Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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A very special man:<br />

Jesus<br />

Today many people ask -<br />

who is Jesus?<br />

Sixty thousand biographies have been written<br />

about Jesus Christ. No other historical person has<br />

been portrayed as frequently as He. Napoleon<br />

Bonaparte (1769 – 1821) said that people will for<br />

ever speak of Jesus, and many will die for Him.<br />

“But well after I am gone, nobody will speak of me<br />

(Napoleon), nor would they die for me anymore.”<br />

Nobody had to die for Jesus; He has never asked<br />

that of anybody. But it is true that, nevertheless,<br />

thousands and even millions of people willingly<br />

sacrificed their lives for Him. They only had to<br />

utter one word of retraction to be set free. But<br />

they remained faithful and accepted death rather<br />

than to disavow Him. They did this because they<br />

loved Him; never were they coerced.<br />

Napoleon’s soldiers were forced to die for him,<br />

but today nobody would even consider dying for<br />

Napoleon. The historian Kenneth Scott Latourette<br />

came to the conclusion:<br />

“As the centuries pass the evidence is accumulating<br />

that, measured by His effect of history, Jesus<br />

is the most influential life ever lived on this planet.<br />

That influence appears to be mounting.”<br />

(American Historical Review, LIV, January, 1949).<br />

Is Jesus the Son of God?<br />

Consider the following verdicts:<br />

1 God: When Jesus was baptised, a voice sounded<br />

from heaven. It was God Himself Who said:<br />

“This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well<br />

pleased” (Matt 3:17). God refers to His Son, so He<br />

must be Jesus’ Father. On the mountain of the<br />

transfiguration God repeated this assertion:<br />

“This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”<br />

(Mark 9:7).<br />

2 Peter: He was a follower of Jesus and observed<br />

everything closely. He knew all the deeds of<br />

Jesus, all his words, his way of life, and his dealings<br />

with people. When Jesus asked this disciple<br />

who He was, Peter replied: “You are the Christ,<br />

the Son of the living God” (Matt 16:16).<br />

3 A Roman centurion: A Roman centurion was<br />

in charge of the crucifixion of Jesus. He had travelled<br />

widely in the great Roman empire, which<br />

extended from England to North Africa, and from<br />

Spain to the Orient. He had fought in many battles,<br />

and was often in charge of crucifixions, the<br />

horrible and extremely painful Roman method of<br />

execution. Time after time it ws the same: persons<br />

nailed to a cross started to curse and scold. They<br />

accused those who brought them. It was always<br />

a scene of horror, groaning and agonised anger.<br />

For the first time in his life he now experiences<br />

a crucifixion where everything is different. No evil<br />

words come from the Man on the cross, no reproach<br />

or accusation. On the contrary: He prays<br />

for the spectators. This is all the more astounding,<br />

since the people are still mocking and taunting<br />

Him. His response is quite different to that of any<br />

other person. He calls on God, praying: “Father,<br />

forgive them, for they do not know what they are<br />

doing” (Luke 23:34). The centurion also hears Jesus’<br />

barely comprehensible promise to the criminal who<br />

has confessed his guilt: “I tell you the truth, today<br />

you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). The<br />

centurion pays close attention to every word of<br />

this Man in the middle, and comes to the conclusion:<br />

“Surely he was the Son of God!” (Matt 27:54).<br />

For Christians the double name Jesus Christ is<br />

the briefest declaration of faith, since it means<br />


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