Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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sheep... I am the good shepherd; I know my<br />

sheep and my sheep know me... My sheep listen<br />

to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I<br />

give them eternal life” (John 10:11, 14, 27, 28). He<br />

wants to guide our life in the best way; He brings<br />

us to the Father and gives us heaven as a gift. So<br />

you should hand your entire life completely over<br />

to Him. Give Him more space than just a fiftyfifty<br />

share; all aspects of your life must belong to<br />

Him, and you will be richly blessed. This is the<br />

one and only way to become a child of God. One<br />

does not qualify through membership of a<br />

church in which one was born and raised, neither<br />

will any good deed, or being baptised as a baby,<br />

ensure that you become a child of God. The only<br />

way is by making a deliberate decision to come<br />

to Jesus, beginning with a prayer. This second<br />

prayer can be formulated along the following<br />

lines, modified according to your thoughts and<br />

preferences:<br />

“Now, dear Lord Jesus, I pray that You will<br />

enter my life. Lead me along the way which<br />

You will show me through my reading of the<br />

Bible and by means of your guidance in my<br />

life. I know that You are the Good Shepherd<br />

and that You always intend the best for me. I<br />

therefore entrust You with all areas of my life.<br />

I don’t want you to be a mere sailor on the<br />

ship of my life, I want you to be the Captain.<br />

You know all the rocks and currents which<br />

might wreck my life. Please steer my ship<br />

throughout my life. I entrust everything to<br />

you: My thoughts and acts, my career, my<br />

leisure time, my plans, my finances, my health,<br />

my illnesses, my joys, my worries ... Grant me<br />

the power to make a clean break with my previous<br />

sinful life. And if I stumble now and<br />

then, let me recognise these immediately as<br />

mishaps and confess them immediately to You.<br />

Please order my life and give me new habits<br />

involving You, under your blessing. Change my<br />

disposition towards You and the people I come<br />

across. Make my heart obedient to You and<br />

please open the Bible for me so that I may correctly<br />

understand your Word. I want to<br />

acknowledge You as Lord of my life and to follow<br />

You from now on. I wish to stay close to<br />

You. Amen.”<br />

What has now happened? If this prayer, or a<br />

similar one freely composed by you, has been<br />

sincere and really came out of your heart, then<br />

you have just become a child of God. This is<br />

not human wisdom, but God Himself confirms<br />

it: “to all who received him (Jesus), to those<br />

who believed in his name, he gave the right to<br />

become children of God” (John 1:12). Something<br />

great has now happened, and this is a<br />

very important day in your life, even if you<br />

perhaps cannot realise it at the moment. The<br />

step you took today, is compared in the Bible<br />

to being born (a rebirth, since you have already<br />

been born physically). This day of your decision<br />

has eternal significance. You have received the<br />

whole of heaven as a gift.<br />

Eternal life is now yours. Nobody can take away<br />

from you what Jesus earned for you and has just<br />

now given you as a gift. God is not your Judge<br />

anymore, but has become your Father, and He<br />

now sees you as being free from sin, as if you<br />

have never sinned in your life. The whole of heaven<br />

took part in this momentous event of your<br />

conversion. One person has left the ship of death<br />

and has boarded the lifeboat. Jesus says of this in<br />

Luke 15:10: “I tell you, there is rejoicing in the<br />

presence of the angels of God over one sinner<br />

who repents.” In heaven it is not important which<br />

team wins the world series, who steps onto the<br />

winner’s podium at the Olympic Games, or when<br />

the President of the USA holds a meeting with<br />

another world leader. But the fact that you have<br />

found the way to your eternal home resounds<br />

throughout heaven with great joy. Recently, when<br />

I asked somebody after his conversion what was<br />

happening in heaven right now, he replied spontaneously:<br />

Joy, a thousand times over!<br />

The Holy Spirit has now also entered into you. He<br />

plays an important role in your life. It is He Who<br />

testifies in your heart that you are a child of God<br />

(Rom 8:16). He assures you that God’s Word is<br />

true and He guides you deeper into Scripture.<br />

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit “the Spirit of truth”<br />

(John 14:17).<br />

Now you can be quite certain that you have been<br />

accepted by the living God as His child – you<br />


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