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Advertising, Promotion, and Competition:<br />

A Survey with Special Reference to Food<br />

By John M. Connor·<br />

Abstract<br />

Th,s article surveys the theoretICal and empmcal hterature on the economIcs of advertIsing during<br />

the last decade The survey notes several promlsmg advances 10 theoretIcal modehng of the role<br />

of advertisIng 10 consumer choice and sOCIal welfare Numerous empmcal investigations of food<br />

and other consumer products have estabhshed relationshIps between advertising and market structure<br />

or performance mdlcators Less progress was found on selected SOCioeconomiC adverbsmg<br />

Issues that are dIfficult for tradJtlonal economIcs to handle<br />

Keywords<br />

AdvertISing, Sales promotion, Market structure, Performance, Welfare economiCS, Consumer<br />

chOice<br />

Introduction<br />

The study of the economIc role of advertiSing began only 30<br />

years ago WIth a seminal paper by Kaldor (14) 1 AnalytIc<br />

modehng of advertlsmg and related forms of sales promotion<br />

has proved arduous and nearly Intractable The first crude<br />

empmcal tests of hypotheses about advertISing began only<br />

15 years ago Dunng the last 10 years, substantial progress<br />

has been made In both the theoretical and empmcal economIc<br />

literature,<br />

In thIS article, I survey recent analyses of the economIc role<br />

of adverbsmg and other types of sales efforts, fOCUSing<br />

especIally on the socIoeconomIc and welfare effects of advertising<br />

I consIder the role of adverbslng In determining the<br />

quality of competition m markets for food and other grocery<br />

products, The most recent survey of the welfare effects of<br />

advertlsmg IS an article by Doyle (10), wrItten In 1968<br />

Shaffer has also thoroughly surveyed the role of advertISIng<br />

In food marketing firms (38) However, both articles are 10<br />

part dated<br />

After exanunmg the conventIonal distinction between<br />

advertISIng as Information and advertiSing as persuasion, I<br />

discuss several SOCioeconomiC Issues surroundmg advertIsmg<br />

and survey the eVIdence regardJng five separate welfare<br />

economIcs ISSues [conclude by assessmg the hterature and<br />

making suggestIOns for future research<br />

·The author IS an economist WIth the National Economics<br />

DIVISion, EBB<br />

1ItaliCized numbers In l?arentheses refer to Items lD the<br />

references at the end of thl8 article<br />

Information versus Persuasion<br />

SeUers differentIate thell products from those of rival sellers<br />

in four main ways space, fonn, semce, and unage Spatial<br />

dJfferentlatlon occurs through selecbog convement plant or<br />

store locations Form dJffenmtlatlon occurs when products<br />

are altered phySIcally to create differences ID shape, navor,<br />

color, durability, storabdlty, IngredJents, or packagmg Service<br />

differentiatlon',s common In retad trade or In a product<br />

that requires rep8lrs during its usable Iife_ Image dIfferentiation<br />

involves the sublectlve ImpressIons of consumers about a<br />

particular product, such as the kind of person who typIcally<br />

uses that product_ Image dIfferentiation often occurs 10<br />

conJuncbon With one or more of the other three kmds of<br />

dJfferentlatlOn Labeling, packagmg, and advertISIng are the<br />

pnnclpal means of Image differentiatIOn of products 2<br />

It IS true that some, perhaps most, adverbsmg proVIdes mformatlon<br />

about the tangible, oblectlve charactenstlcs of products<br />

or serviceS offered for sale, facts that aid buyers In<br />

conSCIOUS, rational declslonmakmg InformatIonal cues on<br />

Ingredients, durablhty, pomts of purchase, and price are<br />

charactenstlcs of classIfied advertlsmg, trade pubhcatlons,<br />

and catalogs. However, much advertiSIng content appears<br />

to be pnmanly "persuasIve" messages that are hIghly sub­<br />

Jective, emotive, or even subconSCIOus In theu appeal Most<br />

adverbslng through the mass medJa (partIcularly the elec­<br />

2Enterpnses can also create Images whIch affect their<br />

product or servtce offenngs Enterpnse dIfferentiatIOn<br />

occurs mainly through spatial or serVIce differentiation<br />

Food retatlers~ for example, employ store decor or color<br />

schemes, checK-cashmg seroces, nutnbon counsehng) unique<br />

private-label products, and other deVICes to differentiate theIr<br />

ente!pnses DiversIfied food manufacturers, In contrast<br />

usually offer a multipliCIty of brands that dISCourages the<br />

development of a companY·Wlde consumer unage<br />


tromc medIa) IS preponderantly persuasIve Other massmedls<br />

advertising contaInS a more equal mlXture of mfor·<br />

mative and persuasive elements, newspapers, billboards, and<br />

magazmes are often of thIS type (35) Some forms of sale,<br />

promotIOn are largely persuasive (coupons, sweepstakes. and<br />

mcentIves), whereas others are partly mformatlve (free<br />

samples and sales demonstratIons)<br />

The proportion of mformatIon contaIned In advertIsmg<br />

vanes not only by medIUm but also by type of product_<br />

Some products have been assocIated WIth hIstorIcally Intense<br />

and uninformative advertiSing [terns relatmg to personal<br />

care (razors, soaps, and deodorants) are suscepbble to adver·<br />

tlsements emphaslzmg the product's abIlIty to reduce feehngs<br />

of personal msecunty The advertlsmg of lUXury products,<br />

like perfumes, furs, or Jewelry, IS onented toward lDcreasmg<br />

SOCIal status Some foods and beverages have lost theIr function<br />

as necessIties or sources of nutntIon alone "Dietetic"<br />

foods and chewmg gum, for example, are valued less for<br />

theIr hfe-sustamlng attrIbutes than for thell organoleptIc<br />

properties Many foods are consumed In 8 CODVlVlal or<br />

ceremomal settmg and are thus more prone to hIghly persua­<br />

Sive advertiSing There IS 8 world of difference between a<br />

sack of flour and a bottle of champagne 10 theIr potentIal<br />

for bemg Image-dIfferentIated<br />

Most packaged and branded grocery Items have properties<br />

that lend themselves to substanbal adverbsmg expenditures<br />

relatIve to sales One of the most comprehenSIve studIes<br />

