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Immediately after receipt of letter of acceptance of the tender the contractor shall mobilizes all his resources (Labour and material) and take upto the work in right earnestness. The minim. Progress to be achieved will be as follows :- i) Mobilization & jacketing : Time frame will be ___nil________ months from date of letter of acceptance. ii) Subsequently every __nil______ months, jacketing of at least __nil_________ spans will be done. If the contractor fails to adhere to the progress mentioned above, minimum Rs.______________ only per in complete span will be deducted from any amount payable to him . 7. The quantities indicated against various items of the schedule items are for the purpose of tendering. Payment will be made for the quantities which will be actually executed & measured at site as per accepted rates. 8. The rates quoted by the tenderer shall include washing stone chips screening chips, sand where necessary and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. 9. The quoted rates pertaining to the labour & materials schedule of rates 1996 and for other items in the schedule of items of the tender shall be deemed to take into account the difficulties detention and delay in supply of Rly. materials encountered in occourse of works and nothing extra on these accounts shall be paid. 10. No arrangement for supply of Petrol, Coal or any other fuel, consumable materials etc. required for the work shall be done by the Rly. and contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for same. 11. The contractors has to make his own arrangement at his own cost to supply water suitable for the execution of different works as well as for the drinking purpose of the staff and labour at site. Rly. shall under-take no responsibility what so-ever for arranging water for any purpose for execution of work. 12. All materials to be supplied by the contractor shall be subject to prior inspection & approval at site by the Engr. Or his representative. Contractor’s materials which for any reasons have be ordered by the Engineer or his representative to be removed from site must be removed by the contractor within 7 days of receipt of the order failing which the Rly. Admn. shall be at liberty to remove the materials and/or dispose of these material at their discretion in and manner as may think fit and expenses incurred in connection shall be recovered from dues of the contractor. The contractor shall in no case be entitled to any compensation for this. If necessary, Engineer or any of his representative must be freely allowed to inspect the materials in the contractor’s godown/site. 12.A. The contractor will be permitted to start the work only after he has brought the requisite machineries in working condition, especially concrete placer with supporting equipments. Vibrators, weight batcher with self loading hoppers in addition to other equipments as site, his failure to mobiles these equipments within one month of the issue of acceptance latter may render him liable for termination of contract. The Railway Administration may in such an event, complete the work at his risk and cost. 13. If necessary, Engineer or any of his representative must be freely allowed to inspect the materials in the contractor’s Go down/site. 14. The Railway administration reserves the right that if necessary certain items of works as provided in the agreement may be deleted altogether and may be done by any other suitable means as may be decided by the Engineer for which no claim whatsoever will be entertained from the contractor.

15. The contractor shall at his own expense clean the site of work and provide all necessary Labour, pegs, stringe etc. to enable the Engineer or his representative to check all set-outs and the contractors shall correct errors at his own expense. 16. The acceptance of the tender does not entitle the Contractor for any compensation in case the work is not done even after the execution of the agreement. 17. Time is the essence of the contract and the work shall be completed within the stipulated time embodied in the Agreement. 18. The Railway reserves the right to make any change in quantities given in the schedule of items, delete any item or items of works reduce or increase the quantities and get these works done by any other agreement at their own discretion without obtaining the prior entertained from the contractor. 19. The rates quoted in the schedule of items shall be inclusive of bailing out of pumping out water (i.e. percolation or any subsoil, canal or stream water) coming from sub-soil or outside and no extra payment shall be made on this account under any circumstances. 20. Where vehicles are permitted to ply adjacent to the Railway lines an experienced Gang man would be posted by the Railway as Flagman at the cost of the contractor to prevent accidents, and the amount towards the salary of the flagman shall be recovered from the Contractors bills. 21. The Railway Administration shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the contractor’s materials, equipments, tools and plant due to fire, floods or any other cause or causes whatsoever. 22. PART RECOVERY OF THE INCOME TAX : In-come tax @ 2% of the gross amount shall be recovered from all bills of the contractor in terms of section 194(c) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as introduced through the Finance Act, 1972. 23. TOOLS AND PLANTS : It shall be clearly understood that it is entirely the contractor’s responsibility and liability to find, procure and use all machineries, tools and plant and their spare parts that are required for efficient and methodical execution of the work. Delay in procurement of such items due to their nonavailability of import difficulties or any other cause whatsoever, shall not be take as execuse for slow or non performance of work. 24. While transporting and storing cement, the Contractor shall guard against loss due to any cause whatsoever as well as against cement becoming damp or wet due to moisture. The Contractor shall be responsible for the storing cement at the site of work according to standard conditions and specifications. 25. The empty cement bags made of jute/polythene, if not requires by the Railway, should be retained by the Contractor for disposed preferably to the authorised bag collecting Agents and a sum of Rs.2 (Two) per gunny bag shall be recovered from the contractor’s bills on this account, towards the cost of each gunny bag. 26. If cement be issued in paper bags (as in the case of import cement), the paper bags shall be retained by the Contractor for disposal in his own way and no recovery shall be made from his bills on this account. 27. Railway materials will be issued commensurate with the progress of work. 28. Service Roads, where required, the contractor shall provide the same at his own cost with the prior permission of the Engineer or the appropriate authority or the private parties as the case may be, Maintenance of these service road, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be done at his own expenses. The Railway, however, reserve the right to make use of these additional service roads, as and when necessary, without any payment to the Contractor. 29. Bihar Sales Tax :

