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94 THE TRA BVAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOURNAL. December, 1907.<br />

It is impossible to gauge the mental attitude of a<br />

man capable of pleading prescription on an account<br />

for professional fees, or any other debt for the matter<br />

of that.<br />

The presumption is that he desires to stand well<br />

with his friends and acquaintances, and yet he runs<br />

the enormous risk of encountering contempt, disgust,<br />

and derision. It is not commonly honest; honourable<br />

it is not!<br />

<strong>SOUTH</strong> AFRICA <strong>MEDICAL</strong> CONGRESg, 1907.<br />

<strong>MEDICAL</strong> SECTION.<br />

Cerebro·Spinal Meningitis.<br />

By a. A. TURNER, M. B., D.P.JI.<br />

Cerebro-spinal Meningitis is a disease, w~ich has<br />

been recently a g1'eat deal before the medIcal profession<br />

in all parts of the world, and has been a matter<br />

of importance along the Rand for many ~ears.<br />

It may b~ fairly claimed tha~ since the d.Jscovel)'<br />

of the memngococcus by 'VelChselbaum, m 188 (,<br />

Johannesburg medical men were among the first to<br />

investigate the disease from. a scientific point of<br />

view. I am, of course, referrmg to the papers read<br />

by Drs. Brodie, Rogers, and Hamilton, on.e .in 1894.<br />

another in 1 98, which undonbtedly. antIcIpated a<br />

great deal of the work recently pubhshed.. Unfortunately<br />

these did not receive the attentIOn ~hey<br />

merited, possibly owi ng to the titles they were gIven<br />

by their authors.<br />

Within the past year or so, a very large amount of<br />

work has been done on the subject in England,<br />

Europe, America, and el e-v:h~re. . In fact, t~e<br />

amount of material, and the lImIted time at my dISposal,<br />

has rendered it impossi~le for ~e either to<br />

make myself thoroughly acquaInted wIth the most<br />

recent vie,,'s on the que tion, or to dis?uss th.e~1<br />

in this paper. I propose, therefore, to glVe a chmcal<br />

account of the disease, as it has come under my<br />

observation with a few statistics, and some deductions<br />

draWl; from personal experience, which, u.nfortunately,<br />

are not so well supported by bactenolog-ical<br />

work as I COll Id wish. ~~me of my deductions<br />

have, no doubt, been antIcIpated by 0 hers,<br />

and some may possibly: have be~n ?i.spJ:oved. .<br />

I believe cel'ebro-spmal memngI.tls IS a ~enolls<br />

menace to South Africa. It is a dIsease whICh appears<br />

at intervals in nearly every part of the wo~ld ;<br />

witness the epidemics which have ravaged Amenc~"<br />

India and Europe. It has recently appeared 10<br />

parts of Great Britain. A few years baek it c?mmitted<br />

fearful havoc on the 'Vest Coast of Afnca,<br />

and in Nigeria; two or three years ago th~re w~s<br />

an epidemic among European and natIves 10<br />

Lourenco Marques, anil the disease still exists on<br />

the East Coast, because J met case in the kraals in<br />

that district recently.·<br />

it In Livingstone's "Journeys in South ~frica," he state3, when<br />

referring to the disease among the B..kwams about th~ year 18~O,<br />

that-" One year the epidemic periocl was mar~ed by a dISease which<br />

"looked like pneumonia, but had the peculIa,: symptom trongly<br />

" developed of great pain in the seventh cervICal proce . Many<br />

"person died of it after being in a comatose state for many hours or<br />

" days before their decease." This disease mnst surely have been<br />

some form of cerebro-spinal meningitis.<br />

I t was, I believe, first recognised on the Rand<br />

about 1894, and lately there has been a recrudescence<br />

of the disea e here, which, it is to be hoped, is<br />

not the forerunner of an extensive epidemic.<br />

I personally first met with cases of cerebro-spinal<br />

meningitis on transports carrying indentured coolies<br />

from the East to the West Indies. These<br />

vessels take nearly six months on their<br />

voyage. I remember how surprised I was at the<br />

precautions the snrgeon-superintendents took to<br />

isolate these cases, and how seriously they regarded<br />

an outbreak among the emigrants.<br />

One surgeon informed me he would sooner ha:re a<br />

case of cholera on his ship than one of cerebro-spmal<br />

meningitis, and, as he had had 30 years' expe~ience<br />

in that service, his opinion was worthy of consIderation.<br />

Other slUgeons informed me of the fearful havoc<br />

the disease had at times made among the coolies.<br />

I am afraid to qllote defi nite figures, but, to the best<br />

of my recollection, I was informed that one vessel<br />

arrived in Table Bay with only half her passengers;<br />

and. as these boats usually carry about 800 emIgrants,<br />

it means there must have been a fearful<br />

mortality.<br />

Recently I have had cases under my care OCClU<br />

ring among natives arriving for work on the mines,<br />

and my account of the disease is based on these.<br />

nerebro-spinal meningitis is caused by an invasi~n<br />

of the human system by one or more of CeI'tam<br />

organisms, the seat of the disease being the membranes<br />

of the brain and spinal cord. The following<br />

organisms have, among others, been found to cause<br />

the disease :-<br />

(1). Pneumococcus.<br />

(2). Meningococcus intracellularis.<br />

(3). Streptococcus pyogenes.<br />

(4). Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus.<br />

(5). Influenza bacillus.<br />

(6). Typhoid bacillus.<br />

(7). Bacillus coli.<br />

My cases, with two exceptions, were infected<br />

with one of the first three on tIle list. -<br />

I believe that cases of mixed infection of the<br />

meninges, with the pneumococcus and meningococcus,<br />

have been recorded. one of the bacteriological<br />

examinations made for me showed this, but on<br />

one occasion the meningococcus was found in the<br />

purulent material in the pia-arachnoid of the brain,<br />

and the pneumococcus was obtained from the lungs.<br />

Tuberculous meningitis does not come under the<br />

head of cerebro-spinal meningitis. I have only<br />

had one very doubtful case among natives, which<br />

is remarkable, considering how prone the native on<br />

the Rand i to contract tuberculous disease of other<br />

organs of the body. i[oreover, I have only heard<br />

of the OC~Hrenceof'one case of tuberculolls meningitis,<br />

which wa confirmed by post-mortem examination;<br />

it was under the care of Dr. Rigby.<br />

All my patients were adult males, many of whom<br />

spoke a language understood by few Europeans in<br />

thi COllntry, a fact which may account for differences<br />

between my de cription and those of other observers,<br />

also for the apparent absence in many cases of minor

December, 1907. THE TRA SVAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOURNAL. 95<br />

premonitory symptoms, such as malaise, etc., which<br />

would not come under my personal observation.<br />

I can find no difference in the clinical signs of the<br />

disease, whether it be caused by infection with<br />

meningococcus or pneumococcus. My expe~-ience<br />

with other organisms is too limited to permIt me<br />

to express an opinion as to whether they produce<br />

variations in the symptoms.<br />


My cases may be divided into two distinct classes<br />

according to the symptoms :-<br />

(i.) Those in which the primary symptoms are<br />

of a cerebral type.<br />

(ii.) Those in which the cerebral symptoms do<br />

not develop for some days after the onset<br />

of sickness; such cases I shall refer to as<br />

the "delayed type."<br />

Class 1. may be subdivided into :-<br />

(a) Those in which the onset of the disease IS<br />

gradual.<br />

(b) Cases in which the onset is sudden.<br />

The following is a short clinical picture of cases<br />

belonging to division (a) of Class I., in which the<br />

onset of cerebral symptoms is gradual. .<br />

The patient comes before th~ doc~or in<br />

a tottering condition, with a most tYPlC~1 ga~t. He<br />

has evidently the greatest fear of extendmg hIS legs;<br />

he takes short steps, with his feet set somewhat far<br />

apart, seeming to b~ afraid that his knees will g~ve<br />

way, and plants hIS feet flat on the ground wlth<br />

caution. The way he holds his head is characteristic;<br />

it looks as if he were trying to balance some<br />

heavy load. . .<br />

Nothing will induce him to benc~ any pOl-bon. of<br />

his spinal column. If asked to pJCk up anythmg<br />

from the ground, he lets himself down gradually by<br />

bending his knees. A closer examination w.ill show<br />

that the patient's neck is rigid, and he reslsts any<br />

attempt at flexion, and it is evident that any such<br />

movement causes him intense pain.<br />

Kernig's sign, an inability to extend the knee<br />

joint, after the thigh has been flexed, ,may be present<br />

in one or both legs.<br />

I think that in dealing with raw natives one can<br />

often judge of the presence of this sign, more by the<br />

('xnression of pain on the patient's face. when an<br />

attempt is made to extend the knee after flexion<br />

of the thigh, than by the actual feeling of resistance<br />

to the arm. The patient complains of intense headache<br />

and p!1in down the back of his neck. The temperature<br />

lS above normal; the lips and tongue may<br />

have sordes on them, and it is possibly only a matter<br />

of from a few hours to two or three days before such a<br />

case dpvelops all the symptoms of the disease in its<br />

most severe form, opisthotonos becoming extreme,<br />

and Kernig's sign being readily obtained, the<br />

patient generally losing consciousness and falling<br />

into a state of muttering delirium, often accompanied<br />

by a series of epileptiform seizures, during<br />

which he throws himself from his bed, bruising anrl<br />

cutting himself; finally death ensues, the result, I<br />

believe, of pressure, combined with toxic poisoning.<br />

Under the heading (b), in which the onset of<br />

cerebral symptoms is very rapid, the patient may<br />

fall down as if in an epileptic fit, and enquiry possibly<br />

elicits the fact that on the previous night he<br />

had complained of headache. The patient may<br />

recover from the seizure, and be subject to a simple<br />

mania for a few hours, when suddenly his temperature<br />

will run up, opisthotonos will develop, and<br />

I\:ernig's sign and other symptoms become apparent.<br />

The following is a good example of this type of<br />

the disease :-<br />

An Myambaam youth (No. 48,668), who had been returned<br />

from one of t~e mines on August 30th, 1905, convalescent<br />

from pneumoma, but who, though somewhat debilitated<br />

see~l1.ed to be. hea!thy, was standing with the other boy~<br />

waltmg for hIS raIlway pass, when he had a fit. A police<br />

boy told me that there was a boy .. plenty stiff over<br />

there.." When I saw the patient, he was apparently recovermg<br />

from an epileptic seizure, his eyes were staring,<br />

and froth was coming from his mouth; he had not completely<br />

recovered consciousness, and for the remainder of<br />

the day he was in a state of simple mania, very noisy and<br />

req,:iring constant restraint. I looked upon him as an<br />

ordlllary case of epilepsy and treated him with bromides.<br />

I was therefore surprised on the following morning to find that<br />

his temperature was 102'5° F.; his neck was rigid and<br />

retracted; Kernig's sign was present; pulse 120 per minute.<br />

These symptoms became accentuated, aud death occurred on<br />

September 6th, seven days after the seizure.<br />

Post-mortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of cerebrospinal<br />

meningitis, pus being found in the pia-arachnoid.<br />

Unfortunately no baderiological examination was<br />

made, but I have little doubt that this was a pneumococcal<br />

form of the disease. I shall refer to this<br />

case later on.<br />

Cases of this class are sometimes brought into<br />

hospital in a totally unconscious condition. Examination<br />

shows they are completely paralysed below the<br />

waist, the breathing is stertorous, the cheeks moving<br />

in and out with each inspiration and expiration,<br />

and the conjunctival reflexes absent. There is a<br />

total absence of all stiffness of the neck, and of<br />

Kernig's sign, but the temperature is high (103 to<br />

104 0 F.); the only account of any preliminary<br />

sickness, being usnally that the patient had a headache<br />

on the previolls day; in fact, except the high<br />

temperature, the patient has none of the symptomR<br />

of cerebro-spinal meningitis, but a.1l the signs of a.<br />

basal haemorrhag-e (which is not surprising, as a<br />

post-mortem examinntion shows a big clot of pm;<br />

at the base of the brain, causing the pressure symptoms).<br />

Such cases only survive a. few hours, and<br />

from the first it is evident that they must terminate<br />

fatally. .<br />

The following is a good example of this type:<br />

A ~1akll" (No. 61,969), about 32 years of age, was found<br />

unconscious, and carried into hospital; he had complete<br />

paralysis below the waist; his breathing was stertorous:<br />

his cheeks blowing in and out with each inspiration and<br />

expiration; a total absence of conjunctival reflexes; no<br />

stiffness of the neck, and Kernig's sign was absent. Temperature<br />

103; pulse 120.<br />

I at first diagnosed this case as one of basal<br />

haemorrhage, but could obtain no account of any<br />

assault or accident; the only history I could get waR<br />

that he had complai ned of severe headache the previous<br />

day. Death occurred within a few hours of<br />

admission.<br />

Post-mortem examination showed no naked eye<br />

appearance of pus in the pia mater of the cerebrum,<br />

but a heavy fibrino-purulent exudate at,<br />

the base. The fluid in the ventricles wa!l clear.

98 THE TRA fEDICAL JOUR AL. December, 1907.<br />

The lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys showed evidence<br />

of acute toxic poisoning.<br />

Bacteriological examination demonstrated the presence<br />

of meningococci in the exudate at the base.<br />

No pneumococci could be found.<br />

I must admit that, though I made the diagnosis of<br />

cerebro-spinal meningitis in this case, when I attended<br />

the post-mortem examination I did so with<br />

a certain amount of trepidation. I half expected to<br />

find a ba al haemorrhage, and no evidence of meningitis.<br />

There i one other type coming into this class, of<br />

which I have only een two or three cases. They<br />

were brought into hospital in a drow y, semi-conscious<br />

tate, from which the. could only be roused<br />

with the greate t difficulty, and then but for short<br />

intervals.<br />

They gave o:oe the impression that they wished to<br />

be left alone and allowed to go to sleep. They<br />

could not be got to answer questions. They evidently<br />

could not collect themselves sufficiently to<br />

under tand what was being said to them.<br />

They did not complain of any pain, neither did<br />

they show any evidence of it.<br />

An examination revealed nothing abnormal. Their<br />

pupils were equal and of normal size. The conjunctival<br />

reflexs were pre ent. There was no stiffness<br />

of the neck, nor could Kernig's ign be demonstrated.<br />

The first of these cases which I saw I diagnosed as<br />

one of acute alcohollsm, though I could neither smell<br />

spirits, nor get a history of the patient having obtained<br />

any.<br />

The man's temperature was only 99° F. ; he was<br />

collapsed.<br />

I was not absolutely certain of my diagnosis, but<br />

I had seen several natives, in a similar condition,<br />

as a re ult of taking a large draught of some form<br />

of illicit liquor.<br />

I pre cribed five grains of calomel, a hypodermic<br />

injection of strychnine if nece sary, and hot water<br />

bottles, etc.<br />

The following day it was found that some stiffness<br />

of the neck had developed, and that Kernig's<br />

sign could be demonstrated. Other signs of cerebrospinal<br />

menigitis then became apparent, and a correct<br />

diagnosis was made.<br />

In these cases, though, the stiffness of the neck<br />

and ICernig's sign do not come on at first. The<br />

primary symptoms are undoubtedly of a cerebral<br />

nature, and they therefore come into Class Cb).<br />

Both of the foregoing types of case are pitfalls for<br />

the police surgeon. The first would be very apt to<br />

be sent to the wards to be treated for basal fracture'.<br />

if he were brought into a, casualty hospital with a<br />

history of having been found unconscious in the<br />

street; and the second "'ould stand every chance,<br />

under similar circumstances, of being sent to the<br />

cells until sober, and fit to be charged for drunkenue<br />

s. .<br />

Clas n. is that which I have ugge ted might be referred<br />

to as the "delayed type" of the disease. nder<br />

this heading patients are admitted to hospital with<br />

a high temperature and headache. No other symptoms<br />

of any sort can be found. When dealing with<br />

such cases from tropical areas, and having examined<br />

the heart and lungs ,,,ithout any result, one is<br />

general;y, I think, justified in believing that the<br />

pati nt i suffering from some form of malarial<br />

trouble.<br />

But in these cases under consideration antimalarial<br />

treatment has no effect. The patient remains<br />

in the same state for three or four or even<br />

five days without any drop in the temperature or<br />

development of fresh symptoms. Such patients<br />

are repeatedly examined; enteric and every other<br />

form of fever is con idered, until at last one notices<br />

a slight stiffness of the spinal column, only to be<br />

elicited by flexing the neck, so as to bring the chin<br />

down on to the sternum. At first the stiffness is<br />

sliRht; perhaps Kernig's sign can be demonstrated<br />

with difficulty in one leg. These symptoms, however,<br />

soon increase in intensity; the stiffness of the<br />

neck is apparent, and Kernig's sign is noticeable in<br />

both legs, and the patient gradually enters the final<br />

stages of the disease already described.<br />

'rhe following case illustrates this type:<br />

A Makua (No. 60,947) was admitted to hospital on January<br />

28th, 1906, with a temperature of 100° F.; no other sign<br />

of disease could be found. The case was looked upon as<br />

one of malaria, for which he was treated without effect.<br />

On February 2nd it was first noticed that there was some<br />

stiffness of the neck, but Kernig's sign could not be demonstrated.<br />

This condition continued lmtil the 8th, during<br />

which time the temperature did not fall below 100°<br />

F., but on two occasions rose in the mornings to 1020 F.<br />

On February 8th Kernig's sign could just be demonstrated,<br />

but was not marked until the 15th. After that date the<br />

symptoms became much accentuated; by the 20th opisthotonos<br />

·was marked, and the patient bec....me semi-conscious.<br />

On the 23rd there was intense headache, and death<br />

occurred the following morning.<br />

This case is interesting, as showing the exceedingly<br />

gradual manner in which the symptoms ma:,<br />

develop.<br />

A post-mortem examination showed the lungs :.mu<br />

heart to be normal; the abdominal organs V\·~rc<br />

healthy, except that the calices of the kidneys were<br />

dilated, and there were bilharzia worms in the portal<br />

vessels.<br />

The vessels over the convexity of the brain were<br />

acutely congested. Under the base was a little pale<br />

yellow-coloured fibrino-purulent exudate, and the<br />

ventricles contained some fluid pus.<br />

Bacteriological examination of the pus III this<br />

case was unfortunately not recorded.<br />

Thi gives a brief clinical picture of the various<br />

tvpes of the disease. But in certain cases the<br />

. symptoms appear to abort, sometimes before Kernig's<br />

sig-n has developed, at other times afterwards.<br />

In some of these cases the patient can be discharged<br />

from ho pital in ten days, but as a rule the<br />

time necessary for complete recovery is much longer.<br />

The following case illustrates the abortive type :-<br />

A<br />

1akua (No. 60,(05), aged about 20 years, was admitted to<br />

hospital on February 2nd with a headache, temperature<br />

102, a stiff neck, and the characteristic d isi nel ination to<br />

bend the spine. Kernig's sign, if present, was so slightly<br />

. marked that it was difficult to form a definite opinion as<br />

to its presence or absence. On February 3rd there was<br />

no doubt that Kernig's sign was absent, but the neck was<br />

still stiff. By the 5th some movement of the neck had been<br />

recovered; the temperature, which had been irregular, fell<br />

to normal, and the patient said he was not sick. By the<br />

8th he had regained complete movement of his neck. The<br />

temperature during the following three weeks shewed occasional<br />

erratic rises, but the boy eventually recovered completely,<br />

and was discharged on March 3rd, 1906, after being<br />

in hospital 33 days.

