Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45

Our sense organs 45


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and love God and our partner in marriage. We<br />

are meant to reproduce further copies of God’s<br />

image.<br />

God has provided us with exceptional abilities<br />

found nowhere else in the universe, to remind us<br />

of our Creator. This concept is clearly expressed<br />

in Psalm 8:5: “You made him a little lower than<br />

the heavenly beings, and crowned him with glory<br />

and honour.” We were created for the purpose of<br />

being the image of God – similar to Him!<br />

2 Each and every person is a unique image of<br />

God: God did not merely create humankind in<br />

general, but He carefully made each individual<br />

with his/her distinctive external and internal<br />

characteristics. All of us can be distinguished by<br />

date of birth, size, weight, skin-, eye- and hair<br />

colour, plus very many other details. I am so<br />

unique that I cannot cross a border with somebody<br />

else’s passport. My cares and joys, my ideas,<br />

thoughts and feelings are so unique that nobody<br />

else in the whole world is like me. The German<br />

historian Leopold Ranke (1795 – 1886) asserted:<br />

“Every person is a separate thought of God.”<br />

3 Who is our Creator? The New Testament provides<br />

further insights to creation by describing<br />

the person of the Creator: “In the beginning was<br />

the Word (Greek: the Logos), and the Word was<br />

with God, and the Word was God. He was with<br />

God in the beginning. Through him all things<br />

were made; without him nothing was made that<br />

has been made” (John 1:1-3).<br />

Who or what is this Word? At this point it is not<br />

yet clear. But we are given to understand that<br />

absolutely nothing in the entire universe is<br />

excluded from this act of creation, not the earth,<br />

nor the tiniest blade of grass, nor man. This secret<br />

is partially decoded in verse 10. We are told that it<br />

was a person who once resided on this our earth:<br />

“He was in the world, and ... the world was made<br />

through him.” But who is “He”? The full revelation<br />

is given in verse 14: “The Word became flesh and<br />

made his dwelling among us. We have seen his<br />

glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came<br />

from the Father, full of grace and truth.” It follows<br />

that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is our<br />

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Creator. “His Son, whom he appointed heir of all<br />

things, and through whom he made the universe”<br />

(Hebr 1:2). In Colossians 1:16-17 Jesus’ creative<br />

activities are taken a step further, including the as<br />

yet for us invisible world:<br />

“By him (Jesus) all things were created: things in<br />

heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether<br />

thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all<br />

things were created by him and for him. He is<br />

before all things, and in him all things hold<br />

together.”<br />

The question of our origin has now been answered<br />

completely and finally: Jesus Christ is our Creator!<br />

For many readers this may come as a surprise,<br />

but it is the unequivocal teaching of the<br />

New Testament. Consequently, any idea about<br />

man’s origin that does not mention nor acknowledge<br />

this Creator, is intrinsically false.<br />

After man’s sin, which will be discussed more<br />

fully in later chapters, he became separated from<br />

his Creator. At the same time many characteristics<br />

of God’s image were lost. Only Christ still<br />

represents the complete image of God, as asserted<br />

in the following three quotations from the<br />

New Testament:<br />

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn<br />

over all creation” (Col 1:15). “Christ ... is the<br />

image of God” (2 Cor 4:4). “The Son is the radiance<br />

of God’s glory and the exact representation<br />

of his being” (Hebr 1:3).<br />

In spite of the heavy losses sustained through<br />

man’s fall into sin, an appreciable fraction of the<br />

original image, derived from God, has survived<br />

the separation. All God’s attributes are complete<br />

and present in the highest degree in Him; we<br />

were also intended to have His attributes, albeit<br />

at a level which is a “little lower” (Ps 8:5). This is<br />

summarised in the following ten aspects:<br />

Like God, we can speak<br />

God is a speaking God: “And God said” appears<br />

ten times in the creation account. We read in

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