of the determmants of advertlSlng IntenSIty was recenUy<br />

pubhshed by FarrIS and Buzzell (11) Based on the lOternal<br />

records of 281 consumer hnes of bUSiness, ,they found that<br />

the ratio of advertlsmg and promotion expendItures 3 to sales<br />

was posItively and Significantly related to standardizatIOn<br />

(not speclal-ordered), mfrequency of purchase, small umtpurchase<br />

value, proportIon of sales to dlstnbutors (as<br />

opposed to dIrect sales to final consumers), and proportIOn<br />

of new products marketed by the busmess Except for Infrequency<br />

of purehase, all these charactenstICs are tyPICal<br />

of packaged, branded grocery products Consequently, the<br />

advertISIng mtenSlty of processed food and tobacco products<br />

IS relatIvely hIgh Media adverbsmg by food manufacturers<br />

alone averages well over 3 percent of sales If one<br />

excludes hIghly penshable products, food retaIlers spend an<br />

addlhonal 1 percent of their sales on advertlsmg (7) Other<br />

3These expenditures Included media advertlsmg, catalogs,<br />

exhibits, premiums, coupons, free samples, and special<br />

promotlOnal discounts The costs of field sales forces were<br />

not Included<br />

fonns of sales promotion such as coupons, mcentIves,<br />

samples, and some dIrect sales force actlVlty would probably<br />

raISe the mtenSlty of advertlSmg to 8 percent of sales<br />

The InformatIve content of advertISIng IS at the heart of<br />

diSCUSSions on the SOCial and economic value of advertJsmg<br />

Theones of adverbslOg developed by StIgler (41), Telser<br />

(43), and Nelson (22) assume that consumer expenence WIth<br />

a product should eIther remforee correct prepurchase mformatIon<br />

or mvalldate false mformatlon The market wIll<br />

ImmedIately dlsclphne all false advertismg through a loss of<br />

market share to sellers Moreover, these theoretical models<br />

conclude that firms with unknown products and those offer­<br />

Ing the best qualIty/prIce combmatIon are the ones that<br />

advertISe most WIth purely factual or mformatIve advertlSmg,<br />

the effects of advertISIng are umformly welfareenhanCIng<br />

Consumer search costs would be SIgnIficantly<br />

lower With mfonnatlve mass adverhsmg than With searches<br />

mvolvIng mdlVldual tnal consumptIon or testing As sellers<br />

have no IncentIve to deceIve WIth advertISIng, the StIgler­<br />

Telser-Nelson models Imply that competItIve market performance<br />

IS enhanced If consumers Simply choose the most<br />

heaVIly advertIsed products<br />

LIttle empmcal eVIdence exISts on the mformatlve content of<br />

advertlsmg, but one Imtlal effort mdlcates very low levels for<br />

teleVISIon advertlSmg 4 Resmk and Stern (31) examIned 378<br />

randomly selected teleVISIon commercIals (78 percent of<br />

whIch were grocery products) for 14 dIfferent informatIonal<br />

cues Only 45 percent of the commercials for grocery products<br />

contamed even one mtonnatlonal cue, the rest were<br />

deVOid of Informative content Prehmmary results of research<br />

by the same authors on other medIa IndIcate a hIgher proportIon<br />

of mformatlve adverusements EmPIriCal eVIdence<br />

combmed With more recent theones cast some doubt on the<br />

sangume conclUSIOns of the StIgler-Telser-Nelson research.<br />

More recent models generally assume that consumers cannot<br />

costlessly and ImmedIately vahdate the qualIty of a purchased<br />

product WIth absolute certamty Kotowltz and<br />

4Parker and Connor (26) calculated that In 1975 approxImately<br />

one-fifth of all mass-media advertlBlDg expenditures<br />

for all (SIC 20) manufactured foods was "excesslve"-that lB,<br />

nomnfonnatlve Their method, admittedly huddy conJectural,<br />

diVided the 130 food product classes Into those that<br />

were competitive and those that dId not meet the competitive<br />

concentration standard (40 percent four-firm seller concentration<br />

ratio or less) They then calculated the mformatl've<br />

advertlsmg-to.sa]es ratIo for 'hoae c1..... (0 53 percent) and<br />

netted that amount from all other product classes The<br />

remaInder was conSidered excessive KaIdor (14) IDdepen~<br />

tiently arrived at a slJ1ular mformatlOn proportion of advertlsmg<br />

costs<br />


The mformatlVe content of adr;erhsmg IS at the heart of<br />

dJScuss,ons on the soeml and economIC value of advertISing<br />

Mathewson (15) have mvestIgated the relatIonshIp between<br />

"correct" (nondeceptIve) advertIsing and monopoly Their<br />

theoretIcal model assumes the eKlstence of a nondlscnmmat­<br />

Ing monopohst and consumers whose consumptIon IS<br />

affected posItIvely by the consumptIon of other consumers<br />

(the "demonstration" effect). Under these conditions, the<br />

equlhbrlUm result IS that the seller expends more than the<br />

socIally optimal amount on advertISIng and SImultaneously<br />

provIdes too little total 10 formatIOn to consumers ThIS<br />

model demonstrates a key hnk between advertismg, mformatIve<br />

content, and the welfare erfects of Imperfect competItIon<br />

When consumers are imperfectly mformed about products,<br />

the market does not maxUnlze SOCIal welfare Smallwood and<br />

Conllsk (39) have presented a model 10 whIch consumers<br />

know the pnce of products and the pnces of all brands are<br />

held equal, but consumers are uncertain about product qualIty<br />

untIl use (tbat IS, mspectlOn pllor to consumptIon cannot<br />

reveal quality, as IS true of most packaged consumer goods)<br />

Smallwood and Conhsk's model, budt on an adaptive dynamIC<br />

searcb strategy, results ID alternative eqUlhbna, two of whIch<br />

are InterestIng FIrst, even though pnces are the same, eqUlhbna<br />

eKlst for which several dIfferent qualIty I"vels of products<br />

sUrvive 10 the market Second, It Is pOSSIble, under some<br />

reasonable conditions, for a brand of "mferior" quality With<br />

an InitIally hIgh market share to capture the entIre market<br />

over bme<br />

A second artIcle by Kotowltz and Mathewson (16) IS also<br />

based on a consumer adapt,ve-search strategy Their model<br />

assumes that (1) rational consumers are Ignorant, but tractable,<br />

about product qualIty, (2) tastes are formed and fixed<br />