December, 1907. THE TR vAll <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOUR AL. 97<br />

These ca es which abort are important, because,<br />

though" they may be diagno ed and treated for<br />

cerebro-spinal meningiti , their OCCUlT nce clearly<br />

indicates that there are probably numbers of others,<br />

with the symptom le s sev re even than in the c~"e<br />

quoted, which would not come under the not~ce<br />

of a medical man; or, if seen, might very easIly<br />

be passed over as being infiuemm, and such cases<br />

could serve as carrier of the disease from place to<br />

place.<br />

It now remains to discuss the more ip1portant<br />

individual symptoms. In doing so, I ~hall ~ndeavour<br />

to introduce them, as far as possIble, ID the<br />

order of their importance :-<br />

(1.) The temperature in my cases was, with one<br />

exception, above norlllal on admissio~ but<br />

later in the disea e it varied exceedmgly.<br />

Twenty-four hours before death it fell to<br />

normal or sub-normal in many instances.<br />

The height it reached was no indication of<br />

the severitv of the case; some with the<br />

highest temperatures eventually r~cove.re~.<br />

But while any sign of fever remams, It IS<br />

very risky to form a favomabl~ 'p~ognosi~.<br />

(2.) Stiffness of the neck. The ngldlty.whIC.h<br />

affects the whole length of the spille IS.<br />

most marked in the cervical region. It<br />

is present in a greater or less degree at<br />

some period of the disease in every .case of<br />

cerebra-spinal meningitis, except ID the<br />

fulminating cases already referred t?<br />

It mn,y vary in extent from a st.ate, m<br />

which the movement of the neck IS only<br />

slightly limited, to one in which th~ nec.k<br />

is retracted to its fullest, and the patient IS<br />

in a state of extreme opisthotonos.<br />

(3.) Kernig's sign is probably the next most<br />

constant symptom, except in the f?l~inating<br />

ca es; but ~ as alre~dy ~tated, It IS frequently<br />

late ID mal~mg It~ appeara.nce,<br />

sometimes not appearIng until several days<br />

after the neck has been stiff, and other<br />

symptoms have developed; usually at first<br />

it is present in one leg only. _ .<br />

It is one of the earliest sympt.oms to disappear<br />

and its disappearance is of favourable augury.<br />

The peculiar gait is, I take it, part and parcel.of<br />

the spinal symptoms, and therefore does not reqmre<br />

further mention.<br />

vVe may consider the temperature, the spinal<br />

symptoms and Kernig's sign as the three symptoms<br />

typical of the disease.<br />

RASH.<br />

Though the disease is known i~ some countries<br />

as spotted fever, with the exceptIOn of heI'pe~, I<br />

have only seen a rash in t\V~ cases of cerebro-splI~al<br />

meningitis. One was a patIent ~ho had a pecuhar<br />

mottling of the skin over the thIghs and abdomen,<br />

which disappeared in .48 hours. I. am ~ot prepared<br />

to state it had any connectIOn wIth the<br />

disease. . h<br />

The other was a Zulu. a lighter coloured boy, W 0<br />

developed a high ternperature (104 0 F.), with a<br />

rash something like confluent measles, but t~e spots<br />

were more raised than is u ually the case m that<br />

disease. This boy eventually developed cerebral<br />

symptoms, bnt recovered.<br />

Herpes of the lip and round the alae of th nose<br />

was not uncommon, usually coming out about th<br />

third or fow' h day f the di ase, but I ha e s en<br />

it well marked on the first day.<br />

Herp's appears to be an unfavourable sign, but<br />

the South African .nativ· is peculin,rly prone to<br />

it, as the slightest indisposition may cause an<br />

eruption.<br />

Retention of urine ,,"as common among th<br />

patients; it should n,1\\'ays be looked for. I know<br />

of no disease in which the use of a catheter is 0<br />

frequently called for.<br />

The emi-conscious state of some of the patients<br />

probably p rmits them to endme di tend d bladder<br />

without showing signs of di comfort.<br />

Rhinitis, a purulent streaming di charge from n<br />

or both no tr:ils, often commenced uddenly, as on<br />

of the primary symptoms, n,nd milder forms of<br />

rhinitis were suspicioLlsly frequent among contacts.<br />

I gl:eatly regret I did not cause a systematic bacteriological<br />

examination to be made of all nn,sal discharge<br />

of both patients and contacts.<br />

Epistaxis was met with in a few cas s, but on<br />

no occasion was it severe enough to cause any<br />

anxiety. Once it reculTed after the interval of a<br />

few days.<br />

In all ca es the bleeding cea ed under treatment<br />

with calcium chloride.<br />

ystagmus and strabismus were lloticed occasionally<br />

in the later stagcs of the disease, but I hn,ve seen<br />

patients admitted to hospital with well-mal'ked<br />

nystagmus.<br />

Conjunctivitis of a highly purulent type was a<br />

noticeable feature in lllany cases of the disea e. I<br />

regret that no records of this symptom were kep .<br />

Bowels.-In some ca es the patients had acute<br />

diarrhrea, but this ",a' not, a a rule a mark d feature<br />

of the disease. In several cases, howev r, the cerebral<br />

symptoms were u hered in by mild attack vf<br />

diarrhrea, which is interesting when con'idering<br />

Drs. McDonald and Fowler's views on the mode of<br />

infection, to be mentioned later. \\ e must not,<br />

however, overlook the fact that most of the patients<br />

concerned were tropical or sub-tropical natives,<br />

omewhat prone to inte·tinal disorders, and very<br />

liable to commit errors in their diet.<br />

Urine.-Albuminuria occurrcd frcquently, but<br />

owing to the number of patient suffering from<br />

bilharzia, the presence of albumen in the urine was<br />

of small significance. The same r mark applies to<br />

haematuria.<br />

Spleen.-I note that OsIer ay the spleen as a<br />

rule is enlarged; but in my ea es this sign was of no<br />

moment, because the boys had all more or less enlarged<br />

spleens, due to malaria.<br />

\Vhile discussing the symptom', I would draw<br />

your attention to several interesting points which<br />

require explanation.<br />

A. What is the eau e of Kernig'. sign? One might<br />

ugge t that in some cases i re ulted from ~u<br />

pre ing on certain nerve centre ; but, on refernng<br />

to the po t-mortem examination r cords, ca es ar<br />

met with in which all the ymptom. of cerebropinal<br />

meningiti were pre ent during lif , including<br />

Kernig's ign, yet on op ning the kull no pus could<br />

b found in the pia mater, and in some of th se<br />

there was an absence of both m ningococci and

'l'HE 1'RA S\ At M1

( December, 1907. THE TRA SVAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOUR AL. 99<br />

hour. Po t-mortem examination reveals a large<br />

clot of pus at the base of the brain, which one would<br />

think could not have been formed in the short time<br />

which has elapsed since the onset of symptoms.<br />

It seems possible that the pressure of the fluid in<br />

the spinal column at times changes rapidly. ]I<br />

such is the case, should pu commence to form at a<br />

low pres. me, it might for a time e cape re i tance,<br />

but on the pres un~ increasing, it can be understood<br />

that violent pressure symptoms would come on suddenly.<br />

Dr. Geo. Turner, ledical Officer of Health for<br />

the Transvaal, however, suggests that the sudden<br />

onset of symptoms is due to the rapidity with which<br />

the pus is formed, a he state a quantity of pu<br />

slowly formed would produce little effect, becau e<br />

the spinal fluid would be ab orbed pari passu, but a<br />

rapid formation would give ri e to pressure symptoms,<br />

as there would be no time for compensating<br />

absorption of cerebro-spinal fluid.<br />


Regarding these, I need say little; a glance<br />

through the records of post-mortem examinations<br />

shows that pneumonia, pericarditis and pleurisy are<br />

common.<br />

Blindness.-Several of my patients have had complete<br />

loss of vision, as a reslllt of the disease, but I<br />

think that, with one exception, they all of them<br />

regained their normal sight, though not till after<br />

some months.<br />

Deafness and dumbness, said to be frequent, particularly<br />

when European children are attacked, is<br />

not common with adult natives. I have only seen<br />

it on one occasion following an attack of meningitis.<br />

Mental Defic-iency.-On several occasions my<br />

patients, after making an apparently good recovery,<br />

have been found to be mentally deficient. It is<br />

difficult to make any very definite statement on this<br />

subject, because the border line between sanity and<br />

insanity in the raw native is a very narrow one.<br />

Further, unle s one can understand the native language<br />

well, it is very difficult to say whether a native<br />

is affected mentally unless, of course, he is in a state<br />

of acute mania, the form of insanity most common<br />

amongst uneducated natives.<br />

PROGNO I .<br />

This varies with the type of the disease which is<br />

prevalent.<br />

Out of 193 fatal cases, death occurred on an<br />

average after 11'80 days of sidmess, but among the e<br />

there were three which had very prolonged illnesses,<br />

viz., 209, 111, and 129 days. If these are deducted,<br />

the average period of death \Va 9'7 days.<br />

It need only be said hat the prognosis is in all<br />

cases serious. One can never be certain that an :tpparently<br />

mild case may not relapse after the disappearance<br />

of all symptoms, and then die of the most<br />

accentuated form of the disease.<br />



Per onally, I have never een a case of the di ease<br />

which I could trace to direct contact with another<br />

patient, but we must not overlo?k the fact that. mild<br />

abortive ca e are wrongly dlagno ed at tlIll s.<br />

Herein lies the danger of stating that the disease is<br />

not acutely infectious.<br />

On t\ 0 occa ions I have een patients ufT ring<br />

\yith a high temperature (104 0 F.), and severe h adache,<br />

which followed their occupation of<br />

room recently u~ed by well-marked case<br />

of cerebro- pinal meningitis, but these boys<br />

howed no tiltlle~s of the neck n ither<br />

did any other ymptom of the disea' e app ar<br />

in th m, and they recovered in a few days. Thcy<br />

were su pected to be suIT ring from the initial stages<br />

of meningitis, and they may have had a very mild<br />

form of it, but I do not think one would have been<br />

justified in making a lumbar puncture under the circumstances<br />

to verify or refute the diagnosis.<br />

I personally do not think that ceTebro-spinal<br />

meningitis is acutely infectious. uch a tat ment<br />

mu t be accepted cautiou'ly, with the above facts<br />

b fore one.<br />

Dr. Robertson, l\Iedical Officer for Leith, in his<br />

paper on "Outbreak of Epidemic Cerebro- pinal<br />

Meningitis," published in the Brit-ish Medical<br />

Journal of July 27th, 1907, enters into this question<br />

more fully than I can do here.<br />


This from a public health point of view is a<br />

matter of importance. I am of the opinion that it<br />

will eventually be proved that the period of incubation<br />

may range from a comparatively short one, to<br />

one of several weeks' duration.<br />

I note that in the report ofthe Congress of the Incorporated<br />

Sanitary A sociation of cotland, h~lrl on<br />

September 6th, 1907, it i tated that Dr. Chalmers,<br />

the Medical Officer of Health for Glasgow, was ot<br />

the opinion that the incubation period might be a<br />

matter of months. The belief in this prolonged<br />

period of incubation is justified in many ways.<br />

In the first place, Drs. 1\Iary Goodwin and Anna<br />

von Sholly proved that the meningococcus might<br />

exist in the no tril of person for at lea t three<br />

weeks without causing any symptoms.<br />

Dr. Williams, who was on the \\ est Coast, informed<br />

me that while he was examining blood films,<br />

made from natives whom he believed free from the<br />

disease, and whose blood he required as a control for<br />

samples taken from persons undoubtedly infected,<br />

he was surprised to find the meningococcus on<br />

several occasions, which led him to keep these persons<br />

under observation. He was able to prove that<br />

all those in whose blood he had found the meningococcus,<br />

developed the ordinary ym ptoms of cerebra-spinal<br />

meningitis, and ome of them died.<br />

The incubation period in these cases of Dr. Wil­<br />

!iams, though unknown, was undoubtedly a long onc.<br />

Again, since the meningococcus and pneumococcus<br />

:1re closely allied, we may expect them to behave in<br />

somewhat imilar ways, and we kno\y that tho pneumococcus<br />

may remain in the ystem for long periods<br />

before making itself apparent.<br />

The following case, I think, illustrates very well<br />

the vagaries of the pneumococcus :-<br />

H. \V. H., a male European, aged 33 years, contracted<br />

facial erysipelas as the reRult of a fall from<br />

bis bicycle, in which he had abraded onc side of hi.<br />

lace. He was admi ted to the Inf etiou Disease<br />

Ho pital on August 12 h, 1904, with a high temperature<br />

: he oon b came d lirious: he had a cough,<br />

311d his lungs were cong t d at both ha es; he spat<br />

a quantity oi brown purulent material. The con-

100 December, 1907.<br />

dition of his lungs at the time was considered to be<br />

t.he result of septic infection, due to erysipelas. He<br />

rallied, made a rapid recovery, and was di charged<br />

on Augu t 25 th, 1904. Five we ks later, he felt 3<br />

pain in the left inguinal region, clnd three or four<br />

day later he noticed a slight swelling there, which<br />

increased.<br />

His medical man. Dr. Ashe, was good enough tu<br />

allow me to examinc him. I could obtain no history<br />

of any injury to the foot, of exposure to tick<br />

bite , or vermin of any kind, or any history of<br />

venereal disease. His temperature was normal,<br />

tongue clean, complexion good, and he did not feel<br />

or look in any way sick.<br />

The bubo was opened. I obtained from the pus<br />

a pure culture of a diplococcus, which answered to all<br />

the tests for the pneumococcu ,so far as staining and<br />

mieroscopical appearances went.<br />

It appears to me that this is a case in which the<br />

pneumococcus had been in the system from the tin",<br />

that the patient was first admitted to hospital, that<br />

the pneumonia from which he was suffering Oll admission<br />

was of the ordinary pneumococcal variety,<br />

and therefore the incubation period for the glano<br />

trouble was not less than five weeks.<br />

The cas~ at any rate is interesting, though the<br />

deductions are open to many fallacies, because the<br />

investigation was not nearly so complete as one<br />

would have liked.<br />

To demonstrate further the time the pneumococcus<br />

may remain concealed in the system before breaking'<br />

out, let us consider the cases of pneumococcal meningitis<br />

following pneumonia. In the earlier part of<br />

this paper I quoted the case of a native, returncd<br />

from one of the mines with debility following pnellmonia,<br />

who Ruddenly contracted meningitis and dierl.<br />

The incubation period for this case of menin~-iti.<br />

must have been at least from the commencement of<br />

the pneumonia, a matter of several weeks.<br />

These cases and others leave no doubt in my mind<br />

that the incubation period of pneumococcal menin·<br />

I;itis may be very long, sometimes a question of<br />

several weeks. Such b0ing the case, I see no reason<br />

why the meningococcal form of meningitis should<br />

not have an equally long incubation period.<br />

J3esidc~ this, I have on several occasions noticed<br />

that among::;t a body of emigrants wbo have been<br />

under observation for severu,l weeks, four or five<br />

cases of cerebro-spinu,l meningitis may occur sud·<br />

denly within two or three days; the disease then<br />

stops. no further cases occurring.<br />

This suggests not only that the disease is noi<br />

acutely infectious. otherwise further cases would<br />

December, 1907. THE TRA SVAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOURNAL. 101<br />

