1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


BU ~ lnU I Man ~ge . MtLun senl OUI a " Mal~ 01 lhe local leuer" 10 the lotal unlOll members In lanuary. [t hued thai Exe cu li~e Board meellngs WIll be held on the Ilut Saturday of each month n 100 p m In the UntOn oUlte In Medfo. d, wllh the txcepllon of S.:-ptemlJ.er 7, 1984, October 13, 1984, and lanuary 5, 1985. HI' fellC . also covered thanges In (he lOE W COnnHuuon and ~ome faclS concerning Unton membershIp Remember Ihls 15 an e!e(1l0n yur_ both In your lotal union and on Ihe government level. Everyone ge l oul and gel regUI(red 10 Vote and remmd your nelghbo" and Inends to do the ume We tan'l stand another lour yurs 01 the grut plOspelllY' It WIll be a 101 tbupel to walth RonnIe on the lale Olght mOVIes Ihan on .he SII o'd ock news TIll nt~1 lime New Jail H .... ot.O I K ~Lvt. P S Local Cetebrates 70th Anniversary L U, 669\i&f.m), SPRINGFIELD, O IlIO-Fcb. uary 2S was Ihe 10th AnnIversary 01 Local 669. It i, abo the b

~ ~n d 8. L~st ye~l, the inItIal show was a Ilemcnduus success. wuh mOrc mcmbcn than e~pected exhib· !ling Ihdl hobbles. We expect this yCH'S show to be bigger and beller. l ocal 683 members have been don~tul~ ume to Icpall some of the laullY Wiling at our lot~1 Hu· mane Society animal shelle, We need to do Ihis kmd of vol un leer work 10 build organtzed labol's image w,th Ihe public. We arc happy ~nd proud ~ Ihal our membels ale WIllIng 10 duoate umc to worthy causes Our local Union eJeclion IS commg up, wllh nomin~t\ons nen mOlHh and Ihe clecuun in lune. ~ W e hope all IllE W mcmbefS exc'tlse Ihe" oplion to vole. The lBEW Can only be as gre", U Ihe members make it Members Vote on Plan To Increase Local's Work • L. U. 6\l2Iil!i",~p ' I, RAY CITY , MI CII ._ A .peelal meeling was held January 30. Bus,,'en di~cu~sed was Ih. ma/kel recovery outlook A eommll'te :lo was hllmed and vO led 011 by the body and ~pl'rovcd The ,dea of Ihe rna/hI recovery " 10 find way, for conl/aclors 10 be able to go and bId smalle, )ohs al a more C(lmpClltlve ,calc In orJC! 10 rc~",n 4 ' larger pOll1on 0/ Ihe work In Ihe 3rC3. whIch We currently, a. ullmn member ~, have 10", Ihrough non'union shops'lowel hld s. The VUte was p","cd unall1mously and hope/uUy Ihe nurkel recovtry ~ concepl WI ll produce more work 101 our h)c.1 • Again, ple.se make >u'C y,jU rc· .. gn ~hc buuk the firol day 0/ each monlh, OJ semi in a post~ard da,.J after Ih~ 10lh of Ihe monlh and before Ihe JOth ollhe month rherc He 3ppt be SIC k Is Ihal 100 much 10 uk filiI I don'~ Ih",k '0 and I'll "and on Ihat pickel line .s long u it uku III gOI what I Mllevc 1$ bIT It won 'I be easy. My landlord n ys If I'm 1~lc with Ihe ,ent ~galll he'll leal down my home, and my b,lIs ue uverdue. lIul lomehow we'll P'Y every penny .nd yuu CI" b

~ ~n d 8. L~st ye~l, the inItIal show was a Ilemcnduus<br />

success. wuh mOrc mcmbcn than e~pected exhib·<br />

!ling Ihdl hobbles. We expect this yCH'S show to<br />

be bigger and beller.<br />

l ocal 683 members have been don~tul~ ume to<br />

Icpall some <strong>of</strong> the laullY Wiling at our lot~1 Hu·<br />

mane Society animal shelle, We need to do Ihis<br />

kmd <strong>of</strong> vol un leer work 10 build organtzed labol's<br />

image w,th Ihe public. We arc happy ~nd proud<br />

~ Ihal our membels ale WIllIng 10 duoate umc to<br />

worthy causes<br />

Our local Union eJeclion IS commg up, wllh<br />

nomin~t\ons nen mOlHh and Ihe clecuun in lune.<br />

~ W e hope all IllE W mcmbefS exc'tlse Ihe" oplion<br />

to vole. The lBEW Can only be as gre", U Ihe<br />

members make it<br />

Members Vote on Plan<br />

To Increase Local's Work<br />

• L. U. 6\l2Iil!i",~p ' I, RAY CITY , MI CII ._ A .peelal<br />

meeling was held January 30. Bus,,'en di~cu~sed<br />

was Ih. ma/kel recovery outlook A eommll'te<br />

:lo was hllmed and vO led 011 by the body and ~pl'rovcd<br />

The ,dea <strong>of</strong> Ihe rna/hI recovery " 10 find way,<br />

for conl/aclors 10 be able to go and bId smalle,<br />

)ohs al a more C(lmpClltlve ,calc In orJC! 10 rc~",n<br />

4 ' larger pOll1on 0/ Ihe work In Ihe 3rC3. whIch We<br />

currently, a. ullmn member ~, have 10", Ihrough<br />

non'union shops'lowel hld s. The VUte was p","cd<br />

unall1mously and hope/uUy Ihe nurkel recovtry<br />

~ concepl WI ll produce more work 101 our h)c.1<br />

• Again, ple.se make >u'C y,jU rc· .. gn ~hc buuk<br />

the firol day 0/ each monlh, OJ semi in a post~ard<br />

da,.J after Ih~ 10lh <strong>of</strong> Ihe monlh and before Ihe<br />

JOth ollhe month rherc He 3ppt be SIC k Is Ihal 100<br />

much 10 uk filiI I don'~ Ih",k '0 and I'll "and on<br />

Ihat pickel line .s long u it uku III gOI what I<br />

Mllevc 1$ bIT It won 'I be easy. My landlord n ys<br />

If I'm 1~lc with Ihe ,ent ~galll he'll leal down my<br />

home, and my b,lIs ue uverdue. lIul lomehow<br />

we'll P'Y every penny .nd yuu CI" b

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