15. The contractor shall at his own expense clean the site of work and provide all necessary Labour,<br />

pegs, stringe etc. to enable the Engineer or his representative to check all set-outs and the<br />

contractors shall correct errors at his own expense.<br />

16. The acceptance of the tender does not entitle the Contractor for any compensation in case the<br />

work is not done even after the execution of the agreement.<br />

17. Time is the essence of the contract and the work shall be completed within the stipulated time<br />

embodied in the Agreement.<br />

18. The Railway reserves the right to make any change in quantities given in the schedule of items,<br />

delete any item or items of works reduce or increase the quantities and get these works done by<br />

any other agreement at their own discretion without obtaining the prior entertained from the<br />

contractor.<br />

19. The rates quoted in the schedule of items shall be inclusive of bailing out of pumping out water<br />

(i.e. percolation or any subsoil, canal or stream water) coming from sub-soil or outside and no<br />

extra payment shall be made on this account under any circumstances.<br />

20. Where vehicles are permitted to ply adjacent to the Railway lines an experienced Gang man<br />

would be posted by the Railway as Flagman at the cost of the contractor to prevent accidents, and<br />

the amount towards the salary of the flagman shall be recovered from the Contractors bills.<br />

21. The Railway Administration shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the contractor’s<br />

materials, equipments, tools and plant due to fire, floods or any other cause or causes whatsoever.<br />


In-come tax @ 2% of the gross amount shall be recovered from all bills of the contractor in terms<br />

of section 194(c) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as introduced through the Finance Act, 1972.<br />

23. TOOLS AND PLANTS :<br />

It shall be clearly understood that it is entirely the contractor’s responsibility and liability to find,<br />

procure and use all machineries, tools and plant and their spare parts that are required for efficient<br />

and methodical execution of the work. Delay in procurement of such items due to their nonavailability<br />

of import difficulties or any other cause whatsoever, shall not be take as execuse for<br />

slow or non performance of work.<br />

24. While transporting and storing cement, the Contractor shall guard against loss due to any cause<br />

whatsoever as well as against cement becoming damp or wet due to moisture. The Contractor<br />

shall be responsible for the storing cement at the site of work according to standard conditions and<br />

specifications.<br />

25. The empty cement bags made of jute/polythene, if not requires by the Railway, should be retained<br />

by the Contractor for disposed preferably to the authorised bag collecting Agents and a sum of<br />

Rs.2 (Two) per gunny bag shall be recovered from the contractor’s bills on this account, towards<br />

the cost of each gunny bag.<br />

26. If cement be issued in paper bags (as in the case of import cement), the paper bags shall be<br />

retained by the Contractor for disposal in his own way and no recovery shall be made from his<br />

bills on this account.<br />

27. Railway materials will be issued commensurate with the progress of work.<br />

28. Service Roads, where required, the contractor shall provide the same at his own cost with the<br />

prior permission of the Engineer or the appropriate authority or the private parties as the case may<br />

be, Maintenance of these service road, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be<br />

done at his own expenses. The Railway, however, reserve the right to make use of these additional<br />

service roads, as and when necessary, without any payment to the Contractor.<br />

29. Bihar Sales Tax :

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