rasion in the mucous membrane of the no tTil ,<br />

th.rough inflamed ton ils, or by means of biting<br />

insects, etc.<br />

That the diplococcus does not always travel direct<br />

"from the mucous membrane of the nostrils to the<br />

meninges of the brain, as described by ome authorities,<br />

is proved by Dr. William , who found the<br />

meningococci in blood film<br />

had never hewn· any sign<br />

taken from patients who<br />

of cerebro-spinal meningitis,<br />

and who, though at the time the film was<br />

taken appeared perfectly well, afterwards contracted<br />

the disease.<br />

'l'he human system might be invaded through one<br />

or more of the following entrances:-<br />

(1). Alimentary tract.<br />

(2). Lungs.<br />

(3). ares.<br />

(4). Tonsils.<br />

(5). Conjunctivae.<br />

(6). Skin. .<br />

Alimentary Tmct.-Dr. Fowler supports a COIItention,<br />

originally put forward by Dr. Stewart<br />

McDonald, that epidemic cerebro-spinal meningiis<br />

may be related to acute abdominal infection. The<br />

organism invading tbe nervous system through the<br />

spinal meninges. Certainly my experience among<br />

natives does not support this theory.<br />

It is a question, however, I have not thoroughly<br />

investigated. It is possible that adults may not<br />

contract the disease in this manner; but infants, and<br />

young children, of "'hom I have had no experience,<br />

may do so.<br />

Lungs and Bronchi.-" e know that the pneumococcal<br />

variety of meningitis is frequently, but<br />

not by any means ahvays, preceded by an attack of<br />

pneumonia, and in these particular cases it is probable<br />

that the organism first gained access to the<br />

system through the lungs, though it may not have<br />

nttackeq the meninges till weeks later.<br />

The meningococcus may in the same way OCC'1­<br />

s'onaIIy gain access to the system through the lungs,<br />

hnt only under exc('ntional circumstances; as<br />

it is improbable. if infection occurred through<br />

the lungs, that the preliminary sympto~s of bronchitis,<br />

etc., would not frequently mamfest themselves,<br />

which is not the case.<br />

On the other hand, I believe that in a large number<br />

of cases of pure meningococcal meningitis. th('<br />

lnogs are infected secondarily, because one cannot<br />

help being impressed by the number of post-mortem<br />

examinations in which red hepatisation is found at<br />

the bases of the lungs, even when death has not<br />

occurred for some days after the commencement of<br />

the illness, and in which, had pneumonia been a<br />

primary symptom, grey hepatisation would have<br />

replaced the red.<br />

Nares.-There seems little doubt that it i~ through<br />

the muCous membrane of the nares that the bulk of<br />

the meningococcal cases receive infection. I think<br />

this supposition is justified :-<br />

(1). By the numbers of<br />

•<br />

cases<br />

.<br />

m which<br />

there is an acute purulent rhinitis among<br />

the primary ymptoms.<br />

(2). By the prevalence of cases in which the<br />

primary symptoms are of a cerebral nature.<br />

(3). By the re nits of the bacteriological examination<br />

of the discharge from the nostrils<br />

of patient and contacts made in several<br />

parts of the world.<br />

(4). By the results of post-mortem examinations<br />

made by Drs. Brodie, Rogers and Hamilton,<br />

supplemented by bacteriological examination.<br />

The question a to how the Ql'gani m enters the<br />

human y tern, from the mucous membran of the<br />

no trils is a di puted one. I have little doubt<br />

that sometimes it gains acce s through abrasions in<br />

the mucou m mbrane of the nares; at other times,<br />

to quote Drs. Brodie, Rogers, and Hamilton: " The<br />

" most u ual coursL' to ·th interior of the skull is from<br />

"the muco-perio teum of the sphenoidal sinus to<br />

" the sheaths of the nerves imbedded in the walls<br />

" of the cavemou.' inu, and thence, by direct ex­<br />

" tension, to the arachnoid and pia mater.<br />

" In other ca e nndoubtedly the Ql'gani m infect<br />

" the meninges by extension along.the nerves or ves­<br />

" sels traversing the (Tibriform nlate of the ethmoid.<br />

" It has been shewn that the nasal lymphatics are in<br />

"communication \yith the subdural and subarach­<br />

" noid spaces by means of perineural paths. An­<br />

" other possible route i by the Eu tachian tube to<br />

" the middle ear and petrous bone thence by the<br />

" seventh and eighth nerve sheaths."<br />

Dr. Robertson, however in his paper, published<br />

in the British lIIedical Journal of July 27th, 1907,<br />

states inter a.lia: " Jn fact, I have the as urance of<br />

" my re pected teacher of anatomy, Pro£. Cleland,<br />

" of Glasgow, that it i extremely unlikely t4at-the<br />

"meningococci can pass readily, if at all, by the<br />

" nasal rout~that is, through bony structures."<br />

The point is, therefore, debatable; but I think the<br />

majority of people \\'ho have made post-mortem examinations<br />

of cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis will<br />

favour the views of Drs. Broclie, Rogers and Hamilton.<br />

Tonsils.-Infection through the tonsils is probably<br />

not uncommon, hence the frequency with which one<br />

hears of sore throats preceding attacks of cerebrospinal<br />

meningitis (. ee the case quoted by Dr. Cun-ie<br />

in the Transvaal 111edical Journal), and also the remarks<br />

by others when describing outbreaks of<br />

meningitis in different parts of the world.<br />

Among natives, J have not noticed cases of sore<br />

throat. I have not looked for them especially, but<br />

for some reason the Bantu race does not eem to be<br />

so susceptible to pharyngeal troubles as European .<br />

Conjunctivae.-It is possible that infection may<br />

occur throngh the conjnnctivae. Purulent conjunctivitis<br />

i a common featnre of the disease. The infection<br />

of these membrane may. of conrse, be<br />

secondary to that of the Schneiderian membranes,<br />

with which they are in direct commnnication throngh<br />

the nasal and lachrymal canals.<br />

Dr. Napier con ider that the infection of the<br />

conjunctivae is probably the result of the patient<br />

conveying infections material from his nostrils with<br />

his fingers to the membranes.<br />

But. quite anart from the conjnnctivitis.lmet with<br />

several ca es (abont a dozen) in whom choroiditis,<br />

r ndering the patients quite blind, preceded the<br />

cerebro- pinal meningitis.<br />

Dr. J apier. who was good enough to examine these<br />

cases, was of the opinion that this condition waR<br />

the result of infection with either toe pneumococcus<br />

or meningococcus.

102<br />

THE TB<br />

VAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOUR<br />

AL.<br />

Declmber; 1907_<br />

Skin.-I see no reason why the disease should not<br />

be ca,nied through the skin by biting insects, though<br />

I know the idea, has all' ady been advanced by some<br />

(among others, 'urgeon J. F. Anderson, D.S.A.),<br />

and refuted by other authorities.<br />

But on one occasion while making smears from<br />

lice, fre hly fed on the blood of persons suffering<br />

from cerebro-spinal meningiti, I found in the<br />

leucocyte, contained in their bodies, cocci, which<br />

I believed to be cliplococci. Whether they were<br />

meningococci or not I, of cour e, cannot say. I<br />

have not been able to make furth l' investigations,<br />

but think the pos ibility of infection being carried<br />

by vermin worth remembering.<br />

Mortality.-The mortality, as with the prognosis,<br />

varies with the type of the disease. Occasionally<br />

one has a series of cases attacked with the most virulent<br />

type of infection, in which probably not one<br />

patient survives. At other times a comparatively<br />

mild form prevails, and a, fair number of good recoveries<br />

may be expected.<br />

I have been able to obtain records of 279 cases<br />

among mine ·native. Of these, 196 or 70'25 per<br />

cent. terminated fatally. The mortality would<br />

probably have been somewhat lower among Europeans.<br />

The following is a brief extract of 90 post-mortem<br />

examinations :--<br />

Bacteriological examination of the cerebro-spinal<br />

fluid and pus in the pia-arachnoid shewed that-<br />

Of 90 post-mortem, 45 contained meningococci.<br />

" 17 contained pneumococci.<br />

" 1 contained st.reptococci.<br />

" 1 contained gram - staining<br />

cocci, not the pneumococcus.<br />

"<br />

"<br />

6 gave negative results.<br />

20 were not recorded.<br />

90-<br />

As a rule, the blood vessels of the cortex were<br />

engorged with blood; in some cases intensely so.<br />

In one case there was a small haemorrhage at the<br />

base, and in another there was a number of petechiae<br />

on the inferior surface~ of both lobes of the cerebellum.<br />

The a.monnt of cerebral fluid was in many cases<br />

larger than normal.<br />

Pus.-There were mncroscopic evidences of pns<br />

in the- pia mater of the cerebnlm in 51 cases. In<br />

some the amount was Rmall, but in 30 cases it was<br />

present in considerable qnantities. In six cases<br />

it was especially plentifnl over the frontal lohes ..<br />

Twice. small localiRed pntches of purnlent flmcl,<br />

about the size of u shilling. wore found near the<br />

pncchioniur. boclies. . Therp wns a fibrino-pnrnlent<br />

deposit at the' ba. c of the brain in 69 inRtan~PR.<br />

On only eight occaRionR, where pus was plentlful<br />

in the pia m:1ter of the cerebrum, was it absent<br />

at the base. .<br />

No pus could be discovered, with the naked eye,<br />

in the cranial cavity in five instances.<br />

The ventricles contained pus in 32 of the cases.<br />

In addition, in five flakes of purulent material were<br />

floating in a nearly clear cerebral fluid.<br />

* Details of each post-mortem examination are given in tbe appendix"<br />

H cart.-In nine cases there were evidences of<br />

recent acute pericarditis. In' ten, the organ was<br />

flabby.<br />

Hypertrophy was noted on two occasions. Onc~<br />

there were vegetations on the aortic l:USPS, and on e<br />

these valves were atheromatous. .<br />

Lttngs.-The right and left lungs were normal on<br />

Q3 occasions.<br />

The right lung was congested 39 times.<br />

The right lung had red hepatisation 18 "<br />

The right lung had grey hepatisation 8 "<br />

The right lung had tuberculous nodules 2 "<br />

The left lung was congested 50 times.<br />

The left lung had red hepatisation 15"<br />

The left lung had grey hepatisation 1"<br />

The left lung had tuberculous nodules 1 "<br />

There \Vere evidences of pleurisy on 17 occasions.<br />

Abdo11linal Organs.-It is sufficient to say that<br />

~here were frequent evidences of acute toxic poison­<br />

Illg.<br />

Livers.-An old yphilitic lesion was met with<br />

once.<br />

10 livers were cirrhotic.<br />

4 livers were fatty.<br />

:2 livers were waxy.<br />

2 livers were markedly anaemIC.<br />

16 livers were very acutely congested.<br />

Spleen.-As \yould be expected, among a class of<br />

patients llniformly infected with mal::tria, the spleens<br />

were usually enlarged, and on 36 occasions were<br />

fl.cutely congested. .<br />

[(idnells.-In one the capsnle was adherent; in<br />

seven dilatation of the calices was noted, two were<br />

anaemic, and acute congestion was noted on 32<br />

occasions.<br />

In conclusion. gentlemen, I have to express my<br />

thanks to Dr. McCrae, Dr. May and Mr. Josephs,<br />

of the Govern'ment Laboratories, Johannesburg, for<br />

the bacteriological examinations of all the specimens<br />

qnoted in this paper.<br />

REFERE CE."l.<br />

"Epidemic Cerehro-spinal Meningitis," by J. S. Fowler. Review<br />

of Nenrology and Psychiatry. April, 1907.<br />

"Acnte Specific Rhinitis," by W. H. Brodie, M.D., ana W.<br />

G. Rogers, M.S., M.D.<br />

Novemher, 1894.<br />

South Africa-n Medical Joumal,<br />

"Contribution to the Pathology of InfectJon by the Pnenmococcns,"<br />

by W. H. Brodie, M.D., W. G. Rogers, M.D_,<br />

M.S., E. T. E. Hamilton, B.Sc., M.D., M.S. Lancet,<br />

1898.<br />

"The Freqnent Occurrence of Meningococci in the Nasal Cavities<br />

of feningitis Patients and in those in direct contact<br />

with them," by Mary E. Goodwin and Anua I. von Sholly.<br />

Journal of Infectious Disease, Febrnary 2nd, 1906.<br />

Reginald Farmr'g Report to the Local Government Board<br />

on cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis, occnrring in Irthlingborough,<br />

August, 1905.<br />

Memorandum by Reginald Farrar to Local Government Board<br />

on Illness resembling Epidemic Cerebro-spinal Meningitis<br />

in certain localities of the Ellesmere Rnral and Oswestry<br />

Urball. Districts. Shropshire, Septemher, 1903.<br />

"Epidemic Cerebro-spinal Meninigitis and its Relation to<br />

other forms of Meningitis," by Drs. Councilman, Mallory<br />

and Wright. 1898.<br />

Report on Epidemic Cerehro-spinal MeninlPtis in India by<br />

Capt. C..J. Robertson Milne, M.B.. I.M.S. 1906.<br />

"Outbreak of Cerebro-spinal Meningitis," by William Robert·<br />

son. M.D.. D.P.H., fedical Officer of Health, Leitb.<br />

Briti!'!l Medical Journal, 1907.<br />

Discussion on :Spotted l'ever at the Congress uf the Incor·<br />

porated Sanitary Association of Scotland, reported in the<br />

Aberdeen Fru Press, September 6th, 1907.

,<br />


I<br />

'<br />

!<br />

i<br />

Duration Couclltlon<br />

No. L'rlbe. Alte. of of Brain. Hrart. Lungs. LiveI'. Spleen. Kidneys. Intestines. Jlact. EXllfll. l~ llemal·ks.<br />

Sickness. Body.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

------ ,<br />

----<br />

1 MYIlIll' , 20 yrs. 3 days Well nourishcd ; Vcssels on cortex con· Normal. I Both bases con- Marks of old Enlarged and Slight congestion. Normal. No bact. exam. ma.c1e.<br />

baam Ollvc-colourrd ge,ted ; small llJIlount 0/ geRted. syphilitic congested. Marks or old sore on<br />

fluid running gus under p.la mater; (Oilions on sur' penis.<br />

from the mouth rain substance soft. fnco.<br />

-- --------------------<br />

2 ~han- - 5 days l::macla.ted; Olive All vcssels on the cortex Normal. JlIght base con· Norll'lal. Normal. Normal. Normal. Mcnlngococci were obl"logaan<br />

coloured flulcl ongorged with blood; tCsted ; left ed In the fluid ot a IUIII'<br />

runnlllg from pus under pia ml\tcr nsc solid. bar ~unoture made Mter<br />

tho mouth. over the whole ot brain. deat 1.<br />

oxtending Into cord;<br />

ventrioles contained a<br />

Quantity 01 bloodstained<br />

scrum.<br />

----------------------<br />

8 Mozam· 20 yrs. 56 dnl's Emaciatcd. Vcsscls of convcxity con· Pericardial sao Normal. Normal. Normal. Pale. but other' Congested In No organisms tound In<br />

blque gested ; thick deposit or containedabout wise normal. places; con· cranlnl pus; menlngo-<br />

J1brino Rurulent exudate an ounce ot talned ankylo- cocol and pneumococci<br />

under t 1(; base; ventricles serous fluid; stomes and specially looked tor.<br />

werc full of thick yellow heart otherwise Ascaris Lum·<br />

pus. normal. brlcoldes.<br />

--------------<br />

j ~rozam· 26 yrs. 4 days Wcllnourished. Certain amount of pus Normal. VCl'y slight con- Normal. Enlal'gcd and Normal. Ankylostomes No records kopt ot bac·<br />

hlque. under pia mater. over gestion at both gested. prescnt. teriologlcal examlnatJon·<br />

the convexity. und at buscs.<br />

thc base; ventricles dry.<br />

--._------------------- ,<br />

5 ~fozam- 28 yrs. 4 days Well nourished; 1'us under pia inater. over Normal. Right lung nOr· Normal l ?); post Enlarged. Normal (?) : post Not examined. No records ot bacterioblque<br />

de('.omposlt.ion the convexity. and a ma.1 : left ba8e mOl:tel1l changes mortem changes logical examination.<br />

~et In before flbrlno purulent exudate congested. extensive. extensive.<br />

p.m. mnde. n.t the base; muco purulent<br />

fluid in both \·en·<br />

tl'iclp8. fhnt in left bcing<br />

bloon-stnincd.<br />

--<br />

____<br />

----__--4-<br />

6 Mozam- 21 yrs. 5 da.ys Emaciated. Small amounl ot pus Kormal. Right lung.patch Kormal. Slightly enlarged. Normal. Ankylostomes' Ko record. ot bacterlobiqu~<br />

under pia. over the con- of red he~atls. pre8ent. logical examination.<br />

vexlty ; lal'l!e flbrlno- ation at ase;<br />

purulent exudate at the<br />

Icft lung nor·<br />

basc ; pus in both Veu-<br />

mal.<br />

tTlcles.<br />

--------------<br />

7 Mozam- 24 )'rs. 6 days IWell nourishcd. ,. ery marked flrbino' Deposit of lympl\ Right lung acute- :Fatty. l,nlarged and Normal. Normal. Pns at base ot brn.in<br />

biqu p gurulent exudate at the in pericardial Iy congested; congested. showed few menlngoase.<br />

sac on tJle heart left lung con· . cocci. but no pneumowalls.<br />

rcsult or gested also, but cocci.<br />

I<br />

recent perlcar- not to the<br />

ditls.<br />

same degrec.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

o<br />

et><br />

o<br />

et><br />

8 g-<br />

,'"<br />

;-0<br />

<br />

"" t::J<br />

tj<br />

H<br />

o<br />

>t""<br />

c:..;<br />

o<br />

d<br />

~ ;><br />

t""<br />

;-0<br />

o<br />


Po.d Mortcm Examlnatlons-~ontJnued.<br />

• • -- Duration .• Condition. •.•. • . I<br />

No. Tribe. Age. ot ot Brain. .- aea-it: ... Lunlls. -J.lver~ ". Sp'Jeen. Kldn~ys. Intestines. ])aot. Exam. &: Remarks.<br />

SlcknCfls. Body.<br />

--------......----------------1,-------1-------1------·------1·------1--- 1 _<br />

8 II.Ccnt. 28 yrs. 17 da~'s. Emaciated. An extensive cXj,date of Flabby. but :J;leurltic adhe- Normal. Anromle, friable. Normal. Normal. Baet. Exnm. 01 pus at<br />

Atrlcan pale colourAd nul" under otherwise nor- slon over whole and slightly base showed pneumnthe<br />

pia nJater over the mal. ot right .lung, enlarged. cocci In 1I00l!' numbers.<br />

whole of the convexity. land the whole no meninllococci. .'<br />

Tbe exudnte nt tbe hns. ,Iunll in stnte of . •<br />

wag much more fluid. grey hepatisa...<br />

nnd 01 n palcr colour :tion; small • .•..<br />

thnn in prevlons cases; pnteb 01 r'eur. ..<br />

ventricles contained a ltic ndhesJOn 011<br />

Quantity of blood· the left side.<br />

stnined serum.<br />

but thc lung it_<br />

scll healthy.<br />

....<br />

o,.,..<br />

__-------- I _ •<br />

o M'yam· 10 yrs. 11 dnys EmacJated. Extensive exuda.te or l\ormal. Ren hepat.lsntlon Commencing cir· Dry and con· Normal. Patehes of con· Pus at basc showed a few<br />

baam ftbrino Ilurulcnt mntter at both bases rhosls; portal gested. gestlonln both meningococci, but no<br />

at basc; vcntrlcles con· 01 the lungs. vessel. con' the large and. )lIleumoooccl.<br />

talnrd a quant.lty 01 tained bllhar. smalllntestlncs;<br />

mUCQ·purulrnt Hnid. in zia worms. Ankylostomes<br />

which Hnkes '01 yellow presellt.<br />

matter were suspended.<br />

--------'---:------1---------1------1------1·------:------1---·---1------+-- _<br />

