Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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waves at different frequencies, exerting the same<br />

pressure, are not perceived subjectively as being<br />

of equal volume. A sound at a level of 20 dB,<br />

having a frequency of 63 Hz, would have to be<br />

made about 30 times stronger in order to sound<br />

as loud as a 1,000 Hz signal at the same dB level.<br />

From the formula already given, that means it<br />

would have to be increased by 20 x log(30) =<br />

29.5 dB.<br />

By connecting the points of equal loudness at different<br />

frequencies on a dB-Hz diagram, curves<br />

known as isophones result. By definition, the<br />

measured sound pressure in dB at a frequency of<br />

1,000 Hz is the loudness, expressed using a unit<br />

known as the phon. So for example, if one wants<br />

to find the 50 phon isophone, a test subject listens<br />

to a 1,000 Hz signal having a sound pressure<br />

of 50 dB. At all other frequencies the person<br />

adjusts a control indicating dB values, until it<br />

sounds just as loud as the 1,000 Hz signal. In this<br />

way one can plot the dB values corresponding to<br />

each of the frequencies to obtain the 50 phon<br />

curve. Only at a frequency of 1,000 Hz is the phon<br />

scale numerically equal to the decibel scale.<br />

The pressure at which a sound becomes audible<br />

is called the threshold of audibility. This corresponds<br />

to the 4 phon isophone. If a sound is so<br />

loud that it causes pain, the threshold of pain is<br />

reached. Its isophone is 130 phon. If our ears<br />

were purely mechanical sound detectors, then all<br />

isophones would have been horizontal lines.<br />

We are able to distinguish very clearly between the<br />

loudness of two sounds. At low sound intensities<br />

at a given frequency, a difference of 1 dB is sufficient.<br />

At louder levels this difference is even less.<br />

12 orders of magnitude without switching:<br />

The ear has the amazing ability of detecting a<br />

range of sound pressure extending over 120 dB.<br />

Keeping in mind that 6 dB represents a doubling<br />

of sound level, this means that the human ear<br />

can handle intensities ranging over 20 powers of<br />

2 (120/6 = 20; 2 20 = 1,048,576 = approximately<br />

one million). In the case of sound energy, doubling<br />

occurs every 3 dB because of the physical<br />

relationships involved. The human ear thus has<br />

the unique ability of detecting differences in sound<br />

energy over a very wide range. The relevant factor<br />

is 40 powers of 2 (120/3) which is equal to<br />

12 powers of ten (2 40 = 1024 4 = 1.099 x 10 12 ).<br />

Expressed differently: The range between the<br />

pain threshold and a barely audible sound<br />

encompasses an energy ratio of one million million<br />

to one. This is an astonishing feat, since it is<br />

accomplished with just one range of measurement.<br />

No known technical measuring apparatus<br />

can do this without switching from one range to<br />

another. If, for example, we want to measure<br />

voltages in the range from 1 volt to 10,000 volts<br />

(4 powers of ten), it can only be done with a single<br />

instrument by switching the measuring<br />

range.<br />

Sound energy I<br />

Pain threshold<br />

Music<br />

Threshold<br />

Speech<br />

Range of normal human hearing<br />

The threshold of audibility is a curve, meaning that the<br />

ear is more sensitive to some frequencies than to others.<br />

The optimal range is between 1 kHz and 5 kHz, where<br />

sound pressures as low as 2 x 10 -5 N/m 2 can be detected.<br />

This is equivalent to an intensity I (sound energy) of 10 -16<br />

W/cm 2 . The intensity-frequency ranges for speech and<br />

music are shaded. The maximum range of hearing lies at<br />

about 2 kHz. At this frequency, the range of sound energy<br />

we are able to detect spans an almost unimaginable<br />

13 orders of magnitude (powers of ten).<br />

of<br />

audibility<br />

Frequency f in kHz<br />

Furthermore, the human ear is an optimally constructed<br />

measuring system whose sensitivity<br />

reaches the limits of physical possibility. Sound<br />

waves are pressure waves having very small<br />

23<br />

Sound pressure p

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