with respect to product attnbutes; and (3) advertISIng does<br />

not alter tastes, but does alter perceptIOns about a qualIty<br />

attnbute that reqUIres continuous, prolonged expenence to<br />

evaluate In thiS model, while false advertiSing claims are<br />

eventually mvalldated, the speed of dIScovery depends on the<br />

consumer's ablhty to learn and remember It can be profitable<br />

In the long run for 8 monopolist to mislead consumers,<br />

at least for a penod of bme, by glvmg them mcorrect qualIty<br />

mformatIon Although the authors cannot make any unambiguous<br />

welfare conclUSions for margmal consumers, all mframarginal<br />

consumers expenence a loss because the monopolist<br />

substItutes adverbsmg clBlms about product qualIty for true<br />

quality<br />

Unresolved Issues<br />

There are several Issues related to the perceived SOCial erfects<br />

of advertlSmg Some he outsIde the tradItIonal domalD of<br />

economICS The rest are baSIcally unresearched questIOns In<br />

general, less progress can be cited m setthng these Issues than<br />

the welfare economics issues I diSCUSS later However, the<br />

tOPICS are suffiCIently Important to be conSIdered here<br />

First, It IS sometImes cl81med that advertIsmg Increases macroeconomIc<br />

stability because of countercychcal adverbsmg<br />

expendItures by sellers and the resultmg stabilIzatIon of<br />

consumer aspirations over time Scherer's (36) survey of thiS<br />

Issue finds that adverbsmg expenditures show a deflmte<br />

procychcal pattern Moreover, empirical studIes of the effects<br />

of adverbsmg on aggregate consumption have YIelded mconslstent<br />

results Thus, the eVidence on dynamiC stabilizatIOn IS<br />

mconcluslve.<br />

Second, some of the "mfonnatIon It conveyed by advertiSIng<br />

IS deceptIve or at least IDlsleadmg m a legal sense_ There are<br />

voluntary US mdustry groups whose regulations hmlt<br />

deceptIons, such as the NatIonal AdvertlSmg RevIew Board<br />

State and Federal Government agencIes enforce laws agBlnst<br />

deceptIve and fraudulant advertISIng clBlms Although these<br />

efforts have largely ehlDlnated blatant deceptIOn, omISSIOn of<br />

relevant facts, innuendo, obvIOUS exaggeratIOn, and puffery<br />

are typICal features of modem advertlslng Preston's book on<br />

puffery (29) CItes scores of examples of food advertIsements<br />

contmmng puffery statements lIke "Milwaukee's finest beer,"<br />

"the biggest lIttle treat In all the land," and "every body<br />

needs mIlk" Sucb phrasmg IS not Illegal, but Preston argues<br />

that It may mISlead some consumers and must have some<br />

effect on purchaslDg patterns At least, the frequency WIth<br />

which such seemingly irrefutable phrases appear in advertlSlDg<br />

copy arouses cynicism among some sellers and consumers<br />

about the truthfulness of advertising (36, p_ 3S0)<br />

Third, advertising IS critiCIzed sometimes for IDstilling or<br />

entrenchmg hedomstic values Food advertISIng, for example,<br />

often OlDlts facts about health or nutritIOn but<br />

Includes assertions about sensual characteristics Some<br />

cntics perceive a connection between the rise of hedOnism<br />

and the appearance of modern advertiSing In Western societies<br />

Yet counter-examples also abound (wartime exhortatIOns,<br />

antlSmokmg campaIgns), and SCltovSky (37) has woven an<br />

elegant argument that, despIte hIgh levels of advertlSlDg, U S<br />

consumers habItually underachIeve 10 pleasure-seekmg relabve<br />

to cItizens of other countnes<br />

Fourth, adverbslDg may substantIally arrect natIonal food<br />

chOIce By raISIng pnces on heaVIly advertIsed products,<br />

many consumers are forced to SUbstitute less deSirable brands<br />

10 the same product category AdvertlSmg probably shIfts<br />


mtenndustry demand as well as mterbrand demand In the<br />

long run AdvertISing may be partially responsible for the<br />

notable shift m preference away from milk, frwt JUIces,<br />

and water (which are less adverbsed) to artificially fruitflavored<br />

dnnks, soft dnnks, tea, and alcohohc beverag~s<br />

(all of which are heaVily advertised) Indeed, Mottern (19)<br />

has presented some eVidence suggestmg an association between<br />

heavy advertlsmg and poor nutfitlOnal charactenstIcs of<br />

foods<br />

Finally, there IS the questIOn of Interdependent utlhty<br />

functions Much advertlsmg seeks to lead consumers to<br />

compare thell own well-bemg with that of other consumers,<br />

It urges them to emulate the consumptIOn patterns of those<br />

they admire Consumer utlhty thereby depends on others'<br />

perceived consumption habits as well ~ on the mtnnslc<br />

charactenstlcs of the products or servIces, thus generatmg<br />

external effects m consumption Thus, some advertlsmg first<br />

creates dISSatISfaction In potential consumers which can<br />

only be removed by purchasing the advertised commodity,<br />

bnnglng consumers back to thm onglnal level of satisfactIOn<br />

(pnor to the assault on their preference structure by the<br />

advertlsmg) It IS doubtful that advertlsmg which contams<br />

only messages of status discontent can ever result In a net<br />

mcrease m consumer satisfaction<br />

Issues of Welfare Economics<br />

Doyle (10) has Identified five maJor,lssues of welfare economics<br />

mvolvmg commercial advertIsmg, especially the<br />

persuasive kind<br />

1 Its relationship to monopoly market sJructu!es,<br />

espeCially barners to entry, and concentratIOn,<br />

2 Its Impact on profits, prIces, market share stability,<br />

and other Indicators of market power,<br />

3 Whether It stimulates or retards technological<br />

progress,<br />

4 Its relationship to guarantees of product qUality,<br />

5 The extent to which It cross-subSidizes the entertamment<br />

media<br />

Market Structure<br />

Here we conSIder the relationships of adverbsmg and promotIOn<br />

to concentratIOn, economies of scale, and other bamers<br />

to entry EmplncaJ tests of relatIOnships have frequently<br />

used the ratio of media advertlsmg to sales as a proxy for the<br />

degree of product differentiatIOn, assuming that other sales<br />

promobon efforts are correlated With advertosmg The advertising-concentration<br />

