1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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The execullvc-branch agcncles havc the 3\1thomy to carry out thc day-to-day adminIstration of federal laws and rCb'\datlons. The:.e executIve and admu\1strauve powers elllrustcd w thcse agenclcs allow them to Issue regulallons that Involvc occupallonal health and safcty, consume r product safety, cnvlrnnmrnul PrIll/'C II on, food and dntf, standards, tnlde pollcle:., work rules, and many other areas that affect the Itves of American workers and consumers. tn lUSt one speCific example of the admmlstratlon's abIlit y 10 affcct eXlsllng leglslalJon, the DOL revi sed regulations for the admlnlstrallon of the ServIce 6-4 I IBEW JOURNAL I APRil 1984 Contract Act of 1965 (SCAI, thereby cutung back thc numbel of service contract workcrs protected by the prevailing wage standards COnt.1UlCd III thc SCA. An example of the admllustratlon's lack of proper enforcelllcnt of an adequate: statute IS cle:arly seen In the DOL's failure to enforce the Landrum·Gnffin Act requirement that employcrs' labor relallons consultants filc reports dlsclos­ IIlg their actiVIties and financial arrangements. According to a ma)onty report Issued by thc House Edue3110n and Labor SubcOlnl1l1t1 ec 0 11 Labol -ManagelUclH Rc1:mons, only about J percent of DOL's Labor-Management Standards Enforcc· mcnt DIVISion (l.MSE\ time IS now devOied to employer and consultant rcporllng requIrementS, while more than 50 percent of LMSE time IS spent on union audits and criminal investigations Yet, the LMSE dIrector mamtalnS that hiS agcncy has "scarce cnforccmelll rcsources" Spacc hmllations on thIS artlclc do not perml! more examples of thc vcry many abuses of presldcntlal powcrs rcgardmg legisl atIon. Another pOilU to remember IS the fact tll:H the platform commlttec of each political pa rty submJls to JlS parly convenliOn a sel of prmclples and poll CICS on Issues(the platform!, which forms ,f Ihe nucleus of legIslation to be proposed to Congress. When a PreSident IS runnmg tor reelection, he has the dommant vOIce m shapmg hiS party's platform. [t IS obvIOUS that the powcrs of the preSIdency ex lend far beyond the of Ace of one mdl vtdual. They are delcgated 10 .. and arc Imp[emcnted and enforct.'d, by bundreds of presldcntial appomtees m thc exccullve branch and m thc ludlclal syStem It IS our mtent to ca ll attentton to the enormity of thesc powers and 10 a:.k evcry registered votcr III the U.S. to give serious conslderallon to the mdlvtdual they put mto thc of Ace of th c Pres· Ident. ADDRESS CHANGES! Brothers and Sisters, we want you to have your JOURNAL! When you have a change 01 address, please let us know. Be sure to Include your old address and please don't forget to fill In L.U. and Card No. this Information wilt be helpful In checking and keep" Ing our records straight. Use coupon on page 46.

REFLE T . . I ' - Brother Bill r need to tell you, Brotherhood, about my brother, Bill. He died, you know, peace at lasl; memories are with me sti ll. It seems like only yesterday, but in 1945, A 14-year-old electricity buff would line us up around his bench, And holding hands (with such trust), he ran a current through all of us. We could nol tell our folks (weren't we dumb?) Or we would miss out on the tricks to come. Brother Bill. As yea rs went by, high lining was the love of any hour. He was proud of his " lin es," those big structures, carryin' power. The tornado at Belmond and Ames the ice storms around the state, The men on the job, unending labor through the night Till all the folks had heat and light. Brother Bi ll. In Sioux City, l. E. Meyers Hdq., 1974, My sis and I showed up one day to pull a trick on Bill. With goofy hats, st reet-ladies' talk, the station lady gawked; Before Bill could speak, we laid it on; the lady knew he'd hit the skids. We got him good for all the tricks he pulled on us when we were only kids. Brother Bill. So it is the master plan called Brother Bill to rest. He loved his work on this old earth , he always gave his best. He was a Brother, yours and mine, a generous kind of guy; I think he might be organizing a local in the sky. 10100. Enenluch S i s l ~r of 8i11 W .. lerbury Loeal 55, Des Moi,,", Iii. which Are You? Some members keep their union strong, While others just belong. Some serve with pride, Some go along just for th e ride. So me work for the union, and do their share; Some lay back, and just don't ca re. Some always show on meeting night, While there are those who never go. When we have non-union men Working in our city, What's really on my mind is, " Where is the picket line?" Henry 1'. II«k Relired member of locilJ 477 Soln lXm"rdillO, c.1. Parents Thank you, Mom, thank you, Dad, For holding me when I was sad, For teaching me how to tie my own shoe, For being there when I needed you, For helping me throughout the years, For making me laugh, and for wiping my tears, For being there by my side, For giving me hope, and for giving me pride, For loving me as I grew, Mom, Dad, I really love you! J~ R .. boos 10-yur-old .... n of Richard Rubols lou11l67, ChicaSO, 111. Jack Frost's Season Jack Frost closes his icy grasp, It seems that winter is here at last. Snow covers the houses and lands, Jack Frost has it all in his hands. "Winter Wonderland" fits this season well, Let's sing a verse of " Jin gle Bells." The snow covers the land like icing on a cake, Ice and snow now cover th e lake. Finally the land starts to thaw, Spring is here. hurrah, hurrah! SMn Refli .... ge Il O .. ughler of Mib Refli loe,,_ 88, Chillicolhf, ot.io My Brothers My brothers are both union men , I watch them every day Go off to work and do their jobs; They excel in every way. Their work is so demanding, They travel very far, Returning home late each night Clothed in soot and tar. M y father was a union man, His dad before him, too; And so it was only natural Thai my brothers would pursue! My brothers are both union men And on this yo u can rely: W hen you really need them They are always nearby. You can count on them for anything, Emergencies or whim. I wish you all could meet them , My brothers, Tom and Jim! Nancy .... Sapey SiS ler of Tom and Jim Roberts loe.IS01, Whi le I'I"ins, N.Y.

