Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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on a high dune, is the first sight on approaching<br />

the island by water. Besides the five-star hotel<br />

complete with ballroom, restaurant, children’s<br />

play area and exclusive bar, private apartments<br />

are also available in the hotel at the astronomical<br />

price of approximately $US 850,000 for 80 m 2<br />

(= 264 square feet). However, even the most luxurious<br />

apartments cannot offer both a sea view<br />

and bright sunlight. The apartments facing north<br />

have the sea view, but have no direct sunlight.<br />

If you want a sunny apartment you have to do<br />

without the sea view. Even in this amazingly<br />

beautiful, and expensive place you can’t have<br />

everything.<br />

After we die we will live in a home that was<br />

designed by Jesus. What the Creator of the world<br />

can build is something that no earthly architect<br />

could even dream of. Jesus says, in John 14:2-3,<br />

“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were<br />

not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare<br />

a place for you, I will come back and take you<br />

to be with me that you also may be where I am.”<br />

Jesus has been building our home for over two<br />

thousand years. How beautiful it must be! Any<br />

earthly comforts provided in the spa resort of<br />

Juist will be superseded by our home in heaven.<br />

If, in this Creation, even every snowflake and<br />

each acorn leaf is unique, then how much more<br />

will this be true of homes built by Jesus! There is<br />

no repetition; everything is especially tailored for<br />

the person who will reside there. We have a place<br />

in heaven for ever, under a sun that never sets.<br />

7 Heaven is a place where we shall reign<br />

Heaven will be a place of singing and rejoicing<br />

for us, but we will also have duties: “And they<br />

will reign for ever and ever” (Rev 22:5).<br />

In the Parable of the Ten Minas, described in Luke<br />

19:11-27, each servant receives ten minas and is<br />

told to put this money to work. One servant<br />

increases the amount by ten, another by five.<br />

When Jesus judges, the first servant is told, “Well<br />

done, my good servant! ... Because you have been<br />

trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of<br />

ten cities” (Luke 19:17). The second servant<br />

150<br />

receives, in turn, what he deserves, “You take<br />

charge of five cities” (Luke 19:19).<br />

We may conclude that, after we die, the responsibility<br />

of reigning will be handed over to us. The<br />

assigned areas will not be equal in size, but will<br />

depend on how hard we have worked for God’s<br />

Kingdom here on earth. In heaven, we will reign<br />

together with Jesus. We have a part in the ruling<br />

in eternity.<br />

Here, politicians do everything and anything to get<br />

elected. The position of governing will be handed<br />

to us in heaven. This task will involve many creative<br />

and changing duties. Completing our duties<br />

will be easy, for there will be no job stress, no ladder<br />

to climb, and no politics in heaven.<br />

8 Heaven is the place where Jesus is<br />

Sometimes, historical meetings have wide-reaching<br />

consequences. For example, we owe the<br />

knowledge of how to make porcelain to the<br />

meeting of the physicist Tschirnhaus and the<br />

alchemist Johann Friedrich Böttger. Even today,<br />

something special can grow out of a surprise<br />

meeting, especially if God’s hand is behind it. Two<br />

people who have never before met are brought<br />

together. They develop a common understanding<br />

about something and act accordingly, with significant<br />

consequences.<br />

The one single meeting that has the most significant<br />

and wide-reaching consequences is when<br />

a person meets with God. That person then finds<br />

everlasting life in Jesus. The Bible mentions many<br />

such meetings. Zacchaeus, the corrupt chief tax<br />

collector of Jericho, changed his way of life and<br />

became a believer (Luke 19:1-10). The finance officer<br />

of Ethiopia was looking for God in Jerusalem<br />

and found Him in the desert. Only after becoming<br />

secure in the knowledge of his salvation, does he<br />

go on his way, rejoicing (Acts 8:26-39). Saul<br />

became Paul through Jesus. Once a persecutor of<br />

Christians, Paul became the most important missionary<br />

of all time (Acts 26:12-18). In the same<br />

way, everyone can meet Jesus uniquely, if we<br />

approach Him with openness. Those who dare to<br />

meet Him are rewarded with entry into heaven.

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