Nordzucker_GB 03-04_E_.pd 1 - Nordzucker AG

Nordzucker_GB 03-04_E_.pd 1 - Nordzucker AG Nordzucker_GB 03-04_E_.pd 1 - Nordzucker AG


Independent Auditor’s Report Declaration of Nordzucker AG concerning the German Corporate Governance Code in conformity with Article 161 of the German Company Law (AktG) The managing and supervisory boards of Nordzucker AG Braunschweig have studied in detail the recommendations of the government commission “German Corporate Governance Code”, which the Federal Ministry of Justice notified in the official part of the Federal Bulletin of 4 July 2003. Both boards agree to the regulations set forth in that code. Even though the German Corporate Governance Code is not binding for Nordzucker AG as a company that has not sought stock exchange listing, Nordzucker AG has complied, and will comply, with the recommendations made in that code except for the following exclusions: 1. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends in clause 3.8 that in effecting a Directors & Officers insurance (D&O insurance for short) the company arrange for an adequate own-risk clause. The D&O insurance Nordzucker AG has taken out does at the moment not provide any retention either for the managing board nor for the supervisory board. 2. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends in clause 4.2.4 that the annex of the consolidated financial statement show the compensation for the members of the supervisory board with fixed allowance, profit-oriented elements and elements based on long-term incentives. These details should be shown in an individualized form. It has been agreed with the supervisory board that the company will refrain from such itemization. 3. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends in clause 5.4.1 that an age limit be defined and considered for members of the supervisory board. Nordzucker AG has defined a limit of 65 years of age for candidates nominated as supervisory board members. In its board elections, the general meeting of 5 September 2003 deviated from this principle in two cases by way of exception, because in view of their excellent abilities and experience, gained not least during long years as members of the executive bodies of Nordzucker AG and Union Zucker Südhannover, the two candidates concerned will be able to make valuable contributions to the work of the supervisory board of Nordzucker AG. 4. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends in clause 5.4.5 that the compensation for the members of the supervisory board distinguish between committee chairman and committee members. Neither the chairman nor the members of the supervisory board committees receive any special compensation for their work in such committees. The German Corporate Governance Code also recommends in the aforementioned clause that the annex of the consolidated financial statement show the compensation for members of the supervisory board in an individualized form showing the different compensation elements. The company will refrain from such itemization. 5. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends in clause 7.1.1 that interim reports be used as an instrument to inform shareholders and third parties in the course of the financial year. Nordzucker AG intends to comply with this recommendation, by introducing IAS (International Accounting Standard) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) in 2005. Braunschweig, 24 February 2004 Nordzucker AG Dr. Ulrich Nöhle H. Hansen-Hogrefe Chairman of the Chairman of the Managing Board Supervisory Board 58

9.3. Sundry Details Remuneration for members of the managing board in the year under review total Tt 1,941. This is made up of a fixed and a variable component. The variable component is set by the personnel committee of the supervisory board and is dependent on goals set by the managing board being reached. This variable component should not exceed 40% of total remuneration. There are no option rights for board members. The supervisory board received total remuneration of Tt 514 based on the general meeting approving the dividend proposal. Remuneration of Tt 34 was paid to members of the advisory board. Pension obligation towards former members of the managing board in line with Section 6a of the income tax law was recognised at Tt 5,626. Remuneration amounted to Tt 419. In accordance with Section 267 Commerical Code, the following numbers of staff were employed (on annual average): Nordzucker AG Group Industrial staff 1,052 2,359 White-collar staff 507 1,399 Total 1,559 3,758 For the limited commercial partnerships (with a private limited company as general partner) • Nordzucker GmbH & Co. KG, Braunschweig/Germany • Medopharm Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, Ehrenkirchen • Anton Hübner GmbH & Co. KG, Ehrenkirchen/Germany we have submitted a request in compliance with Section 264b Commercial Code to exempt us from our duty to prepare financial statements in accordance with German law. We have provided short-term sureties amounting to Tt 2,434 to Avacon AG, Helmstedt/Germany. At the balance sheet date, we have purchase commitments of t 10m for the Nordzucker AG and t 11.2m for the group. In compliance with Section 20, para. 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act, two companies, Zucker-Aktiengesellschaft Uelzen-Braunschweig, Uelzen/Germany and Nordzucker Holding AG, Braunschweig, have informed us that they hold an interest in our company. 10. Net Income/ Appropriation of Profits At the general meeting, the boards will recommend that from this year’s net income of t 25,502,664.01 a dividend of t 0.49 per share, or t 22,496,141.57 be paid, and that t 3,000,000.00 be set aside as retained earnings, and t 6,522.44 that be carried forward to new account. t 25,502,664.01 Braunschweig, 29 April 2004 The Managing Board Dr. Ulrich Nöhle Jens Fokuhl Günter Jakobiak Nordzucker 2003/2004 59

