Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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All unbelief is sin, as we read in Romans 14:23:<br />

“everything that does not come from faith is sin.”<br />

In our time occult practices like fortune-telling,<br />

pendulum swinging, and spiritism, have increased<br />

to an alarming extent. In many bookshops there<br />

are extensive collections of esoteric literature,<br />

and the souls of many readers are poisoned by<br />

these books. God warns against these abominations:<br />

“do not learn to imitate the detestable<br />

ways of the nations there. Let noone be found<br />

among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in<br />

the fire, who practises divination or sorcery,<br />

interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts<br />

spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who<br />

consults the dead. Anyone who does these things<br />

is detestable to the Lord” (Deut 18:9-12).<br />

But the chief sin in the eyes of God is that people<br />

do not believe in His Son and do not follow<br />

Him. Jesus says that it is the one greatest sin if<br />

“men do not believe in me” (John 16:9). The real<br />

nature of sin and its effects becomes clear in the<br />

Greek word, hamartia, used in the New Testament.<br />

It means to miss the target. Through our<br />

sin we miss our life’s purpose as intended by<br />

God, like an arrow which does not hit the centre<br />

of the bulls-eye. If we enter eternity with our<br />

sins, then we are lost, and will experience perdition<br />

and eternal death (Prov 14:34b, Rom 6:23a).<br />

God has said that He will not admit one single<br />

sin into His heaven: “No longer will there be any<br />

curse” (Rev 22:3). If God were to allow sin in His<br />

heaven, then even this place of glory would soon<br />

be devastated. Were sin to enter, the same fate as<br />

on earth would befall heaven: strife and fighting,<br />

enmity and jealousy, illness and suffering, distress<br />

and death. But heaven must remain heaven;<br />

a place of eternal joy and a place where everyone<br />

loves each other. How many people really love us<br />

here on earth? In most cases we can count them<br />

on the fingers of one hand. And, when asked,<br />

many people would say: “Nobody loves me; I am<br />

alone.”<br />

God Himself solved the problem of sin through<br />

Jesus: “God made him who had no sin, to be sin<br />

for us” (2 Cor 5:21). No human being can bear his<br />

own sin, because sin cannot be compensated for<br />

nor be erased by means of good deeds or religious<br />

rites. There is no medical remedy for sin,<br />

but the one Person Who could erase sin, did<br />

exactly that. We read that Jesus “himself bore our<br />

sins in his body on the tree” (= the cross on Calvary,<br />

1 Peter 2:24). Because of this sacrifice, the<br />

possibility of salvation is there for everyone,<br />

without limit, be they:<br />

– young or old<br />

– rich or poor<br />

– male or female<br />

– illiterate or a Nobel prize-winner<br />

– black, white, yellow, or red – God does not distinguish<br />

between races<br />

– American, British, French, German,<br />

or Russian – with God, there are no national<br />

boundaries<br />

– speakers of Arabic, Chinese, English,<br />

or German – God knows no language barriers<br />

A wider range can hardly be imagined. God’s plan<br />

of salvation, based on love and a free will, is not<br />

just available for 5 % or 10 % or 20 % of all<br />

human beings, but for all 100 %: Jesus “is the<br />

atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for<br />

ours, but also for the sins of the whole world” (1<br />

John 2:2). The great tragedy is that only a relatively<br />

small fraction of all people find salvation<br />

by turning to Jesus (Matt 7:13-14, Luke 12:32).<br />

The rest stay on the old, wide road leading<br />

inevitably to damnation.<br />


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