CV - Institutului de Istorie a Religiilor

CV - Institutului de Istorie a Religiilor

CV - Institutului de Istorie a Religiilor


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foun<strong>de</strong>r of ORMA. Review of Ethnological and Historical-Religious Studies (Department of<br />

Classical Philology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University [ISSN 1841-6349: for on-line edition<br />

www.orma.ro; ISSN 1843 – 6552: for CD-ROM edition; ISSN 1841-6330: for printed edition]<br />

2005-2006: coordonator al ColecŃiei Historia religionum, Editura Ecco, Cluj-Napoca /<br />

coordinator of the “Historia religionum” Collection, at the Ecco Publishing House, Cluj-<br />

Napoca.<br />

ApariŃii editoriale: Vasile Rus, Pro Scientiarum Aca<strong>de</strong>mia. Calvaria şi şcolile iezuite din Cluj<br />

(sec. XVI-XVIII), 2005, 273 p. Attilio Mastrocinque, Romulus. Întemeierea Romei între<br />

istorie şi legendă (titl. orig.: Romolo. La fondazione di Roma tra storia e leggenda), tr. ro.<br />

Amalia MihuŃ, 2005, 187 p. Orma. Revistă <strong>de</strong> studii istorico-religioase, nr. 1, 2004<br />

(Perspective religioase antice), coord. <strong>de</strong> Bogdan Neagota şi Sorin Nemeti, 2005, 173p.<br />

Publications of the “Historia religionum” Series: Vasile Rus, Pro Scientiarum Aca<strong>de</strong>mia.<br />

Calvaria and the Jesuitic Schools from Cluj (XVI th -XVIII th centuries), Ecco Publishing<br />

House, Cluj-Napoca, 2005. Attilio Mastrocinque, Romulus. The Foundation of Rome<br />

between History and Legend. Translation from Italian by Amalia MihuŃ (orig. title: Romolo.<br />

La fondazione di Roma tra storia e leggenda), Ecco Publishing House, Historia Religion<br />

Collection, Cluj-Napoca, 2005. Orma. Review of historical-religious studies, no 1, 2004<br />

(Ancient Religious Perspectives), coord. by Bogdan Neagota and Sorin Nemeti, 2005,<br />

173p.<br />

V.2. AsociaŃii aca<strong>de</strong>mice şi culturale <strong>de</strong> prestigiu (membru/ preşedinte)/ Prestigious<br />

aca<strong>de</strong>mic and cultural associations (member/ presi<strong>de</strong>nt)<br />

1998: Membru al SocietăŃii <strong>de</strong> Studii Clasice, fialiala Cluj-Napoca / member of the<br />

Society of Classical Studies<br />

From 2004: membru fondator şi director al Centrului Orma <strong>de</strong> Studii Etnologice /<br />

foun<strong>de</strong>r and director of the Orma Centre of Ethnological Studies.<br />

2004, May – 2009, June: membru fondator şi director executiv al Centrului <strong>de</strong> Studii<br />

Romani (C.S.R.), Facultatea <strong>de</strong> Litere, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca / foun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

and executiv director of the Center of Roma Studies (C.R.S.), Faculty of Letters, “Babeş-<br />

Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (www.lett.ubbcluj.ro/~csr).<br />

2006: Membru al AsociaŃiei <strong>de</strong> Antropologie Sud-Est Europeană (InASEA) / member<br />

of the South-Eastern European Anthropology Association (InASEA)<br />

www.postdocssu.acad.ro<br />


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