10 B.C'ent. /l5 yrs. 6 da~'s Well nourished. Intense rongesUon of the l'ericnrdium ad· LUllgs normal. Commencing clr' Enlarged and Normal. Normal. Pus at base contained a<br />

African velljlel~ of thc convexity; herent to heart rhosis. congested. fell' meningococci. no<br />

Jnrge amount or fibrino· W1l1l8. pneumocooci.<br />

pUT-ule"t exudate nt the<br />

basc.<br />

.... - ..<br />

-----:---:-·_----·--1--------1------[-----1-----1·_-----1------1------·1--------<br />

11 Nyassa ,26 yrs. 4 dnys Well nourlshcd. Vessels Ill. eonvcxlty much Rcnrt eovcred Marks of rccent Normnl. Somewhat en· Congested; cap· Ankylostomcs Pus nt basc 8howed a fcw<br />

congested; quantity "I with nn exten' plcurltlc adhe. largcd. sule adhercnt prescnt. meningococci, no pneu'<br />

pus under pin mnter, slvc doposlt 01 slon"On both In plnce.. mococcl.<br />

, e8peClaJly marked at the lymph. the re· slde8; both<br />

ba8e. . suIt of reccnt ba8CS con. '•.,<br />

pericarditis. gested. I,; . "'..<br />

----------<br />

12 Mozam· 27 yrs. D days Well nourished. V.cssels lit convexlty,'On· Normnl. CongCJjtlon lit Normal. Normal. Slightly con' Patchel showing Pus nt ba8e .hcwcd<br />

gested: IlO nllkcd eye both baBcs. gested. pctechloo on menlnllococcl, no pneu·<br />

blQue signs of pus under pia mucous memo mococol.<br />

at the convexity. Ilut a<br />

brane; numbers<br />

thick ftbrJno· purUlent<br />

olankylostomes<br />

cxudate lit Ilase.<br />

present.<br />

• I j 1<br />

--I----I~-- j ~ i ~<br />

13 1I10zam· 20 yrs. 27 dal's Emaciated. Vessels 01 the oonvexlty Normal' Normal. Normal; bllha.... Normal. Caliccs dllated, Petechlooon mu·, No baeterlolOl1I.",' ."am.<br />

congcsted: at base was "ill worms in otherwise nor· cous membrane Inatlon recordcd.<br />

bique a Quantity ot pale yel· I)Orta.1 vessel~. mal. o.t small IlIteslow,<br />

nAarl)' wh,t.e.Hllrino' tllle; ankylopurulent<br />

exudate; vcn·<br />

stomes present.<br />

triclrs contained large •<br />

, amount of /lu,ld P1ls.<br />

.<br />

----------1---------------1------,--------_'·-------1------1------1------1----;--·-----<br />

14 Mozam· 25 yrs. 4 days Well nourishen. VCiseJs of convexity con· Normal. Both bases con. Normlll; pnrtal Friable and Congested. Normal. Pus at bj1S~ ,beWed<br />

blQue gested : cxtenslve puru· g••1;(,'I. vesp"lp con· somewhat en' Il!eplngococc)' In .maU<br />

lent exud"te nnder the talned bilhar.da larged. numbcTl. no pneumo'<br />

pia mater of the whole worms. _ .cocti... ••. .• ..••.<br />

surface of brill n ; at th"<br />

basc a fibrlno-plIrulent<br />

• • I 6.\':udate. /. .;.' _,}\ ' ~ 'r,,', ,.1, '.,,\1<br />

-~~~ , ~ .<br />

116 Mourn- 21 yrs: '32 dd'Y8 EmacIated; de- Vessels at cOllvexlty con· Normal. Red hepatisation Decomposed. Decomposed. Normal. Ankyl08tomes No bact. exam. }Iladete0n<br />

blque I composition gested : ftbrlno-puruJellt at both bllses present. account of pOI..-mor m<br />

commenced. exudate at. tilebaBe.' chanllcl.<br />

• 1<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

00<br />

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i:. ....'.<br />

....-<br />

~<br />


POlt, Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

No. Tribo. Ago.<br />

Duration Condition I<br />

of of Brllln.<br />

Sleknell. Body.<br />

\<br />

I'<br />

Heart. Lungs. Liver. Spleen. Kidneys InteltlDOI. Bact. Exam... Rllmlfks.<br />

- ---<br />

--'------<br />

16 MQzlltn· 26 yrs. 6 days Well nourished. Vossels of convexity ron· Hypertrophlod ; Plouritic adhe- Normal; bllhll1" Friable. Slightly con' Normal: anky· Pul lit bue sbo~ed<br />

blque ae.ted; pus under the old vegetlltlon sion lit the right zill worms In ge~ted. IQ!ltome. menlnlloCOCCl In small<br />

pia mater over whole on the aortic bMe \ reerntl ; the portlll prosent. numbers. no pneumasurface<br />

of brain, flbrino- cmps ; no sign' both hll8es con- vessels. cocci.<br />

of recent gested.<br />

g~~~le:ntve~~r~~I~~ co~: trouble.<br />

, talned quantity of bl~d'<br />

stained .erum, wi h<br />

flakes of,vellow purulent<br />

mllterialsuspenrlerl in it<br />

17 l\[ozlIm· 22 yrs. 20 days Emacinted. Whole of the cerebrum Normlll. Normal. Normal; portal Dry aud con· Normal. Normal. PUI at the bue showed no<br />

blque unrler the pia mater \'essels contain' gested. menl ngooOCOl. but a few<br />

bathed In 0 pole coloured ed bilharzia pneumococci.<br />

pUI 0, thick flbrlno· Worms.<br />

guruient exudate at, ~he<br />

08e : ventricles con· • J<br />

tAlned 0 large amount ,<br />

of flulrl pUI.<br />

--<br />

18 Mozllm· 19 yrs. 16 days .F:maciated. Ve88pll of the cortex con- Normal. Congested. Normal; blhllr- Normal. Normal. Normal. Pus at bue showed<br />

bique gesterl ; only a 811ght zla worms In menl ngoeocol In small<br />

exnda·t1nn of pale-colonr portal velsol8. numbers. no pneuma-<br />

~u" lit the b/l.

Post Mortem examinations-continued.<br />

No. Tribe. Age.<br />

Duration: Condition<br />

01<br />

I<br />

Brain.<br />

or I Heart.<br />

Sicknes~. Body.<br />

Lungs. Liver.<br />

22 M07.am- 23 yrs. 2 days Well nourishcd. Vesspl~ or the cortex much Normal. Right. yellow Normal. Enlarlled. nnro- CSytic kidney~. Petechi:r on mu- Exudate rrom surrace or<br />

biQue eugOl'ged with blood; exudate over mic and friable. calices dilated; caus membrane brain showed neither<br />