relationship IS one of the oldest and<br />

most frequently exarmned tOPICS m mdustnal organizatIon<br />

research A recent survey by Coman or and Wilson (5) concluded<br />

th.t the dllecbon of causality depends on the samples<br />

or bme penod studied A recent test by Ward and Behr<br />

(44) found a strong positive relatIOnshIp for consumer nondurable<br />

mdustrles In several tIme'penods, an exarrunauon'of<br />

the food'mdustnes f.lled to find any rufferenee from'the<br />

consumer nondurable Industnes USing a slmultaneousequatIons<br />

model of structure and performance In the food<br />

manufactunng mdustnes 10 1967 and 1972, Pagoulatos and<br />

Sorenson discovered that advertiSing intensity was strongly<br />

and pOSItively associated WIth market concentratIOn (25)<br />

Analyses of concentratIOn and advertlsmg mtenslty are IDcomplete<br />

m mdlCatmg the level of competItion because the<br />

level also depends on the eXistence of nonadvertISIng barners<br />

to entry<br />

Advertlsmg may be related to another element of market<br />

structure--economles of sca1e m production It has been<br />

agrued that adverbsmg expands a firm's sales and thereby<br />

allows attamment of the optimal scale of production Neither<br />

Scherer (35) nor Doyle (10) beheves there IS any emplDcal<br />

eVIdence for thiS hypotheSIs, mdeed, gIven that adverbsmg<br />

mtenslty IS related to phYSIcal product dlfferenbab~n,<br />

numerous product vanebes, planned obsolescence, and consequent<br />

short production runs, the reverse IS lIkely true<br />

Connor (6) has establIshed that brand prohferabon among<br />

processed foods 15 Significantly and directly related to media<br />

advertlsmg mtenslty However, these findIngs ~er,!r to'smgleplant<br />

economIes, It IS pOSSIble that advertlsmg and promotIOn<br />

may give nse either,to pecumary advantages to size or<br />

to multiplant economies of scale Scherer arid others suggest<br />

that, for two grocery-products mdustnes, optlm~ US<br />

multIplant scales are reached at the two- to five-plant level<br />

due to advertlsmg and Image differentIation alone<br />

Most research pomts to substantial econoDlles of scale<br />

In advertiSing Itself That IS, as the amounts of advertIsmg<br />

and promotion mputs In a finn are Increased proportIonately<br />

With other productIOn and marketmg mputs, output (sales)<br />

mcreases more than proportIonately over a certaJn range<br />

Strong eVidence eXIsts for substantIal economies of sca1e for<br />

beer (27) and cigarettes (2) 5 For a large sample of consumerproduct<br />

hnes of busmess, Fams and Buzzell (11) found that<br />

market share was mversely related to the Intensity of adver­<br />

5 AdvertIsmg capital IS used In these studies For foods<br />

and most consumer nondurables, annual depreclillion I.ltt'~<br />

were found to be ID the range of 30-80 perc('nl<br />


The aVallable eVIdence supports the hypothesIS that hIgh<br />

advertJSlng mtenslty leads to above-normal profits m food<br />

manufacturmg, however, comparable studies are not<br />

avaIlable for other stages of the food markehng system<br />

tlslng, even after controlling for several other factors The<br />

Nielsen Researcher (24) found that brand market share and<br />

brand advertising share were pOSItIvely and closely correlated<br />

for 60 grocery store brands In 20 product classes, however,<br />

except for brands With a low-pnce image, advertiSIng share<br />

tended to exceed market share Economies of scale In advertISing<br />

anse from two pnnclpal sources pecuDiary and technolOgical<br />

economies (4) First, volume discounts appear to<br />

persISt for specific kinds of media advertising, particularly<br />

the electromc medIa and national magazInes Also, some<br />

media events-for example, the Olymplcs-are lumpy (infrequent<br />

and unusual), which can give advantages to the<br />

leading firms In an Industry when bidding for chOice advertIsing<br />

slots Second, advertISing effectIveness (the number<br />

of messages of equal buyer Impact) may be less expensive<br />

at larger volumes than amaller SometImes thiS effectiveness<br />

can be attnbuted to the use of national rather than local<br />

media, to the eXistence of a threshold effect In advertIsmg,<br />

or to the advantages of haVing a "full line" of products over<br />

wluch the advertISIng of a hmlted number of brand names<br />

can be spread<br />

Economies of scale lD advertlslDg Imply substantial barners<br />

to entry by small firms Their successful entry Will reqwre<br />

much higher advertlSlDg-to-saies ratIos initIally than those for<br />

the established firms lD a market, the costs may be so high<br />

that entry IS unprofitable for months or years Moreover,<br />

mtroducing one brand moo a consumer goods market on a<br />

national scale may require an initIal advertlsmg Bnd promotIon<br />

budget of several mllhon dollars (7) Fmanclal mstItutIons<br />

wlll not usually lend a newcomer funds for thIS purpose,<br />

hence, new-product launches can constItute an absolute<br />

capIW barner to entry_ Large or diversified firms are the<br />

pnnclpal sources of new food products, and their relative<br />

ease In overcomIng promotIonal entry bamers IS doubtless<br />

