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16. Rates tendered are to be inclusive of all cess, maintenance charges royalty, Sales Taxes, and all other charges, payable to the State Government or local authorities, or Central Govt. as are existing and as may be imposed in future, and no claim for reimbursement of any such charges/taxes shall be entertained. The rates quoted shall be inclusive of Sales Tax, Octroi, Royalty and all other Central or Local Taxes existing or that may be imposed in future. 17. CONSTITUTIONS OF FIRMS : Tenderer shall submit the constitution of their firm, Partnership deed and the Power of Attorney, if any, in original together with one copy of each such documents duly signed by the persons who signed the original documents, originals will be returned to the Tenderers after verification. 18. Tenderers shall personally inspect the sites and their neighborhoods and acquaint themselves with actual working and other prevalent conditions. Availability and suitability of local labour, material or otherwise shall be carefully investigated. Accessibility of sites of work, source of water, camp sites, market & banking facilities etc. and its source shall also be carefully investigated. Since the contract is for lab our and materials, tenderer shall reconnoiter round and collect all possible factors having likely bearing on rates and progress and these shall be taken into consideration while submitting tenders. Before quoting the rates, tenderers are advised to thoroughly inspect the site and walk over the alignment and to note, during the inspection of the sites, all possible factors to be met with and lead and lift involved, and royalty to be paid and other factors and take all these into consideration in quoting their rates. The tenderer shall be deemed to have satisfied them selves regarding these conditions before submission of the tender. 19(1) Tender forms containing over writings, erased rates and rates not shown in words are liable to be rejected. In case of discrepancy in rates as shown in figures and in words if notice the accepting authority may at his discretion accept the lower of the two. 19(2) No scribbling is permissible in the tender documents and no special conditions are to be stipulated by the Tender in the same. If the tenderer wants to intimate anything of importance, he may do so in a separate covering letter, such stipulations and conditions shall be deemed to be a part of the contract to such extent only as may be explicitly accepted by the Rly. Administration and communicated to the successful tenderer. The Railway administration, however, reserves the right not to accept any such special stipulation and conditions made by the tenderers and may ask the tenderer to withdraw any or all such stipulation before awarding the contract. In the event of refusal of the tenderer to do so the tender is liable be cancelled. 19(3) The tenderer must satisfy himself thoroughly about the site and nature of work and the local conditions before submitting his tender. 19(4) The tender shall completely and carefully fill-up the letter entitled “Tender Form” and shall not leave any blank space. 20. Date of Completion :- It is to be clearly understood that the tenderer agrees to complete the works as per this tender in all respects within __06 months___ to be reckoned from the date of issue of letter of acceptance. 21. QUOTATION : (1) QUANTITIES APPROXIMATE: The approximate quantities of work involved are given in the schedule of items. For items to be done against L&M schedule, 1996 lump sum basic cost of Rs.________ has been indicated in schedule of items for miscellaneous and unforeseen works. These are for the purpose of tendering only. The Railway Administration reserves the right to modify the same from time to time whether it is increase or decrease in the scope of the work and the tenderers shall quote reasonable and workable rate for each of the items. The tenderers shall not be entitled to any compensation

due to increase/decrease in the scope of the work, but shall be paid as per the rates of the contract for the actual quantities of work done. The Railway Administration also reserves the right to delete items or introduce new items of works if required to be done to complete the work. (2) RATES IN FIGURES AS WELL AS IN WORKS: The tenderers are required to quote their rates in figures as well as in words against each item of the schedule of items therein. 22. RAILWAY PASS OR CONCESSION: No Railway pass or concession facilities shall be given to the contractor or their agents and labours for execution of the works. Contractor’s materials required for execution of work shall have to be carried at the public rate of Railway freight, if carried by Railway Transport and no concession rate of Railway freight shall be applicable. This supersedes Clause 9 of the Eastern Railway (Engg. Deptt.), General conditions of contract and Standard specifications, 1969. 23. General conditions of contract and specifications for materials and works are laid down in the Engg. Deptt. Hand Book, General Conditions of contract and standard-specifications 1969” of Eastern Railway which can be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer, E.C.Railway, Hajipur or hand on payment of Rs.10/- (Rs.Ton) towards cost of each. This book with up-to-date correction slips shall govern the work and shall be binding on the contractor. 24. This tender is on the basis of the Regulations for tenders and contracts and standard forms of contract 1964 issued for the guidance of the contractor and Engineer for Civil Engg. Works with upto-date correction slips. This Hand Book of Regulations can be seen in the office of the Chief Engineer. E.C. Railway, Hajipur. Divisional Railway Manager, E.C. Railway, Danapur on can be purchased from his office on payment of Rs.10/- (Rs.Ten ) only towards the cost for each. 25. The tenderer is to quote his rates with reference to each item & shall tender for all the items shown in attached schedule. The Kilometers/quantities shown in the attached schedules which are given as a guide are approximate only and are subject to variation according to the need of the Railway. The Railway accept no responsibility for their accuracy. The Railway does not guarantee work under each item of the attached schedules. 26. The tender shall be accompanied by a sum of Rs.20000/-__ as earnest money to be deposited in cash either with the Chief Cashier, E.C. Railway, HJP or in any of the forms as demanded in para- 8 of Instructions to tenderers and condition of tender failing which the tender shall not be considered. Tenders not accompanied by the aforesaid earnest money shall under no circumstances be entertained and shall be summarily rejected without further reference to the tenderers. No reference to previous deposit of earnest money and security for adjustment against the present tender shall be accepted, neither any request for recovery from any outstanding bills for earnest money against present tender shall be entertained. 27. PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF TENDER: The tenderer shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of opening of the tender within which period the tenderer cannot withdraw or modify his offer. The security deposit referred in Clause 8 above is by way of security deposit for the performance of the stipulation to keep the tender open for the said period of 120 days from the date of opening of tender. It shall be understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the tenderer and the tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his part that after submitting his tender, he shall not resile from his offer or modify within the period of validity the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Railway. Shall the tenderer fail to observe or comply with the stipulation the aforesaid amount or security deposit shall be liable to be forfeited to the Railway.

