1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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Hlnglll thClc docsn't scem quite applopllate. We<br />

all know that togtther, united as one, you'll do<br />

the iob When the economy srallS to gel back 10<br />

normal 'altel the neu eleclionl and Ihe wOlk<br />

plClurr staltS 10 look beller and Ihe recession<br />

comes 10 a hah, Ihen and only Ihen will ""e know<br />

thaI you succeeded Remembel, Blothels and SISleIS,<br />

unllY IS the backbone <strong>of</strong> OUI ,,"cat unIOn and<br />

unnrd "'e ,hall lema",<br />

Ag"n as a rcmmder 10 .11, I(gisle. and VOle<br />

Your onc VOle docs count. You hive an obhga"on<br />

to YOUISc!VU as free American C'''%.tnS 10 eXerCiSe<br />

Ihn one freedom you .,,11 haYe left Do it! Vote!<br />

Ahuys look for Ihe olllon label and buy Amel'<br />

• can made Support YOut Brothen .nd S.uus<br />

Attend your union meet.ngs, Kel IIIvolved. You arc<br />

Ihl' nnr, I h~1 m~kr it ~"nng Thl~ 1~ ynur ulllnn.<br />

B Lt.uc~ M'CHAU£, ASST. II.M<br />

Instructor<br />

Mdv; 1I and Gladys h de u on at the Retirement<br />

B.nquet Kivu in their hOllor by Loc.1 970,<br />

Kdso-lonKv ir w, W'lh<br />

Banquet<br />

Aplil hn IWO mam holidays Kno ... whal they<br />

lid 80\h Involve a lamb Look up Genu.s: 11 and<br />

[ Pelc. 1'9 Our proyerb fOI thc moolh IS, " A fool<br />

veolS all his feelings, but a W,J( man holds Ihem<br />

back" PR 19· 11<br />

1.0 " HODCIE" HODGu, P.S<br />

Award<br />

ShOwn prutnl;ng Iht IB EW life S. ~in g<br />

Ri cha,d Long, Ct nler, . rt Pru idtOI David<br />

Rogers, ItI., , "d Buslutu r\hn. gcr Nul S. 8yu,<br />

'ight, .11 <strong>of</strong> Loul 972, Mariena, Ohio.<br />

Member Receives<br />

Ufe Saving Award<br />

L U. 972 (I), MARIETTA, 0 1110-1.1 the January<br />

4, 111114, 'f_I!"lal meeting nf tocal 971, an IflE W<br />

L,fe Savmg Award was presenled 10 BrOlhel R.ch·<br />

lid L Lon" along ... "h a lette. f'om <strong>International</strong><br />

Pre"denl P.llard .nd Intelnatlonal Secretary LeI'<br />

gon commendm~ Brolher Lon~ lor h,s qUick re·<br />

sponst 10 c.lls 101 help and h,s dec.s.vc ICl10n .n<br />

pulltng lohn 8,edenback and VllleeOl ,..\tlle, from<br />

Ihe wuer ahel Ihell boal had caps.zed on IUM 4,<br />

1983. and was luponsrble 101 s.vlllg thell 11ves<br />

DAVW B ANe ERT, P S<br />

On the Job ,<br />

lillf men Irom Lou1988, SIdney, Monl., t mployed<br />

by Monllna-Dlkou Utililin II!d lowtl Yellow,<br />

StOnt RE C, wo.k 10gClhf' to ciUI' pole during .<br />

h ou~e mOHo<br />

aVOId havmg somcone Iry 10 s ... ay YOUI vo te. it'S "<br />

my hope Ihal you will huen 10 all the .ssues.<br />

bo ring .nd . epMilive 38 Ihey may be. m.ybe even<br />

do a lillIe home·study, and th~n gc t Out .nd vO le<br />

There ale Ih05e who .,C belling on you nO I 10<br />

vote, betting Ihll you won 't become involved and<br />

try 10 make. difference They lIand 10 gain .f you<br />

don'l vote Our prcsent .dmmisuiuon would be<br />

Included 'n th,s gloup belling apm" you s.-<br />

In fUlure articles I WIll be poLIIling 10 ploblems<br />

wllh cunent government po11cy .nd 111 III effects<br />

on I.bo, (Ihat's usl _ Please don 'l Ihro ....... ay you.<br />

,uue lUSI 10 1Y0.d Ihe poILues<br />

As summtr i. app r ~thlllg .nd wOlk will be<br />

plcbng up, lel' •• 11 make.n dfort 10 ""olk safely<br />

In Summer Ihere lie alway. plenty <strong>of</strong> dislr.cuons<br />

10 keep you, mmd mmepiace Olher Ihan whe.e II ,<br />

should be Work logelhel with YOU I crew members<br />

10 nOld h.vlIIg those dllllacllons hUll mmeOnt<br />

STCVR C_ MlRRllL, B.M.<br />

•<br />

46<br />

Fifty ,foul Luul970 members and "I"ndl lurn oul<br />

lor Ihe b. nqutl hunoring Mel', 22 yu .s <strong>of</strong> lelching<br />

' pp.enlicel.<br />

Instructor Retires;<br />

Negotiations Continue<br />

U I. 9711 I I ~rI.Ol , "f.U O-LONGVIEW, WASH.­<br />

Melv.n Pede.son completd 22 yurs as .ppren­<br />

Ilcrsh.p ,nstructOI 10' Local 1170. He has laughl all<br />

fOUl yeals, and for several ycars all four glldcs at<br />

one I1mr, spend.nlt lour n.lthts a week ,n class. We<br />