one of the reasons (6)<br />

The general conclUSion about advertiSing as a cause of high<br />

entry barners must be modified for retall and semce operations<br />

(4, 35) ThIS qualification rests malDly on research<br />

companng pnces and quahty of optometry semces across<br />

CitIes With different rules govemlDg advertlsmg Poces are<br />

Significantly lower 10 areas permitting advertISIng, whereas<br />

few differences eXISted 10 the quahty of the goods and ser­<br />

Vices (I) Thus, advertiSing by food reWlers may IIld entry,<br />

but there are as yet no speCific studies on thIS subject<br />

Ultimately, the most Important Impact of advertising on competitIOn<br />

may be on the longrun alteratIon of market structures<br />

In one detruled study, Mueller and Rogers exammed<br />

the relatIOnship of advertlsmg to changes In seller concentratIOn<br />

10 the U S manufacturing mdustnes (21) Recently<br />

rephcated for the food mdustnes by Rogers (32), these results<br />

indICate that, ceterIS paribus, intenSive advertlSlng (especially<br />

on radiO and teleVISIOn) caused concentratIOn to lise over<br />

the 1958-72 penod Without advertiSing, "natural" compet­<br />

ItIve forces would have eroded market concentratJon Mather's<br />

stody In 1979 proVidessome inSight Into one type of conduct<br />

associated With concentratIon change (18) Ills study of 68<br />

mergers of food firms dunng the 1967-76 penod confirms<br />

that advertiSing expenditures rose more than 50 percent In<br />

the 2 years follOWing the merger, especially after productextensIOn<br />

type mergers Taken together, these last two studies<br />

suggest why conglomerate mergers IDvolvmg consumer goods<br />

firms may restructure markets<br />

PrIce and ProfIt Performance<br />

AdvertiSing lDtenslty, while not an entirely satISfactory<br />

proxy, has been used to represent the extent of product<br />

differentiation 10 a market It IS also assOCiated With basiC<br />

product charactenstlcs, such as durablllty, consumer versus<br />

producer goods dlstmctIon, mdustry media ChOIces, and<br />

manufacturer-retaIler power relatIonships The most ngorous<br />

studies mdlcate that both brand and Industry pnce elastIcItIes<br />

of demand are lowered by advertiSing That is, advertISing<br />

creates consumer loyalty, remforces repeat-purchasing<br />

patterns, and allows firms to rruse pnces (wlthm hmlts) relative<br />

to those of nvals With little erosIOn of sales_ Over tIme<br />

nval firms may respond With advertiSing campaigns of their<br />

own to preserve their share of the market and mlllntam their<br />

profits_ In an oligopohstIc market,· strategic consideratIOns<br />

lead to 8 SituatIOn in which firm advertlsmg expenditures are<br />

made largely to cancel out nval adverbslDg messages Under<br />

pure monopoly or perfectly coordmated, Jomt·profit maxlnuzatJon,<br />

total advertJsmg expenditures would be much<br />

lower than 10 a loose oligopoly (35) Some of these con­<br />

Siderations may underhe the voluntary adverbsmg restnctions<br />

ID some mdustnes, such as the U S liquor mdustly<br />

FIrm or brand loyalty combmed With effective market-entry<br />

bamers can Insulate firms from competIbon The eXIStence<br />

of market power can be mferred from studies showmg that<br />

high profits an! pOSitively and Significantly related to concentratIon,<br />

advertiSing, and other market structure dlmenslons_<br />

Many such "profits-structure" studies have been performed<br />

for the manufacturing mdustnes, four of these have exammed<br />

the advertlsmg-profits relatIOnship for the food manufacturing<br />

60ne In which 8 few sellers dominate<br />


mdustnes Parker and Connor,(26) found that advertlsmg<br />

mtenslty had sIgnificant, pOSItIVe effects on the 47 food<br />

lOdust"es' pnce-cost margins for 1972 Vsmg 1950-54 data,<br />

the Federal Trade CommISSIOn (FTC) (12) found the same<br />

strong relationshIp from the 97 largest food manufactunng<br />

firms Vsmg 1967-72 data, Rogers (33) replicated these results<br />

for a SImIlar sample of 60 firms A fourth preilmmary study,<br />

USing a Simultaneous equatIon model, estimated a Significant,<br />

POSitive Impact of advertiSing and concentratIon on profits<br />

for the food processmg lOdustnes 10 1967 and 1972 (25)<br />

The avadable evIdence supports the hypotheSIs that hIgh<br />

advertlsmg mtenslty leads to above-nonnal profits 10 food<br />

manufactunng. however, comparable studies are not aV81lable<br />

for other stages of the food marketing system 7 These strong<br />

results are consistent With an Important analysIs by Porter<br />

that found that both the concentratIOn-profits and advertlSlngprofits<br />

relatIOnshIps were strongly pOSItIVe In those manufactunng<br />

mdustnes marketmg thell products through self-semce<br />

stores ilke grocery stores (28)<br />

By confemng market power on finns, advertlsmg should<br />

lead to hIgher pnces 10 the affected markets PrIce enhancement<br />

has tradItionally been more dIfficult to establish<br />

because appropnate pnce data are lackIDg However, one<br />

empmcal test relates the 1976 pnces of a large sample of<br />

advertIsed processed foods to market structure and other<br />

factors, the standards of companson were the pnces of eqwvalent<br />