due to increase/decrease in the scope of the work, but shall be paid as per the rates of the contract<br />

for the actual quantities of work done. The Railway Administration also reserves the right to<br />

delete items or introduce new items of works if required to be done to complete the work.<br />


The tenderers are required to quote their rates in figures as well as in words against each<br />

item of the schedule of items therein.<br />

22. <strong>RAILWAY</strong> PASS OR CONCESSION:<br />

No Railway pass or concession facilities shall be given to the contractor or their agents and<br />

labours for execution of the works. Contractor’s materials required for execution of work shall<br />

have to be carried at the public rate of Railway freight, if carried by Railway Transport and no<br />

concession rate of Railway freight shall be applicable. This supersedes Clause 9 of the Eastern<br />

Railway (Engg. Deptt.), General conditions of contract and Standard specifications, 1969.<br />

23. General conditions of contract and specifications for materials and works are laid down in the<br />

Engg. Deptt. Hand Book, General Conditions of contract and standard-specifications 1969” of<br />

Eastern Railway which can be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer, E.C.Railway, Hajipur or<br />

hand on payment of Rs.10/- (Rs.Ton) towards cost of each. This book with up-to-date correction<br />

slips shall govern the work and shall be binding on the contractor.<br />

24. This tender is on the basis of the Regulations for tenders and contracts and standard forms of<br />

contract 1964 issued for the guidance of the contractor and Engineer for Civil Engg. Works with<br />

upto-date correction slips. This Hand Book of Regulations can be seen in the office of the Chief<br />

Engineer. E.C. Railway, Hajipur. Divisional Railway Manager, E.C. Railway, Danapur on can be<br />

purchased from his office on payment of Rs.10/- (Rs.Ten ) only towards the cost for each.<br />

25. The tenderer is to quote his rates with reference to each item & shall tender for all the items<br />

shown in attached schedule. The Kilometers/quantities shown in the attached schedules which are<br />

given as a guide are approximate only and are subject to variation according to the need of the<br />

Railway. The Railway accept no responsibility for their accuracy. The Railway does not guarantee<br />

work under each item of the attached schedules.<br />

26. The tender shall be accompanied by a sum of Rs.20000/-__ as earnest money to be deposited in<br />

cash either with the Chief Cashier, E.C. Railway, HJP or in any of the forms as demanded in para-<br />

8 of Instructions to tenderers and condition of tender failing which the tender shall not be<br />

considered. Tenders not accompanied by the aforesaid earnest money shall under no<br />

circumstances be entertained and shall be summarily rejected without further reference to the<br />

tenderers. No reference to previous deposit of earnest money and security for adjustment against<br />

the present tender shall be accepted, neither any request for recovery from any outstanding bills<br />

for earnest money against present tender shall be entertained.<br />


The tenderer shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of opening<br />

of the tender within which period the tenderer cannot withdraw or modify his offer.<br />

The security deposit referred in Clause 8 above is by way of security deposit for the performance<br />

of the stipulation to keep the tender open for the said period of 120 days from the date of opening<br />

of tender. It shall be understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the tenderer<br />

and the tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his part that after<br />

submitting his tender, he shall not resile from his offer or modify within the period of validity the<br />

terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Railway. Shall the tenderer fail to<br />

observe or comply with the stipulation the aforesaid amount or security deposit shall be liable to<br />

be forfeited to the Railway.

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