to salvation is the Word of God – the Bible!<br />

c) Hell is a place of darkness: In this life we enjoy<br />

very many wonderful sensations through our<br />

eyes and our ears. 83,000 people were present at<br />

the colourful opening ceremony of the centennial<br />

Olympics in Atlanta on the 19th of July 1996,<br />

and 3,500 million people all over the world<br />

watched the four hour show on TV. About 5,500<br />

technicians and others cooperated to produce<br />

this magnificent opera-like sound-and-light presentation.<br />

Why were the spectators prepared to<br />

travel so far and to pay hundreds of dollars for<br />

an admission ticket? They wanted to see, hear<br />

and experience something special. In the same<br />

way heaven can be regarded as an immeasurably<br />

superior “presentation” of beautiful and glorious

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