pnvate-Iabel foods, whIch were assumed to be produced<br />

by sellers and dlstnbuted through channels deVOid of market<br />

power (26) Results showed that, cetens panbus, medIa<br />

advertiSing intensity had 8 Significant, poslbve Impact on<br />

wholesale pnces, for each 1-percent Increase In the advertlsmg-to-sales<br />

ratIO, wholesale pnces rose about 0 9 percent<br />

Furthennore, the proportIon of network teleVISIon advertlsmg<br />

relative to total elght-medlB expendItures had a slgmficant,<br />

positive Impact on prices On average, processed,<br />

branded food pnces were apprOXImately 8 5 percent hIgher<br />

than pnvate label equIvalents because of med,a advertiSIng<br />

alone 8 ThIS IS conSIderably less than the pnce differentials<br />

for speCIfic, hIghly advertISed, hIgh market-share grocery<br />

7The FTC study found that profits on assets were rwed<br />

by about 1 1 percentalle POints for each 1-percent mcrease m<br />

advertlslng-to-saJes ratio Rogers' results were about 1 5<br />

pomts on w;sets, Pagoulatos and Sorensen calculated a lIto<br />

1 O-percentage pomt Increase In sales, whereas Parker and<br />

Connor's results were 2 9 percentage POints of sales These<br />

elastiCities were calculated at the approxunate mean values<br />

for the advertlslng-to-sales ratlos<br />

8 Average four-film media advertunng-to-sales ratios were<br />

2 7 percent, and the average network TV proportion was<br />

o 35 percent (26, table 3)<br />

products CIted by Scherer (35) 9 It IS more than the 2-percent<br />

dIfferential to all coilsumer produce reckoned by Doyle (10)<br />

S,milar studIes of retall grocery pnces have not conSIdered<br />

the effects of retader advertlSmg on pnces SpatIal and<br />

semce differentiatIOn (Wide msles, modem stores, and 10­<br />

store delicatessens) are probably more Important deter­<br />

Illlnants of store-ta-store pnce differences Wlthm SIngle<br />

markets (17)<br />

Market share mobIlity IS an mdlcator of mdustry performance<br />

Generally, data on market-share changes are difficult<br />

to obtam, when employed, they should be confined to a<br />

smgle market and should represent a total finn's share of the<br />

market VslOg reliable data, Reelue found that market share<br />

mstablllty among 34 finely defined, food product classes was<br />

SIgnIficantly and pOSItIVely related to advertlsmg mtenslty<br />

(30) ThIS study's results are contrary to all the other findings<br />

on profit and pnce perfonnance quoted above, but because<br />

Reelue used brands rather than finn shares and failed to control<br />

for new product mtroductlons, the findings should be<br />

venfied WIth others before bemg accepted<br />

TechnolOgical ProgressIveness<br />

The concensus of the most recent, ngorous em pineal studIes<br />

of technolOgical progressIveness IS that a low to moderate<br />

amount of market power optimIzes the rate of progress (35)<br />

These studIes typIcally measured technolOgical output by<br />

research and development (R & D) expendItures (really an<br />

"lOput" measure), patent awards, SCientific publlcatlons<br />

by employees, or simllar measures Moderate finn Size and<br />

some degree of market concentration are held to reduce the<br />

nsk assOCIated WIth returns to R&D effort, these factors<br />

may also enhance a finn's cash flow, part of whIch can be<br />

d,verted to R&D uses Of course, factors other than market<br />

structure, such as technolOgical opportUnity, also playa role<br />

ln detemllnmg technolOgIcal advancement<br />

To the extent that advertISIng reduces unpredIctabIlity m a<br />

finn's market envIronment, It may also encourage technolOgical<br />

output, espeCIally advemsmg assOCIated WIth the<br />

mtroductlon of new products (35) Doyle (l0) argues that<br />

nonadvertIsmg factors are stronger mfluences over aU<br />

Only one empmcal study IS available on the progresslVenessadvemSlng<br />

relatlonslllp for food manufactunng finns<br />

Mueller, Culbertson, and Peckham (20) used IDdlVldual finn<br />

data from two penods, 1950-56 and 1967-74 They employed<br />

three measures of progresSIveness R&D expendItures, R&D<br />

9The examples mentIoned by Scherer Include, Realemon<br />

(30 percent hlgher), Clorox bleach (45 percent), and B study<br />

of 217 drugs (67 percent h,gher)<br />

24<br />

Results showed IfuJt medUJ advertISIng mtenslty fuJd.<br />

slgruflcant, posItive Impact on wholesale pnces, (or each<br />

I-percent mcrease In the adverttsmg-to-sales rotlO,<br />

wholesale prices rose about 0 9 percent<br />

employment, and patent output Their results showed that<br />

the advertIsIng-to-sales rabo had a signIficant, posItive Innuence<br />

on progressiveness In the latter penod, for patent<br />

output, advertlsmg mtenslty peaked at about 7 percent As<br />

expected, firm Size, dIVersificatIOn, and concentration w;ere<br />

consIstently sIgnIficant factors, firms wIth about $125-$150<br />

mllhon total assets (1967 dollar value) had the hIghest rate<br />

of techmcal output<br />

Product QualIty<br />

Some Image differentiatIOn may be necessary to motivate<br />

manufacturers or dlstnhutors of consumer goods to mruntam<br />

adequate quahty standards Slmple'trademarklng or labehng<br />

