1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


Our club et..·(lIon of "£flee,, fur the next tWO yu.s comn up In M~y Then OUI annu~1 P'CniC wIll M In lune We look forward to th.1 Cu¥ C ... rn\. P S Retirees Kick Off Year With Two Great Meetings RETIR EES CLUB Of LU. 419, BEAUMONT, TEX._The 479c15 kIcked olf84 "'lIh ''''0 ~rut mcetill&l If OUI comm.llen keep up the ,00II "'olk we un look fo ...... d to .nothe. luper yeal Oul JanualY meeun, lutured Dale ~"Jler . IIIIn tn8 director of OUI are' lATe. Dal .. brou~ht UI an tnfOrmallve n.rr allye Ind queillon period ~on' cerning the hl. tory, methods, "m, .nd resu!15 of OU I ve ly ,ueeenlu! ap P,entlee rraintnll p,oVam He left ul "'lIh Wllm leprd, for hIm penonally and lot of lcaptCt 101 the vaSt knowledge fOI h'5 wo.k that he evulenced Dale even lI.ye uS nld limen a pat on the blck ... hen he uld thlt the ucuAcct we made "'CIC nor In vain Then he also poroted out that the lourneyman Wileman II slIlI Ihe most Import.nt I.tl(ll In the education 01 an appreouce In Febluary we enloyed a V.lenune PallY and welcomed fOUl new mem~.. Bob l'II,cr. lack Taylor, and Dor01hy and Paul Smllh IOlIled uS In ,he coronation of ou, "Sweethurt 01 the D.y," 5In"n, of V.lentlne son", pteknlalJ(ln of OU· merOUl ~Ift" .nd Ihe enloyment of I vcry laSlY luncheon prepated by Oul lady membC"lf-aJl of thiS alon~ WIth ou"e,ulal bUllncl, meelln~ Vcral Nerilnd was our "sweethea,t and she Won eyery body', hUrl with he. charmro, penonallty Jt WI5 I ,rell pally Ind thelc .re 1-0 many people 10 think Includln~ Lteand Aby McNeel. JohnOle Ind Faedcll No.m, Mildred F.,I, M.udmr ~nd Harold W,I illms. R L Webb, Lu cy FOICC, VI Clrouard, Lou. ena Young. Sedalll Balllrd, Leoda Copeland, June H.mllton, Ind Emml DavlJ A spec,,) lhlnks ,ll:OCf OUI 10 Gamet Lee who furnIshed the musIc fo, our HlngleS! Brother lack Taylo. was .eeo,ltOl:cd for h.s 60 yurmem~l5 hlp.n Ihe IDEW leelnd AbyMeNeel were ~Iven In ovallOn on then SSth ... eddm, anOlvelUry We.ll welcomed Druce '.cobson, our "eumer, blck f,om h" ~IIIt wnh hi' d,u,l;h,e. tn Wnhln~ton , DC We mee, II 1000 a m the flu, Saturday 01 each monlh In the un,on hill, 10 .11 you arel retllces come and loin 10 the lellowsh,p It.oy F",,~. S(C Scribe Notes Labor's Fight for Survival RETIRED ,'"EMBERS CLUB OF L U. 728, IT. LA UDERDALE, FLA._ We filSt ~clm( ac· quamted wllh the labol moYCmenl, lxil In .nolhel crafr in the carly 19JOs ,od Ih,' 'I the WOIS' antt· un",n. anll-labor penod we've evcr c.xpellenccO Do you know we arc the only eounlly In the free .. orld whe.e ,he labo. movement 15 fipunll for sun'Ival The Food Workc" Imem.llonll Unum worltCIJ are bC"In~ thlown OUt of ... ork by the thousands and rcplaeed by nonuOlon employee. fOI lUI th.n half Ihen hourly wa,u. Ind to ordcr 10 lurVlve, th~y h"'e 10 accept 11. Automobile, Stcel. Rubber, Mmlng and Trochu arc leally taktn~ I be.llng ThiS anli·labor altitude he,.n wilh the IIrin, of Ihe II, 4OOal . ".flle controllers l,thc.e"Clalion somewhere' The economy,s now up.ndlO,I; and labor should be .el('lnln~ the" fOrint. b.rA.mmA muscle, but Ihey h.,·c fa.led to do 50 M.naAemenl d"ms , hat liS taclles arc ncce".,y for survival Isn'l II IUS' plato old unlnn·busunA' What un we as labor .ell.en do' Many Members in Florida: Others Busy at Home RETI REES CLUB OF LOCA L 948, FUNT, Mlc n.­ OUf femen club IS sull r'O'IeS!lO~ and keepln~ aCtIVe e,'en though a 101 of OUI mem~,s Ire sl111 In Floncb lookIng lor wa,m 'pou Had a Irtte. from Slrm S.mmons. who was south of S, PettlSbur&. flonda Scems lIke Slim, AI,el Ruthe.ford, Grant Wilcox, V,,!ll Haake Ind thell Wlve$ had qWlr a P'CniC and lei to,ethel_almos, enough to Slart a flollda branch of 948 rellleCi On January 25, 1984, OUI club mem~ r l and Ihell Wives ancnded a buffellunchcon II Pecl', Restau· rani here In Fhnt, John Bond, local 948', bu"nen man'Ae" wlS a ",e$t. Thelc wele no speethe. 