Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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The attributes of God shared by man when he<br />

was created were to a great extent marred by sin.<br />

The Bible frequently emphasises the drastic<br />

changes involved:<br />

Man after the fall<br />

Friedrich von Schlegel (1772 – 1829), who was a<br />

German cultural philosopher and linguist: Man is<br />

ultimately no different from any animal, plant or<br />

rock.<br />

Romans 3:22b-23: “There is no difference, for all<br />

have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”<br />

Jeremiah 16:4: “They will die of deadly diseases.<br />

They will not be mourned or buried, but will be<br />

like refuse lying on the ground... their dead bodies<br />

will become food for the birds of the air and<br />

the beasts of the earth.”<br />

Psalm 144:4: “Man is like a breath; his days are<br />

like a fleeting shadow.”<br />

Ecclesiastes 3:19: “Man’s fate is like that of the<br />

animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one<br />

dies, so dies the other.”<br />

Romans 1:21: “their foolish hearts were darkened.”<br />

Ephesians 4:18: “They are darkened in their understanding<br />

and separated from the life of God.”<br />

Being far from God, human thought is subject to<br />

all possible fallacies and confusions. This is very<br />

obviously the case for evolutionary ideas, ideologies,<br />

manmade religions, and all possible atheistic<br />

systems. Thus we find many scholars giving<br />

decidedly negative evaluations of humanity:<br />

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The German nihilistic philosopher, Friedrich<br />

Nietzsche (1844 – 1900): Man is a brute as well<br />

as a super-animal. He is merely a “cosmic fringedweller”.<br />

The American geneticist of Russian extraction,<br />

Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900 – 1975): Man is<br />

the only product of evolution that has attained<br />

the insight that he came into this universe, from<br />

the animal kingdom, through evolution.<br />

Jaques Monod (1910 - 1976), a French biochemist<br />

and Nobel laureate: Man is a gipsy at the<br />

edge of the universe.<br />

The atheist Theo Löbsack: Man is only an “evolutionary<br />

aberration”.<br />

Ludwig E. Boltzmann (1844 – 1905), who was<br />

professor of theoretical physics at the University<br />

of Vienna, was completely committed to Darwinism.<br />

He regarded the idea (that life originated<br />

without a Creator), as the grandest concept of<br />

the century: “In my opinion Darwin’s theory<br />

promises only the best for philosophy. If you ask<br />

me whether this time (the 19th century) should<br />

be called the iron age or the steam age or the<br />

age of electricity, I would immediately reply that<br />

it should be known as the age of a mechanistic<br />

view of nature – it will be known as the age of<br />

Darwin.”<br />

Today steadily increasing numbers of scientists<br />

regard the theory of evolution as the greatest<br />

fallacy of the century. (This topic is discussed<br />

more fully in two other books of the present<br />

author, namely: In the Beginning was Information<br />

and Did God Use Evolution? We will thus not pursue<br />

it further here). However, the following<br />

example illustrates the compulsion exerted by

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