may be sufficient to ensure mIn}mal quahty standards for<br />

repetitively purchased goods (35) But mere brand IdentIfication<br />

or frumiaanty require only minimal levels of advertISIng<br />

or sales promotion Whether consumers can use heavy promotIOn<br />

as a guIde to hIgh qualIty products IS senously doubted<br />

by most economIsts (10) No doubt, for some products,<br />

many consumers use heavy advert~slOg as well as high pnces<br />

as a Sign of high quahty Double-blind expenments of some<br />

food products h~ve shown that consumers usually cannot<br />

distinguish average-priced from premlum-pnced Items (35,<br />

p 382) Thus, their wllhngness to pay hIgher pnces for more<br />

expensive equivalents IS apparent1y due to the aura, Image, or<br />

status assocIated wIth the brand Shaffer has called th,s the<br />

placebo effect of advertISing (38)<br />

If pnce dJffe.rences between natIOnal brands and first-hne,<br />

pnvate label rood products are any gUide, (.onsumers are<br />

Willing to pay 10-15 percent more for the nabonal brand<br />

(17) Some consumers may choo-se more expensive versIOns<br />

because of perceIved nsk-averslO.!1, that IS, pnvate-Iabel<br />

products may be of eqUIvalent quality on average, but theIr<br />

quality may be more vanable Some consumers may try one<br />

of the earlIest brands to appear on the market, Identify Its<br />

partIcular configuration of characteristiCS as the standard<br />

of qualIty, and contmue to purchase the onglnal product<br />

because succeedmg brands seem "different" Such habituatIOn<br />

processes are well understood In the field of psychology, but<br />

have not been well IOtegrated mto economic models of con<br />

sumer behaVIOr (40)<br />

EVIdence on quality differences among brands of foods In the<br />

same product categories IS scanty, moreover, such data as do<br />

eXist depend on subjectively chosen weights for each charactenstlc<br />

c4:?mprlsmg the overall quality mdex One way of<br />

calculating qualIty IS to compare natIonal brand foods wIth<br />

pnvate-label ImitatIOns Parker and Connor (26) reVIewed<br />

data from laboratory-type tests and found no systematIc<br />

quality differences Another source of qualIty compansons<br />

IS the Consumers Volon (8), whose tests comblOe objectIve<br />

phYSical measures of food quality (SIze umfonmty, color<br />

IOtenslty, and VISCOSity) With blind tastlOgs by a consumer<br />

panel (for flavor retentIon and l!,1gredlent balance) Test<br />

results over the years have mdlcated few differences m<br />

average quality between national brands and the first-hne,<br />

pnvate-Iabel products 10 The mam differences appear to be<br />

pnce, packaging, and advertlsmg<br />

Medlll Cross-SubSIdIzatIon<br />

The SUbSidization of news and entertamment In the mass<br />

media IS perhaps advertISIng's major benefit to consumers In<br />

the Umted States, about 70 percent of gross newspaper<br />

revenu_es, over 50 percent of general penodlca1s revenues, and<br />

viitually all revenues of the commercial radiO and teleVISion<br />

networks come from advertISing (35) After deductIOns for<br />

mcreased costs due to producmg the advertIsmg space or<br />

time, these media stili have a net subSidy<br />

Cross-subsIdIzatIon IS not a net loss to cC!nsumers who pay<br />

for advertIsmg through theIr purchases, I t IS pnmanly a<br />

transfer payment Doyle (10) belIeves that mcome IS transferred<br />

from the nch to the poor through the croSS-SUbSidIzatIOn<br />

of teleVision, but the redlstnbutlOn IS regressive for<br />

newspapers Nonusers of the mass media lose the most<br />

Heavy users of subsidized media who enJoy adverbsmg as a<br />

craft or diversIon gam the most<br />

Fmally, because advertlsmg IS a JOlOt product with the media,<br />

there IS no separate market for evaluatmg advertIse.r:nents<br />

ExceSSive SOCial mvestment In advertIsmg IS lIkely In some<br />

medIa (28), espec18l1y those assOCIated wIth ohgopoly (9)<br />

ConclusIOns<br />

TheoretIcal models of consumer chOice, monopoly, and<br />

welfare and their relationships to advertJsmg became increas­<br />

Ingly ngorous dunng the seventIes Along wIth analytIcal<br />

ngor has come the necessarily restrictive assumptions that<br />

blunt the generalIty of the models' conclusIOns Notable<br />

advances have been made m model 109 the psychological<br />

process of habituation within an adaptIve-dynamic framework,<br />

but other psychologIcal aspects of consumer chOice<br />

have not yet been mcorporated, the "placebo" effect of<br />

advertlsmg,ls an example Th-e concept of advertlsmg as af­<br />

10"Genenc" private labels generally test out at a lowerquality<br />

level<br />


fectmg consumer perception of product-qualtty attnbutes<br />

seems more proIDlSlDg than were earlier treatments of advertising<br />

~ an mfluence dIrectly arfectmg the structure of mdlvidual<br />

tastes Fmally. further refinements may be needed for<br />

the distinctIOn between the mformatlve versus the persuasive<br />

content of advertISing and the treatment of product qualIty<br />

The empmcal tests of the past decade have fdled a vOId.<br />

Most preVIous research on advertIsmg, mcludmg that by the<br />

US Department of Agnculture (for example, 23) dealt WIth<br />