0 1 formahltes. JU"' ~ood food S,nce my last lelle" Tom LeWIS. one of ou. relllCCS, pISsed away. Tom was 78 ycar50ld Mem ben ... ho h"'e worked 10 our IUII~,cllon m the pUt WIll 'emem~, Tom U I lupertOlemlen. of lohn Jl,hllci E1ectoe Co. 11m "BuIBcr" Dav" I' " home reeuperanng f,om open hun su"ery " lISt rcpoll Jim 15 51111 plenty SOTe Relllee 11m Plllen,cr has bC"~n havmg 'Iune a Nllie over • streel·w,d,.nln, p.Olcet 10 Holly, Mlchl,an I.m IS protestlO, the Jl IOtrct because of the Ananc .. 1 h •• d~hlp to the P'opc"y owners on low .nd find tncomes. Our group IS suppomn, hm In hIS plOteSt To III IBEW membeu pilnnln, a Vleallon Ih" .umme., we would hke to uk thll you try to VIlli ~ Au,oworld, fhnl's oew Iheme palk opening luly " 1984 Maybr we wtll see you thele GOOllel NtCHoLS, Pau Meeting Speakers Discuss Income Tax and Health Costs RETIR EES CLUB Of BREVARD COUNTY [La· " CAL 2088 SPONSOR)--AI our Februlry meel1ng. newcomcis Elht .nd Marione Norton, Dan and Mary Connolly, and !amcs Williams were wei· cumed EIIII rC'lIed from Local 177, Dan hom 358, .nd 11m frOm 20R8. We app,eciate Ihem showtn, up, .nd look forward ro ,helt pafllClpallon Iwe need.lI the help we c.n gel l] Gunts introduced wele Ed Lone'gan and Lew ~ lohnson Ed ,•• membC"1 of the Steelworkerl, and i. consldelln, .. amng I locil S,ecl ... orker .etl,ce , roup Lew il from Ihe lTV Ind Newspaper GUild He wOlked In New York ducctly under Crolge Melny, Ind helped And uylum fO I lIade unlon •• ts PlllOlled in CommuniS! or fl5{:l5\ countries Ceo.ge ~hlltl of the AARP an$,.,e,cd in detail 'IuClIIOnt .ubmnted aboul Income .., prOVISion, Ceorge .• ellled from ,he U.S Deparlment of State . .... m.nafiU the IRS·AARP Tn Counsehn, for Ihc E.lderly [TCE! Plogram ,n B.evard and Indran R,ver CounuCi On ,he Itate !ellul,IIVe hont, a bill to permn lenlOl1 the usc of absentee bllton hIS been .t introduced In the House ThIS IS Ihe ume b.lllhat AOI c1ob~,ed tn I Sen"e comm", .. e lUI YU I, due to pan to a eommumcallon I"Jure Imon~ InIC. eSled pallles Of much VUle, Imponance 15 a bill 10 .r,"ato skYlockelin, hospital COSts DUlin, lhe pUt th.ee yurs, Ihey hve n$Cn at a ra te ,h,ee limes that of the CPI Thele IS no IUSI1AUIIon lor Ihls nulla· Keou, ,0u,lOg The b.1I would hmlt tnc.eases to Ihe CPt plus 4 percent ClI.eepl in most unusual CllcumSlancCJ. A. 500n u the bill ~elS a numbe" we .hould III gel bC"hmd II with phone call, and letteu SllIe Senato, lohn Vogt II I eo·spon50r Alon~ onc w,"1 of Ihe CLC hall was the Mondale phone bank_till phone • • n all bpen.e of Ihc bank . IS paid from the Mondale camralgll fund, and a nommal hoully IIle pard Hours arc from S ro 9 pm-which generally doel nOl appell to rellleca who hke 10 be home ~f(l l e dalk. However, we can-and will- hclp 10 olhel way •. to thr dayhght ' • l",clI D. CUUll , PS • Internallonal Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report NUMBER ADMITTED TO PENSION LAST MONTH TOTAL NUMBER ON PfNSION IB£W P(NSION 8ENEfIT fUNO 639 76.804 ELECTRICAL WORKERS' BENEFIT ASSOCIATIO N NATIONAl rurnlCAL BENEFIT FUND 327 34.755 TOTAL PfNSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH S 4,343.805 .81 $ 6,554,706.75 TOTAL PfNSION PAYMENTS LAST 12 MONTHS S51,649.176 .05 $75 ,446 ,381 .02 DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH S 136.027 88 S 983,219.05 ..J ~ ~ Q ~ w ~ ., DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST 12 MONTHS