I<br />

.Sp.1c~n. Kidneys. Intestines. Bact. Exam. & Remarks.<br />

l-'<br />

0,<br />

m<br />

----------<br />

mllrked COdema o"er the whole or sure<br />

convexity, with an exu-<br />

ureter h)'perlace.<br />

and lung or small inWd' pneumococci nor menin-<br />

dation or albuminous- trophied : bladsolid<br />

throughtine:<br />

ankylo- gococcl.<br />

looking fluid. streaked der walls thl ckout,<br />

with grey<br />

stomes present.<br />

with yellow in places: ened.<br />

I<br />

heratisation :<br />

nothlnl/ marked at base; ler slightly con-<br />

'- ..<br />

vcntrii'lcs f'ontninod ex· gested.<br />

ep8S or blood - stai ned<br />

SCrum.<br />

23 Shnn- 34 yrs. 4 clays Well nourl~hed. Ve~sels<br />

gaan<br />

on eortex con- Very thick coat- Small patches 01 Normal. Enlarged. Congested. Normal. Pus at the base showed a<br />

~~~~ed ~o~~~~gXi~~ltI~n~<br />

Ing of yellow pleuritic adhefew<br />

ft brlno - puru- .Ions on both .<br />

meolnllococcl. )10<br />

thick lal'er or pus. that lent material on sides ;<br />

.poeumococcl.<br />

both<br />

.. at base bel ng orl/anised. heart walls. lungs con- --<br />

result 01 reeent gested.<br />

pericarditis. ,<br />

---------- , , --------<br />

24 Myam- 19 yrs. 14 days Emaclatcd. Vcssels at the convexity Norml11. Congestcrl at Normal. SlIghtiy enlarged. Normal. Normal. Bact. exam. or pus at base<br />

bnnm conllcstcrl : a thick mass both bases.<br />

01 ftbrino-purnlent exudate<br />

at the buso : ven-<br />

trlpJe~ rontaincr! a quantity<br />

or liquid pus.<br />

----------------------<br />

showed smail numbers of<br />

: meningococci, no pneu·<br />

mococci.<br />

--------<br />

25 Shnn- 20 yrs. 4 days }'airl)' well VesElofllp; over cortpx COIl- Norma,1. 130tll<br />

gaan 110urishrr!.<br />

apices in Normal.<br />

ge,ter! : larl/e a,mount, or<br />

Enlarged aod Cystio, the<br />

.tate<br />

lntestlncs conof<br />

rer!<br />

No bacteriological exam-<br />

pair coloured pus a'. thc<br />

rrlable. calices dilated. talned ankylohepatisation.<br />

inatlon recorded.<br />

bll8e ; vontricle~ con ..<br />

stomes and<br />

Ascaris lum-<br />

hrlcoide•.<br />

tained quantity of thic~<br />

pus.<br />

------ , ,<br />

-26 Nya8lla . 29 yr~. 9 cloy. Emaciated. Vessrls over the cort..,x Aortic valves Normal. Normal. Not enlar~ed. Normal. Contained ank)'· Pus at the base showed a<br />

cOlwest.ed : ouly a small slightly athero- lostom08 and few meningococol, but<br />

amount of pus at the matous. other- Asoarls Inmbri- no pneu mococcl.<br />

ba se : ]ln8 i11 both ven- wise henrt nor- coidcs.<br />

trlclos.<br />

mal.<br />

----------<br />

27 Shan· 20 yrs. S days Emaciated. Traces of pus visible under Normal. Normal. Somewhat<br />

gaan<br />

con· Normal.<br />

1)ln mater a t the<br />

Normal. Mucons memo<br />

con-<br />

Pus at the base contaloer!<br />

gested; portal<br />

vo"lty: brone conl/ested<br />

onl~· a small no menihgOcoccl. but a<br />

vessels conamount<br />

at the<br />

In places: tew pneumoooccl.<br />

base; I taioed bilharventricles<br />

dry. Ascaris lum·<br />

zin worms. brlcoldes present.<br />

----------<br />

I I<br />

28 Myam· 20 yrs. 6 days Emaciated. Small ql~antity of pus Normal. Both' bases con- Normal. Enlarged<br />

baam<br />

and Normal.<br />

uncler ]lla mater at the gested.<br />

\ Normal. Pus at the base cootaloed<br />

frlllble.<br />

convexity: only a smail<br />

rair numbers 01 meniogo·<br />

amount or organised pU8<br />

cocf'i. but 00 pneumo-<br />

at tho base: ventricles<br />

coccI.<br />

dry.<br />

---- ..<br />

-29 NYfis8a 20 yrs. 3 days No record. An excessive amount of Normal. Both bases Congested and E:llarged. Normal. Smail· Intestine<br />

yellow rus uncler pia<br />

PU8 at the base contalne<br />

slightly con- somewhat cn·<br />

ma,tcr a t,he convexl ty :<br />

contained anky· reil'<br />

gested.<br />

meningococcI. n<br />

larged.<br />

I 10sOOme•.<br />

Iu,rge mas8 or flbrinopneumococci:<br />

,<br />

.' :<br />

purulent material at the<br />

buse: ventricles con·<br />

.<br />

.<br />

tallled only a smail<br />

,I<br />

L""<br />

, " . "I amount<br />

'.<br />

ot fluid. with<br />

'" :<br />

some pus.<br />

.<br />

..<br />

~.<br />

f-:3<br />

~<br />

~<br />

Z<br />

rn<br />

~'<br />

~ t;I:j<br />

t;<br />

I-"-<br />

);l><br />

t:­<br />

Post Mortem ExamlnatloDs-contlnued.<br />

I I jDuratlon\ Condition<br />

Spleen.<br />

Kidne~s. Intestines. Boot. Exam.,~ !tPlllllrk,.<br />

~: Tribe: ~~, ngJ y • 1 Brnin. 1 Heart. I I.ungs. \ ~---i, , , , _<br />

so I Quill·:<br />

mane<br />

32 I Utyopl<br />

26 yra. 110 days I Well nourished.<br />

42 yrs.<br />

23 yrs. I 8 days<br />

A larlle amount 01 pale I Normal.<br />

yellow coloured pus<br />

under the pia mater.<br />

eoverlng the convexl ty :<br />

mass of tlbrlno-puru!ent<br />

material a,t the bllse;<br />

ventrloles oontained a<br />

QUllntl ty of bloodstalnecl<br />

serum Ilnd pus.<br />

Vessels of the eonvexlty I Normal.<br />

engorll:ed with blood;<br />

a pale. thin. milkyeo<br />

loured fluid under the<br />

plo. mater.over the whole<br />

surfaee of the brain: a<br />

small tlbrlno - purulent<br />

exudate Ilt the bn8e.<br />

" Normal.<br />

Acut.e congestion<br />

11 t both bases ;<br />

red hopatlsn·<br />

tlon commnnr­<br />

Ing.<br />

Normlll.<br />

Normal.<br />

Decom posed.<br />

"ery small.<br />

Normal.<br />

Friable. but not I Decomposed.<br />

enlarged.<br />

rr:abJr. but not I Normal.<br />

enlarged.<br />

SOlidi Inl,stlll"<br />

rontlllnert<br />

ank)'lostolllr•.<br />

Small Intestlnrs<br />

contained<br />

nnkylostome,.<br />

Bartel!ololllral exanun.·<br />

tlon of the pi' At lIlt<br />

'base nel/atfve.<br />

Decomposltlon had rom·<br />

menren : bact. exam. 0 I<br />

PUll at thp bur .ho\\ eel<br />

no menlnllG(orrl. a fe"<br />

pneulJ'ocorcl and ,treptr<br />

roool.<br />

Pus at the b8l~ showed 8<br />

few mpnlr'lI:ococr!. DO<br />

pneumococol.<br />

_J---l.I-I I ~I I I I I 1------1-------1------- _<br />

QUill- i<br />

SS<br />

mane'<br />

II<br />

11 '<br />

-.'~-I 3 days IWell nourished. I I I I 1--------1--------1--------,-- ----<br />

2S yrs. I 15 da)'s 1 J'maelated.<br />

Pia mater over the con- I Normal.<br />

voxlty bulging with pus:<br />

wholo brain substance<br />

covored with thlok<br />

flbrlno-purulcnt oxudate.<br />

especlnlly mllrked on the<br />

under surfaoe of the<br />

II fronta,1 lobes; pus<br />

1 streamed from the spinal<br />

I canal.<br />

_, 11 1 'I i l<br />

I 1----__1 -, 1 1 1 _<br />

'I I.MlIe amount of cloudy IFlabby, otherfluid<br />

under the pia mater wise normal.<br />

I eauRlnl!' the membrRneR<br />

to bu iI~e when the<br />

brain was removed. An<br />

exresshe Quant.jt.y of<br />

fluid came from the<br />

spl nal oanal; no pus<br />

could bc fn'lIld Iln)'­<br />

",her('.<br />

Normal.<br />

This rasr had bern dl"ll<br />

nO!led as onp (I entello<br />

lever: his tem~erature<br />

had beeD SubDormal lor<br />

several days be/ore<br />

d~ath; no bsrt. exam<br />

reeorded.<br />

----,---,--1 I I I I 1------,-------1--------1---------__<br />

34 Quill'<br />

mono<br />

25 yrs. 2 da)'. Emnoilltrd. Small (,uantlt)' of whil.c. ,!-'i brino-purulent<br />

milkl"ooloured drposit deposit on the<br />

over tile baso ; "entrleles heart walls<br />

contained nn exres_lve ntherwlse nor·<br />

Quantltl' 0' (hold. with mal.<br />

somr purnlent material.<br />

Uljlht lunll solid.<br />

with pneumonia<br />

throughout;<br />

left lung ROute·<br />

I)' congested at<br />

the. base<br />

Normal.<br />

Normal, bilhar'<br />

zlll worms<br />

found In ths<br />

portal vessels.<br />

SI I Quillmane<br />

Hobnailed rirrhosls;<br />

bilhar­<br />

"in. worms<br />

found In the<br />

portal vessels.<br />

Small.<br />

Mueh enlnrged.<br />

friable. and<br />

mol8t.<br />

Normlll.<br />

l\ormal.<br />

Normal.<br />

Ankylostomes<br />

present lu small<br />

Intestine.<br />

Anky!ostomes Allcrosroploal examluatlon<br />

pre8ent In sm31l showed pneumococrl to<br />

Intestlncs. be vresent In llnod Dum<br />

ben In the flulcl from<br />

the brnlD.<br />

-.---,!I--I---I : -! I I I I 1-------1-----------<br />

S5 Mtyopl 10 yrs. 4 dill'S Fnlrly well nourished.<br />

Vesscls on the oortex of<br />

the brain wpre Rcute1"<br />

oongested ; only 11 Rmail<br />

amount of pus under<br />

the pill of the cerebrum;<br />

n dense flbrino-purulent<br />

exudate at the base;<br />

ventricles rontainert a<br />

largn qUllntity of yellow­<br />

Ish green purulent fluid.<br />

Normal.<br />

Both bases aoutely<br />

congested. vessels oon­<br />

Normal: portal<br />

vorgi ng on the tained bilharzia<br />

worms.<br />

stage of red<br />

hepatisation.<br />

Enlarged: on old<br />

olcatrlx on the<br />

anterior surfllce<br />

of about the 811.0<br />

of a two shilling<br />

pleoe.<br />

Calioes on both<br />

sides somewhat<br />

dilated.<br />

Normal.<br />

Bact. exam. of the PIIS at<br />

the base 8howed a very<br />

few mp.nlnllooocd. and<br />

no pneumoeocei.<br />

~C':l<br />

~<br />

o<br />

if<br />

,'"'<br />

....<br />

~<br />

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Post Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

Duration<br />

Condition<br />

No. Tribe. Age. ot ot Brain. Heart. Lungs. Llvcr. Spleen. Kidneys. Intestines. Bact. Exam. & Remllrks.<br />

Slcknes~. Body.<br />

----------<br />

S6 Trnsv\. 15 yrs. 7 days Emaciated. Vesae.l. over the convexity Kormal. Normal. Peculiar dark Normal. Normal. Ankl'lostomes Meningococci were present<br />

Basuto congested: no macro· colour, other- present In small In tnir nnmbers In the r,us<br />

scoplcal appearance of wise normal. intestines. at'the base of the bra n.<br />

pus nnder the pia mater<br />

covering the convexity.<br />

but, over the base was a<br />

pecnliar pole green purulent<br />

deposit: ventricles<br />

containcd an exrcss of .- .<br />

"<br />

fluid. with It quantity of<br />

purulent mo,terial sus·<br />

pendcct in it,.<br />

----------<br />

S7 Myam- 26 yrs. 5 days Emaciated. Vessels ot the convexity Normal. Normal. Acntely con· Slightly enlarged. Slightly con- One round worm Meningococci were prtll1cnt<br />

baam engorged with blood: a gested. gested. present; a cyst In good numbeJ'l! In the<br />

large deposit of thick.<br />

of about the pus at the ,base: no<br />

yellow pus nnder the pia<br />

size of an orange pnenmococcl.<br />

mater on both hemiwas<br />

attachedto<br />

sph~resot the cCrebrum:<br />

the mesentery<br />

a thIck. fibrino-purulent<br />

ot the smoli Inexud~te<br />

at the base;<br />

testinc; the<br />

ventricles contained an<br />

crst contained<br />

c lyle.<br />

excess ot flUid. with<br />

flakes ot purulent matc- ,<br />

"<br />

rial floating in it: thick<br />

yellow pus exuded from .<br />

the Int.. AUd. Meat. and<br />

I<br />

the optIC foramina.<br />

----------<br />

S8 Myom- 2S yrs. 9 days Ema~iated. Vessels of the convexity Flabby, other- Pleuriticadhesion Normal; portal Small and hard. Normo.I. Contained a num- Meningococci were present<br />

baam engorged with blood' wise normal. on the lett side; vessels con- her ot round In fair numbers In the<br />

pia mater over convex: both lungs were talned bllhar- worms. pus at the,.basc; no<br />

Ity wus slightly QJdema- congested. and zia worms. pneumococci.<br />

tous. but there were no<br />

there was purnnaked<br />

el'e evidences of<br />

lent material In<br />

pus there; there was a the bronchioles.<br />

thick fibrlno-purulent<br />

exudate at the base' a<br />

deposit of pus on the<br />

walls of the ventricles,<br />

and pus floated in the<br />

f1 uid of the ventricles.<br />

-------------- ------_.<br />

S9 Myam- 26 yrs. 4 days Emaciated. Vessels of the convexltv Normal. SmalJ patch of Normal. Large,and friable. Norm"1. ~f~ Ankylostomes Meningococci were round<br />

baam e~gOrged with blood": red hetatlsatlon presen t in small In the pus at the bBse ;<br />

shllht rodema under the at bot bases.' Intestines; some ot the cells congla<br />

mater of the cere-<br />

round worms tlllned 15 to 20 pairs ot<br />

rum. but no naked eye present. copcl: no pneumococci.<br />

evidence of ~"S : a th(ck I<br />

flbrlllo·puru ent exudate<br />

ut the base: ventricles<br />

I<br />

_Icon<br />

tal neri pas.<br />

---- ------------------<br />

40 Myam- 27 yrs. S days Well nOllrlshed. Vesspls of the cortex en- Normal. Congested at Congested ; por- M\lch enlarged ; Normal. Normal Small numbers of menlnllbaam<br />

gorgnd with blood; thick both bases. tal vessels con- weighed 18 ozs. cocci were founn in the<br />

layer of yellow pus un- tained bilhar· pus from the bral n : no<br />

rier tho pia mater ex- zla worms. pneumoooccl.<br />

tenning over the whole<br />

of the cerebrum. also a<br />

..<br />

thick :Ibrino,pllrulent<br />

exudate at the 11MB:<br />

ventricles contained<br />

. - .<br />

some pus in their flUid;<br />

.<br />

pus streamed from the<br />

, I. ._. spinal canal.<br />

.\<br />

I<br />

_.<br />

......<br />

0-<br />

8·<br />

~<br />

8·<br />

i;x:l<br />

~~<br />

'(J)<br />

,<br />

Post Mortem I!xamlnatlons-contlnued.<br />

No. 1 Tribe. 1 Age.<br />

&1 I }lyam·<br />

, baam<br />

29 yrs.<br />

Duration<br />

of<br />

Sickness.<br />

Condition<br />

of<br />

Body.<br />

16 days I Emaelat~d.<br />

Bmin.<br />

Heart.<br />

Po.t Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

No.<br />

1<br />

Tribe.<br />

_i1__1<br />

48 1~!ozam·<br />

bique<br />

20 yrs<br />

6t I NYll8sa 1 28 Yrs;<br />

f. :<br />

i<br />

, Duration<br />

Condition<br />

of<br />

Body.<br />

10 day~ I Emaciated.<br />

Brain.<br />

Heart.<br />

Post Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

:lio. I Tribe.<br />

1 Age.<br />

-'--'--1--1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1---'---I --<br />

53 1 Mozam-I 34 yrs.<br />

blque<br />

Duration<br />

of<br />

Slekness.<br />

1 day<br />

Condition<br />

of<br />

Body.<br />

Fairly well nou·<br />

rlshed.<br />

Drain.<br />

Heart.<br />

Thiek layer of pale.milkyco!oul'ed<br />

fibrino-puru­<br />

Normal.<br />

lent exudnte under the<br />

pia mnter of the whole<br />

convexlt,y: lityeI' of t.hln<br />

fibrlno·purulent exudate<br />

a,t the base, mOre Jlquld<br />

than usual: fluid In the<br />

ventricles contained pus;<br />

pus oozed from the<br />

spinal canal.<br />

Lungs.<br />

Right base In a<br />

state of red<br />

hepo.tisatlon ;<br />

left base acutely<br />

congested.<br />

Liver.<br />

Congested; por­<br />

. tal vessels con·<br />

tai ned bllhn.r·<br />

zia worms.<br />

Splccn.<br />

Dark and congested;<br />

~~mind­<br />

Ing one of a<br />

typhoid speci·<br />

men.<br />

r' I '-; t ;. ~ ~ .<br />

Kidneys.<br />

Slightly con'<br />

gcsted.<br />

-~ ... ~... -.~- ..-.~-_._-<br />

intestines.<br />

Normal.<br />

Bact. Exam. et Hemark.<br />

Pus from the bose sholVerl<br />

. many menlngocol'cl: no<br />

pneumOCOl·CI.<br />

-'--'--'--' I I I 1------1------1 1-------<br />

54 I' ]\fozom· 11 25 yrs. 2 days I Well nourished. Thick laj'cr of fibrino· Dilated and ll.ecent pleurisy Congested. Enlltrged : P.~f. decompo· Ankylostomes ~o bacteriological exa,m·<br />

i bique<br />

J1urulent exudate under flabby.<br />

on the right weighed 6 ozs.; sltlon com· present. I nation reeorded.<br />

the pia ma ter of the<br />

side. Implicat- con%ested and menced. 1-3'<br />

whole eonvexitj'. extend·<br />

Ing the whole<br />

frla le.<br />

Ing over the whole of<br />

right thoracic<br />

the brain Into the spinal<br />

cavity; a small<br />

~<br />

canal: It Sl}erially heavy<br />

plttell the size ' ; ..<br />

deposit at the base;<br />

of a five shilling , , . 1 t :""'1<br />

8<br />

'ventrieles dry.<br />

piece on the left<br />

~<br />

55<br />

I<br />

I1<br />

-1..---1....---1-,--I 1 I 1<br />

Mozam·1 26 yrB. "]i'ew hrs.1 WcU nouriBhed.<br />

blque<br />

56 1 Myam·<br />

baam<br />

, ,<br />

10 yrs.<br />

57 I Mozam-I 23 ~'rs.<br />

blQue<br />

1 day<br />

3 days<br />

WeU nourished.<br />

Fnirty well nOli·<br />

rishecl.<br />

A small ,91Ialltlt.y of yel­<br />

10wlshL' green oliveeo1onre-Cl<br />

material under<br />

the pia mater oyer the<br />

convexit~';.no signs of<br />

anv pns or orgnni.ed<br />

clot at the base; ventricles<br />

dry.<br />

-'--'--1--1 I 1<br />

Normal.<br />

T.I'luld pns at the base.: I Normal.<br />

b oorl·staincd I}UB ooring<br />

fro III the spinal cunal.<br />

--'---,---,---1 I . -I 1--------<br />

A layer of fihrino·puru- 1 Kormal.<br />

lent exudate unner the<br />

pia mntcr of nearly the<br />

whole surface of the<br />

brain. with a very heavy<br />

orllanised clot at the<br />

bllse; vr-ntricles con·<br />

talned an excess of fluid<br />

with f1akcs of pur~lent<br />

mnterinl 8tl~pended in it.<br />

side; both lung .. , , .." ..... - - ... '0.' ... ........ -., ------ _... ~. .._-- ><br />

Mutely con- Z<br />

gested. verging<br />

on red hepatisation.<br />

-<br />

Very Mutely con- Hob-nailec1 clr- Much enlarged; Congested; Round worms Meningococci found in the<br />

gested, but not rhosls; portal weighed 3lbs. . calices dilated. present. ., fluid unrler the pia mater;<br />

reaching the vessels con· 100zs. no pneumococci.<br />

stage of red tnll)ed bilha rzla<br />

~,<br />

hepatis"tion. WOI;OlS.<br />

, ' . tJ<br />

.. H-<br />

I<br />

"<br />

0<br />

.- . :;.-<br />

t:"'<br />

-- ,<br />

<br />

~<br />

g-<br />

....<br />

I-'<br />

<br />

I-'<br />

I-'<br />


Post Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

No. I Trlbe.<br />

Age.<br />

Duration<br />

of<br />

Sl~kness.<br />

Condition.<br />

of<br />

Body.<br />

Brain. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Spleen. Kidneys. Intestines. Bact. EXAm. & Remarks.<br />

-'---'---'.---\ I I I 1 1 I 1--------<br />

59 ?!fozam'j 29 yrs. IFew hrs·1 Well nourished. A thick layer or a peculiar Fatty degenera· The lungs were Fatt)' : portal IEnlarged and Normal. Ankylostomes INo bacterloloalcal exam·<br />

blque<br />

I<br />

pale grcen pus 'Inder the tlon to a slight acutely congested.<br />

and hod to.lncd bllhor- weighed 90zs.<br />

Intestine.<br />

vessels con- congested ;<br />

present In small Inatlon recorded.<br />

pia mater of the whole degree.<br />

of the cerebrum. extenl!­<br />

a pecnllar dark zla worms.<br />

ing to the base. but not<br />

co Iouration .<br />

accumulated there more<br />

than in othcr ports. and<br />

not fibrlnous ; ventricles<br />

contained some pus. and<br />

there W08 PU8 oozi ng<br />

from the spinal canal.<br />

-'--I 1 r 1 I 1 I I I I 1-------<br />

60 I. QUJ\l- 25 yrs. I: Few hrs.1 Well nourished. Pia mater over cerebrum Normal. Normal. Acutely conaested.<br />

gested.<br />

Inatlon recorded.<br />

Conaested. Very acutely con·1 No notes kept. No bacterlololJlcal exam'<br />

mane I<br />

distended with fiuid;<br />

between the convolution<br />

a small amount of white<br />

material con Id be ileen.<br />

61 I Pondo<br />

40 yrs. I 2 days I Well nourished.<br />

of the Sl\,ITIO consistence as<br />

pus; small amount of<br />

fo~esa ~l~~e b~:~e:be~~~<br />

had peteehloo on the<br />

surface.<br />

nuro mater very flrml)'<br />

adherent to the skull:<br />

under the pia mater of<br />

the cerebrum was a<br />

quantity of milk)'­<br />

COIOU! Buld: no deposit<br />

pus at the base;<br />

ventric es contained a<br />

small amount of olivecoloured<br />

Buid; a large<br />

amount or fluid come<br />

from the spinal canlll.<br />

Normal.<br />

Congested at IA peculiar green<br />

both bases. colour, but no<br />

evidences of<br />

P.M. decomposition.<br />

Acutely congested;<br />

of a<br />

very dark<br />

colour.<br />

Neither meningococci nor<br />

pneumococci were found<br />

in the pus at the base.<br />

-0--'---'--1 I 1 I I I I 1,-------<br />

621 Basuto ,'I 29 yrs. I 3 days,1 Poorly nourished. An amount or l1'dema Normal. I,eft base acutelyI Normal. Normal. Pale, otherwise I No notes kept. Neither pneumococol nor<br />

under the pia mater of<br />

congested.<br />

normal.<br />

meningococci were found<br />

the cerebrum: an ex·<br />

in the pus at the base.<br />

cesslve amount or fluid<br />

came from the 8pi nal<br />

