Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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en, but only he who does the will of my Father<br />

who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that<br />

day, ’Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your<br />

name, and in your name drive out devils and perform<br />

many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly,<br />

’I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”<br />

(Matt 7:21-23).<br />

Isn’t this remarkable? There are people who<br />

have acted in the name of Jesus, and still they<br />

are lost. We can summarise the above words of<br />

Jesus in terms of our parable: You have never left<br />

the ship of death! That is the reason why you will<br />

also perish like the unbelievers travelling on the<br />

same ship.<br />

It is obvious that there are different groups on<br />

the ship of doom; these will now be discussed.<br />

The fate of every one of us is tied to this ship. In<br />

all, four groups of people can be distinguished<br />

(P1 to P4), and you, the reader of this book,<br />

inevitably belong to one of these groups:<br />

P1. You are one of those who already, at some<br />

point in your life, understood your position and<br />

confessed. You have stepped over and you can<br />

say with great certainty that you have boarded<br />

the lifeboat. In this lifeboat there is a list of passengers,<br />

comprising the names of all those who<br />

boarded. The Bible calls this list the “Book of Life”.<br />

Only those persons whose names appear in this<br />

book will reach the safe shore, heaven. Jesus<br />

once told such people “rejoice that your names<br />

are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20). If your name<br />

is included, I rejoice with you!<br />

P2. Up to this point you did not know where you<br />

were, but it has now become clear to you that<br />

you are still on the doomed ship. If you leave the<br />

ship of death forthwith by accepting Jesus right<br />

now, you are rescued immediately. The simple<br />

and practical way of doing this is explained fully<br />

below in the chapter “Getting your name in the<br />

’Book of Life’”. The conversion of all persons mentioned<br />

in the New Testament always takes place<br />

at a specific time and place.<br />

Right now, wherever you are, note the date from<br />

a calendar or your watch. Nobody ever moves<br />

gradually from the doomed ship to the lifeboat.<br />

The actual decision and the transfer is always<br />

instantaneous, although it may be based on previous<br />

knowledge and belief. Today may become<br />

the greatest day of your life. The only requirement<br />

is that you must make a real decision and<br />

act accordingly. The example of the prodigal son<br />

illustrates this. The moment he realises his lost<br />

state, he says “I will set out and go back...”<br />

(Luke 15:18).<br />

P3. You are one of those who thought they were<br />

safely in a lifeboat, but were not. Through the<br />

Holy Spirit, you have been made aware of your<br />

true situation. If you are one of these, confess<br />

your error and change today. As established earlier<br />

in T2, this group may include people who serve<br />

Jesus and consequently assume that they cannot<br />

be on the ship of death (see T2 and the Sermon<br />

on the Mount, Matthew 7:21-23). The Gustloff<br />

did not sink immediately, but it took 62 minutes<br />

after the torpedoes had hit. Rescue was only<br />

possible during this period. In the same way God<br />

grants us our entire life for conversion, but no<br />

one knows how long that will be. In biblical language<br />

this is known as the time of grace.<br />

P4. You are one of those who think the ship is<br />

not in danger. So why would you climb aboard a<br />

lifeboat? I sincerely wish that none of the readers<br />

of this book belongs to this group. Why not?<br />

People in this fourth group have even developed<br />

a scientific theory (or accepted it ready-made<br />

from others), which asserts that the doomed ship<br />

cannot go down. They have declared it to be<br />

unsinkable. This was also said of the Titanic<br />

which sank on its maiden voyage. The following<br />

two examples may clarify the issue:<br />

– Recently after a lecture a student told me that<br />

there was no hell. When I asked him how he<br />

knew this, he replied that that was what his<br />

pastor taught. In other words, the doomed<br />

ship can’t sink. What a tragic fallacy!<br />

– When Jesus cried out on the cross: “It is finished”<br />

(John 19:30), it meant that the lifeboat<br />

was ready. The requirements for the salvation<br />


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