measurements of the sales-mcreasmg effect of advertIsmg<br />

Research on advertiSing effectiveness Is'currently camed on<br />

by marketmg economists In business schools, corporate<br />

economiSts, or researchers concerned With genen-c advertiSing<br />

(for example, 45) Research on the Industnal orgaruzatlOn<br />

aspects of advertiSing has reached (rurly sophISticated levels<br />

regardmg data reliabIlity and methodoloillcal refinements<br />

Attempts to measure the mfonnatlve content of advertlsmg,<br />

however defined, and the welfare benefits of advertIsmg are<br />

stIli rudImentary It may be that the "liberal" (Paretlan)<br />

foundations of welfare theory are unsUitable for such mqullj"<br />

The theoretical and empmcal stud,es published tbus far offer<br />

no more than the most general policy gwdelmes We know<br />

that mtenslty of advertIsmg IS associated With high concentratIOn,<br />

high profits and pnces, and mcreasmg concentratIOn<br />

But thIS knowledge does not help us much In'pollcy formula·<br />

tlOn Even If the standard welfare analyses conclude that<br />

advertlsmg IS "wasteful" or "excesslve/' the answer may not<br />

be to restrIct expenditures Advertlsmg IS but one Conn of<br />

product differentiation, a highly fungible and multifaceted<br />

phenomenon The recent U S expenence With restnctions on<br />

cigarette advertLsmg demonstrates the folly of a slOgie-medlUm<br />

approach, Our mabillty to arnve at a consensus on how to<br />

Identify the mformatlve content of advertlsmg IS another<br />

Impediment to policy fonnatlOn If the problem IS one of too<br />

little mformatlOn, publIc programs can supplement or supplant<br />

pnvate ones, If there IS too much mformabon, counteradvertlsmg<br />

actiVities may be a solution<br />

Perhaps, as Shaffer (38) has suggested, researchers have been<br />

askmg the wrong questIOns about the economJcs of adver·<br />

llsmg Even If advertlsmg does convey useful mfonnatlOn for<br />

rational declslOnmakmg, the more relevant questIon may be<br />

how advertIsmg compares With other channels of dlssemma·<br />

bon Slml1arly. If advertlsmg and sales promotion do fuel<br />

market power, how can society deal With the mcome-redlstnbutlon<br />

effects of advertlsmg?'Glven that advertising affects<br />

SOCial beliefs and values, the more baSIC questions might be<br />

Who should control advertlsmg content, and are the present<br />

values projected by advertlsmg consonant WIth the Ideals of<br />

a democrabc society?<br />

References<br />

(1) Bond, Ronald S ,and others Staff Report on Effects<br />

of Restnctlons on Adverhslng and Commercial Prochce<br />

In the ProfeSSIOns The Case of Optometry Wasbmg.<br />

ton, D C Federal Trade CommISSIon, 1980<br />

(2) Brown, Randall S "Estlmatmg Advantages to Large­<br />

Scale Advertlsmg," Re<strong>View</strong> of Economics and StatIStics,<br />

Vol 60, 1978, pp 482·87<br />

(3) Butters, G R "Survey of AdvertISing and Market<br />

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Vol 66,1976, pp. 392·97<br />

(4) Comanor, WIlham S ,and Thomas A Wilson AduertlS·<br />

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(5) "'The Effects of AdvertISing on Competl.<br />

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(6) Connor John M 'Food Product ProlIferatIon A Mar·<br />

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(7) The US Food and Tobacco Manufactur·<br />

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Reports, Vol 43, 1978, pp 315 18<br />

(9) DIXit, Avmas~, and Victor Norman "Advertlsmg and<br />

Welfare," Bell Journal of EconomIcs, Spnng 1978,<br />

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(10) Doyle, Peter, "EconomIc Aspects of AdvertlslOg A<br />

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(11) FarriS, Paul W ,and Robert D Buzzell "Why Adverbs·<br />

109 and PromotIOnal Costs Vary Some Cross SectIOnal<br />

Analyses," Journal of MarketIng, Vol 43,1979, pp<br />

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(12) Federal Trade CommISSIOn EconomIc Report on the<br />

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(13) 1mel, Blake, and Peter Heimberger "EstimatIOn of<br />

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pp 10·27<br />


The SubSldlZatlon of news and entertamment En the mass<br />

medIa IS perhaps advertlSmg's major bene{Jt to consumers<br />

(15) Kotowltz, Y ,and F Mathewson, "InfonnatIve Adver· <br />

tlSIng and Welfare," Amencan Economrc Revrew, <br />

Vol 69, 1979, pp 284-94 <br />

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(17) Marlon, Bruce, and others The Food Retallmg Industry <br />

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(18) Mather, Loys "AdvertiSing and Mergers In the Food <br />

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(19) Mottern, Nick GUldelmes for Food Purchasing In the <br />

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Peckham Market Structure and Technololflcal Performance<br />

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(21) Mueller, WIllard F ,and RIchard Rogers "The Role of <br />

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(22) Nelson, Phllhp "AdvertiSIng as Infonnabon," Journal <br />

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