Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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to make sure that the entire Word of God is<br />

believed. This cannot be taken for granted, especially<br />

these days. If they teach that one must be<br />

converted in order to be saved, then that is a good<br />

sign. But if these sorts of words never feature, and<br />

they concentrate only or mainly on political, ecological<br />

and social matters, then stay away – there<br />

is “death in the pot” (see 2 Kings 4:40). Leave such<br />

a place; traditions cannot save us, no matter how<br />

venerable. Rather, join a fellowship which is faithful<br />

to the Bible, and become active there. A good,<br />

lively congregation, where the entire Bible is<br />

believed, is an essential prerequisite for our faith<br />

and for a healthy spiritual growth. Take very careful<br />

note of this point number three, because many<br />

have withered here, although they once made<br />

a genuine profession of faith.<br />

4 Obedience: When reading the Bible, you will<br />

find many helpful instructions for all realms of<br />

life and also for communion with God. If you<br />

practise what you have learned, you will find<br />

great blessings. The best way to express our love<br />

for God, is to obey Him: “This is love for God: to<br />

obey his commands” (1 John 5:3).<br />

rearranged, with the interests of God’s kingdom<br />

playing the central role. The believer hungers<br />

after the words of God and he seeks fellowship<br />

with other Christians. He is led by the Holy Spirit<br />

(Rom 8:14), and the fruits of the new life will<br />

become obvious to everybody: “But the fruit of<br />

the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,<br />

goodness, faithfulness” (Gal 5:22).<br />

At conversion, the old life immediately ends and<br />

the new one begins. The New Testament expresses<br />

it this way: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new<br />

creation” (2 Cor 5:17). Through conversion two<br />

things are achieved: our present earthly life<br />

acquires a new, central meaning and purpose,<br />

and at the same time, we receive the gift of<br />

being a child of God, entitling us to be His heirs,<br />

to inherit eternal life.<br />

5 Witnessing: You are now safe and secure in<br />

the lifeboat. The ship of death cannot pull you<br />

down into the abyss any more, but many people<br />

are still travelling on the doomed ship. You should<br />

now help many of them to board the lifeboat. Tell<br />

others what Jesus Christ means for you. People<br />

who have not yet accepted the saving truth of<br />

the gospel, require our example and testimony.<br />

You are now a fellow-worker of God (1 Cor 3:9).<br />

Jesus emphasises the meaning of personal witnessing<br />

in Matthew 10:32-33: “Whoever<br />

acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge<br />

him before my Father in heaven. But whoever<br />

disowns me before men, I will disown him<br />

before my Father in heaven.” The Thessalonian<br />

believers set the correct example in this respect:<br />

“The Lord’s message rang out from you not only<br />

in Macedonia and Achaia – your faith in God has<br />

become known everywhere” (1 Thess 1:8).<br />

You should rejoice that you have deliberately<br />

turned to Jesus Christ and have been accepted by<br />

God. The priorities in your life have now been<br />


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