cllnal. which was cloudy.<br />

possibly the result of<br />

pus; ventricles dry.<br />

-,--,--1--.1 1 1 I I I I I 1------<br />

63 I MozaID' I 26 yrs. 1 day 1Emaciated. Blood vessels on the convexity<br />

engorged wi th<br />

state of red he· vessels con- friable; weighed<br />

present In small the PIIS at the base. but<br />

Normal. Both bases In Pale; portal IEnlarged and I Conaested. Ankl'lostomes Streptococci were found In<br />

blque<br />

blood; an amount of<br />

patllatlon : talned bilharzia 120zs.<br />

Intestine. neither meningococci nor<br />

pus under the pia mater<br />

lungs generlllly worms.<br />

pneumococci could be<br />

of the cerebrum extend·<br />

congested.<br />

demonstrated.<br />

Ing on to the base.<br />

-,--,--1--1 1 I I I 1 1-----11--'-------<br />

64 I Mozam' I 27 yrs.<br />

blque<br />

10 day~1 Well nourished.<br />

> .. ~ .J, I , ,/;1,1 t' ..,_~.•"". I I ...·<br />

A quantltl' of PU8 under Normal.<br />

the pia ma·ter of the<br />

cerebrum, especially<br />

marked 011 the frontal<br />

region; large fibrinopurulent<br />

exudat.e at the<br />

base.<br />

Red hepatisation Much congested; I Congested.<br />

at both baaes ; portal vessels<br />

both lungs contained bil·<br />

generally congested.<br />

harzla worms.<br />

Normal.<br />

Congelted.<br />

I Normal.<br />

Numbers of<br />

ankyJostomes<br />

preaent In ,mall<br />

IntCltine.<br />

No menlngocooel were<br />

found In the pus at the<br />

bllle. but f.lr numbers<br />

of pneumoooccl.<br />

,....<br />

""" ~<br />

~<br />

8<br />

:d I><br />

r:J).<br />

POAt Mortem Examlnatlon5-cont/nued.<br />

No. I Tribe.<br />

1 AlIe.<br />

Duration<br />

of<br />

SlckneBB.<br />

Condition<br />

of<br />

Body.<br />

_'__1__1__1 1--------1 1 1 I I I 1-------<br />

65 1 Mozam- 1 26 YfI.<br />

blque<br />

S daYB 1 Fairly well nou-­<br />

rlBhed.<br />

Brain.<br />

VeBBelB of the cortex engorlled<br />

wlth blood;<br />

whole of cerebrum under<br />

the pia mater bathed In<br />

yellow PUB, eBpeclally<br />

marked over the left<br />

frontal relllon; bMe of<br />

brain covered with pUB.<br />

ventricles full of pUB.<br />

Heart.<br />

Hypcrtrophled ;<br />

pericardium<br />

adherent to<br />

heart wall, the<br />

result of old<br />

perlcardltlB.<br />

Lunlll.<br />

LIver.<br />

PateheB of red 1 ConlleBted.<br />

hepatlBation at<br />

both bMeB.<br />

Spleen.<br />

KldneYI.<br />

Enlarged and I Conllelted.<br />

friable; welllhed<br />

Hozl.<br />

InteBtlnes.<br />

No notel.<br />

Bact. Exam. & Remarks.<br />

No menlnllococcl' were<br />

found In the pUI at the<br />

bue, but small numben<br />

. of pneumococci.<br />

_,__1__1__1 1 I 1 I I 1----<br />

ll6 1 Shangaan<br />

20 yn.<br />

13 dayB 1 Emaciated.<br />

Cerebrum WIlB quite clean.<br />

but at the baBe waa a<br />

thick. glory, fibrlno·<br />

purulent maBB extending<br />

Into the Bplnal canal;<br />

ventricles contained an<br />

exceBS of fiuld, but no<br />

PUI could be Been with<br />

l.he naked eye.<br />

Normal.<br />

A thin layer of pUB under 1 Flabby.<br />

the pia mater of the<br />

whole Burface of the<br />

brain. not particularly<br />

marked at thc baBe;<br />

ventrlcleB contained a<br />

Bmall quantity of blood-<br />

Btalncd fiuid.<br />

SignB of recent<br />

pleuriBY on both<br />

BldeB. more extensive<br />

on the<br />

rlllht; both<br />

baBeB acutely<br />

cOlIgested.<br />

":"ormal.<br />

CongcBted ; portal<br />

veBBelB contained<br />

bilharzia<br />

worms.<br />

CongeBted<br />

friable.<br />

Acutely congealed.<br />

Fine eirrhosiB; IConlleBted<br />

portal veBBels friable.<br />

contained bilharzia<br />

WormB.<br />

and I Normal.<br />

Round wormB<br />

preBent.<br />

Round WormB<br />

present.<br />

Few menlnllococci were<br />

found In the pUB at the<br />

bMe, no pneumococci.<br />

No meningococci were<br />

found In the PUB at the<br />

bMe, but large numben<br />

of pncumococci.<br />

-,--,--,--1 I I I 1 I I I 1------<br />

VeBsels of the convexity I Normal.<br />

congcstcd; pus under<br />

the pi a mater of the<br />

cercbrum; thick fibrinopurulent<br />

deposit under<br />

the base; ventricleB<br />

contained quantity of<br />

purulcnt fiuld.<br />

Right lung con- I Normal.<br />

geBted; baBe<br />

soU d ; left lung<br />

congestcd.<br />

and 1 Normal.<br />

-,--i--I--I 1---------1 I I I I 1-------<br />

671 Myambaam<br />

at the baBe was a slllall welghcd 15 oz. ly congeBted,<br />

and eonlleBted ;<br />

found In the pUB at the<br />

25 yn. 1 day I Poorly nourlBhed. Cerebrum WaB clean, but Hypertrophied; Both baseB acute­<br />

Normal. Much cDJarlled 1 CongeBted. No noteB. No meningococci were<br />

glary exudate. with ri<br />

verging on a<br />

welllhed 1 lb.<br />

bale, but a few pneumococci.<br />

whltiBh noduln.r maBB<br />

Btate of rcd<br />

50ZB.<br />

about Blze of a lentil, In<br />

hcpatisation.<br />

Bome way reBembling a<br />

tuburculouB nodule.<br />

_,__,__,__1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1-------<br />

68<br />

69 I Myambaam<br />

31 YfI.<br />

8 dayB I Emaciated.<br />

30 yrs. 1 4 daYB 1 Fairly well nourlBhcd.<br />

CongeBted.<br />

Normal.<br />

l\{enlngococci werC present<br />

In fair numben In the<br />

PUB from the brain ; the<br />

pneumOCOCCUB waB not<br />

found.<br />

_,__1__'1__1 1 I 1 I I- 1 I 1-------<br />

70 1 Myambaam<br />

25 yrs. ' 1 5 dILYB Fairly well nou'<br />

riBhed.<br />

VeBBelB of the convexity I NormlLl.<br />

congeBted; pUB under<br />

the pia mater of cerebrum;<br />

thick fibrinopurulent<br />

ex,udate under<br />

the baBe; ventricles full<br />

of pUB.<br />

Both lungs con- ICongeBted; bB- I Congested.<br />

gCBted. harziIL worms<br />

in the portal<br />

veBBelB.<br />

ConlleBted. Normal. lIfenlngococci were preBent<br />

In fair numben In the<br />

PUB from the brain; the<br />

pneumococcus waB not<br />

found.<br />

-,--,--1 I : I I 1 1 I I 1<br />

71 Mozambique<br />

20 yn. 4 daYB Well developed. VeBBels congeBted; pus<br />

under pia mater of cerebrum<br />

; thi n layer of pus<br />

under the cerebellum<br />

and pons; ventricles<br />

filled with purulent fluid.<br />

Normal. Right Dormal;<br />

left acutely con·<br />

geBted, verging<br />

on red hepatlsaatlon<br />

iu partB.<br />

ClrrhoslB corn­<br />

. meDclog; bllharzlIL<br />

wormB<br />

preBent.<br />

Enlarged and<br />

congested.<br />

Congested; two<br />

Bmall CYBts in<br />

the right kidney<br />

Normal; anky­<br />

10BtomeB<br />

preBent.<br />

A few meningococci were<br />

preBent in the smeILrB<br />

from thiB braIn; the<br />

pneumococcuB was not<br />

found. The pneumococ­<br />

CUB WM found In the lung<br />

In this case.<br />

~'<br />

(')<br />

et><br />

8<br />

g'<br />

.'"1<br />

,...<br />

q;j<br />

o .<br />

:--'<br />

~'<br />

~<br />

;><br />

,...<br />


Post Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

.... .....<br />

~<br />

No. I TrIbe.<br />

Age.<br />

Duration<br />

of<br />

Sickness.<br />

ConditIon<br />

of<br />

Body.<br />

Brain. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Rpleen. Kidneys. Intestines. I J3act. Exaui. <br />

rn<br />

~<br />

~<br />

t:'l<br />

I;:)<br />

Cl><br />

a<br />

CD<br />

S g"<br />

,....<br />

....<br />

;g<br />


Post Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

No. I Tribe.<br />

DurlV­<br />

pneumococci. but neither<br />

011 ve·colonr~d\lellttl nO'JS<br />

Itv was about<br />

the men! nJ:!ococel nor<br />

ml>terlal : under the bl>SC<br />

two pints of<br />

other bll. Pneumococci were present.<br />

mane<br />

jaundiced. congosted: sm,,1I amount<br />

tilor",,; right<br />

1 lb.<br />

cystl c degeneration;<br />

lelt<br />

but the meningococcus<br />

nus under the nia mltter.<br />

of pnrlllent e"lldat~<br />

lung. lower and<br />

under the base.<br />

middle lobes In<br />

normal.<br />

was not found.<br />

.tate of grey<br />

hepatisation;<br />

".<br />

left lung. ba.e<br />

congested.<br />

otherWise nor·<br />

:'<br />

mal.<br />

--,--,--1 I I I I I I I<br />

82 Shangaan<br />

gested; thick deposit of<br />

left \ ery a.cnte­ cap'ule t··,irk­<br />

gested.<br />

lostomes and mat.er showed IIood num­<br />

20 yrs. 2 days Emaciated. Vessels of the cortex con- I Normal. night normal; Finely cirrhotic; Much congested. I Acutely con- Normal; anky· Pus from under the pia<br />

pus In the flssure. under<br />

I~' cc>nge.ted at ened : bllhlp.nt<br />

hemispheres of the cerebrum<br />

: no exudltte<br />

patls.tlon. vessel•.<br />

ollng Welchselbaum's<br />

under the base: ventricles<br />

contained blood·<br />

upon blood-agar.<br />

organism was obtained<br />

stained and purulent fluid.<br />

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..<br />

Post Mortem Examinations-continued.<br />

~<br />

~<br />

0:><br />

No. I Tribe.<br />

Ago.<br />

Duratl"n<br />

of<br />

Slckncs•.<br />

Conelltlon<br />

of<br />

Body.<br />

Rraln. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Splcen, Kidneys. Jutestlnes. Bl\Ct. F.:tam. It' Rrmark•.<br />

83<br />

84<br />

Vessels on cortex acut.ely<br />

conllested; no nnked<br />

e~'e nppearnnce of pus<br />

under the pin mat.er:<br />

ventricles contn' ned<br />

blood-stained serum.<br />

Normal.<br />

Norma.!.<br />

Extensive recent<br />

pleurisy over<br />

the whole of<br />

bot.h sides of<br />

the thornx:<br />

right lung solid<br />

nt the base between<br />

the red<br />

and the grey<br />

stage of hepa.­<br />

tisntlon: left<br />

lunll, whole lung<br />

solid nenrly into<br />

the grey st.age.<br />

more advanced<br />

thnn the right<br />

base.<br />

Extensve pleurisy<br />

on both<br />

sleles ; right<br />

lung, whole<br />

orllan, except<br />

for a sma 11 part<br />

the size. of an<br />

orgnnge at the<br />

apex ,solid with<br />

grey hepntisatlon<br />

; left lung,<br />

Rmnll patch of<br />

very acute congestion<br />

at the<br />

base.<br />

Normal; bilha.rzla<br />

worms In<br />

the portal vesscl•.<br />

Normal: bilharzin.<br />

worms in<br />

the portal vesscls.<br />

Thl. bo)' had stllfness of<br />

the ncck, with Kernlll's<br />

sllln,anel vomltlnll elmlnll<br />

life, as well as the nhyslcnl<br />

-illDS of cOlIsollelntlon<br />

of both bases, yet<br />

po-t mortem examlnntlon<br />

showed no slllns of<br />

meningitis.<br />

Pneumococci werc present<br />

in fair nllmbcrs In the<br />

cerebral fluid, but the<br />

meningococci were not<br />

found: this patient dur­<br />

Ing life hn.d Kcrnlg's sign<br />

well marked, bu t there<br />

was no stiffness of the<br />

neck.<br />

-'--,--1--1 I I I I i 'I 1------<br />

85<br />

Shangaan<br />

Quillmane<br />

Fal rly well nourished.<br />

25 yr•.<br />

27 yrs':<br />

ltJozam-I 24 yrs.<br />

blque<br />

6 days<br />

6 days<br />

4 days<br />

Poorly<br />

rished.<br />

Wcll<br />

nou-<br />

nourished.<br />

Brnln Bubsta,nce normnl :<br />

no na.ked rye evidence<br />

of meningitis.<br />

VesRels on cortex engorgedI Norma·l.<br />

with blood; whole of<br />

both hemispheres of<br />

cereb4'um under pia<br />

matfr bathed In pus; a<br />

thick. almost whitecoloured<br />

ftbrlno-purulent<br />

exudate unrler the base;<br />

vcnt.ricle. contained a<br />

ounntity of purulent<br />

ftuld.<br />

Right, patch of<br />

dark red hepatisation<br />

n,t the<br />

base; Icft normal.<br />

Normal: bilharzia<br />

WormR In<br />

the portal vessels.<br />

Normal.<br />

Acutely<br />

gested.<br />

Normal.<br />

con-<br />

Conllested.<br />

-,--,--,--1 I ! I : I I I I<br />

Congested.<br />

Congested.<br />

Normal.<br />

Congested<br />

patches.<br />

In<br />

Normal:<br />

ankylostomes<br />

present.<br />

Menlngocoecl wero present<br />

In good numbcrs In the<br />

pus under the pia mnter.<br />

but the pneumococcus<br />

was not found.<br />

-,-----!--I 1 I I I I 1-----<br />

86 Mozambiqur<br />

25 yrs. 13 days I Well nourished. Drniu anEl'mie: Rurface I Normal.<br />

of bOUl hemisphere9 of<br />

e.erebrum uniformly<br />

covered with a thin layer<br />

or pllle. almo.t. white PUg<br />

uneler the pin mater; no<br />

evldencf or allY exudate<br />

under the bllse: ventrlole.<br />

contained n small<br />

Quantity of blood-sta.ined<br />

"crltm.<br />

Right lower lobe<br />

solid wit.h grey<br />

hepntisation ;<br />

upper and midd<br />

le lobes congested:<br />

left<br />

lung congested<br />

at the base.<br />

verging on red<br />

t'epatlsatlon.<br />

Kormal ; bilharzia<br />

worms in<br />

the porta.] ve'ssels.<br />

Normal.<br />

Acutely<br />

gested:<br />

con-<br />

Normal:<br />

ankylostomes<br />

present.<br />

Pneumococci were present<br />

In good numbers in the<br />

pus under the pia mater,<br />

but the meningococcus<br />

was not found.<br />

a<br />

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Post Mortem Examlnatlons......:ci)ntinued.<br />

Durllt!oo<br />

CondJtlon<br />

No. rrlbe. Age. of 01 Brain. Heart. Lung8. Liver. Spleen. KldneY8. Inte8tlnes Bact. Exam. & Remark8.<br />

Sickness. Body.<br />

-- -'"'---------------------------------------<br />

87 ~lozam- 29 yr8. 20 daY8 Poorly nou- Normal; no evidebces of Normal. Small patcrl of Normal. Anremic. Pale, otberwlse Normal; Absence of purulent ma·<br />

blquc rished. meningiti8. recent pleuri8Y normal. ankylostome8 terlal under the pia mutpr<br />

"<br />

at both base8 ; present. rendered bacteriological<br />

right lung,ba8e<br />

examination unnercssary.<br />

solid with grey . bnt thl8 1'IItipnt hnd<br />

, hepatisation, Kernig's sign dllrlng life :<br />

and the sub· death resulted from pul·<br />

stance riddled<br />

monary tuberculosi8 of a<br />

wi th tuberoular<br />

very ncute form.<br />

nodule8 about<br />

the size of a<br />

split pea; left :<br />

lung, whole substance<br />

occupied<br />

hy number or<br />

small, very recent<br />

tubercular<br />

nodules,In80me<br />

cases commenc·<br />

Ing to caseate;<br />

.. nn ab8cess<br />

about the si zo<br />

01 a naartje at<br />

Ing lIuid.<br />

---------------------- ----------------<br />

88 Mozam- 24 yrs. 5 c!I\Y8 Poorly nou- Whole brain anremic: Normal. Exten8"e pleur- Normnl. Norml\l. Normal. Normal; Pneumococci pre8ent In<br />

blque rl8hed. under the pia mater 01 18Y on the right ankylo8tome8 fair numbcrs In the pU8<br />

both hemlsphere8 01 the 81c!e; right lung prescnt. uncler the pin mater;<br />

cerebrum was a thin thick c1eposl t 01 the meningococcuR was<br />

layer of .white pus, lymph on thc not found; thl8 patent<br />

especlal1y marked In the posterior Bur- 8howed no symptom8 0 f<br />

fls8ures; no deposit at Ince, and the meningitis during life.<br />

the base; \'Ontricles base solid with<br />

_.<br />

showed naked eye a,p- hcpatlsl\tion 01<br />

pearunce 01 pus. a dirty grey<br />

colour. bet,vcen<br />

the red and<br />

grcy stage; lclt<br />

tho posterior<br />

and npper sur-<br />

Il\ce 0 tM lower<br />

lobe, filled with<br />

l\ Cluantlty or<br />

grumous·look-<br />

luug, base acutcly congcsted.<br />

not con·<br />

I<br />

solidated.<br />

I<br />

---------------------- --------<br />

89 Quli- 29 yrs. 7 days Emaciated. Vessels 01 the cor~ex con- Normal. Right, upper and Normal. Fibrous. INormal. Normal. Menlnllorocrl were ~resent<br />

mane gested ; small amount middle lobes In the pus under he pia<br />

01 ])lIle yellow ])UB in the congested, mater: the poeumofissures<br />

01 both hemi- lower lobe in a coccus WII' not found.<br />

spheres 01 the cerebrum; state of grel'<br />

11 thick flbrlno-purulent he~atlsation ;<br />

exudate under the base.<br />

lef , on surface<br />

principally confined to of base were<br />

the medulla; lateral ven- several darktricles<br />

contained fluid colourcd .acutemixed<br />

with purulent Iy congested<br />

material. looking spots,<br />

, which section<br />

. .<br />

showed theY<br />

."<br />

were caused by<br />

localised<br />

patehes of very<br />

, acute red hepat1sntlon.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

o<br />

g<br />

et><br />

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118 THE TRANSVAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JoUR AL. December, ISO".<br />

sourH <strong>AFRICAN</strong> J~EOICAL CONORESS, 1907.<br />


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By N. A.<br />

Death by Lightning-Stroke.<br />

SPENCER, L.R.C P. (Lond.\ M.R.C.S. (Eng.),<br />

District Surgeon, Mlddelburg, Transvaal.<br />

In a country vi ited during six months of every<br />

year by violent thunderstorms, sometimes tropical<br />

in their intensity, it would be extraordinary if cases<br />

of lightning-stroke did not occur at times, and<br />

almost every medical mn,n in the Transvaal mll;;l<br />

have seen such cases. Yet, owing to most of the<br />

records of these cases having been derived from<br />

laymen and not from trained observers of detail, as<br />

arc medical men, we still await a clear and ..;att:­<br />

gorical de cription, let alone an explanation, of the<br />

injuries caused to man by atmospheric electricity.<br />

In searching through medical works at disposal,<br />

one is struck by the absence of mention of anyone<br />

condition as characteristic of these injuries; onc<br />

wades through a maze of "reported" conditions<br />

without meeting with a single peg on which to hang<br />

anything definite. There can be no doubt that,<br />

from a medico-legal point of view, these injuries are<br />

still contradictory, equivocal and shrouded in<br />

mystery to such a degree as to produce confusion of<br />

thought, when something definite is sought, rather<br />

than orderliness of mind; far too many" facts which<br />

have not been sustained" are included in these<br />

descriptions, one author stating that" there are no<br />

n,bsolute and constant indications of death by electricity.".<br />

.<br />

It needs no excuse, therefore, to give prominence<br />

to a subject requiring so much elucidation, and to<br />

discuss it even in detail in the light of some of the<br />

cases met with during the last seven years. It has<br />

fallen to my lot during this time to see a good many<br />

cases of death or injury from lightning, all of which<br />

have shewn such very definite evidences of what I<br />

now consider to be characteristic of the condition<br />

that, were I requested to examine a. body lying dead<br />

upon the veld in summer-time, I should look for<br />

these signs at once, and first, and were they present<br />

I should have no hesitation in swearing to death<br />

being due to this cause. The forms taken by<br />

lightning when it comes to earth-the well-known<br />

flash and the most extraordinary" fireball "-with<br />

their varied effects upon the material struck, form<br />

an absorbing study, often at variance with what we<br />

have learnt of the movements of electricitv. and not<br />

always capable of ready explanation. in reading<br />

some scores of instances of the effects of lightning<br />

upon edifices, human beings and animals in abookt<br />

recently lent me by the Director of the Transva::d<br />

Meteorological Department, the vagaries of atmospheric<br />

electricity, and variety of effect. filled me with<br />

amazement. It is generally accepted that what we<br />

know as lightning is ~enerated both from the earth<br />

and the thunder cloud. The earth being electrified<br />

-it is suggested by the fTiction of its mtation in the<br />

atmo pbere, its internal heat, etc.-that electricity<br />

will be split up into its positive and negative elements<br />

* Cantell's Post Mortem Pathology, p. 413.<br />

t .. Thunder and Lightning," by Camille F1ammarion, translated by<br />

Waiter Mostyn and published by Chatto and Windus, 1905.

December, 1907. THE 'rRA SVAAL MEDlCAL JOUR Al.. 119<br />

by the near approach to the earth's surface of one of<br />

the elements opposite to it; that thunder clouds<br />

being also electnfied-by their motion, the heat,<br />

the friction of wind currents, etc.-form close to the<br />

earth's sudace, and as they move above it, attract<br />

the opposite electricity of the earth, \,:hich follows<br />

it below, only awaiting an opportumty of neal:<br />