II\IIVIEIVIDRII=IM Prayer (or OUT Deceased Members Heavenly Farh er. (/$ w e celebrate th e lOyotis Easter season and cnioy the beauties of sprlll g. let tiS no/ forget those 0/ our Brothers and Sisters who have departed this life. Welcome th em into your glorious home, so th ey may dwell with You in a life where spring Is eternal. Amen. ~ loul SUmlml Lou' S., .. m, .... . , , ,• " .. • " 00 ,. • 'M ,. '" '" '" • ,. '" '" ,. '" '" m on '" ,~ '" ., '" '00 ,. '" '" "" ., "' ~, r 349 ill '" '" '" ,., '" '. '" '" '" ., "' ". "" ~, Shin ;,.a •• S ~ ~nren$. II A [SlrIN, f SrOOk I 1.000" O./ln, M J Boytt, II A W ells.~ ECldltrmn, II L BIOI, II J [ miU, Jr C 'II M.>klory. J II JoMS. J H CoIem.n, C C Coo, Jr II Url>an$". E f flail, Jr ,E J (;'1'1 . Jr, II E ZelIt


Prayer (or OUT Deceased Members<br />

Heavenly Farh er. (/$ w e celebrate th e lOyotis Easter season and cnioy the beauties <strong>of</strong> sprlll g. let tiS no/<br />

forget those 0/ our Brothers and Sisters who have departed this life. Welcome th em into your glorious<br />

home, so th ey may dwell with You in a life where spring Is eternal. Amen.<br />

~ loul SUmlml Lou' S., .. m, ....<br />

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~nren$. II A<br />

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1.000" O./ln, M J<br />

Boytt, II A<br />

W ells.~<br />

ECldltrmn, II L<br />

BIOI, II J<br />

[ miU, Jr C 'II<br />

M.>klory. J II<br />

JoMS. J H<br />

CoIem.n, C C<br />

Coo, Jr II<br />

Url>an$". E f<br />

flail, Jr ,E J<br />

(;'1'1 . Jr, II E<br />


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