Ihank h.m and h,s ... ite Gladys for Iheil slIong<br />

eonmbul1on 10 Ihis Joc.l Among Ihe S4 pelSons<br />

allendmg Ihe banquel [mosl <strong>of</strong> whom we.e h,s<br />

aprrenllCU at One IImc) wne several e,,·busLDen<br />

"""nlS and !nlemananal ReprtsentallVes, such as<br />

Woody Woods, Hank Conovtr and E IL &avers<br />

Dan Jacobs ... u the maIn speaker. Md, may YOUI<br />

rell rement be ,real, and if ... t know you, il won 'l<br />

be spent 111 a lockm' chall' Mel has taught Over<br />

100 'ppICnl.CU OUI <strong>of</strong> a 2.s0·man local, Ihal'S nOI<br />

bad!<br />

At thIS wlllmg there 11 nothmg ne ... 10 repoll<br />

on th~ WEveO ~glCeUlcul n.ey ~1J1l tb,h'''" 'u<br />

go open shop In qUUllon is $1.50-600 million <strong>of</strong><br />

wOlk. Loss <strong>of</strong> money by g01ll8 union! I douht II<br />

wllh lut yeu', WEyeO pl<strong>of</strong>i15 up In pelCent!<br />

The hosp,ce IS completc ~nd functionmg. Tht<br />

Cnllre bu.ld.ng ... as done by ~olon\Ccr umOn cr.fts,<br />

lIIc1udmg mOle th.n 34 volulllcers from <strong>IBEW</strong> 970<br />

Thank!, Idln"".1<br />

We '''' C wQuld I.ke 10 gel ou, IOQ·plus Book<br />

Ont mm back til wOlk Wish I could give a good<br />

report, but the work p.clu.e nill looks down.<br />

Scribe Asks All To<br />

Get Involved and Vote<br />

LU. 988 (u), SID NE Y, MONT.-It hn been ~veral<br />

months Imee I wrOle one <strong>of</strong> Ihue ILltle eompO~i·<br />

1I0n~ lorihe /oulna/ I IIUU' I lacked the .nsp"llIon<br />

10 sil do""n 10 Ihl' lype ..."ltl) bUI "nce Mr. Reagan<br />

has announced h,s fOlmal 'nltnllOn 10 seek re·<br />

cl~cllon, IIIspII.tion "n'l hud to find We must<br />

VO l e him OUt <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>flct<br />

h's probably gOLOgtc) be a d.,mal sum me l, with<br />

all <strong>of</strong> us bemg ovelwhelmed by politicians and<br />

poltucal advertising lIelicvc me, I'd ralhe. be<br />

fish.nR, bu. hc'n~ mvolved m politlc~ IS un. void<br />

ahle. You ... ould haYe 10 be • complete hClmJ( 10<br />

Many Honored Guests<br />

AMend Christmas Party<br />

L U. 993 (i,O,Cllvllem ), KAM LOO PS, B.C.-On<br />

Decemhel 16, \1183, Loca!993 ... n honoled 10 hlvr<br />

m me speclII guests p,cselll II our Annual eh",,· ..<br />

mas PallY<br />

Brothers LauILe ROlison . nd Hllry S.mp&On lie<br />

two out <strong>of</strong> II membe., who chartered Local 993<br />

on November 1, I!N7 80th Brothers arc the only"<br />

aellve chartci membe.s slLll wo.king II !ourneyman<br />

wiremen 8,0Ihe,s HallY .nd laUriC ""tIC<br />

pru.nled "".Ih plaquu <strong>of</strong> 'PPlccial1on. The <strong>of</strong>fl.<br />

CtTS and membel. would like 10 thank them for ..<br />

,----------------------------------------1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I Address CHANGED? :<br />

I Brothers and SIsters, we NAME ............. , ..................... ... ...... . I<br />

want you to have your E ADDRESS ~<br />

I JOURNALI When you N W ............................... ... . . I<br />

I have a change <strong>of</strong> ad-<br />

....................... , ............. I<br />

I dress, please lei us C'I)' Sill. I Ip Coda I<br />

I know. Be sure to in- ~<br />

elude your old address PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO .......... . ............ . . I<br />

and please don't forget CARD NO . . _.............. .. ....................... I<br />

to fill in l. U. and Card (II un~n .... n - cll.ck Willi Loc.! UnIon, I<br />

No. This information will PENSION MEMBER 0 '"<br />

be helpful in checking<br />

and keeping Our rec. OLD ADDRE SS . . .. .. ........ .. . ....... . I<br />

:rd:o:ra~:: changed ...... C;I; ............... '5;~'; . . . . .... ii p ' i:od. !'<br />

loca' union •• ... e mu.'<br />

FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER . . .. .. •.•...... I<br />

have numbe,. 0' bolh. Mail To· Circulation Department I<br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong> .f Electrical Wolten :~<br />

1125 151b Street, N.W., WashlnltOll, D. C. 20005 I<br />

I<br />

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