approach to unite with a flash and a crash of<br />

thunder. \Ve can imagine, for instance, a thunder<br />

cloud moving above and clo e to the eart~'s sUl'~ace,<br />

charged in that part nearest the earth with positive<br />

electricity and the negative electricity, attracted by<br />

it, following the cloud upon the eartl~'s surface; thiS<br />

negative element meets with a kop]e, a steeple, .a<br />

tree or even a man standing upright, runs up it<br />

towards the opposite element in the cloud and the<br />

circuit is complete, lightning leaps from the cloud<br />

and is conducted to earth by the medium. With<br />

the cause of the noise which accompanies this connection<br />

and discharge, known as thunder, we are not<br />

here concerned, .but we know that the course of the<br />

electric fluid becomes visible to us by reason of the<br />

air through which it passes being raised to the point<br />

of incandescence.<br />

When lightning meets the body of a man, i~ is<br />

usually conducted by his skin to the earth., teanng<br />

off his clothes and even his boots by rendmg them<br />

open immediately over .its course down his body<br />

and flinging them to a distance. Appa!ently w~en<br />

a man is struck indirectly, by the lightmng glancmg<br />

off a tree to his body "for instance, he may be hurl~d<br />

away some yards, he in one direction, his clothes.m<br />

another; but when struck directly he usually mamtains<br />

his position, and may continue to stand even,<br />

for some moments, before he falls.<br />

It seems to be in cases of a direct stroke that the<br />

very severe injuries sometimes described are seen.<br />

A case is recorded* of a man who was struck on the<br />

head and a large lacerated wound ~n th~ scalp produced,<br />

without fracture. The lightnmg passed<br />

down between the tissues and the bone as far as the<br />

root of the neck on each side and then came to the<br />

surface. In all such cases when the lightning gains<br />

admission to the body it comes to the surface quickly,<br />

doing much damage previously., and it is evident that<br />

the tissues offer very great resista1?ce to the. c.onduction<br />

of the electric fluid. Ranks, m determmmg the<br />

relative conducting power of living. muscle in ref~rence<br />

to electricity concluded that it was three million<br />

times less tha~ mercury and fifteen million times<br />

less than copper. .<br />

There is little doubt that the skm of the body<br />

offers the most suitable medium for conduction ~f<br />

the electricity, and I think that those parts of it<br />

usually moist with perspiration conduct I?ost<br />

readily, e.g., the inner surface of the arms, thighs<br />

and legs, the middle lines of the back and th~rax<br />

in front, the sides of the thorax and the vanous<br />

natural folds and flexures of the body. The track<br />

of the electric fluid over the body can easily be<br />

traced, presenting such an extraordinary appear~n~e<br />

that once seen it will never be forgotten; and it is<br />

this track of the lightning, wherever.it. tou.ches the<br />

skin which I consider absolutely distmctive and<br />

char~cteristic of this form of injury. It. consists. of<br />

an arborescent branching and re-branchmg reddish<br />

.. Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence, Vol. 2, 4th edition, pp. 131 and 132'<br />

streak which become finer as it descends the body;<br />

as broad as a finger or a lead pencil above, it thins<br />

off to the finest thr ad. The branching is often<br />

wonderful, and reminds one of the distnbution of<br />

the superficial blood ve sels of the skin, thrown into<br />

view by an injection of them. 1\ly own opinion is<br />

that this is the case; that the superficial blood vesel<br />

of the skin in ·tantly dilate to their utmo t, the<br />

blood conducting the electric fluid; tha,t the<br />

haemoglobin of the corpuscles is set free and tain<br />

the skin in the track of the .lightning. rl~is is<br />

exactly the appearance produced in the arbore cent<br />

streak and in all its branches, rather than, as is<br />

u ualIy described, " an appearance of burning." It<br />

is this peculiar distribution of the streak upon thc<br />

skin which has gi\"en rise to so many records of the<br />

likeness of neighbouring trees, foliage, ferns, etc.,<br />

having been " reproduced" or "accurately<br />

delineated" upon tho e struck by lightning. Yet<br />

when seen it would really require but little imagination<br />

to conceive this a fact. The first time I saw<br />

this red arborescent streak it i'eminded me of the<br />

injected vessels of a subject in the dissecting room,<br />

and I notice amongst the cases of lightning-stroke<br />

described by Flammarion that, in connection with<br />

the skin appearances, mention is made of this similarity<br />

by others, which lends some weight to the<br />

opinion set forth above as to the cause of these<br />

markings.<br />

In those 'Yho survive li.ghtning- troke these stre~ks<br />

fade away m a re", day , leavlllg no mark; whiCh<br />

would not be the case if they "ere due to a burn.<br />

\Vhen seen after death these ·streaks are brown, and<br />

in the skin of the native are usually some tints<br />

darker than the contiguou skin.<br />

As already mentioned, these red streaks are<br />

generally referred to as "burns," but against this<br />

is the constantly recorded fact that tbe clothes of<br />

the person struck, though rent from the body, are<br />

neither burnt nor singed, whilst in those cases wh re<br />

burning is recorded it is invariably mentioned to<br />

have occurred in connection with some metallic substance,<br />

worn or carried in a pocket. Thus-the<br />

half of a man's head had the hair singed off beneath<br />

the buckle of his hat, the hat burnt immediately<br />

around it and the buckle fused; a man wearing a<br />

belt with a buckle to it " was severely burnt on the<br />

abdomen, over a space the size of a hand " immediately<br />

beneath the buckle, and his shirt over this<br />

area was also burnt; others have been burnt beneath<br />

watches carried in the wai tcoat pocket and money<br />

in he trouser pocket, whilst still others have been<br />

burnt beneath metal buttons on their clothes. In<br />

all cases the clothes contiguous were burnt, and the<br />

metal substance responsible for the burning partially<br />

or completely fused. I hink, therefore, that we<br />

may say that licrhtning only burns the human body<br />

when it meets in its cour e some metallic object. It<br />

may be tha upon further investigation of this<br />

matter, thatched roof , hay ricks and other objects<br />

burnt as the result of lightning-stroke will be found<br />

to owe their ignition to he presence of metallic substane<br />

s, though re istance to conduction may play<br />

an important part.<br />

A " smell of burning" is often referred to in connection<br />

with the lightning-stroke, although no<br />

evidences of burning or singeing exists uEon the

120 i'ltE 'rRANSVAA1.. ME.blCAL JOURNAl.. December, 1907.<br />

clothes of the person struck; also in connection with<br />

\\oodwork which was struck and \ hich was" split<br />

and splint red in every direction without a sign of<br />

buming upon it." This is no doubt due to the<br />

ozone generated in the air by the fla h, and also to<br />

the various substances rendered incandescent in the<br />

air; this smell is, however, characteristic and<br />

invariably present for some time after the flash, and<br />

is often referred to by those in its immediate<br />

vicinity as " the smell of an explosion." The rent<br />

made in the clothes of those struck by lightning also<br />

bas its characteristics. As stated, it occurs immediately<br />

over and corre ponds with the red streaks on<br />

the body. vVhen examined, it has the appearance<br />

of having been caused by a blunt edged in trument,<br />

to have been violently burst open from within, the<br />

cdg s as a rule showing no singeing.<br />

In the Royal College of Surgeons' :Museum,<br />

London, is to be seen a hat, dothes, shirt, stockings,<br />

garters and boots of a man struck by lightning whilst<br />

sheltering beneath a tree. The rents are characteristic<br />

and shew no singeing of the finest threads;<br />

the boots, of thick leather, burst open down the<br />

back as with great violence by a blunt-edged instrument.<br />

The history records that he was flung out<br />

of his clothes some yards away; and as far as I<br />

remember, though badly "bmnt," i.e., marked,<br />

and unconscious for some time, he ultimately<br />

recovered.<br />

Amongst the more severe injmies described as<br />

caused by lightning strokes are :-¥(1) "Lacerated<br />

and punctured wounds, as though with a blunt<br />

dagger," of entrance and exit, in the head-generally<br />

without singeing. of the hair at their edges. Fracture<br />

of the cranial bones with conversion of the brain<br />

"into pulp" and into "a liquid mass"; a large<br />

wound of the thigh exposing the femoral artery;<br />

haematomata at the point of impact severe contusions<br />

and extravasations, rupture of blood vessels<br />

even to "splitting of the body into two parts."<br />

(2) These injmies might give rise to great difficulty<br />

in inferring the cause of death, but I think that were<br />

such cases carefully examined by a medical man<br />

acquainted with the subject, the red streaks would<br />

be found in evidence somewhere, as the electric fluid<br />

travels so short a distance in the tissues and comes<br />

to the smface really at the first opportunity, to continue<br />

its course to earth by means of the skin surface;<br />

but, never having seen such a case, I am only<br />

able to draw attention to their recorded existence<br />

·ometimes. The results of lightning-stroke upon<br />

the interior of the body requires much elucidating<br />

and recording of cases. Some say that the blood<br />

does not coagulate in these cases, also that" rigormortis<br />

is absent in them," but these are amongst<br />

" the facts not as yet substantiated." A condition<br />

which I have generally found, and which may be<br />

i1istinctive in this form of death, is an empty :).(Jl1<br />

firmly contracted heart, especially the left ventricl~.<br />

with a congestion of the lungs, as though c3:11sed<br />

by a spasmodic contraction of the heart at the<br />

moment of being struck, forcing its contents into<br />

the pulmonary and other vessels and not being followed<br />

by a relaxation of this organ.<br />

* (1) Flammarion'e 11 Tbunder and Li~btning" and Taylor'e<br />

,. Jurisprudence."<br />

t (2) FIammarion.<br />

In those who sUTvive, a condition of profound concussion<br />

is produced, minor conditions of confusion<br />

of mind, tingling of the extremities and temporary<br />

paralysis, or weakness only of the limbs. But<br />

death from lightning-stroke is instantaneous, and is<br />

due to shock to the brain and nervous system.<br />

The first experience I ever had of the effects upon<br />

man of lightning-stroke occUlTed in September, 1900,<br />

near the Valsch River Bridge, in the a.R.c. Two<br />

other civil surgeons and myself were under canvas<br />

about 100 yards away from the camp of the Highland<br />

Brigade. The sky had been overcast for an bour<br />

or more, ,vith dark thunder clouds, and a heavj'<br />

thunderstorm was momentarily expected, the first<br />

of the season. Hearing a few heavy rain-drops fall<br />

upon the canvas, I knelt up to the tent wall to iet<br />

down the flies, and was so occupied, facing toward;~<br />

the camp, when a sudden fl3..,h of lightning can'f~<br />

to earth a little distance away and straight in front<br />

of me. It was so vivid that I could see, though<br />

indistinctly, through the thick canvas in front of<br />

me, as though it had been of gauze; saw the flash<br />

fall amongst a group of soldiers on the outskirts of<br />

the camp, and the men falling and scattering, as if<br />

they had been hurled away.' It was but a momentary<br />

glimpse dispelled, almost on the instant, by u.<br />

terrific crash of thunder. Running up to the spot,<br />

I found a sergeant of one of the Highland regiments<br />

struck dead and lying upon the ground·; near him<br />

lay a private, motionless and apparently dead;<br />

whilst, rolling about on the ground, groaning as<br />

though in great pain, or sitting up on the ground<br />

rubbing various parts of their bodies and limbs, were<br />

nearly a score of men, all more or less affect~d hy'<br />

that one flash. Hastily examining the sergeant, ]<br />

found, only some three minutes since he was struck,<br />

not the faintest flicker at the heart, nor any respiratory<br />

movement. To describe his injuries :-First, I<br />

found the hair singed off the left side of his head;<br />

his soft felt hat, which lay some six yards away,<br />

was rent and scorched on the left side of the crown,<br />

around a metal badge which had been pinned thtlre,<br />

but which had fallen out. The hat smelt strongly<br />

of singed hair, and I should have remal'ked that the<br />

neighbomhood smelt of " lightning," at one moment<br />

reminding one of exploded gunpowder, at another of<br />

a smith's forge. From the left side of the head a<br />

red arborescent streak, as broad as a finger, ran down<br />

to the shoulder, and, dividing there, proceeded<br />

obliquely across the chest in front to the right side,<br />

down the inside of that thigh to the inner side of<br />

the leg, and so to the ground; whilst on the back it<br />

ran down the middle line, by the gluteal fold, to the<br />

scrotum and inner side of the left thigh and leg to<br />

the ground. The remnants of the man's uniform,<br />

stockings and boots, were scattered arouhd a few<br />

yards away, and had been rent in lines corresponding<br />

~ith the tracks of the electric fl uid upon his body.<br />

There was no wound or contusion visible anywhere.<br />

o po t-mortem of the body was made, and it was<br />

buried a few hours later. The private, who was<br />

apparently dead on my arrival, ha:d ~omm~nced .to<br />

!!Toan by the time that I reached hlS sIde, hIS pupils<br />

~ere widely dilated but insensible to touch or light,<br />

and his breathing very slow and shallow; he was<br />

removed at once to the Field Hospital, where he<br />

recovered consciousness in a few hours, had a head-

December, 1907. THE TRA VAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOURNAL. 121<br />

ache next day, and was on duty on the fOUl'th day.<br />

'l'he r maining men had all experienced a shock<br />

more or I ss severe, some were still dazed and stup ­<br />

lied, others felt" smarting" or " tingling" sensations<br />

about their bodies and limbs, which they soon<br />

"rubbed out of them"; all these completely<br />

recovered in an hoUl' or so. When the sergeant was<br />

struck, he was standing leaning upon his rifle, the<br />

bayonet being fixed, ith his head and shoulders<br />

bent, talking to a man sitting in a blanket bivouac<br />

at his feet. The man to whom he was talking told<br />

me that it seemed as though he and his rifle were<br />

enveloped in lightmng for an instant, that he uttered<br />

no sound, and fell after standing rigid for an appreciable<br />

time after being struck; he described "the<br />

rush" of the lightning, and it was he who drew my<br />

attention to the smell of it. The rifle was flung<br />

from the sergeant's hands and fell against the<br />

bivouac. I greatly regret that I did not think of<br />

asking for and examining it. The man in the<br />

bivouac, who was sitting on blankets, seemed to be<br />

the only one for some distance around who felt not<br />

the slightest touch of the electricity.<br />

'<br />

In 1901, during the summer months, in one of the<br />

tents of the Burgher Camp, Middelburg, a man,<br />

occupying a tent by himself (he was an epileptic),<br />

was found dead one morning, the clothes ripped off<br />

him, and lying beneath his body. A rent at the<br />

point of the tent showed where the lightning hacl<br />

penetrated to reach the pole, from which it had probably<br />

glanced off on to the left shoulder of the man.<br />

An arborescent streak, starting here, ran down the<br />

left arm to the finger tips, down, from the axilia,<br />

the left side of the thorax, the inner (per the gluteal<br />

fold) and outer side of the thigh, and uniting again<br />

in the popliteal space down the back of the leg and ­<br />

heel to the ground. The boot of that foot was<br />

burst open behind, and had evidently been fhmg<br />

off the foot. The clothes showed the characteristic<br />

rending, corresponding to the tracks of the lightning.<br />

There was no singeing of the hair upon the man's<br />

body, nor of the clothes. nor were the edges of the<br />

hole in the top of the tent in the least singed.<br />

In the following year in the same camp, a tent, in<br />

\ hich 16 men and women were gathered at a prayermeeting,<br />

was struck by lightning, as before, through<br />

the canvas at its point. Rain had not fallell for<br />

some months, but had been threatening for some<br />

hours, a time, well known to the inmates of the tent,<br />

specially fraught with danger from lightning. The<br />

man who was praying held the ten pole with his<br />

right hand, the elbow being flexed, and against his<br />

elbow a woman leant her chest. All the occnpants<br />

were more or less in contact with each other and<br />

the canvas of the tent. A flash of lightning strnck<br />

the point of the tent, rent a hole in the canvas and<br />

ran down the pole; it ran along the man's arm, who<br />

held the pole, to his elbow, and was so conducted<br />

to the breast of the woman leaning against him; she<br />

was stnlck dead. The man's coat sleeve was stripped<br />

to the elbow, and his arm showed a broad red streak<br />

so far, but nowhere else on his body. The woman<br />

had her clothes rent from her body over the red<br />

streak, whieh lit rally starred her chest and ran<br />

clown each side of her body and legs to the feet. t<br />

her neck was a burn about 2in. x 3in., where a<br />

brooch with a metal back had been worn. Everyone<br />

in the tent was more or le aff cted, and 1 think no<br />

le han live howed the characteristics of having<br />

b en touched by the lightning. It wa reported to<br />

me that most of them were " undre sed " by the<br />

lightmng. Most of these cases were well in a few<br />

days. 0 post-mor em examination was held upon<br />

the woman killed. The hole through the top of the<br />

tent showed no singeing or burning-in fact, in the<br />

Burgher Camp in l\1iddelburg, which at olle time<br />

tl:umbered 8,000 people, tents were on many oeca-<br />

~ons struc~ by lightning, though, with the exceptIOns<br />

mentIOned, they were empty; and in one's<br />

round through the camp day by day it was no<br />

unusual thing to ee tent with characteristic holes<br />

at the point caused by lightning, but never was a<br />

tent set on lire, nor did 1 ever observe singeing of<br />

the edges of the tent. I regret that my time did<br />

not admit, in tho e days of careful notes being made<br />

of these cases of lightning- troke. A detailed<br />

description of the damage done would have been<br />

better than merely the memory of them.<br />

In September, 1903, a native employee of the local<br />

~epatria~ion Depot wa ba hing and wa hing clothes<br />

10 the nver about 300 yards from his compound.<br />

From the accounts of those with him, they were<br />

overtaken by a very heavy thunderstorm, and<br />

" Titus" seems to have dropped behind the rest<br />

in racing back to the compound; but he was seen to<br />

be running back naked except for a cloth round his<br />

waist, when he was s ruck dead by a flash of<br />

lightning. He had been struck upon the right side<br />

of the head, and the streak ran down the side of the<br />

body upon which the rain was beating in a most<br />

marked manner. 0 peculiarly dis ributed was this<br />

arborescent streak that I took one of the boys who<br />