REFLE T<br />

.<br />

.<br />

I<br />

'<br />

-<br />

Brother Bill<br />

r need to tell you, <strong>Brotherhood</strong>,<br />

about my brother, Bill.<br />

He died, you know, peace at lasl;<br />

memories are with me sti ll.<br />

It seems like only yesterday, but in<br />

1945,<br />

A 14-year-old electricity buff would<br />

line us up around his bench,<br />

And holding hands (with such<br />

trust), he ran a current through<br />

all <strong>of</strong> us.<br />

We could nol tell our folks<br />

(weren't we dumb?)<br />

Or we would miss out on the tricks<br />

to come.<br />

Brother Bill.<br />

As yea rs went by, high lining was<br />

the love <strong>of</strong> any hour.<br />

He was proud <strong>of</strong> his " lin es," those<br />

big structures, carryin' power.<br />

The tornado at Belmond and Ames<br />

the ice storms around the state,<br />

The men on the job, unending<br />

labor through the night<br />

Till all the folks had heat and light.<br />

Brother Bi ll.<br />

In Sioux City, l. E. Meyers Hdq.,<br />

1974,<br />

My sis and I showed up one day to<br />

pull a trick on Bill.<br />

With go<strong>of</strong>y hats, st reet-ladies' talk,<br />

the station lady gawked;<br />

Before Bill could speak, we laid it<br />

on; the lady knew he'd hit the<br />

skids.<br />

We got him good for all the tricks<br />

he pulled on us when we were<br />

only kids.<br />

Brother Bill.<br />

So it is the master plan called<br />

Brother Bill to rest.<br />

He loved his work on this old<br />

earth , he always gave his best.<br />

He was a Brother, yours and mine,<br />

a generous kind <strong>of</strong> guy;<br />

I think he might be organizing a<br />

local in the sky.<br />

10100. Enenluch<br />

S i s l ~r <strong>of</strong> 8i11 W .. lerbury<br />

Loeal 55, Des Moi,,", Iii.<br />

which Are You?<br />

Some members keep their union<br />

strong,<br />

While others just belong.<br />

Some serve with pride,<br />

Some go along just for th e ride.<br />

So me work for the union, and do<br />

their share;<br />

Some lay back, and just don't ca re.<br />

Some always show on meeting<br />

night,<br />

While there are those who never<br />

go.<br />

When we have non-union men<br />

Working in our city,<br />

What's really on my mind is,<br />

" Where is the picket line?"<br />

Henry 1'. II«k<br />

Relired member <strong>of</strong> locilJ 477<br />

Soln lXm"rdillO, c.1.<br />

Parents<br />

Thank you, Mom, thank you, Dad,<br />

For holding me when I was sad,<br />

For teaching me how to tie my own<br />

shoe,<br />

For being there when I needed<br />

you,<br />

For helping me throughout the<br />

years,<br />

For making me laugh, and for<br />

wiping my tears,<br />

For being there by my side,<br />

For giving me hope, and for giving<br />

me pride,<br />

For loving me as I grew,<br />

Mom, Dad, I really love you!<br />

J~ R .. boos<br />

10-yur-old .... n <strong>of</strong> Richard Rubols<br />

lou11l67, ChicaSO, 111.<br />

Jack Frost's Season<br />

Jack Frost closes his icy grasp,<br />

It seems that winter is here at last.<br />

Snow covers the houses and lands,<br />

Jack Frost has it all in his hands.<br />

"Winter Wonderland" fits this<br />

season well,<br />

Let's sing a verse <strong>of</strong> " Jin gle Bells."<br />

The snow covers the land like icing<br />

on a cake,<br />

Ice and snow now cover th e lake.<br />

Finally the land starts to thaw,<br />

Spring is here. hurrah, hurrah!<br />

SMn Refli .... ge Il<br />

O .. ughler <strong>of</strong> Mib Refli<br />

loe,,_ 88, Chillicolhf, ot.io<br />

My Brothers<br />

My brothers are both union men ,<br />

I watch them every day<br />

Go <strong>of</strong>f to work and do their jobs;<br />

They excel in every way.<br />

Their work is so demanding,<br />

They travel very far,<br />

Returning home late each night<br />

Clothed in soot and tar.<br />

M y father was a union man,<br />

His dad before him, too;<br />

And so it was only natural<br />

Thai my brothers would pursue!<br />

My brothers are both union men<br />

And on this yo u can rely:<br />

W hen you really need them<br />

They are always nearby.<br />

You can count on them for<br />

anything,<br />

Emergencies or whim.<br />

I wish you all could meet them ,<br />

My brothers, Tom and Jim!<br />

Nancy .... Sapey<br />

SiS ler <strong>of</strong> Tom and Jim Roberts<br />

loe.IS01, Whi le I'I"ins, N.Y.

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