Independent Auditor’s Report<br />

Declaration of <strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong> concerning the German Corporate Governance Code<br />

in conformity with Article 161 of the German Company Law (AktG)<br />

The managing and supervisory boards of <strong>Nordzucker</strong><br />

<strong>AG</strong> Braunschweig have studied in detail the recommendations<br />

of the government commission “German<br />

Corporate Governance Code”, which the Federal<br />

Ministry of Justice notified in the official part of the<br />

Federal Bulletin of 4 July 20<strong>03</strong>. Both boards agree to<br />

the regulations set forth in that code. Even though<br />

the German Corporate Governance Code is not binding<br />

for <strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong> as a company that has not<br />

sought stock exchange listing, <strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong> has<br />

complied, and will comply, with the recommendations<br />

made in that code except for the following<br />

exclusions:<br />

1. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends<br />

in clause 3.8 that in effecting a Directors &<br />

Officers insurance (D&O insurance for short) the company<br />

arrange for an adequate own-risk clause. The<br />

D&O insurance <strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong> has taken out does at<br />

the moment not provide any retention either for the<br />

managing board nor for the supervisory board.<br />

2. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends<br />

in clause 4.2.4 that the annex of the<br />

consolidated financial statement show the compensation<br />

for the members of the supervisory board with<br />

fixed allowance, profit-oriented elements and elements<br />

based on long-term incentives. These details<br />

should be shown in an individualized form. It has<br />

been agreed with the supervisory board that the company<br />

will refrain from such itemization.<br />

3. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends<br />

in clause 5.4.1 that an age limit be defined<br />

and considered for members of the supervisory board.<br />

<strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong> has defined a limit of 65 years of age<br />

for candidates nominated as supervisory board members.<br />

In its board elections, the general meeting of<br />

5 September 20<strong>03</strong> deviated from this principle in two<br />

cases by way of exception, because in view of their<br />

excellent abilities and experience, gained not least<br />

during long years as members of the executive bodies<br />

of <strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong> and Union Zucker Südhannover,<br />

the two candidates concerned will be able to make<br />

valuable contributions to the work of the supervisory<br />

board of <strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong>.<br />

4. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends<br />

in clause 5.4.5 that the compensation for the<br />

members of the supervisory board distinguish between<br />

committee chairman and committee members.<br />

Neither the chairman nor the members of the supervisory<br />

board committees receive any special compensation<br />

for their work in such committees.<br />

The German Corporate Governance Code also recommends<br />

in the aforementioned clause that the annex<br />

of the consolidated financial statement show the compensation<br />

for members of the supervisory board in an<br />

individualized form showing the different compensation<br />

elements. The company will refrain from such itemization.<br />

5. The German Corporate Governance Code recommends<br />

in clause 7.1.1 that interim reports be used as<br />

an instrument to inform shareholders and third parties<br />

in the course of the financial year. <strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />

intends to comply with this recommendation, by<br />

introducing IAS (International Accounting Standard)<br />

and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)<br />

in 2005.<br />

Braunschweig, 24 February 20<strong>04</strong><br />

<strong>Nordzucker</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />

Dr. Ulrich Nöhle<br />

H. Hansen-Hogrefe<br />

Chairman of the<br />

Chairman of the<br />

Managing Board Supervisory Board<br />


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