had reached the compound in time back to the spot,<br />

and got him to show me the position of the boy<br />

killed and the dir ction of the beating storm. It<br />

was then easy to sce that the side to\\n.rd the rain<br />

had conducted the electric fluid to the ground, and<br />

it had avoided the inn r and protected ides of he<br />

body and limbs. My notes upon the post-mortem<br />

examination state that the lungs were "engorged<br />

n.nd congested," the heart being empty of blood and<br />

the left ventricle "firmly contracted," and that<br />

"death wa attributed to shock resulting from<br />

lightning stroke." There were no other external<br />

or internal injuries or disease with the exception of<br />

those described. nfortunately the cranium was<br />

not examined.<br />

In March, 190~, I was regue t d by the R.M.<br />

to examine the body of a Zulu woman, who was<br />

reported to have been struck by lightning the da<br />

before and killcd, just out ide the town. She had<br />

been standing upright in a square thatched hut,<br />

when the lightning struck through the thatch just<br />

above her and killed h l' in tantly. The thatch was<br />

s t alight and the hut burnt down by the flash.<br />

My notes upon the case say :-A brown arborescent<br />

streak (darker than the woman's skin and easily<br />

traced), nearly an inch broad where i began on the<br />

right side of the head, desc nd d over the sid of th<br />

face, across the side of the neck. to the IlPP r border<br />

of th sternum; it then descend d the mirldlc line to<br />

the left of the umbilicu. , acro. the middle of POIlpart'!'!<br />

ligament to the inner sid of the left thigh,<br />

behind th knee and down the inner surface of the

122 THE TRA SVA L <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOUR AL. December, 1907.<br />

leg to the instep of the foot. Where the streak<br />

pas ed between the breasts, which were prominent,<br />

a streak ran outwards to the tip of each nipple and<br />

no further, making a perfect cro s on her body. 1<br />

should add that the woman was nursing a child only<br />

a few weeks old, but had put the child away in a bed<br />

near by shortly before the torm fell. The breasts<br />

were evidently full of milk at the time, and would<br />

have large ves els cour ing over them. he was a<br />

robll t woman of about 28 or 30 years of age.<br />

Rigor mortis was pr ent, but "not marked,"<br />

i.e., 24 hours after death. Internally all the organs<br />

were normal, but "the lungs were congested and<br />

the heart empty of blood and firmly contmcted."<br />

'I he brain was deeply congested, but showed no<br />

injury or haemorrhages. Death due' to shock, the<br />

re ult of lightning-stroke. This woman was said<br />

to have \\"Orn " a dress" at the time she was struck,<br />

but when removed from the hut was naked. Asked<br />

if she wore no bangles or anklets, her husband said<br />

that she wore nothing of the kind but a horsehair<br />

necklace (without bead ) " to keep her from getting<br />

sick". He supposed the dress to have been burnt<br />

off by the lightning, a no fragments of it were<br />

found.<br />

The next ca e, which I unfortunately did not see,<br />

but i described to illu rate the vagaries of a flash of<br />

lightning, occurred about 10 miles from town. A<br />

man and his wife were lying upon the bed one sultry<br />

summer afternoon, the ky out ide dark, with<br />

a threatening thunder torm. The room was<br />

mall, with one window about 2 feet by 18<br />

inche in size situated just above the lower<br />

eud of the bed, which was close to the wall.<br />

A flash of lightning struck obliquely through the<br />

open window, across the legs of the woman, who lay<br />

on the inside, and striking the man apparently in<br />

the lower part of the abdomen, " ripped the clothes<br />

open" on the upper part of the body and killed him<br />

instantly. The widow informed me that he neither<br />

moved nor uttered a SOll nd, so that for a moment she<br />

thought he had escaped, but that when she had<br />

recovered sufficiently to turn round " she found she<br />

was lying beside a dead man."<br />

nfortunately no inquest was considered necessary,<br />

the body being buried by permit i sued upon<br />

the report of a neighbour; but nearly three months<br />

afterwards I attended the "idow for continued weakness<br />

of the legs, of which she had lost the use at the<br />

time of the occurrence. Some" branching streaks .. ,<br />

upon her legs, up to the knees, were described to<br />

me, but beyond some" mottling " of the body of the<br />

husband she could give me no further information as<br />

to his condition after being struck. No signs of<br />

burning, however, were noted, though the room<br />

" smelt as though an explosion had occurred."<br />

In connection with this case, it is well known that<br />

hot air providf's a track of lessened resistance, of<br />

which lightning often avails itself, e.g., in striking<br />

down chimneys and down the flnes of grc~n-ho.nse~;<br />

and as a precaution against damage by IJghtmilg lt<br />

has been recommended by meteorologist that windows<br />

should always be kept closed when a thunderstorm<br />

is in the neighbourhood. This case seemed<br />

to emphasize this necessity.<br />

Durina the summer of 1905 a native man was<br />

reported'"'lying dead on the hill-side just outside the<br />

town, and J was requested to make the necessary<br />

examination and report upon the cause of death. He<br />

lay beside a well-frequented footpath, naked, some<br />

passer-by having covered the body with his very<br />

tattered coat and trousers. On removing them, I<br />

notlCed that a sleeve and the back of the coat had<br />

been ripped down, and on looking again at the body<br />

saw on the neck, disappearing down the back, the<br />

characteristic brown streak of lightning-stroke. Returning<br />

to the clothes, I falmd the legs of the<br />

trousers similarly ripped. The brown and markedly<br />

arborescent streak started on the left side of the neck,<br />

and running backwards and downwards to the back,<br />

down the spinal funow, between the gluteal prominences,<br />

found its W:LV to earth down the inner<br />

surface of the left thigh and leg. At the left<br />

shoulder a branch of this streak struck across the<br />

back to the right side, and windiug round to the<br />

front across Pompart's ligament, divided into two,<br />

running down each side of the thigh and leg. His<br />

skin \-vas of the lighter variety, and the streak<br />

shewed well, being but little disconnected; it gave<br />

me the impression of his having been splashed with<br />

electric fluid from the left-hand side across the body.<br />

Internally, the lungs were "congested and engorged,"<br />

and "the heart firmly con racted," the<br />

left ventricle being empty of blood or clots, the right<br />

containing a very little dark clot. 0 other injuries<br />

were found, and the remaining organs were normal,<br />

the brain not being examined. Later in the day a<br />

pair of boots found amongst some rocks near the<br />

body of this man were brought to me; they shewed<br />

the distinctive bursting outward of the leather corresponding<br />

to the track of the lightning on his feet.<br />

I feel sure, however, that the distance they were'<br />

found from the body was a measure of the disappointment<br />

of the one who first found them and not<br />

of the extraordinary action exerted by lightning in<br />

throwing off the boots of those struck, sometimes a<br />

distance of some yard. I n the pocket of the coat<br />

of this man was found evidence of his discharge from<br />

the local gaol the morning of the day on which he<br />

was killed. He had started to walk to his home<br />

with" a bnndle," probably a blanket, but as nothing<br />

else was found near him, it was probably uninjured<br />

and considered too useful to leave by some passer-by.<br />

The last case of this nature which I saw during<br />

this last summer presented characteristics which, J<br />

consider, illustrate the statement made in the early<br />

part of this paper, to the effec that burns upon the<br />

body will be fonnd invariably to be in connection<br />

with metals. As it occurred some 40 miles from<br />

here, it was the third day after the man's death<br />

before I arrived and made my examination, the body<br />

being by then well advanced in decomposition. An<br />

old native, his wife and child of abont 10 years of age.<br />

had occupied the usnal circular Kaffir hut, with a<br />

thatched conical roof supported by a central post.<br />

During the night a flash of lightning struck the roof.<br />

setting. it alight, and travelling down the central<br />

post, killed the old man, who was lying in contact<br />

with it. close to a fire. The woman was sleeping<br />

" near the centre of the hut" with her feet to the<br />

fire; both legs shewed severe burns of the second<br />

degree and streaks up as far as the knees. which \"ere<br />

probably bent. These burns took place on each<br />

leg immediately beneath 20 brass rings worn above<br />

the ankles, and which on my arrival had been removed.<br />

I learnt that the rings themselves" had

December, 1907. THE TR SVAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOUR AL. 123<br />

been burnt," probably partially fused, but I could<br />

Hot get them brought to me for inspection. 'he<br />

had been unable to move her legs for a day or two<br />

after being struck, and had been dragged forth from<br />

the burning hut by the child of 10! V'hen 1 saw<br />

her, movement was returning, but she could not as<br />

yet stand. The small boy had been sleeping somewhere<br />

to the side of the hut, and apparently had<br />

been untouched. 'The post-mortem examination of<br />

the old man was unsatisfactory owing to his having<br />

been left in the burning hut, .. as he was known to<br />

be dead," and his body much burnt and charred by<br />

the falling-in upon him of the burning roof. 1<br />

was, however, able to trace upon his neck a<br />

dark, characteristic branching streak disa~pearing<br />

into charred tissue down the back. Internally, the<br />

heart was firmly contracted and empty; the luugs,<br />

too decomposed to show anything reliable. I had<br />

no difficulty therefore in stating as my opinion that<br />

he had died of shock resulting from lightningstroke,<br />

having been burnt afterwards.<br />

In conclusion, I advance the following conditions<br />

as definitely characteristic of death from lightningstroke<br />

:-<br />

The peculiar .. rent .. condition of the clothes<br />

and boots, suggestive of being the result uf<br />

great violence from within outwards, the<br />

edges of the rent shewing no burning or singeing.<br />

The presence of a peculiar arborescent. red streak,<br />

becoming brown after death, upon the skin,<br />

traceable wherever the electTic fluid touched<br />

the body, and often demonstratwg its direction,<br />

the rent in the clothing corresponding<br />

with the position of this streak upon the body.<br />

And whilst awaiting further experience of the<br />

deeper injuries upon the body described as sometimes<br />

resulting from'lightning-stroke. I offer the foll

124 THE TR NSVAAL <strong>MEDICAL</strong> JOURNAL. December, 1907.<br />

This opinion being submitted to the Law Department<br />

was confirmed by them, and in addition they stated<br />

that no action for damages could be brought against<br />

any medical man for giving, upon a sick report, the<br />

nature of a patient's illness, in the case of Government<br />

employees.<br />

Transvaal Medical Council Election.<br />

The Association have asked all medical men resident<br />

outside the Witwatersrand and Pretoria districts to cooperate<br />

with its members in forwarding the candidature<br />

of two medical men to represent the country districts<br />

upon the Medical Council.<br />

l"orms were sent out calling for the nominations, with<br />

the understanding that the two candidates to be selected<br />

would be those obtaining the largest number of nomin_ations.<br />

As notified by circular, the candidates selected were<br />

VI's. ixon, Heidelberg, and R. T. Jupp, Klerksdorp,<br />

who obtained a large majority of the nominations.<br />

Changes in Membership,<br />

Dr. McKnight, of Schweizer Reineke, has resigned hig<br />

district surgeoncy and left the Transvaal. Dr. Huntley<br />

Pelly, of Bloemhof has been appointed in his place, and<br />

at present the Government does not intend. making any<br />

further appointment at Bloemhof.<br />

An Uncommon Cause of Sudden Death.<br />

VI'. Sanders, Pretoria, has reported the following<br />

case:-Upon opening the skull of a young native woman<br />

who had died suddenly, and in whom I could find no<br />

disease elsewhere, a gush of clear fluid came away,<br />

carrying a cysticercus about !-inch in diameter. The<br />

brain appeared quite normal except that the lateral<br />

ventJ,'icles were somewhat enlarged.<br />

A Note upon the Examination of the Accused in Cases<br />

of Alleged Rape.<br />

(By Dr. A. J. Nixon, District Surgeon, Heidelberg.)<br />

In cases of supposed rape the importance of examining<br />

the person accused is fully borne out by the following<br />

case:-<br />

A native girl was sent down to me by the Resident<br />

Magistrate on July 6 last, with instructions to examine<br />

for evidences of rape. The girl's demeanour was modest,<br />

and she appeared to be eager to be examined. The<br />

examination proved negative in every way. All one<br />

could swear to at the preliminary examination was that<br />

the girl was not a virgin, and that the hymen must have<br />

been ruptured at least a month or two before. Nothing<br />

more was heard of the matter until October, when a<br />

native boy came under my care in the local gaol, suffering<br />

from complete phimosis, due to a chancre at the<br />

point of the prepuce and warty growth (exposed after<br />

circumcision) around the corona and upon the glands.<br />

This boy was the boy supposed to have committed the<br />

rape in July. He had become lost, but· was found in<br />

gaol in our next adjacent district, where I subsequently<br />

learnt he had been admitted into hospital on August<br />

19, and discharged on September 25, suffering from<br />

syphilis. On recovering from the operation for phimosis,<br />

which was somewhat delayed owing to infection. a~ the<br />

points of incision, the boy was had up for prehmmar:y<br />

examination. Both in the Court and to myself as his<br />

daily attendant, he stoutly maintained his innocence,<br />

averring that the the time of the suggested crime he<br />

was suffering with syphilis, and th!l't it ~ccordingly was<br />

not possible for him to have had COItus WIth any woman.<br />

And, further, that if he had had intercourse, for:ced or<br />

voluntary, with the girl, then she should show SIgns of<br />

infection. ow, I examined the girl again three months<br />

after the supposed crime was committed, and found her<br />

still perfectly clean with no evidences, moreover, of past<br />

infection.<br />

The question, therefore, arose: Had the boy active<br />

syphilis in July, or, in other words, ha;d he a ~ard<br />

chancre. If so, and granted that penetratIOn had taken<br />

place did it absolutely follow that the woman would<br />

have' become infected. The evidence was incontrovertible<br />

that he had come suddenly upon the girl, that<br />

he had driven away by threats two other girls who were<br />

with her and who had heard the girl scream. If, then,<br />

it could 'be proved that the woman showed signs of infection,<br />

conviction must follow. But there was no<br />

evidence of infection.<br />

R.M.A" BORDER BRA ·CH.<br />

The inaugural meeting of the above branch was held<br />

on ovember 12, 1907. Present: Drs. Tannock, Roulson,<br />

Anderson, Alexander, Ward, Ganteaume, Mac­<br />

Uregor, Rubidge, Grey, Brooks and Hill-Aitken.<br />

ominations for office bearers for 190 were called for.<br />

President, Dr. Tannock; president-elect. Dr. Roulston;<br />

hon. sec. and treasurer, Dr. Hill-Aitken. No other<br />

nominations being handed in these gentlemen were<br />

elected for 1908.<br />

Branch Council.-Df the following, twelve will be<br />

elected by ballot at the January meeting: Drs. Conry,<br />

Wall, Batchelor, Alexander, Ma{lGreg()r, Grey, Rubidge,<br />

uanteaume, Nangle, Lounds, Ward, Robertson,<br />

Querney, Randall, Shanks and Chute.<br />

Reciprocity.-A resolution was unanimously passed by<br />

the branch giving support to the Medical Council in<br />

their fight for reciprocity. The secretary was instructed<br />

to forward the resolution to the Council, and, at the<br />

same time, to ask Dr. Darley-Hartley to impress on the<br />

medical profession through the columns of his paper,<br />

the advisability of their bringing the question before<br />

candidates for Parliament.<br />

South African Medical Congress.-Dr. Anderson proposed,<br />

and Dr. Alexander seconded, that Drs. Tannock,<br />

Rubidge, Ganteaume, Roulston and the hon. secretary<br />

be a committee to approach various bodies and<br />

pel'fons with a view to holding the Congress here in 1908.<br />

Dr. Tannock proposed the branch be known as the<br />

Border Branch. This was carried.<br />


(We 110 not necessm'ily identify ourselves with the opinions<br />

eXl'res ed under this heading.)<br />

To the Editor at the Trallsvaal1l1edirol Journal.<br />

Sir,-I have been requested, in the interests of the<br />

medical profession in the Transvaal, to bring to your<br />

notice the facts in the case of Murray v. Shawe, recently<br />

decided by the First Civil Magistrate at Johannesburg,<br />

as it appears that many practitioners suffer financially<br />

to a great extent solely through their good nature and<br />

reluctance to press their claiJlis in the Courts.<br />

In the case mentioned the plaintiff, a medical practitioner,<br />

sued the defendant on an account for professional<br />

services rendered during a period extending<br />

from 1892 to 1898. Defendant pleaded prescription, but<br />

admitted in his evidence that in 1904 he had told the<br />

plaintiff that he was in poor circumstances. Plaintiff<br />

declared in eviqence, that he had had several conversations<br />

with the defendant about the account, and that<br />

defendant had always promised to pay when he was<br />

able to do so, but he (plaintiff) could not swear to any<br />

definite dates.<br />

On this evidence the Magistrate had no other alternative<br />

than to uphold the plea of prescription and dismiss<br />

the case.<br />

ow, the Supreme Court of the Transvaal has recently<br />

held that a verbal acknowledgment of, or promise<br />

to pay, a debt breaks or interrupts prescription,<br />

but the point to be observed is that the practitioner to<br />

whom a debtor admits an account should immediately<br />

make a note in his diary of such admission, as nearly<br />

as possible in the words used, and also of the time and<br />

place, with a view to future reference, and, maybe,<br />

evidence.<br />

It is not usual for anybody in the presence of third<br />

parties, to discuss his financial position, or to ask for<br />

time in which to pay, and if practitioners mak~ it a<br />

habit to record such conversations in the manner suggested,<br />

it would go far to support their evidence, a.s<br />

against that of the defendant, in cases where prescription<br />

was pleaded and the admission of the debt denied.<br />

All medical men in Johannesburg will know of their<br />

own experience that there are many persons in that<br />

town who are only too eager to avail themselves of the<br />

plea of prescription, and they should, therefore, be<br />

careful to protect their own interests as far as possible.<br />

Of course, if the debtor acknowledges the debt in<br />

writing, the ordinary period of prescription of two<br />

years is extended to ten.-Yours faithfully,<br />

C. N. KNOX-DAVIES.<br />

Johannesburg, November 28, 1907.

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